ESTABLISHED 1890% It i4an a-ij MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 96 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS DR SHAPLEY WILLI GIV A STRONOMY LECTURE TONIGHT, DIRECTOR OF OBSERVATORY AT HIARVARD) TO SPEAK ON MILKY WAY TALK ILLUSTRATED Address Will Be Given Under Aus. dices Of Oratorical Association In Season Series Dr. Harlow Shapley, whose astro- nomical work is given credit for nak- ing a new epoch in our conception of the immensity of the stellar universe, will lecture at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium on, "Beyond the Milky Way". His address will be given under the auspices of the Oratorical associa- tion as a number of its season lecture course. Since March of last year, Dr. Shap- ley has been director of the Harvard observatory. For several years prior to that time he was a member of the staff of the famous Mt. Wilson ob- servatory in California. He graduated from the University of Missouri and laterdid post graduate work at Princeton. Dr. Shapley's lecture is profusely illustrated with photographs of im- portance to thetworld of science and of interest to the ay mind. It was while at Mt. Wilson that Dr. Shapley perfected his method of meas- uring star distances photometrically. Later he applied the method to the problem of the distancessand struc- ture of the great star-clusters. The result was that the stellar universe,' as known to scientists; became recog- nized as at least a thousand times larger than it was before the dis- tances to the clusters were calculated. His investigations deal not only with clusters, but with the structure and extent of the visible universe, the dis- tance of various classes of celestial objects, and problems of cosmogony. One of the latest of the numerous important circulars issued from Her- vard under Dr. Shapley's inspiration deals with the distribution of the red stars. This is a highly important re- sult indicating that the fainter stars belong to the milky way clouds, while the nearer stars are more or less numbers of local cluster., A. Ray Petty had the following to say of Dr. Shapley's lecture in the official organ of the Rotary club: "Nowhere in the Bible have %I read a more exalted story of crea- tion's Creator. And not in any re- vival meeting have I had the depths of my soul so thoroughly plumbed as I did in the darkened room gazing upon the pictures which have been taken of our vast universe and listen- ing to the facts as they poured with a convincing eloquence of truth, from the lips of the speaker. It was a great canvas that Dr. Shapley stretched for us, a canvas so wide that it stretches one million light years (each light year representing six trillion miles) to where there swings a nebulosity of stars that are catalogued with a num- ber and sign. "To attempt to report the facts as they were given is quite beyond me. I can only give the impressions that were mine. The speaker told us of a world so old that it staggers one to attempt to understand the figures that tell the story. This world was thrown off by an accident that occurred aeons ago when a truant star crashed into our sun, chipping off six small pieces which now whirl around as planets and of which our world is one of the smallest. He told us of that sun and its six accidental children whirling in a neglected portion of a universe that stretches its extended ,boundaries s that it would take 100,000,000 years for a sun to travel across that field." Graduates' Dress Will Remain Same Recipients of degrees will be allow- ed to wear gowns at commencement exercises but not hoods, it was decided at a meeting the Senate council Mon-I day afternoon. The 'question was rais- ed after a number of medical students had inquired whether they would be -llowed to wear hoods at the gradua- 4ion ceremonies. The rule stating that gowns might be worn, but not hoods was included! in a report approved in 1922 and the members of the Senate council decid- ed that they did not wish to make any change. IOr Wahen New WASHI coal situa heated de New Yor] steps to memberst tion by C( sion in t The Ne- they had to a petit party and they wou of some f the situat posal wil cussed, be fore Cong considera York Democratic Group Favors Action By Congress On Coal Strike (By Associated Press) One, sponsored by Representative [NGTON, Feb. 10.-While the Boylan, Democrat, New York, and sim- ation came in for a brief, but ilar to several other measures, would bate in the House today, the give the President authority to seize k Democratic delegation took and operate the anthracite mines dur- place the Democratic House ing an emergency. The other, intro- hip on record as favoring ac- duced by Senator Robinson, of Ar-+ ongress to relieve the suspen- kansas, the Democratic leader, would he anthracite fields. create a federal board of adjustment w York members announced to be composed of the secretaries of obtained sufficient signatures labor and commerce and three citizens ion to call a caucus of their to be appointed by the President who I that when it was convened., are not interested in the production or Id press for the endorsement distribution of coal. orm of legislation to relieve