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May 04, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 158





r w re w nrrr


Conclusions Reached By Educational
Committee Also Given,-Ichigan
Graduates More Successful I
Consideration was given to a study
of engineering college graduates, their
earnings, and their relation to college
curricula at the engineering faculty
meeting yesterday afternoon follow-
ing a comprehensive committee report
on the subject by Prof. A. E. White,
head of the engineering research de-
Following the outline of a similar
report for the entire United States by
the Society for the Promotion of En-
gineering Education, the sub-commit-
tee headed by Professor White obtain-
ed information particularly respective
to the University by gathering ques-
tionnaires from several hundred Mich-
igan graduates. In general, the re-
turns indicated the same trends at
the University which were found at
other colleges and universities by the
national report, the variations being
for the most part differences in degree
'rather than differences in viewpoint.,
Of particular interest, in view of the
recent establishment of a five year
curricula including more cultural and
business subjects, were the comments
of graduates with respect to modifica-
tions of the curriculum. They call
for more cultural studies, in addition
to a lengthening of the college course.
The conclusions reached by the sub-
committee which is one of four on
engineering education under the gen-
eral chairmanship if Prof. J. Rayleigh
Nelson, of the engineering English de
partment, are summarized as follows:
In -regard to the number of positions
held since graduation, the architects,
who are grouped with the engineering
graduates in this study, are the most
active in changing positions within
the first year and one half out of col-
lege, while the mechanical engineer-
ing graduates are most conservative.
In general, Michigan graduates vary
little from the average of all colleges.
"Two thirds of the engineering col-
e g e graduates secure positions
through the college or individual
members of the faculty, through the
solicitation of employers, or through
connections formed by the students
before graduation, in the order named.
This proportion is in substantial
agreement with the result of the na-
tional canvas."
Average earnings for engineering
college graduates are 1,850 for the
first year out and $2,050 for the sec-
ond year after graduation. Compari-
son of the national report with the
results obtained by the local commit-
tee as well as statistics supplied by
industrial concerns show that Michi-
gan graduates are materially more
successful than the average graduates
of other technical colleges and uni-
MOSCOW. - Russia's signing of a
treaty with Germany is expected to
accelerate greatly the conclusion of
a series of agreements of amity and
neutrality with all countries touching
the Russian border, except possibly

j As a preparatory feature for
Spring games next Friday and
Saturday, pep meetings of both
the sophomore and freshman
classes were announced yester-
day by Joseph Finn, '26, chair-
man of the games, at which time
captains will be elected and
rules outlined to govern the
coming events. 'Khe fresbman
class will hold its pep meeting
at the spring banquet to be held
at the Union at 6:15 o'clock to-
morrow night under the auspic-
es of the underclass depart-
ment, and will also elect a cap-
tain at this time. The sopho-
mores will assemble at 5 o'clock
Thursday afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium for the same
Plans for the two-day struggle
were completed by the Spring
games committeeof the Student
council last night. The tradi-
tional tug-of-war will as usual
be the singular event scheduled
for Friday afternoon, and will
take place at the customary spot
over the Huron river at 3:30
o'clock. The sophomores will
congregate in front of Water-
man gymnasium before the ev-
ent while the freshmen will as-
semble in front of the Union,
both classes marching to the
scene of the struggle en masse.
There will be 3 tugs again this
year, two between teams of 50
'men each, and the third be-
tween the entire classes.





