')PAGE 1IWO J THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 4, 192u ~'AGE ~ TUE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1926 WORLEY DEPICTS TRAVEL METHODSi~ P-art-Time Lecturer Portrays Close Relation Between Transportsa- tion Aidd National lWelfaire j AT THlE THEATEUS I To ay--Skreen Arcade-- "Th e Untamed Lady," 1 with Gloria Swanson. PLAN VEICUiLRTUNNEL UNDER DETROIT, Hill plans of t he Det roit River ubway Inc.., top building vehicu-lar and stre, ralwayv tunniels under the D~etro g iver betfween Dletroit. and Winlds( f I :A M~ajestic - "Tram?, Tramp," with Harry don. Tlramnp, Lang- It I01N'A.-Charles R. IMerrick, who is coipleting heis first term as senator from the 18th district. is seeking the; Republican nomination as senator. L A SINC-.--Bastain Somits, secre- tary of the state wselfarP, comnmission,' a U iioU Ii ''( his resignation todlay. Read the Want Adts Irving Warmohts, D S* C ORTHOPEDIST 7017 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 1" '1 CighCold clothesI SS EXTRA MONEY FO* LARCE SIZES SSI S1 Extra far Stlt. Brotught to the Store ID N 0l. MO CHKYDIALN551 { STEAMSHIP I TICKETS FOR ALL Ll fS - - TOURS, CRU;S, FIRST, SECOND, CABIN, TOURISTS S)11111 ESPECIALLY Phn 2,or wkte 661 E Hluron Street t. . K ELERI Steamnship Aevt. ANN A[53'OR Patronize Dally Advertisers.-Adv.} .. #: G. ,.. t " .,..,;,; Novm Showing ~rt--"be ea 3~%,' jj 1 I ere nmade known here todiay by Burt' USES LANTERN SLIDES 'ur~--Te;e ~ , i1 Jonarryr ore and Doocres, Cady, of Port Huron, attorney f0or the Potaigtecoecneto ~-I Costello. .(c? ranization. Potryigthcoeonetine The corp~oration yesterday appeared tween transportation and national before the Michigan Public Utilities welfare, Prof. John S. Worley, part!" CtroisionatLasinaad ake t time lecturer of the civil engineering brikel tper-"Tris , 'msite on atleansigleI sked tno 'department, gave a. resume of thie ear-' I by Garricl: Stoc: with AUwnPri~e ofleatce ficr 1y y stages of American land and water Hlarding and Roilo Peter s. poration in this state withr a capitali- (~raei nadesbfr e ation of $1,000,000. The utilities comn- ~~rs yesterday ~~Shubert Lafayette (Detroit) issose~ce oatwti h 'krof igthe department "mesraien"day!ti - netxt few weeks on the concern's ap- With the assistance of lantern ;' Wieie lietasottomehdoftei - - Let Tihe Daily sell it for you thiru' Revolutionary, period were shown IMfoiiayl' Casiie clmns-Av f o be meagre and wholly inadlequate, Bonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)--I ______ to meet the needs of the people. In-TeSuwMn, ihWl teriial travel was limited b)y pooravrsan. IGUET, PRICER PAID FOR roads--and the number of equipages in 41hf 1L~I.' existence at that time.,M'nos U e lohn After describing the succeeding 'de-1trin Kae N. ~ hns rytop ~ ay6hrATCEOVL Telopmrents, Professor WorleyT narrat-t r~eupe ihtv 'tsfi STUDENT TMiLOR SHOP ed the settlement of the United State"sninuiio adz w crsfo ofin hone 804U Cor. N. UhMv. & Thayer from 1800 to 1830, which, lead to aj great demand for internal improve-__________________ ments culminating ill the construction I "Aflationalinstitution r- 7, +ECost to (C4stO of the transcontinental railroads. By I___________ 1830, a comp rehensive systenm of+ transportation had been developed; hc nlde h-otl ies h ishissincldle ca rivers, the et lakes, and the internal highways and canals. In his recture which will be givenI at 11 o'clock today