IfTIURSDAYI , Y 6, 1926 TVIF'. 1Y[tCHMAN DATI.Y PAC 'p: t IV IM _______________________________________________________a_______________________-_11*V' 1J f"111..4 1~ SCAINXJ t 1'. V *Tfl Y LEARN THE LATE ST of 1926 'Widow '{Waltz. Adult Classes Eve .Monday and FridAy. f'ifteen O: Hour Lessons, $5.00. 22 Wierthi Arcade TERRACE' GARDEN STUDIO For appointment Dial 8328 err Let The D~aily sell it for you thru the Classified clmuns.-Adv.' ry pry? 1e- I. I~ AT THE THEATEUS 1 Arcade-"Wings of Gold,", with Viola lDana. Majestic-"The Girl from Mont- martre," with Barbara La Marie. W uerth-"The Sea Beast," with JTohn Barrym-ore and Dblores Costello. Today-Stine Garrick (Detroit)- "Tarnish," by Garrick Stock with Ann Harding and Rollo Peters. Shubert Lafayette (Detroit) - J "The Arabian," with Walker Whiteside. Blonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)-I "Thle Squaw Man," with Wil- 11am Faversham. 011 1 t);=f ir i'A Eii'. " l god ri:,,-gNvith amethyst. _____________________i__Y _____td setl g, in go ld purse, 'Slluay night.. If you are a telephone subscriber call wi i ant87 Rwad the Ad-Taker, O~ial 21214 , and your want ad 1_(;'- i.ndst(immaPiBela +ill be charged1., Itnn annr :'nB a pil e MUichigan Daily reserves the right to a i\Ci~na ' a fternIoon l1)etWO en classify all want ads under appropriate'ha Vste n Vet Petr ings and to revise or withhold ohjectiona 'all 22217. Reari 9-64-61., t his column *closes at 3 P. M.(late preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be J.4)jU SALE given in time for the second insci tion._________________________ CASH RATES , , FGIS A 1 R. Your Garters Look This Morning Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one "ir two insertions. Nine cents per reading line for dirt.- or more insertions. Cash classifieds received at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applica- ti011. LOST - LOST--Waltham, hunting case, gold watch with U. M. Fob, near corner of Thompson and \iliamls. Phone' 6961. Ed. Peterman. LOST-Pair of shell rimmed glasses in [ strangers car, Sunday. Dial 22-429. - 204 N. Ingalls St. 55-59-6O. TH AiT ue little blue Itorped(o speedt- s ter you've seen around( the campus is for sale. If you have been look- ing for a car with pep and individ- uality at less than the cost of anj jordinary Ford---this is the one. Dropt around andI give it the once over. Buss Tfhurnau, 621 S. State St. Dial 7517. 60-61-62.G FOR SALE,or Trade on Ford Sedan, a model IK-45 Bluick Touring, in firsti class shape. Call Flindt 22342. N (yr ' i C" E l() ItSA LE A zPdicroscope AWi{hI oil imflmeI i i . (',al (ii j, - PLSALF> Jlirgc alanlimll cc?l ;age eaiy furnished. V'ery cheap ifj taken at oice. (Call 21414. G{)-61-Cs2. S T IDI{NT of good personality for de- sirable summuer position with large corporation. Must be loyal, faithful and willing to learn dletails of com- pany's business. Must be ab~le to work without a boss. Write Educa- itors Association, Park Avenue Bldg., G1Detroit, Mich. 59-G0. TRY OUR.Beauty Parlor. Rain Water jShampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. jTrojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. 1 E LIAFLE ;> 17S El) CARS FOR SALE-Archiitect's Mlay party ticket. Call 7972. 60. y '" Pat ron ize Paily Adviertisers.-Adv., AGRIPPA -WEB makes garters act in an entirely new way- and only in"Bostons can this web be had. Even when worn very loose it will not slip. It cannot 'curl and yet it is remarkably soft and light. Here, in fact is a practical, comfortable, ventilated-web garter. In many pleasing colors, 50c the pair. GEORG E F'1OST COMPANY MAKERS BOSTON 'the IFire Fiend has his private calling list. And he shows it to no one. Your name mnay beC downI upon his tablet. See us aboutI 1 .A your insurance. Do it immedi- -ate,,- We Write- FIRE CYCLONE AUTOMOBILE LIFE LIABILITY COMPENSATION RESIDENCE BURGLARY PERSONAL HOLD-UP j FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS Ann Arbor Bulders ASSOCIATION i 408 National Bank Bldg. Phone 4313 tPatronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. ! A SPECIAL TAILORED SUIT, $35.0 M. IV. MILWARD 332 S. State, over Pratt '& Dunn Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. NOTICE-High grade clothes, custom tailored, latest styles, perfect fit, $40 and up. C. T. Doukas, 1319 S. University. tf. ATTENTION Look over my line of samples for SPRING SUITS 2 panit suits made to measure, $37.50 T B1. Lyons, 515 E. Williams tf FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING When your pen fails to work prop- erly, remember that Rider's Pen Shop because of its complete equipment backed by real Pen Makers service, is the logical place to have it corrected. Every pen we repair, regardless of make, receives the same skillful at- tention and all work is guaranteed. No waiting to have it sent to the fac- tory or what is worse, chance of in- jury from inexperienced workman- ship. Rider's Pen Shop Tues., Thur., Sun. tf. VICCTORI Record "Say it Again" "Lets Tak About My Sweetie" by Russo Oriole Orchestra, at Schaeherle andj Son, Music House. tf.1 A. NASHI CO., Golden Rule Tailors j Spring Suits and Topcoats $23.