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May 06, 1926 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-06

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T"R f-AY, MAY 6,192


: '
s -.

Meet Wisconsin At Madison Tumor- 1
Srow; Minnesota To Oppose 'team ' BUBBLING OVER FIRST
At Minneapolis Saturday IN 'BLUE GRASS STAKES1
OPPONENTS ARE STRONG I (By Associated Press)
- LE INGTON, Ken., May 5.- I
In meeting Wisconsin and Minne- Bubbling Over further strength- 1
sota mtomorrow s and Saturday M on for- ens his claims as the West's fav-
oatmro n Stra nfr I orite for the KentuYtky Derby by
eign fields, the Varsity baseball team I oiteifg the Bluk Grby by
faces two of the hardest games of the + ywinning the Blue Grass stakes
yearandvicoris i th wek ed Ihere today, setting a new track
year anti victories in the week end irecord for the mile and an eighth.
competition would put the Wolerines I Boot To Boot, stable mate,
in a commanding position in the Ccn-e. took second honors, 10 lengths
Coach Fisher, 13 men and the man- back, and Helen Babe was third,
oagr wisaernnd thetogame mrap- Isix lengths behind Boot To Boot.
alter will make the two game trip iAlga lorn ubig
which starts at 3:30 o'clock today s Alleghan also ran. Bubbling
when the team entrains for Chicago. Over's time was 1:49 3-5, the old
Captain Wilson, Miller, Jablonowski' time being 1:50 1-5.
Walter, Neville, Friedman, Davis, Oos- -
terbaan, Kubicek, Loos, Edgar, Langs,
and Pucklewartz are the players who 1Hoff's Refusal
will go.
The game at Madison tomorrow will Draws W 'Varning
bring together Stoll and Miller. Wis- Of A.A. U.T Body
consin has lost one game and won two O . .U. B d
since the Conference season started,
the single defeat being administered by (By Associated Press"
Purdue last Monday 6 to 1. As Michi- NEW YORK, May 5.-Charlie Hoff's
gan succeeded in winning over Pur- reported refusal to compete in a track
due, on paper the Wolverines should meet in San Francisco Saturday has
win, but Stoll the Badger hurler was drawn a warning from the Amateur
difficult for the Maize and Blue team Athletic Union to the world champion
to master a year ago, and his per- pole vaulter from Norway to the ef-
formances to date indicate that he isfect that "unless you have reasonable
in the same condition. basis for refusing to compete there
Jablonowski will probably pitch the ythe foreign relations committee will
game Saturday at Minnesota while; cancel your permit for further appear-
Guzzy is scheduled to pitch for the ances in the United States."
Northmen. Minnesota and Illinois are This word went by telegraph to the
at present tied for the Conference Norwegian after a conference of the
,lead, the former with two victories eastern members of the committee
,and no defeats and the latter with withSec. Frederick W. Rubien, fol-
three victories and no defeats.. It will lowing upon press reports, that Hoff
be recalled that it was Guzzy who had decided not to compete in the
triumphed over the Wolverines a year Pacific Athletic association meet. Thel
ago, 1 to 0 in a pitcher's battle, but foreign relations committee has
because of the added hitting strength 1 charge of his tour.
of this seasons team it is not likely One of the reasons advanced by
that Michigan will be held to as small Hoff for his refusal was that he did
a number of hits. 'not know until three days ago that
A tabulation of previous games be- he was to appear at San Francisco.
tween Wisconsin and Michigan shows A. A. U. officials said today that Hoff
that between 1882 and 1905 the Wol- was advised of the Seattle, Los An-
verines won 18 and lost seven of the geles and San Francisco contests at
games, while during the same period the same time and that on March 31
in the games between Minnesota and they received a letter from him in
Michigan, the Maize and Blue triumph- which he said he hoped to compete
ed three times to the Gopher's single in all three cities.,
victory. The letter noted the change in the
,Since Michigan reentered the Con- date for the San Francisco meet.
ference, they have been successful in
six games while Wisconsin has won
four. The record of the Wolverines TO HOLD ALL- MPUS
over Minnesota during the same
period of time is more favorable to the
Wolverines as they won six gamestilfl
while the best Minnesota could do was S
a single vcitory. The grand totals
show that Michigan won 24 games[ Intramural officials were in receipt
and Wisconsin won 11. Between Mich- of 25 entries on the first day of en-
igan and Minnesota the games stand. try-filing yesterday for the all-campus
nine to two in favor of the Wolver- swimming meet to be held in the Un-
lnes. , :ion pool on Wednesday, May 12, at