More Than 200 Students Will Be Cited
For Excellence In Scholarship
Tomorrow Morning
Michigan's third annual Honors con-
vocation, at which more than 200 stu-
dents will be cited for excellence in
scholarship, and the holders of Uni-
versity .scholarships and fellowships
accorded recognition, will take place
at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning in
Hill auditorium. Dr. Lynn Harold
Hough, pastor of the Central Methodist
Episcopal church, of Detroit and for-
mer president of Northwestern univer-
sity, will give the convocation address.
Dr. Hough has been engaged in min-{
isterial work for 21 years, six of which
have been spent in educational work.
He has been a professor of historical
theology at Garrett Bible institute, and
later for a period, the president of
Northwestern university. His ser-
1nons at the Detroit church have been
broadcast for the past three years.
He has traveled widely and has re-
sided for brief periods in Europe. He
is the author of approximately 20
books dealing with a diversity of sub-
jects and is well known as an able
and forceful speaker.
Students, who will be given recog-j
nition, have been selected from the
senior classes of all colleges of the
University. All students in the upper"
ten per cent of the class and who have
maintained an average of "B" or bet-
ter will be recognized. Recipients of
fellowships, scholarships, special
awards, medals, and unusual honors
will be included.
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, of the Grad-
uate school wlil preside. The Uni-
versity Glee club will give a selec-
tion. Phillip LaRowe, S. of M., will be
at the organ and The Yellow and The
Blue will be sung by the audience.
Invitations to the honor students
have been received by them. The in-;
Ivitation reads: "In recognition of your
superior scholastic attainments during
I your attendance at the University of
Michigan you have been designated
as an honor student at the third an-
nual Honors convocation to be held
in Hill auditorium on Wednesday, May,
5, 1926, at 11 o'clock." A special sec-
tion in the center of the auditorium
will be reserved and the faculty will
be seated upon the stage. Academic
costumes will not be worn. A full
list of the students to be honored willf
be published in tomorrow's Daily.-
All University classes will be dis-
missed for the hour.
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Sum-
mer session, arrived in Ann Arbor
I wtordav innrnin fnlowing a three

Hayden Lauds Speaker As "BriliaT
Editor And Author; One Who
Inspires Confidence"
England's political and industrial
situation will be viewed by Sir A.
Frederick Whyte, former president of
the Legislative assembly of India, in
the first of aseries of three lectures
to be given at 4:15 o'clock today in
Natural Science auditorium. Sir
I Frederick will also speak tomorrow
and Friday, as well as delivering the
Commencement address.!
Through a change in the original
announcement of subjects for the lec-
tures, Sir Frederick will discuss "Eng-
land's Outlook, Political and Indus-
trial" today, "The Political Awakening
of Asia" tomorrow, and "Nationalism
'and British Rule in India" Friday,
instead of the titles given in Thurs-
day's Daily.
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of the poli-
tical science department, in a recent
article, gives the following comments
on Sir Frederick's work in introduc-
ing the British parliamentary meth-
ods to the Indian assembly. Speaking
of the new system inaugurated at Sir
Frederick's accession to the leadership
of the legislature, he says "Sir A.
Frederick Whyte, will known to many
Americans as one of the founders of
"The New Europe," as a brilliant edi-
tor and author, and as a lecturer on I
political subpects, is spokesman for
the view that the experiment is suct-
cesful. To his task in India he
brought an intimate knowledge of the
procedure of the Mother of Parlia-
ments, gained during eight years' dis-
tinguished service in the House of
Commons, as well as all the excep-
tional personal qualifications required .
in his unique position. The attitude
of the members toward him may be
described as indicating confidence and
liking combined with a wholesome re-
Sir Frederick was a liberal member)
of the House of Commons from 1910
to 1918. He was at one time a lec-
turer at the Sorbonne in Paris, later
a special commission on industrial in-
surance at Vienna, and served in the
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves dur-
ing the war. After the war he was
editor of the newly founded "New Eu-
rope," and attended the Peace Confer-
ence at Paris as a special correspond-
ent. He has written several works on
diplomacy and international politics.
The speaker will be the guest of
honor at a reception tonight in the
Clements library, when Randolph G.
Adams, custodian, will give the first
public exhibition of the recently ac-
quired Clinton and Greene papers.
Mimes To Give
S. S. Glencairn'
As Final Play
Eugene O'Neill's "S. S. Glencairn".
which opens tomorrow night in the
Mimes theater as the final production
of the season, will mark the first pro-
duction of this cycle of sea plays out-
side of New York city, where it was
produced last fall by the Provincetown
Players. The local performance, along
with "Beyond the Horizon" produced
by Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the pub- i
lic speaking department, two years
ago, will be the first complete presen-
tation of an O'Neill work at the Uni-