in roonm 311 of theI West .engineering building, Professor -Worley will complete the resume of " the development of American trans-1 p c a portation systems. Sp ecIII~lhItIIia~l A 3000 Symil Hike The Gulliver of Glee HARRY' L LNGDON; I '. rc one of our O ATS p ec ial 'ies. ._ 0 I I ---t 1-- A dticd Bill "TRAMPT TRAMP, TRA MP4;" "TAKE THIS BOSE" 31argar ret ason, Orgain t' Frank Rlyan, Tenor BROWN' SrAXO-SIX D "RA ISIN' CAIN" Contedy D "New Aesop Fable Cartoon Kinograins -Pattlhe R'iew Comning Thursday Barbara It is a pleasure to receive your shirts back from the MOE LAUNDRY. They are folded so neatly-laundered so well-and are so soft and white. I I La Marr. IN "The Girl from M\'ontmnartre" THE MOE LAUNDRY 4' M . Cost And Use Of Student Cars Is Found By Class[ As a project in sociological re- search, members of the class conduct- ed by Robert C. Angell of the sociol- egy department, have compiled stat-1 istics concerning the value, upkeep, cost and use of cars owned by stu- dents. Several hundred students wereI interviewed to gather this Informa-! tion. The estimated value average of 227, cars way $510.22. This figure, one 1 itudent in the class intimated, was too high, since many gave nearer the cost price than the actual present ialuation. Among 7J cars given to students by their parents, the value!I was about $200_higher than the gen- (eral average. The average cost of cars earned by students was $219.23, and that of the cars used temporarily isnd occasionally by students $1,180. In the former class 123 cars owners were interviewed and in the latter class 29. It was found that thte average monthly expense of cars given to stu-1. 0,ents was $18.14, of the cars earned 1)y students $13.46, and of tile cars, in temporary use here $20.29. Fig- f agres obtained from students whose citrs have been given thenm indicate that the average car is driven 589.91 illles per nmonthI, and the average of the cars earned by students is driven' ,372.2 miles inl the samle period of time.. When 235 students were asked it " they had an urgent need for a car, 47 grave business reasons, 107 claimed that'they visited their respective fam- ilies almost every week-end, two had iphysical disabilities. 12 are living out- I. side of town, and seven said it was n1ecessary ini student activities. Al- t hough all admitted their cars were usqed in part for pleasure, 179 gavel vleasur'e as the only excuse for hav- ing a car at school. Patronize D)aily Advertisers.-Adv.I PRICES frLadies and Men's Clothes 'AID SAME[fIL1JS/Q b~ t-b.i orSnit r "' L 121 EAnn Call 063, White Oxford Shirts at 204 North Main St. Dial 391 6 I I S U Adolphe MENJOU "A Social - - Celebrity" ! ! . I Y D v I I I , " I " I. I ' i. I , - I I . I , 1 11 , 'I , , , - I I 1"p, 1 1, , " 1;1'1111 - , munto 11 1 i - I .,. - I,," 195 - 3 for $575 English GolfHose Special $300 the pair No Way Tovoer pi Znsighdly Srs BetterHaeT m Neatludee 319 SOUTH MAIN ST. Opposite Wuerth Theatre. I 11 .. ' l.... mmmmmw ' Mmum .h. i i I f i l om- ~i4wlr4wlv4mw4w 1 + I f FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANKI 101-105 S. MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICH.--330 S..STATE I kc, I 'By 1 1 l T JAN THERE'S JUST ONE SURE ROAD -THAT'S SAVING A PART OF EARN AND ALLOWING IT TO ACE AT COMPOUND INTEREST. OVEF OF YEARS THE RESULTS ARE AS' BEGIN TODAY--THIS BANK WILL FO SUCCESS WVHAt You CUMULATE ~A PERIOD HELP YOU. ii 5 14 E. William Street m U ,,: