0 ' TrSDVMAY 4, 1923, THT MTCI-1CAN DAL\Y " it :+ r w+ , T f r w V q =I "AVAAM M =A-VAM U + 5 3 I a LEAGUE TO -PLEDGE ON BUILDING FU-ND 'Mrs. I. D. Ienderson Meets With' league Board To :Iaye Plans For Next Year WILL HELP ALUMNAE Will Entertain Oriental Women At Series Of Teas Mothers' Day Plans To Foster Understanding And Cooperation 1 _ .. - -- a To create a spirit of comradeship, Oriental women will be entertained to quicken the responsibility on the at two teas at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday part of the mother and the devotion and Thursday at Newberry hall by the and helpfulness on the part of the world fellowship committee of the Y. daughter, Mothers' and Daughters' week was created several years ago. W. C. A., Miss Jean Hamilton, dean Since then it has become a national I Possibilities of an undergraduate ac- tivity pledge 'to the Women's league O Building fund were discussed by the board of directors of the Women's league at a joint meeting of the new and old boards held yesterday. Mrs.# W. D. Henderson, executive secretary of the alumnae council, met with the board and' urged the women to take the pledge. Mrs. Henderson outlined her plan for the pledging of the re- maining half million dollars which must be raised before June, 1927. The nucleus of her scheme consists of ten y rimary groups who will pledge, $10,000 to be redeemed within three years. Considering the undergrad- Liate women as one group, she asked y them to consider the taking of one of the $10,000 pledges. :f. Undergraduates of the University have been raising by life membership drives more than $17,000 and by the efforts of the undergraduate campaign committee $5,000 this year. The sen- 4timent of th'e board seems to be in favor of taking two of the pledges and making the league responsible for $20,000 next year. Definite action will be taken at the next meeting. With one more year in which to complete the drive for the new build- ing the alumnae council is planning an intensive campaign for next year in which the undergraduate activities will play an important part. It was brought tothe attention of those present at the meeting that less than 50 per cent of the women an the cam- pus at the present time have life membership pledges, which leaves a large field to work next year. The closest cooperation between the wo- men still in college and the alumnae is being sought, and one of the means of bringing this about is a series of joint meetings between undergraduate committees and Ann Arbor alumnae groups, the advisory board of the alumnae council and the council. "It is what the undergraduate women db," says Mrs. Hendersoft, "thatwill make possible the larger gifts from out- siders which will be necessary for the completion of the project." ROME. - A bust of Mussolini in civilian clothes, will adorn bank notes of various denominations which are soon to be issued by the Bank of Italy. SPECIAL Each Tuesday and Wed- nesday SHAMPOO, MARCEL AND BOB CURL $1.25 HILDA ARNST Bertine Beauty Shoppe 1111 South University Ave. Phone 3839 ' UT T T 1fi of women, and Miss Grace Richards,! assistant dean of women. The teas will be in honor of the women who are returning to their native countries after 'the close of the semester. In- vitations have been sent to all oriental women on the campus. Gertrude Welch, '28, and Iona Idd- ings, '27, are in charge of the arrange- ments for the affair, which will be in- formal. Many of the Oriental women on the Michigan campus are Barbour scholars, and in 'this way are enabled to secure a university education, which, when they return to their na- tive country, they either apply prac- tically or 'teach to the students in the more advanced schools. Most of these foreign students spend the entire four years in the United States, returning to their homes at the expiration of this period. Girls' high schools in Japan are be- ginning to revolt against "arranged marriages." The girls voted that gov- ernment officials made the most de- sirable husbands, followed by business! men, thsn educatorssnext farmers, then physicians, and last of all army officers. The Fascist government has decided to admit women to the Italian Acad- emy of Immortals. Three women are to be admitted-Ada Negri, poet; Grazia Deledda and Matilde Serao, novelists.' Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. custom. Mothers' day comes this year on May 9, and the University of Michi- gan has dedicated the week-end of May 7-9 to its mothers. This period will afford opportunity for mothers to become acquainted with the life of the 'University. Mrs. W. D. Henderson, head of the alumnae campaign, in commenting on Mothers' week-end, expressed herself as decidedly in favor of the occasion. "The fact that the Union is sponsoring the general meeting for Mother's day, in conjunction with the Faculty Wo- men's club and other campus organi- zations, is especially praiseworthy. As soon as the League building is com- pleted, such activities can be spon- sored jointly by the Union and the League, which will bring about just that co-operation which has long been, sought." Mrs. Henderson's further opinion was that