The Robinson bill will come up to- ion. Just what form the pro- morrow before the Senate committee 1 take has not yet been dis- on education and labor, Chairman ut two bills now pending be- Phipps having summoned his group to press are receiving careful meet to decide whether it shall hold tion. hearing on the measure. " HAS ECHO IN HOUSE, Ranking Officers In Both Corps To Be Questioned By House Military Committee Tomorrow CONSIDER NEW BODY (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-The in- vestigation by the war department of the steps army air officers have taken in advocating creation of a separate air corps in the army had an echo to- day in the House military committee, whose members gave considerable thought to the probable effect the in- quiry may have on future testimony by officers before committees of con- gress. The committee plans to ques- tion tomorrow a number of ranking officers of both army and navy on the subject. The committee also expects to con- tinue tomorrow with the consideration of recommendation of Maj. Gen. Ma- son M. Patrick, army air chief, for a a separate corps. In this connection it will have before it an unfavorable report on the proposal by Secretary Davis, of the war department. This report, in the form of a letter to Chairman Morin, of the committee, was made public today, and is in line with recent testimony by the secretary before the committee, when he dis- proved the suggestion. At a ,ieeting .today, the committee questioned Secretary Wilbur, of the Navy, as to his views on the recom- mendation of the President's air board for creation of an additional secre- tary in his department to handle avia- tion matters. * Mr. Wilbur explained, that in a recent appearance before the House naval committee, he had said the navy could get along either with or without an additional civil official, but that he believed such an officer would be of much value in assisting with aviation development, especially in the procurement of new aircraft materials. Meanwhile, Representative LaGuar- dia, Socialist, New York, asserted in the House that the department's in- vestigation was "tyranny" and that the army general staff "tries to pre- vent our officers from thinking," while Representative Garrett, of Tennessee, the Democratic leader, announced he had asked the House rules committee to give early consideration to his reso- lution to prevent military officers from being taken to task for the tes- timony giyen to congressional com- mittees. Fossilized Pearls Found By Hussey Proved Authentic Pearls, estimated to be at least 20 million years old, which were found last summer at Canon City, Colo., by Dr. R. C. Hussey, of the geology de- partment, have recently been ac- knowledged as such by a number of geologists and jewelers. The pearls, which are four in number, are exceed- ingly rare, and as yet Dr. Hussey has been unable to find records of any similar discoveries from such an early period. The pearls were found by Dr. Hus- sey at Canon City in rock of the Cre- taceous age as he was collecting fos- sils in beds knownn to contain shark teeth. After making a cross section of one of the formations, it was sent to several parts of the country for definite indentification. "Their struc- ture and assceiation prove, as far as it has been possible to do so, that they are fossil pearls," said Dr. Hussey yesterday, "and their age is very con- ___, 9n nn nn BALDWIN TO GIE ILLUSTRATED TALK "Tracing The Frontier Of Alaska" Is Title Of Lecture Which Will Be Delivered Today WAS MEMBER OF SURVEY Asa C. Baldwin, formerly connected with the Alaskan boundary survey and the United States Coast and Geodetic survey, will give an illustrated lec- ture on "Tracing the Frontier of Alaska" at 4:15 o'clock today in Nat- ural Science auditorium. While in the government service, Mr. Baldwin served throughout the en- tire survey from 1907 to 1914. In establishing the meridian line run- ning north from Mt. St. Elias to the Arctic ocean one of his duties led him to the distinction of being the first American to climb this mountain peak which rises to the height of 19,000 feet. The only previous as- cent was made a few years before by the Italian nobleman, D'Abruzzi, who made plans for several years and em- ployed skilled mountain climbers in contrast to the efforts of the three Americans who accomplished the en-I tire feat in a few weeks. During the last year of the survey, the lecturer{ was placed in charge of a party which' brought the work of the boundary commission to a successful conclusion. In developing his subject, it is ex- pected that he will draw from per- sonal experiences encountered in the northern country. Mr. Baldwin is a graduate of Wes- tern Reserve university, and of the Law school at George Washington university. Before undertaking th government work, he was admitted to the bar. LA SCHOOL TRLCSE CONTEST NERS FINALS With the posting of the details of the trial case to be used in the semi- finals and finals of the Law school case contest, junior representatives ofk the four case clubs are hard at work preparing briefs for the semi-finals on March 3 and 4. Prizes totaling $150 will be awarded by