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May 06, 1926 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-06

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Aosistaut to the President until
3:30 p. mn., (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays).
Volume 1I THURSD)AY, 3MAY 6, 1926 g umber 169)
Senate Council:
The next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday,
May 10, at 4:15 P. M. in the President's office.
F. IE.iRobbing$.
University Lecture :
Professor Andres Osuna, former Director of Public Education in the
City of Mexico and ex-Governor of the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico, will lec-
ture upon "Present Phases of Mexican Affairs" at Newberry Hall Thursday,
May 6, at 4:15 P. M. The public is invited.
F. E. Robbins.
Additional Announcement of Academic Hlonors:
The Honors Convocation Committee regrets that inadvertently the
names of the holders of the Lloyd's Register Scholarship, appointments to
which are for three year terms, and the winner of the American Bureau of
Shipping Prize were omitted from the list printed ,in the progam of the
Convocation. The following names should have been included in the pro-
gram under these heads:
Lloyd's Register Scholarships
For 1923-1926, Mark L. Ireland
Iror 1925-1927, William R. Renner
For 1925-1928, Leslie D. Weston
Anmerican Bureau of Shipping Prize
Robert E. Fisher, of the class of 1925.
W. R., iumplireys, Chairman.
Medical Lecture:
Dr. Peyton Rous of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research will
lecture at 8:15 P. M., Thursday, May 6, in the Natural Science Auditorium
on "The Reaction of the Tissues Under Normal and Pathological Condi-
tions." This is the last lecture of the Alpha Omega Alpha series.
D). H. Condit, Pres.
Attention of Householders :
Householders having rooms for rent to boys for May 10, 1926, please
list rooms with Mr. Densmore's office-Telephone University 276.
G. E. Densmore.
Householders having rooms for rent during May Festival (May 19-22nd)
please list rooms at once with the 'Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2,
University Hall. Telephone-Dial 6115.
J. A. Bursley.
.I will not be In my office at the Health' Service May 8 to 14. Dr.
Crocker! will be in my office during my absence.
Margaret Bell.
Graduate Students:
Graduate students who expect to receive a degree this June should pay
the diploma fee of ten dollars before May 22. Blanks for this purpose
should be secured at the office of the Graduate School.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
Postponement of Vocational Lecture:
Owing to illness, Malcom W. Bingay, Managing Editor of the Detroit
News, will be unable to talk this afternoon in Natural Science Auditorium,
as was previously announced.
Hie will give a talk on Journalism at a date to be announced later.
31. A. W~enger.
Splecial Lecture on Railroads :
Mr. Robert S. Binkerd, Vice Chairman of the Committee on Public Re-
lations of the Eastern Railroads, will lecture on the significance of railroad
transportation and its relations to public policy Thursday afternoon, May

* 6(, at 4: 15, in R1oom 101 Economics Building. The title of his address is "Anr
Object Lesson in Soundl( Economics." The~ public is cordially invited.
LI. . ai'fr'an.
Tlrycists for 'Sex! SelvcsAer'4 Intercollegiate Deba~te ('lass:
All 'i~iersity men and (1women eligible to participate in inercoiait
ac:tivit ies are invitedl to tryout for next semester's intnrcollegiate debating
class as follows:
University Women will try out Saturday, Mvay 1a, at 3.030 A. x.in ioom
302, 1Ma-,on IHall.
University Men will try cut Saturday, May 22, at 3:30 A. M. in Room
302, Mason 1-all.
S Contestants must assemble promptly at the appointed time so that the
speaking; order may be determined.
SThe tryouts will consist of a five-minute talk on either side of the fol-
lowing delxi e question:
"Reach- ed: That Federal Ownership of Our Coal Mines would be a wise
A demonstration of Synchronous Vibration and Critical Speeds will be
given for mnen taking Engineering Mechanics III in Room 330, West Engine-I
ering Building, on rlhul.5ay, May 6, at 4:30i P. M.
It.. T. Lidicoaat.
lVnilersNy cf 3Micidgatii Yzr triy Reserve Band14:
Meet at Yost F'ie d H ouse' at 7:05 P. !'. today for drill.
Leaiguie of Woeen Voters:
Tre~ will be a. meot bug Thursday, May 6, in the Athena room, fourth
floor Angell Fall.
Mlary Francis.
llisiness5 A diuinisf ration Club:
All members are requested to attend the final meeting of the year to be
held Thursday, May 6, 1926, in Room 302 of the Michigan Union at 7: 30 I'. M.
Election of officers and consideration of other important business niecessi-
tates full attendance.
Mferwin II. Waterman, President.
Mr. William IV. Tanney of Thompson and Brown, Detroit, will be in
Room 204, Trappan M all, rThursday at 3:00 P. Ml. ie wishes to see students
interested in subdivision work in D~etroit. Business School and College of
Arts seniors are invited to hear his proposition.
C. S. Yoakumn.
Blue Key Club:
There will be an important meeting of the Blue Key Club Thursday,
May 6, in the Michigan [anion at 7:30 P. M.
George W. Ross, Jr., President.
zoologicail Journal (,[:
The Zoology Journal Club will meet in Room 242 Natural Science Build-
ing, Thursday, May 6, at 7:30 P. M. Mr. Crabb will give a paper on ."Cytology
of Reproduction in Pondl Snails," and Professor Ruthaven will discuss the
New Museum. All interested are cordially invited. to attend.
F. X. Bhiiiicliard.
Sophomore IEngineers :
There will be a class meeting Thursday, May 6, at 9 o'clock, in Room
411 West; Engineering Building.
1 Jr. C. Brier.
EsMr. E. S. Wolaver will not meet his classes on Friday, May 7.

j Claims Americans
"Spoiled" HawaiiI
1Luhe LeBl'nd, once regardled as the
p)ower behind the throne of Queen
N Lliuokalani of 1Hawaii, gays nkeric-
ans have spoiled Hlawaii by attep
in-g to turn notives into "go-getters.''
i 'I'(Il i anal 'Iliursiday
i Betty Comnpoin
I Christy Comedy
TPlie hest Pictures in
Ann Arbor for the



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