Club Saturday
Michigan's tennis team, winner of MKDitish May Astrikted s nsdreds ti-
all four of the matches this season, E late in May it is considered cer-
has been scheduled to play the Toledo Barring injuries in today or tomor- ers will get a chance at comlpe it io a e cup match
Tennis club team in a meet at 2:30 row's practice Michigan's Varsity i turlay's meet,Snider,orthrop, American entrants for which
o'clock Saturday afternoon at Toledo. track team will enter the Ohio meet Sterling, Lasser and Waldo being en- sailed yesteray from New York
The meet which has been arranged which will be held here on Saturday tered in this event. t aboard the Aquitania will not be
largely through the effort:; of Paul in almost perfect physical condition. Freyberg and Hlornberger will enter I played.
Leidy, Michigan law graduate, and ( The only veteran who will not take both the half-mile and mile events, The first week's program of
tennis coach in 1923, gives promise of part in the meet is Emil Voelker who while Jung is expected to confine his the American golfers calls for
being a very interesting one if the has not yet recovered fr :i an in iry efforts solely to the mile race. Isken- matches here and points alongI
Toledo team is up to the caliber of which he received more tn two darian is entered in the mile and two the south coast to which they
last year. Instead of the usual series weeks ago. mile races. In the latter race Calla- could be transported by automo-
of five singles matches, a team of eith- Hester, Michigan's star dashman, man and Wells will be the other Mich- Bile. Many of the British players
er eight or nine men will be sent to has been bothered with a cold the last igan entries and should find the going listed as opponents of the Ameri-
the meet. few days and has refrained from prac- rather rough if Kennedy, Ohio star cans, however, will be engaged
Capt. Earl Krickbaum, who gave up tice, but it is expected that he will be distance man, sees fit to confine his in various national emergency
his number one position to Dick Crane at his best against Ohio. Leschinsky efforts to this event. services.
in the Butler meet because of the lat- and Kelley, Hester's running mates Snider, Schroeder, and Lasser are
ter's excellent showing thus, far, will in the 100 and 220 yard lashes are entered in the hurdle bvents. and will
again fill in his old place while Dick I both fit physically and are expected meet their stiffest competioin of theF
Crane will play as number two man. to give Irwin and Grimm of Ohio a year in the Ohio hurdlers who are re-i
Stephens will again fill the third place, stiff fight for places. Hester is fav- puted to be one of the strongest hurdle
Vose the fourth, and Olian the fifth. ored to win the 100, with Leschinsky I trios in the Conference.
It has not been definitely decided regarded as the best bet in the 220. 1 Roth and Weeks are the Wolver-
as to which men will be picked to fill Feinsinger, veteran quarter miler, ine favorites in the high jump, while
the other posts. Finkelman will play and Lasser, a hurdler, will also be en- Northrup, Roth, Palmer, and Lovette
as number six man, and Slowinski tered in the 220 yard event, will represent Michigan in the jave-
number seven. The eighth position is yunz, Doyle, McCaffee, Lovette, lin.
still open and the chance for this place Schravessand and Hawkins will take ANN ARB
lies between Larson, Toevs, Holland, care of the weight events for the Wol- Spring fever and warm weather are
and O'Brien. In the event that a verines, while Prout, Huff, and North- Imaking it hard for "Burt" Ingwerson
ninth man should be sent to avoid all rop are the pole vault entries. 'to conduct spring grid practice at the
possible chances of a tie, he will also l All of Coach Farrell's broad jump- University of Iowa.
HaS passed the expe


( y Ass ciated Press)it c nc n
CHIICAGO, May 5.-Detroit concent-
trated their attack in three innings
today, driving pitchers Thomas anl
Edwards from the mound, and easily
defeated Chicago 14-7, in the final
game of their series. The WiIte Sox
took an early lead by bunching hits
off Holloway but the Tigers went out
in front in the fourth when they drove
Thomas off the mound and a balk was
called on Edwards for a run.
The Tigers continued the onslaught
on Steengrasd and Leverette, Wingo
clearing the bases in the ninth with
a circuit drive.



rimental stage. Water

be slctedfrmthisgop
Four doubles matches are also on.
the day's program. Krickbaum will
again pair with Crane in the first
match, while Stephens and Vose will
make up the second team. For the
third team Olian has already beenj
named, while his partner remains to 4
be chosen.iFinkleman and Slowinski
compose the fourth pair.
The team has been working out!
daily withathe coach, and matches are
being played to determine the best
men for the open positions in both the,
J singles and doubles.
The Toledomenthat will face the
Michigan aggregation have not yet
been named, but it is expected that
the lineup will include several stars
from last year's group.
Let The Daily sell it for you thru
the Classified columns.-Adv.

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mains are being laid in the streets. The build-
ing of good roads is far advanced. Electric
service is being extended. Beautiful homes
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Tom Lieb will report to Coach Little
of the University of Wisconsin next I
week to help drill the Badger grid I
candidates for next fall's football I
The greens of Yale's magnificent
golf course at New Haven cover 10,000I
square feet and are declared by ex-
perts to be the finest ever constructed.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.

7:30 o'clock.
This number of entries is larger
than any other number of previous
first-day entries, and indicates that
last year's total mark of 90 names
will be surpassed before entries close
on Tuesday.


Six thousand invitations have been
sent out by the University of Chicago
for its 22nd annual interscholastic
track and field championships to be
held June 4 and 5.

1. _ II

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