The entire production is under the
direction of E. Mortimer Shuter, and
the large cast, selected according to
type from all classes on the campus,
includes Donald Lyons, '26, William
MacVay, '26M, Kenneth King, '27, Lo-
rain Norton, '28, Abraham Sachs, '28,
Leonard Hall, '27, and Paul Samson,
Original music for each' act has been
composed by Milton Peterson, '27L.
the author of the 1927 Michigan Union
opera, while the costumes have been
furnished by Van Horn and company
of Philadelphia. The settings for the
Steamer "Glencairn" have been execut-
ed by Frederic MacPherson from
sketches by Leonard Hall, '27.
The theme of "S. S. Glencairn" con-
cerns the mixed crew-of sailors on v
British tramp steamer, and presents
with typical realism the rough comedy
and drama of their lives. The selection
of this O'Neill work has heen =)nnevd

",January Weather" Fails To Preveni
Athletes From Staging
Brilliant Contest
By Joseph Kruger
It was zero weather at Ferry field
yesterday afternoon, but this did not
prevent Michigan and Indiana from'
engaging in an interesting baseball
encounter that went to the Wolverines
4-1, with Peter Jablonowskj, excused
from his duties at third base for the
day, playing the hero role as pitcher.
Jablonowski paid no attention to
the weather. He went about his task
as if a burning sun were overhead,

and as a result last year's Western LIIlLUII111 U J
Conference champions found the Wol-
veiine hurler for but five safe hits, all ROA
of them of the one base variety, and
but one in any single inning. In ad-F
dition, eight of the Hoosiers went out
via the three strike route. Former Amherst President Addresses
Opposin'g Jablonowski, was one Vo- rrst C eni' s
SFirst Of Council's Sunday
jeth, ace of the Indiana pitching corps,
and the visiting moundsman engaged
the Michigan star in a pitching duel
for eight innings that would have been ! CALLS SOCIETY DULL
brilliant with ideal weather conditions
prevailing. Characterizing the youth of America
Vojeth allowed nine hits, but five of as saying "you ought not to use thej
these nine came in one inning, the word ought" in rebelling against the
sixth, after two men were out, when mention of moral obligations,. Dr.
five successive batsmen hit safely, I Alexander Meiklejohn, former presi-
and as a result Michigan scored four dent of Amherst college and at pres-
runs, her total for the contest. The ent a member of the Wisconsin fac-
Indiana twirler started the Wolver- ulty, stated that youth is "incoherent",
ines on their scoring spree when he but that from just such a condition
hit Edgar, this being the third time in in Greece did Socrates arise to bring
two games that the Wolverine back- about an intellectual awakening. Aj
stop has been hit by a pitched ball. "Golden Age" which will surpass that
Then things began to happen. Don of Greece may result from this in-
Miller sent a beautiful single to cen- I coherency, in the opinion of Dr, Mei-
ter field, and Puckelwartz followed j klejohn.
with a single past the keystone sack, I "The failure of individuals to take
sending Edgar across the home plate life in is one of the more destructive{
with the first run of the game. Kubi- things in society today," he said. "By
cek then landed on' the ball for the dullness, we are reducing life to 'men
only extra base hit of the contest, a and mud', like the professor who, in
two bagger, that permitted Miller and viewing a football game, sees only
P uckelwartz to score. the men and the mud and none of the
(Continued on Page Six) game itself." Dr. Meiklejohn gave
-four salient points in a code of morali-
Clas y ' ty which had served him and which
4 Cl s y9 y 7Edq he recommended to all; taste, objectiv-

Premier Stanley Baldwin
Rmrlvlrlnum nn e

Unable To Pacify
Union Spokesmen


Council Also Names Candidates
Next Year's Student Offices;
14 Are Nominated

Last Hour Negotiations With
Spokesmen Fail To Halt
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, May 4.-A general strike in all the great industries through-
out the country began at midnight. It affected close to 5,000,000 workers,
including more than a million miners, who had already given up their labors
in the coal fields.
Another day of suspense, of hopes and fears, ended with a complete
breakdown of last hour negotiations between the government and repre-
sentatives of the trades union congress, who had been delegated as spokes-
men for all the men.
Throughout the day and night, every effort was put forward to bring
about an agreement, and even at a late hour, there was promise of renewal
of the negotiations, which' gave the anxious nation hope that a way out would
be found.
The final coniferences developed out of the debate in the House of Com-
mons, but it is still difficult to ascertain exactly what happened in the House,
although it is Believed that Premier Baldwin and the other ministers had
further interviews with the negotiating committee of the trades union council.
The debate in the Commons adjourned about 11:30 P. M. with nothing
accomplished and large crowds remained assembled outside the Parliament
buildings awaiting the final announcement.
The scenes at Westminister were reminiscent of July, 1914. Downing
street was completely impassable, and the crowds lining both sides of Bridge
street, leading to the houses of Parliament, and Parliament Square itself,



