PAGE EIGHT __________TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY WED7NES] D~AY, F+EBRUA RY 10, 1926 D AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publiuation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. i. Saturdays 1, volume V1 E)l;)'~,F~RAY10,,1926 Number 91 Meclh. Eng. 7 anud 8: Section I meeting M\onday, Friday 1:00-5:30 will have a preliminary meeting Thursday, F eb. 11, at 5 P. NI. All men are expected to he present at this meceting. M. L. 7 meets: in Room 228, iNI. L. 8 in Room 244. J. F'. in swiler. Will meet in I'com 2(23 A. 11. instead of Ri oom 1209 Thursday at 10, and thereafter. J. Rk. 1'oiiJck, Jr. i I Amazes Scientists VALENTINES FOR YOUNG AND OLD 'lee little tokem; of loge and friendshipi help fill your life with joyt and gladness. °Send one horne-and don't forget your Iest friends." 4 41111 8. 'IMViISITY 471 ikI Uiversliy Lceture: Dr. Esther Boise Van Denman, of Rome, Italy, Fellow of the Carnegie Institution, and Norton~ Lecturer- of the Archaeological Institute of America, will give a University' lecture at 4:15 P. M., February '12., 1926, in the Natural Science ,Audlitorium, on the subject 'Vanishing Rome." The lec- ture will be illustrated with stereopticon slides. The public~ is 'cordially' invitcd. l.', 1Robbins. University Lecture: Asa C. Baldwin, formerly with the Alaskan Boundary Commission ,and U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, will give a University lecturpe on Thursday, February 11, at 4:15 P. MX. in the Natural Science Auditorium. His subject will be "Tracing the Frontier of ,Alaska.", The lecture will be illustrated, with slides. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. University Lecture: Katherine McMahon, of the Boston School of Social Work, will deliver a lecture on "Medicine and School Work" on Monday aftcrnoon, February 15, at 4:15 in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Unavoidable changes in elections may be made on Thursday and Friday of this week by filing a change of elections blank with the Recorder. Blanks are now obtainable in the Recorder's office. Juniors and Seniors must se- cure the signatures of the instructors whose classes they are to leave c-r enter and deposit the lblanks on Thursday and Friday in the Recorder's office. Freshmen and Sophomores may obtain the blanks' now and submit them to the Election Committees on the two days mentioned without the signatures of thc instructors. Florence )1olr, Recorder., University Women'1lloiisePresidents: Signing-out slips for the month of January are due immediately in the Office of the Dean of Women. Jean Hamilton. The University has from time to time surplus kindling wood which can be purchased either on the grounds through M1r. Whittemore of the Store- house department, or through Mr. Earl Sperry, 910 Sybil Street, Phone 9278. E. C. Pardon. Students with conittion ielenmentary Solid Geomnetry: Meet in Room 21 East Hall, Thursday, Feb. 11, at 5:00 P. M. G. iD. Jones. Mlatlieatics 214. harinonic Analysis. All interested in this course meet in Room 21 East Hall, Wednesday, Lil4)solhy I05:j The class in the P hilosophy of Ar-tole will mteet in Library 407 at 1 o'clock. -D Witt II. arer. Physiologicall Cheistry 3: Meet in Room 327 Old Medial Building aa' , Wednesday, February 10th. Physiologia l Cheiitstry 141 Student, who have elected tbis course are requested to meet on Wednes- day, February 10th, in Room 319), Old Medical building, at 4 P.,M\I.toarrange. hours for the course. li. 1B. Lents. P'sychology cof Eduac'tlon=2 o'clock Secliont I will be in my 'fieC, 421 University High School, from three o'clock until five today, (Wednesday), where former students or those now taking my work may call for conference. it. A. 11o1l1. Psychology i5:'a.11115i- : -- Psychology 1562 and 154 will meet Wednesday at 2 in Room 251 N. S. to organize. Henry F. Adams. Psychologry X220: Although contrary to previous announcements, this course will be given this semester. Permission to enroll is necessary. Hours of meeting to be arranged. C. Ii. Griffitts. 'Sociology 111: It is assumed that those absent Tuesday arc withdrawing from the course. Both sections arc now filled. 3{. 11. Iolnes. Rhetoric 2: Mr. Proctor's 9 oclock section will meet in 427 N. S. S. R. Proctor. English 128: Class in Victorian Literature (English 125) will mheet henceforth in Room 231 AngelHall. 1Y. 0. Rayntond. Tolstoy League Lecture: Professor C. L.. Meader will give a lecture Thuflrsday February 11th, at 4: 15 P. M. in Room 1025, Angellall on "Tolstoy the Artist." F. S. Onderdonk:. Organ Recital Omitted: Owing to absence fromt the city of Palmer Christian, University organist, there wvill be no recital on Wednesday of this week. Charles A. Sink. Glee (Clubl: There will be tryouts for the Chicago trip Club in Room 206, School of SMusic, Wednesday evening from 7:00 to :00. II Theodore 3harrsont, Director. University~ of Milichigan Band: Rehearsal tonight 7:15-8:30. Section heads 7:00. P'al F. Sellanderer. Geological Journal Club: There will be a meeting of the Geological Journal -Club on Thursday, February 11, at 7:30 P. M. in :Room 436 N. S. Bldg. Brief reviews will be read of some of the most linrortant and interesting recent contributions to geological literature. The reviewers are Prof. Ehlers, M1r. Deiss, Mr. Way, Mr. Chang and Mr. Lindberg. Visitors ate welcomed. {'alter A. Ter. Iebe, Secretary. A. S. ,.IX There will be a meeting of the A. S. C. E. at 6:00 P. M. on Thursday, Feb 11, at Lane Ball. At this time we will elect officers for the second s- niiester. Kindly be present. Cart 11. 