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. An extra pair of pants doubles thej life of your suit, we match any cloth.j M. G. WILD, 109 E. Washington j Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. I NOTICE JOE PARKiER'S CAFE ~Dancing every night during supper fronm 6:30 to 8:00 Private parties our specialty. Tues, Thurs, Sat-, tf. EWATCH REPAIRING SERVICE Not how cheap but Hlow Good at a Reasonable Price. The Watch Shop Edward A. Clark, 1121 S. University j tf. IF YOU WANT REAL cleaning and pressing service at reasonable prices Dial 7814 CHEER UP WAIIL'S, 328 So. Main tf. IDON'T miss having Victor. Record "Billy Boy" lby Frank C'rumit, at- Schaeberle and Son Music House. tf. ;NOTICE-College men interested in summer employment interview in room 431 Michigan Union until Thursday, May 6. 987 men had av- erage earnings of $61.63 per week during summer of 1925. Not a can- vassing job. B. S. Hagar. 55-56-57-58-59-60 1923 CHEVROLET SEDAN .. . $225.00 1924 DODGE SEDAN.......... 550.00 191S BUICK'T'OURING....... 125.0 Rt. I. A LBER 206 W. H-uron St. 'Dodge Brothers ?1lotor Caers Sri / -' " . 1 . t, - rte,, .. > -" '~!Xt iterS Day Sunday- Nay' 90t What is more beautiful than to , Say 9t 6c,01hh'1o-wers WEAR A FLOWER IN HER HONOR A large stock of fine roses and carna- tlons, sweet peas, and many other flowers. OPEN SUNDAY MORNING MAY 9 Order early to i e sure of your flowers. A ND SO0N NICKELS ARCADE PHONE 7014 mmmm---I I h _ APPEA RANCE 13cing well dressed is a combination of knowingy whtgood clothes are and the ability to purchase te a store upon whom you can rely to offer you nothing but correct clothes. Here you just select your particular model and you know you are wvcll 'dressed. Unusual Values r ir Last Call on Spring Topcoats at FOUNTAIN P'EN INK Buy your fountain pen ink at Rider's Pen Shop and you will get REAL ink, fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself in the paper and won't fade or entirely dis- appear after it has set when moisture is applied. Ink substitutes are dang- erous and spoil your pens. RID)ER'S PEN SHOP Pen and-Ink Specialists 315 S: State Tu. Th, Sun: tf. To Start My New FIVE YEAR LEASE I am having a FIVE DAY SALE May 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th 20 per cent Discounit oni all Watches A. F. Clarke, 1121 S. University tf. PARTY FAVORS, noise makers, ser- pecntines, confetti, crepe hats and balloons. Special arrangements for fraternities, sororities and clubs. BROWN'S BOOKSTORE, 210 S., Main. tf FOIE RENT FOR RENT--A desirable, south east single room, second, floor. 1020 S. University Ave. Phone 5938. 59-60-61 TO , RENT-Furnished apartment or small home by two adults during summer semester. For further in- formation call 6845. ;58-59-60. FOR RENT--Two newly furnished rooms, with board if desired. 351. Beakes St. Dial 7697. '60-61-62. FOR RENT-Business 'store on Main St. between Washington and Huroni Sts. Excellent location. Call 21414. .60-61-62. FOR RENT-2 single or one double, room, well furnished, south campus. Board if desired. Dial 3645. 59-60-61. FOR RENT-Vacant July 1st, 5 rooms Ifor light house keeping. Two blocks Inorth of Varsity No. 42, Medical or Dental preferred. Phone Varsity 87. 59-30-61: WANTED WANTED-Girls with selling experi. nce to assist from 11 to 1 o'clock daily. Apply office, second floor, Mack &,Co. tf. WANTElD--Experienced saleswomen from 11 to 2 daily. Mack and Co. tf. WANTED=7-College men interested in summer employment. May call for interview 437 Maynard or dial 4302 for appointment. 59-60 WANTED-Small furnished house or apartment by summer faculty mem- ber for summer session. Must have two bedrooms. Box 81. Michigan Daily. 59-60-61-42-63 0 0- -o * ft .1' --~ , -I' S 1 i .1 ti a a I S a I I 5 4< '*1~ -5 I 0 I I I - Ph( WARDROBE TAILORS Suits to order, $23.50 and up Suits cleaned and presed, $1.00 pressed 35c Delivery service one 3242 200 E. Huron Ki rschb(aurm 2-Pant Suits $37.50x Patrick Topcoats $25.00 St. ti. RETURN to Tuttles or 425 S. Division, gold pin initialed J. C. E., given to girl by waitress in Tuttles. ;Reward. 59-60. WANTED-Good cook for substitute work in fraternity house. Call 8778 between 2 and 4 p. m. 59-60-61. IWANTED-Two or three rooms or apartment, preferably in private home, for twc( men Call Light 7417. 59-60-61-62-63. IWANTED-Male student to work for I (Originally Priced as High as $40.0}0) NOTICE-H-ats cleaned, shoes repair-. ed. Absolutely the most satisfac- tory work in town. Pay us a visit. Washington Shop, 106 E. Washington Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. TVPT~"IE 1 WAXTr .m - "iho. , +1,x,,,, I I1 11!1 0 I I t a -.r I ®I