Registration days for voting at the
annual Spring elections, which will be
held Wednesday, May 12, were an-
nounced by the Student council last
night as Thursday and Friday of this
week. Nominations for senior and
junior councilmen were also made by
the nominating committee last night.
Candidates for election to the college
councils of the literary college, engi-
nerring college, Law school, Medical
school and dental college will be

were estimated at many thousands.
Silently, but anxiously, watching the
comings and goings of the members of
Parliament and other prominent per-
A. J. Cook, secretary of the Miners
Federation, on leaving the precincts
of the House, shortly before midnight,
said to newspapermen:
"They have failed; the general
strike is on tomorrow.".
Similar scenes were witnessed
around the headquarters of the trades
union congress in Eccleston Square,
which, throughout the evening, was
beseiged by volunteers offering their
services. Late in the evening, from
the room where the council was sit-
ting, came the strains of "glory glory,
hallelujah!" and the singing continued
for several minutes.
It seems as if a general stoppage
of the press will be immediate, as
many of the London papers were able
Ito issue only early editions for the
country, the printers quitting at mid-
All the war time routine measures


Applications for nomination to
offices of the Union must be filed
at the main desk of the Union,
with William L. Diener, '26, pres-
ident, or Richard Barton, '26,
some time today. The nominat-
ing committee will meet tonight
for the purpose of nominating
candidates for the offices of Un-
ion president, a vice-president
representing the Literary school,
Engineering school, Law school,
Medical school and Dental school,
and a recording secretary.
All petitions for nomination
must bear the signatures of at
least 200 students, and must be
filed with the recording sec-
retary, Barton, by 9 o'clock next
Saturday morning.

Wins Current.
Events Prize
Out of a large field of contestants,
Everett M.. Claspy, '27Ed., won the
preliminary examinat ion in the New
York Times current events contest
which was held Saturday, it was an-,
nounced yesterday by the committee
in charge. Claspy will represent the
University in the final test May 15,
when the winning students from the
eleven universities competing are to
try for a prize of $500 and a gold
medal. The prize for the local win-
ner was $250.
Lloyd W. Bartlett, '27, of Ann Ar-
bor, took second place, while Elliotf
H. Moyer, '28, of Detroit was. third.-
The winning grade was 87 per cent.-
U UloLb U .
Sponsored by Galens, junior honor-
ary medical society, the annual all-j
medic smoker will be held at 7 o'clock'
tonight at the Mimes theater. The af-
fair will begin with a number of danc-!
ing and musical acts followed by "As
We See It" a farcical clinic given by
medical students in which prominent
faculty members will be burlesqued.
The take-offs on the faculty men will
be, as in past years, the feature of
the smoker.s
Following the skit, the gathering
will retire to the Union ballroom
where speeches will be given by Dean
Hugh Cabot, Prof. Carl Eberbach,
Prof. Max Peet, and Prof. Preston M.
Dr. Raul Briquet, prolessor of clip-1
ical ohrtricN 1t the Universit or '