41,114Pres. hapim KapuP i: Ther~e will be an important meeting of Nu Chapter following band re- hlearsal Wdedn~esday evening, Feb. 10. T1. C. Sciniirla. Faculty Womn is Club- Gaden Sect ion : T1he February meeting will be held on Friday, February 12, instead of Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. E. II. Leslie, TIraver1 Road. Mrs. Erwin Nelson and Mrs. Edwrin Daker will be asisting hostecsses. Meet at the hone of Mrs. E. C. Goddard to leave by auto mobile at 2: 45. Amanda Eerett. lish department lectures on "Shakes- LOCALEVE lpeare's Italian Comedies" at 8:15 o- LUCALckinromEVENTS Mmoia For noticlockotiotroomse AlumnineMemorial Forenoices.Ithewis e mubied n hal two successive days only. copy- must be sumtted to the Local vents{ Forestry club meets at 7:30 o'clock suiiEditor by 4 P. M., ________________________ in room 231, N. S. fThe latest invention of Bengt Sto-, j engreen, 16, Denmark's boy astrono- mer, is amazing scientists of his coun- try. It is an electrical apparatus which automatically registers move- m ients of the stars, thus saving as- tronomers long andI patient vigils at the. telescope. The human eye is re- placed by a pho~.electric cell con- nected with a telegraph receiver which measures the, time of 'transit of stars through; the medium.. EDITOR SAYS TWOYEARS. fPrinceton, N. J., Feb. 9.-"The ideal education for a mlan of letters," said John Farrar, editor of The Bookman, recently "is two years at college, two years of journalism, and two years of traye. Mr. Farrar declared further that it was his opinion that more than two years at any educational institution served only to produce "an unwar- ranted and superficial sophistication." ASHLAND, Pa.,-The first' death by starvation as a result of the anthrac- ite strike was reported by the police yesterday. (Classes Nowi Forming of t-reat Practical and Vocational Value HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and i1IV ilaj in Streets Feb. 10, at 12:00 noon, to arrange hours. :Natlematles 212. D)efinite Integrals: Meeting will be held inl Room 5 East Hall, Wednesday, to arrange hours. Mlathiematics 0.30. Higher Algebra: Meeting will beC held in Room 340 West Engincering Feb. 10, at 12:00 noon, to arrange hours. Mathemiatics 209. Partiaal Differential lEquations: Meeting will be held in Room 319 West Engineering Feb. 10, at 5:00 P. M., to arrange hours. Forestry 32: No more elections of this course can be accepted. Lois J. Rouse. Feb. 10, at 3 P. M., J. A.shiohla. Bld4g., Wednesday, L. A. Hiopins. lBldg., Wednesday, IT. W. hDenton. Studio 334 South State St. r L. J. Young. CWgraptl~y 2: The reading assigned at the first section meetings which is due on Thursday and Friday of this week is: iMcF rlan's Economic Geography, wages 1 through 38. P. iE. James. Physics 180; Light: First meeting Wednesday, Feb. 10th, at 1 P. M., in Room No. 3071 New Phys. Bldg. Any one desiring to take this course who cannot be present att this meeting, please see me beforehand in Room No. 1075 New Phys. B~ldg. Charles F. Meyer. Economics 222-Trade Ful on Senminar: Organization meetig at 5 P. M. Wednesday in Room 205, Economnics Building. Carter VGoodrich. Freshmman Enginers: Regular Freshman Assembly will be held in Room 348 at 11 o'clock this morning. C'. 0. lWisler, head Mentor. Rhet. 2, Mr. Mower's Section:! The two o'clock section will meet in Room 1021 A. H1., instead of the room announced. IV. E. Bower. Architecture 112: The first quiz will be Wednesday, February 10th, at 4 P..'11. Room 348.j F. S. Onderdonik. flngiieering Mlechianics 8, Advanced D)ynamncs: Engineering Mechanic 8, Advanced Dynamics, will be given this .se- mester. Problems of present day interest in gyroscopic action and vibra- tion--balancing and critical speeds-will be the chief subjects. All inter- ested meet Wednesday, Feb.' 10, Room 435, Eng. Bldg. at 5 P. M. " L. II. Donnell. Geology 31: The first lecture will be given at 11 o'clock on Friday in Room 231 (north end of basement) of Angell Hall. 11. 11. Hobbs. Cheiencal Engineering' 12: The first meeting of this course will be held Wednesday, February 10, at. 10 o'clock. J. C. Brier. Mathematics 202: The class will be organized on Wednesday, February 10, at 10 o'clock in Room 3010 Angell Hall. J. L. i.,trkley. P atronize These Advertisers, ' j I ,,/ ''T - t~t{ C {!L+EIS Distritr GE NERALI j Wednesday Freshmnan Girls' Glee club regular meetings at 4 o'cloel School of Music. Prof. Oscar J. Campbell -oft The annual A. A. U. W. card party will be held at the home of M\'rs. ,11. D. resumes Hlenderson both in the afternoon and :k at the ' evening. Chess tables also have been arranged. the Eng- Patronize Daily Advertisers. f7 M SECOND SEMESTER FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS RgS 00K STORE mwm. i ...w. ti I I I I1 I I n Tiffl nnv A roinAY Ai~TUIDflV P t~fAVQV'V -QqI'A 41P. V.rq