the faculty of the Law school to stimulate interest in the contests. The purpose of the arguing of trial cases is to give the men actuaL practice in the trying of cases. The trial case will involve a number of different points of law. Each of the four case clubs, the Kent, Marshal, Holmes, and Story clubs, arc represented by two juniors who will argue their side of the trial case. The Marshal and Story club teams will meet on March 3. Decision will be rendered by Dean Henry M. Bates, Prof. Edwin C. Goddard, andl Prof. Horace L. Wilgus. The Holmes and Story clubs will try the case on March 4. Prof. E. R. Sunderland, Prof. Edgar N. Durfee and Prof. Vic- tor H. Lane will decide this semi- final. Finals for the two victorious teams will be held on April 6 and will be judged by Dean Henry M. Bates and two justices of the Michigan Su- preme court. This year is the first that cash prizes have been offered. The two men of the winning team in the finals will receive $50 each and the runners-up will both be awarded $25. COUNCIL ANNOUNCES ITS WITHRWA ROM UNIONS ITALY REFUSESTO SUMIT TO LEAGUE MUSSOLINI DECLARES AGAINST ARBITRATION IN ANSWER TO DR. STRESEMANN AVOID ALL THREATS Italians Unyielding In Regard To Violation Of Frontiers In Any Possible Manner (By Aaociated Press) ROME, Feb. 1 .-Italy refuses to accept any proposal to submit to the League of Nations, the question of the treatment of the German-speaking population in the Upper Adige. Thus, Premier Mussolini declared in the Senate today, in his answer to Dr. Gustave Stresemann, the German for- eign minister, who yesterday, in the Reichstag, set forth Germapy's side of the controversy with Italy over the' former Austrian territory, which Italy now holds, by virtue of the treaty of St. Germain.1 Except for his references to Dr. Stresemann's claim of German cul- tural tutelage in the Upper Adige, and the suggestion of mthe possibility of appealing to the League of Nations, the Italian premier's address avoided even implied threats. It was calm and restrained, in sharp contrast to his first speech on the same subject. It covered, point by point, the utter- ances of the German foreign minister. Mussolini was unyielding on the matter of Italy's refusal to premit vio- lation of her frontiers, either physi- cally, or culturally. The Upper Adige, he asserted, does not belong to a Ger- manic cultural community and Italy intends to continue her policy of "Ro- man equity" in a territory, the posses- sion of which, cultural as well as physical, is essential to the safety of the entire Italian nation. "I declare explicitly," said Musso- lini, "that the non-Italian-speaking population in the Upper Adige does not constitute a minority as construed by the peace treaty. Italy does not accept any discussion of this matter in any assembly or council and will react with the greatest energy against any plans of this nature. "These are not menaces, productive of dilemnas; they are undeniable af- firmations, with force and dignity, as is the custom of new Italy, which too many Germans make the grave mis- take of not yet knowing." The premier was frequetly inter- rupted by applause, which became a franctic ovation as he resumed his seat. He was forced to rise again and acknowledge the plaudits. DEAN WILL ANNUNCEf fRATERNITY RANKING! In accordance with the rules set down in the revised constitution of the Interfraternity council adopted by that body last year, fraternities will be informed of their relative scholas- tic standings by Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students, as soon as these averages can be computed. As stated in the constitution, fra- ternities whose house average is be- low the grade of C are placed on the warned list, and if these same houses continue to maintain an average be- low that mark for the following scnool year, they are placed on the probation list.Fraternities are put on warning or probation only at the end of the school year, but are re-! movable from the same at the end of each semnester, providing their scho- lastic average shows a grade of C or hotlo,. I Grinnell Athletic Head Resigns; Hoyt May Be Named As Successor sprinter. He held the national chai- nelltnor that he had been mentioned pionship in the 100-yard and 220-yard to succeed the former incumbent of dashes in 1907 and 1908 and was a the office. member of the American Olympic In his undergraduate days, Hoyt team. starred in the 220 and 100 yard dash- Several former stars at Grinnell, es, the same races in which Huff also including Charles Hoyt, now freshman starred. Unless unexpected events track coach and trainer at the Uni- I occur, Coach Hoyt intends to remain versity of Michigan, are being talked here as trainer and freshman track of by the alumni as Huff's successor, coach. Huff Will Assume Duties As Coach And Trainer At Kansas (By Associated Press) GRINNELL, Iowa, Feb. 10.