WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 192 THE MICH :AN DAILY a t 1L 1Y11 VI 11\.I! 1 V L!'Slla A TMF MCH~cAM flIT YPAIGE THREE! KALMAOO HUDSON WILL DEBA9TE HERE CTeams Will Compete In Final State Chiampionshiip Contest Monday. In Hill Auditorium CH1ILD LABOR IS TOPIC As a 'resiut of the fifth' debate in' the Michigan high school debating league elimination series, held last j Saturday, Kalamazoo Central and Huidson steams will compete for state h-onors in, the final state championship debate to be held at 7:45 o'clock Mon- day, in Hill auditorium. Hudson's debaters will pin their hopes of a championship victory on the affirmative side of the question, "Resolved, that the proposed child labor amendment to the national con- stitution should be adopted 'by the United States," while Kalamazoo Cen,. tral wily defend the negative. A large number of representatives from hi~h school league members are planning' to attend the debate, and a 1 program, of entertainment for the teams acid visitors will be announced soon, acc ording to G. E Densmore, league 4ianager. DRS HOUGH W2ILL ADDRESS HONOR ASSEMBLY TODA (Continued from Page Two) bert Saunders Miller, Raymond Olson, Albert Milton Stern. Rho Chi Prize in Pharmacy: Rich- hird Charles Byce. Lehn A~nd Pink Prize in Pharmacy: Leonard, Dana Powers. Charles Ralph Eckler Prize for Pro- ficiency in Pharnnacognosy:, Lo~ur Ge rtzman. Solis Prize: Elizabeth Caroline, Crosby. Wood.4' Hole Scholarship in Biology: Melvin It~erhert Pike. Medal 4 in Rhetoric: Montgomery' August4 Butchart, Edwin John John- son.f NATIONAL MEDICAL CONVENTION R ous To Discuss G WILL SPEND DA Y IN .ANN ARBOR I Tissue Reactions Dr. Preston M. Hickey, professor of ton City hospital, the first vice-pres;i- Dr. Peyton. Rus, of the Rockefeller roentgeniology, who is in change of dent of the society, will preside over Instit ute for Medlical h~eseaiich, will local arrangements for the -annuiai jboth the Ann Arbor sessions. discuss_"Reatio__ofthe____________n metn o h meiaIRete More thar#200 radiologists are x-1 v STEAMSHIP Ray society announced yesterday that i pected to attend this 271th annualTIK S word has b~een receive(, that illness Meeting scheduledl for the week of TCKT will prevent, Dr. Russel D. Carmen, I May, 17, in Detroit. A 'one-day pro- 6iif i f F~ L IE of the roentgenology clinic of the l gram of demonstrations and lecturesO ALUE Mayo~~~~~~~ fonaintrs~eto h o has been arrangedl for the society at iSSCN.AiTORSSHIDEEILL cIety, from attending the convention, I the University hospital and will take ' hon 42o rt 0 ~rnSre and that Dr. P. Fi. Butler, of the Bos- I place May 19. . . 01kZ 64b2Sor asip gent . l ARBO SRe der Normal and Pathological Condli-- in America, was an instructor in the tions" at 8 o'clock tomorrow in Na-E pathological department hertz from Itural Science auditorium, giving (he 19I06 to 1908. He is especially notedl !final lecture in the coulre sponsored: for his research in cancer, his Rous by Alpha Omega Alpha, niationlal honi- chicken-sarcoma, the first transplant- orary medical fraternity.jUable tiumor vHirusdiscovered, forming Dr. Rous, who is todlay regarded as! the basis for the work of Gye and1 one of the leading research workers B~arnard. A I ~L~i Siea.i~sbip Agent. ~NN AR30~ NOW AT THE A lyx '~ ~ ~ S E FT"1a NOW SHOWING The Arcade recognizes the change of menus necessary with the changing seasons. That's why Arcade's food is always so tempting! t_- i 4A, I P A' I 111 11 111 11111111 MMUSEM Matinees 2:00-3:40 Prices I c-35c VVER .IEdTRe Nights 7:00-8:40 Prices I Oc-50c - U A reade Cafeteria I I ".w.r i _ Yrirw i IY i I LO4CAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned in The Da~bily. Items will be published on two s jccessive days only. Copy mubst be sumitted to the Local Evens Editor by a P. Mti. I 1 Wednesday La So~iedad Hispanica 7:30 o'clock in room 318, 11 lmerica 's Greatest Actor in His Greatest Role! r I II 1 -R. INI __( t t t1 ,'; I Is ,r l 1 u { ! F .I CRITICSlRE IJNAN1ILOTk" NEWS-(Julia Harpman)-You may ( !(f/f~t1j1il ) spendall te prases a yourcorn-f .. mandac' andstil eeltha1yu+hventl fill uNdwoubteDaly rowhetaer spor week tohe.raises at your cone Upi-stairs, Nickels Arcade I LAST TIMES TODAY Ow~ will meet at the Union. The 4iscopal church will hold a sale of gold and silver jewelry, from 1 to 6 * clock this afternoon in Har- ris hall. ATo PAR'TS orAll Makes at Cart. TI RES OOR SALE. JUNK CARS UOUOCHT PHONE 3035. KESLER BROS., Canal Street All The -Crooks in the World STARTS 'THURS ERNST BROS. ELECTRIC SHOP' Electric Appliances, Radios A. 13. C. Wash Machines Phone 7776 104 N. Fourth Ave.' AD)DED FEATURIES SPECIAL MUSICAL SCORE Compiled by NICHOLAS D. FALCONE CONDUCTING 12-PIECE ORCHESTRA IFELI THE CAT" LATEST NEWS ORGAN SUNDAY -- MARION DAVIES in BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARCK" t m -7- .....:...: KW THE NEW BRUNSWICK PORTABLE This is the greatest Portable Pho- nograph ever made. Plays all records perfectly, including the new electrical recordings by the "Light eight" method, recently de- veloped by Brunswick. WAondierful tone quality. extraordli- nary volume, light, and easy to carr~y, and space for Records. At- tractively finished in colored leath- eret te with silver gray lining. Sub- stantially built and guaranteed. j f . it t Only $30.00 And. on Convenlienit I Terms