introducing the mothers to campus conditions will aid greatly toward securing their support in 'the campaign for a women's build- ing. Fraternities and sororities will soon hold open house over the coming week-end. Numerous house-parties and dances will be held in honor of the visiting mothers. Pi Beta Phi willj entertain with a cabaret dinner Friday night, while Alpha Chi Omega is plan- ning a vaudeville skit which is to con- tain a number of selections from the recent Junior Girls' play. Alpha Omi- cron Pi, in addition to a formal dinner! Friday night, will be hostesses of a breakfast which will be held on the banks of the Huron River. Alpha Chi Omega, Helen Newberry Win In Baseball Helen Newberry residence and Al- pha Chi Omega were the winners of the intramural baseball games played on Palmer field yesterday afternoon. The dormitory defeated Sigma Kappa with a score of 19 to 1, while the score with which Alpha Chi Omega defeated Zeta Tau Alpha was 16 to 15. The teams to be first at bat were Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha.J In the other games which were sche- duled to be played yesterday, Col- legiate Sorosis, Zone 4, and Kappa Alpha Theta defaulted, giving Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Gamma Delta, and Alpha Omicron Pi the privilege of continuing in the tournament. N OTICES I Theta Sigma will meet at 7:3 o'clock tonight at the Alpha Chi' Omega house. 1004 Olivia avenue. World fellowship commission of the Y. W. C. A. will meet at 3 o'clock BALBOA, C. Z. - The Panama goyv today in Newberry hall. ernment has voted $3,000 to continue Track practice today from 4 to 6 the assistance of German colonists at o'clock on Palmer field. Capira who are in difficulties because There will be a meeting of Black of crop failures and the prolongation Quill at 6 o'clock tonight. of the drouth. If You Want the Best in Beauty Culture Work, Visit the Vanity Beauty Shop! We are well prepared to give you the best service with our modern, up-to-date equipment and experienced operators. Permanent waves; Marcelling, Shampooing, Facials, Mani- curing, scalp treatments. For appointments, 'phone 5252 open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings, Vanity Beauty Shop 206 NEW KRESGE BLDG. SCIENTIFICALLY SELECTED AND PREPARED FOODS Hours: 11:00-1:30 5:00-8:00 Corner Liberty and Maynard " .. ' r " 'sy i a ors, .1- ^F' '.'O DE LUXE ICE CREAM -the Perfect Dessert T HIS new ice cream creation has won great favor as a dinner dessert. Every- body loves its wholesome richness, perfect flavor and creamy smoothness. It's factory packed in pint cartons for home use. Surprise your family at dinner to- night-treat them to this triumph in ice cream quality.. Choose your favorite flavor De Luxe Vanilla, De Luxe Chocolate, De Luxe Fresh Strawberry. Ask Your ~Dealer' Arctic Dairy Products Company: ** MICHIGAN ' 1 aE 4'~et o~ Mother's Day, May 9 Of Course, You Are Going To Remember Nother Betsy Ross Candies attractively packed in beautiful Moth- er's Day Gift Boxes are the ideal re- 11 i. F membrance. Many kinds. All prices. s r, 3 4 M Order your box today. We pack, wrap and mail. Betsy Ross Shop , .{ ' ' I i \\ rr '1 t J __. ....... .......... 1 r ry I- - 'I. C-" b, I I - 1 ^k Hair Uutting to Suit Personality Special on Monday and Tuesday Shampoo and Wave $1.25 MISS FANDREI MIRROR BEAUTY PARLOR Cutting Apartments State at Monroe Dial 735 I For $1.00 White Swan will clean and press your suit --- make it like new --- guarantee 11 K r---6 .-r " - 4 - . III you satisfaction. At Charming Windsor chairs and rockers, in the early American ma+er Tie Chair $18.00 The Rocker- $19.00 f i NOT Cheap- NOT an Experiment -Eighth Season Almost nine weeks of First Class Educational European Travel, for a SMALL group of women. Accompanied by a Traveling Courier. Expert local guides. Educational directors. Chaper- ones for the unattended girls. Miss Louise Holden of Wells- Icy. Mr. VanToor, formerly of the U. S. diplomatic service in Italy and Paris. the Press Building Station. Dial 21816 Very large reductions The quaint and lovely simplicity of early Colonial days is masterfully interpreted by Karpen in these Windsor chairs and rockers. .With handwoven fiber seats, they are as rugged as their ancestry. And their extremely low prices during Karpen Week are matched by similar reductions on fur. niture of every kind and description, pieces and Ssuitesfor living room, library, hall, and sun-room.' All under-priced, to give much more than the generous value for which Karpen furniture is famous. Now is the time to make all your dreams of home-making come true. But come early, be. fore, stocks are depleted. All special reductions 'its like thtis*. Mere quantity in eating counts for little. Only the food you assim- ilate builds bodily health and strength. Beyond this point food can be actually harmful. is not only 100% digestible but furnishes all the BRAN, CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS SALTS and VITAMINS of the good whole wheat, balanced as Nature intended for the highest degree of nutriment. If you need energy, if you need roughage, if you desire new bodily health and mental I I I I 11