- H. J. Huff, director of athletics at Grinnell college, will become coach and train- er at the University of Kansas nexth fall. During his college days at Grinnell, Coach Huff, himself won fame as a Michigan Coach Professes Ignorance Regarding Proposed Offer Charles Hoyt, whom it is rumored may succeed H. . Huff as athletic di- rector at Grinnell college, stated that he had not been informed regarding the matter, when called last night at his home by a Daily reporter. Hoyt said that he was not even aware that the post was open at Grin- IGNESTO TECHNIC STAFF Ardussi To Take Care Of Business; Kirsheman Will Continue As Managing Editor BRAGG AWARDS CHARMS Staff appointments for the Michigan Technic, official quarterly publication of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, for 1926-27 lasting un- til next February, were announced at the 38th annual banquet of the faculty advisory board and the student staff of the Technic held last night at the Lane Hall Tavern. L. R. Kirsheman, '27E, who was selected as managing' editor last September to fill the SENATE MAKES NEW AD0iTIONS TO BILL O0N TAX REDUCT ION SECOND STORM OF WEEK HITS EAST Northeastern United States Is Under Two Feet Of Snow As Result Of New Blizzard NINE DEATHS RESULT (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Feb. 10.-Northeastern United States, the chosen battleground for the elements, tonight lay under two feet of snow as a result of the second blizzard within a week. Roaring down in the wings of northeast gales which piled up huge drifts on land and rolled up moun- tainous waves at sea, the storm .laid a fresh covering, ranging from 10 to 15 inches over the snow blanket left, vacancy caused by the graduation of by last Thursday's blizzard. The Rheinhard Hiss, '26E, last year's edi- drifts ranged from 6 to 10 feet in tor, will continue as managing editor, height. and J. A. Ardussi, '27E, will fill the Nine deaths as a result of the storm position of business manager, were reported. Three of them were Gold and silver Technic charms in the wreck of the fishing schooner, were given to staff members who have Ralph Brown, near Gloucester, Mass., served one year or longer by Prof E. two in Connecticut, one in New Yorkf M. Bragg, who is a member of the, city, two in Boston, and one in Phila- advisory board. Men who had acted delphia. Scores of persons received as assistants to the staff were re- minor injuries as a result of street' warded with bronze charms. accidents. Railroads were crippled, Prof. H. C. Anderson, of the me- motor and street car traffic, was sus- chanical engineering department, who pended or demoralized. Property headed the list of speakers, gave a damage was great, and the millions summary of the expansion of the en- of dollars expended in removing the gineering college during the 26 years snow of last week from streets and which he has been connected with highways went to naught. the University, and made suggestions The storm raged through Pennsyl-I to the new staff regarding a system vania, New Jersey, New York, Con-1 of contribution of technical articles necticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, by members of the faculty. and tonight was rolling up the At- Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of the Eng- lantic coast toward northern New; lish department, outlined the new England. A survey of the area show- policy adopted by the engineering re- ed: search department for the publication A score of railway trains stalled in of the results of experimental work New England and on Long Island:; done by various members of the en- all schools in New York and Rhode gineering faculty. The present sche- Island, and many in other states, dule calls for the publication of one closed. County courts on Long Island pamphlet dealing with some research closed; factories and business houses problem every month. Other speak- everywhere closing hours earlier than ers on the program were Curt H. usual; mail deliveries slowed up, traf- Will, '26E, and George M. Stanley, fic in Boston Harbor suspended, and 27E. Knox B. Howe, '26E, acted as trains, where running at all, serious- toastmaster. ly delayed. a. The students selected for the other The air mail service, for the second positions on the editorial and busy- time since its inauguration, was sus- ness staffs are: J. S. Congo, '27E, pended. articles: H. W. Goultjiorpe, '28E, pub- Shipping was hampered by the gale lications manager; R. J. Woods, '28E, and heavy seas. Wireless stations re- alumni news; J. T. Snodgrass, '28E, ported a number of requests for radio college notes; L. G. Jordan, '28A, ar- compass bearings. chitectural editor; Theodore Rogroy, '28A art editor; C. E. Kahr, '28E, ad- vertising manager; E. J. Harris, '28Ef ats L E n '28 circu- MAY ILL acons .L orn,'8,MCI9lation ; W. W. Evans, '28E, sales. I I r Nn 1 I ITT i r Hi nfp hi fl i INCREASED BY $100,000,000 AFTER THE INHERITANCE TAX IS REPEALED FINAL VOTE TODAY Taxes On Automobile Passenger Cars And Trucks, Admissions And Dues, Voted Out (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON. Feb. 10.