ity, common sense and friendliness.
Dr. Meiklejohn believes that there is
a moral obligation in the field of
thinking, that the public should be
taught to decide what they ought to
think about. Since the professor and
the scholar ha refused to make the
decision, the leaders of industry had
attempted to make it for them, but, to
use the speakers words, "they aren't:
competent to decide." He thinks "that
the American nmind is an exceedingly
f clever one, but thinks about the wrong
thing." The American mind failed
miserably to rise to the occasion in
the crisis which resulted in the Civil
war and also in the World war situa-
tion because it couldn't think straight.
Another evidence of this he found
in the fact that Americans spent more
for tobacco than for education, that
morals and education are carried on
like smoking-from force of habit.
Two principles which Dr. Meikle-I
john considered tantamount in form- I
ing a moral code for life are: first,
that it is the duty of every man to
increase the expression of good in life,
j and secondly, that every man should
measure the value of things in life.
The measurements should be made
within ourselves by means of common
Fofensic Society
Will Banquet At
Union Tomorrow
Formal initiation and banquet of
I Delta Sigma Rho, national forensic
society, will be held at 5:30 o'clock
tomorrow night in the Union.
Thirteen students who have repre-
'sented the University in intercol-
legiate contests will be taken into the
organization. They are: Thomas V.
Koykka, '27, Philip N. Krasne, '27,
Harry L. Gervais, '27, John 0. Yeast-
ing, '27, John Elliott, '26, James T.
Herald, '28, Raymond Olson, '27,
Emanuel J. Harris, '27, Robert S. Mil-
ler, '27, Margaret Dutton, '26, Gerald-
ine Knight, '26, Margaret Henckle, '26,
and Josephine Garst, '26.
Gervais has been selected to speak
Snt+ the hnnaunt in hohn i ha ini i-

chosen by the nominating

committee so far


tomorrow, whle nominations for the
presidency of the council will be nam-
ed later this week.
Petitions for nomination to all of-
fices of the council, bearing signatures
of at least ten per cent of the men in
each school or college of the Univer-
sity, must be addressed to the "Secre-
tary of the Student Council" and left
at the main desk of the Union by next
Saturday noon. In accordance with
the constitution of the council no stu-
dent may be nominated to the presi-
dency by petition, however.
Registration will take place between
9 and 2:30 o'clock Thursday and be-
tween 9 and 1:30 o'clock Friday.
Booths will be established in the mid-
dle of the diagonal opposite the' li-
brary for literary students; at the endI
of the diagonal at State street for lit-
erary and law students; and at the en-
gineering arch for all engineering stu-
dents. Students in all professional
schools except the Law school will be
given opportunity to register in their_
The following were nominated for
senior councilmen: James Boyer, '27,
Theodore Hornberger, '27; Walter
Kuensel, '27E; Fred Glover, '27; Rus-
sell Baker, '27E; Lawrence Buell,
'27E; and Robert DeVore, '27.
The junior council candidates were
named as follows: Henry Grinnell,
'28; Robert Leland, '28; Matthew Hud-
son, '28; Carlton Champe, '28; Ed Cul-
verwell, '28E; John Snodgrass, '28E;
and Francis Norquist, '28E.
I -
Two days' activities of, the police
department in an attempt to enforce
a stricter observance of the traffic
ordinances of the city resulted in more
than 50 arrests, according to Thomas
O'Brien, chief of police. Traffic prob-
lems are greatly increased during this;
time of the year, he said, because of
the number of student cars being driv-

1 eing

there will probably be wartime regu-
lations for the protection of the pub-
lic. Theater managers held a meet-
ing last night to discuss whether they
should close down during the strike
period, but no decision was reached.
A. J. Cook, in a statement, said:
"The government right up to the last
has taken the side of th'e owners, and
has interpreted the royal commission's
report to mean an immediate reduc-
tion of wages for the miners. That
we have refused to accept and will
continue to refuse by the help of the
whole trades union movement.
"The only terms of peace that Ore
possible are terms that will insure
the status quo for the miners in the
coal fields while reorganization is tak-
ing place."
Only one evening paper published
in London yesterday. All the other
papers suffered from printers' strikes.
"We seem to be blundering ikto civil
strike, much as the weary diplomats
blundered into the Great War," said
the Star. "We shall 'muddle through',
but at what cost."
Invitations May
Be Ordered- Today
Orders for senior announcements,
50 cents, and invitations, 10 cents,
will be taken from 2 to 4 o'clock this
afternoon in the office adjacent to the
lobby in Alumni Memorial hall. This
is the last time that orders will be
received, the committee announced

; ,

as concerns vital supplies are
putino ffctatone anti

Seniors, taking out Union life
memberships, are urged by El-
liott Chamberlain, '27, chairman
of the Union life membership
committee, to make final pay-
ments before graduation in June.
In past years many seniors
either neglect their payments en-
tirely after they have left the



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