-The Sen- ate added $100,000,000 to its $352,000,- 000 tax reduction bill today, after vot- ing to repeal the inheritance tax. With the administration forces in rout as the taxes on automobile pas- :enger cars and trucks, admissions and dues were voted out of the bill in rapid order, adjournment was taken until tomorrow when Chairman Smoot, of the finance committee, announced he would ask for reconsiIeration of some of the actions taken today and for a final vote on the bill. Repeal of the inheritance tax, pro-, vided for in the bill as presented to the Senate by its finance committee, was approved, 49 to 26, 18 Democrats joining with 31 Republicans in sup- porting the proposal. Declaring it a "damnable outrage to take the tax off the millionaires",_ I Senator Couzens, Republican, Michi- gan, one of the 16 Republicans who bitterly fought repeal of the inheri- tance -levy, then led a group of the Republicans in voting with an almost solid Democratic lineup for repeal of the other taxes acted upon. "Go ahead and ruin your bill," Sena- tor Smoot shouted when repeal of the automobile passenger tax, involving an additional reduction of $70,000,000 to the bill, was proposed by Senator King, Democrat, Utah. The proposal was approved, 42 to 21, 16 Republicans joining with 25 Democrats and the one Farmer-Labor senator_ in supporting it. Senator Reed, Republican, Pennsylvania, then appealed for a recess "in view of the storm" and the Senate quit after nearly eight hours of discussion. Repeal of the levies on admissions and dues, also proposed by Senator King, was accepted by a vote of 36 to 34. The finance committee had voted to cut $9,000,000 revenue annually from this tax by increasing exemp- tions of tickets costing 50 cents and less , to tickets costing 75 cents and less. Repeal of the tax adds $24,000,- 000 to the total reduction. The committee also had voted to restore to the bill a 2 per cent tax on automobile trucks. which it was esti- mated would bring in $6,000,000 an- nually, but this was voted down, 51 to 12. The House also has voted to repeal the present 3 per cent tax on trucks. The bill, as it stood tonight, pro- vides for a total tax reduction of $452,000,000 or $125,000,000 more than provided in the House measure and the limit of tax teduction set by Secretary Mellon. 'LITTLE, CABO, GESSEL President Clarence Cook Little, Dean Hugh Cabot, of theeMedical school, and Prof. Robert Gessel, of the physiology department, will ad- dress the American Congress on In- ternal Medicine at their tenth annual clinical session to be held in Detroit and Ann Arbor February 22-21'. !This congress, which will be attended by more than 1,500 physcians. from all sections of the "country, will convene in Ann Arbor for clinics and demon- strations on Thursday, Feb. 25, the delegates spending the rest of the week in Detroit. . Dr. Little will address the evening session of Feb. 24, speaking on the subject of preparation and practice in medical education. Dean Cabot and Professor Gessell will discuss medical subjects at the opening session' on Feb. 22. Both President Little and Dean Cabot will again take part in the program, as will several other members of the University faculty, whe4 the congress meets in Ann Arbor.. Among the eminent physicians who will be present at the meeting are Prof. Knud Faber, of the University of Copenhagen, one of Europes' most famous internists, and Dr. Jacques Forestier, of Paris. Dr. Forestier has nona mch vesrerch work in X-ray SPANISH AIRMEN ARRlYE i 1 i i i I oetter. HEADER WILL PRESENTA RETN AIA (By Associated Press)7 BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 10.-Com. Ra- mon Franco and his comrades on the Spain-to-Argentina air flight swept Prof. Clarence L. Meader, of the over -Buenos Aires at 12:17 o'clock to- Latin department, will deliver the day, completing their great trans-At- second public lecture under the ads- lantic flight from Palos, Spain, a di3- 1 pices of the Tolstoy league this after- tance of 6,232 miles, in 62 hours, 52 noon at 4:15 o'clock in room 1025 minutes, 'fying time.I Angell hall. Professor Meader's:sub Today the Spanish aviators made i ject will be "Tolstoy the Artist." the short journey from Montevideo. to.the=Argentine capital in one hour and twenty minutes. They received Election Chan es i a welcome such as this city has sel- dom accorded. Thousands upon thou- sands of residents lined the water- front, while other thousands from Unavoidable changes in elections rooftops watched the great seaplane. may be made today and tomorrow soaring in. without extra fee, Registrar Ira M. Two naval planes and a squadron' Smith announced yesterday. All stu- ? of ten airplanes, representing the Ar- [ .4-+ A- .- - n- ++"anc-" ?- +- A-r mth m + Vc+ir HUHn LiI ILU, lVIRldi President Clarence Cook Little will address the opening session of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters which will hold its an- nual meeting here March 31, April 1 and 2. President Little will dis- cuss some phases of his scientific re- search. Another feature of the meeting will be an illustrated lecture by Prof. F. E. Lloyd of McGill university on the plant spyrogyra, on the night of April 1. The detailed program of the ten sections of the Academy Is still in preparation. DAILY - STAFF COMPETITION ; All second semester fresh- men wishing, to enter the annual competition for staff positions on The Daily will report prompt- ly at 4 o'clock tomorrow in the outer offices of the Press build- ing. At this time the work will be R(N I. -..,.- .. r t # n tn i 1 i i