"VI)AY, :MAY '2, 1926 STVIF MICHIGAN DAILY PAGI LrV1!rlq s -- .., low DETROIT CAPTURES ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 1.-Errors and b~ases on balls added t~o 14 hits, gave Detroit a victory over the St. Louis Browns here today in the third game .of the series. Holloway was hit freely as showil by the 10 hits amassed by Sisler's mien, but he was effective in the pinch- es, allowing only two scores, one each in the four th and sixth innings. 1 Sisler chose Milton Gaston to work on the mound 'and Gaston held the! 'tigers to oneO run in the first five inn-. is.In the sixth frame, howvr theo Cobbmen went on a batting spree! i,;ich resulted in their scoring 101 runs in the ist four innings of the game. Jonnard, who followed Gaston when the latter was sent. the xshiowcrs, was also hit freely. Five err or,, coupled with wildness of their itchers, was directly responsible for the Browns downfall as well as Detroit batsmen. The score: ER. H. Detroit...... 100 (03 214-il 14 j St. Louis ..00 101 000- 2 10 Detroit-Holloway an, Bassler. St. Louis-Gaston, 4on us i, Schang. *Other gamnes: * . ENati oial League R. -3 th2. !R. H.I. E. TEI.IT>I. Wis.-~ When wordl w tg Isu, i itt St. Louis . .. 040 120 010- 8 14 0' spreatd over the campus that Tommy1 r . - kat LE. C' : >ago .........030 15*-I1 14 '0 Mills, veteran athletic director and , p Ir A.~ urrta t I 4 3 St.LlOuis -Rhea i, . . eene atld ' coach at Beloit college, was about to ____________________________ 05 ; O'Farriell. resign, a mass meeting was held and(I If you are a telephone subscriber' call Jimmie Chbi 7~(r' ~e 'ic ,> u nistudents petitioned Mills not to fore- the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want Ad an (oussles. skh'coo.Mlsmde10dcs The Michigan Daily reserves the right #o I NOTICE NOTICE Ii ELIA BLE r A nir Philadelphia . 000 0010 Brooklyn . . .. 100 001 Philadelphia-Mitchell 010- 000- and Hen] Chicago ....ii l. Cleveland . .. 24 31 Ch'licago---lx 4i!and 'Schalk. line .r Ceveland--Sh: L. Sewell. ion. wicztil Lagri;e Let The Dailysellitforyou th- I''the Classified colmuns.-Adv. 02 000 204-9 14 1 y___________________ .401 00)0 000-G 9 0' r, Thomias, Connally SA'L'ESMEN'" wanted by large manu- facturer to sell patented NO 4PUL- OUT SHIRTS direct to consumer on saute, Ulle, Smtith, andl liberal commission basis. Many salesmen making $10.00 and $25.00 -per dlay. rGood opportunity to earn R. IH. 1. money during vacation period on 01 000 000-1 7 r o2 part or full time. Sample line free. 00 000 000-4 6 1 Apply NONPULOUT SHIRT CO., T n Box 96, Hazleton, Pa. classify all wvant ads under appropriate head. ings and to revise or withhold objectionable copy. This column closes at 3 P. M. hate preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second' insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more insertions. Cash classifieds received at "the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RAT£S Special standardized' rates given: on applica- tion. CARS 31 FI(AIJ iNSTRLI3INT IJAR(GAI NS USED) B~rooklyn-Va nce and IDeherry. Cincinnati.. Pittsburgh.. Cincinti- Pittsburgh- G oocl). 000 002 020 000 -Lucas Rjnd -M~orrison, 000- 10 * _ Picin Krei It. IT. E. -2 1 0 2Vash, ngtoa .C( New York . .. V ith. 80 1125 FORD COUPE Wire wheels, Bumpers, special headSaphe..........$9 : : t LOSTj 11101 r end ashiington-Reuther, and Ruel. New York---Hoyt andI Collins. H. I I R.I1 New York .. 030 010 000--4 Roston....... 200 000 003-5 INew York-DRing, Green field Hartley. Boston-Cooney and Sienjler. I. 12 11TBoston......10001 11 1 2 iii(PIA t.(00 1 ()( 000-2 .1 7 E. 1 dl DIAMONDS V~ WDIGRINGS HALLER'S ,fr State Street jewelers I: and iostonf-Winnfild dand Bischoff. I Philadellphia-Rommel and Coch- 'LOST-Smiall tan pocket purse Wed- nesday night, near Mimes Theatre. Reward. Phone 3864. 55-56-57 LOST-Small green gold :pencil, Wed- nesdlay in vicinity of, Lit Library., Finder call 6845. Reward. 57-58. LOST-A slide rule. Name S. 'B. Preston on corner. Call 21928. 57-58-59 LOST-A_ gold fountain pen with Eleanor engraved on barrel. Lost in Angell Hall or on State and Huron. -Call 21055. Reward. 57-58-59. lights, heater, motor In perfect con- dition., Price is right. SEE Ii Now! Tenor Banjo ...................$2 Banjo Uke ...... ........$7 Victrolas............... ........$IJ i I 1923 FORD COUPE U i S t e Z ,1 . w A E EA ;r LOST - In Angell Hall, a small purse and pair of gloves. Call 21069. Reward. 56-57-58. F01%SALE Tires new, motor A-i condition.' finish very good. 924 CHEVROLET SEDAN Mileage very low, tires very good, lots of extras.I_ Buy on our easy plan University Muic House . JVeI _ G"otnedAff y S FOR SALE-Ford touring and Ford' speedster for sale cheap. Call 6957.1 56-57-58. FOR SALE Remington PortAble Typewrlter B3ARGAIN Call 7643 after 7:30 p. m. Ask for Crit. 57-58 119 IN HIS FIRST APPEARS UPON THE HORIZON 4 L (-ta ., COME l.1-L~iNli i ri ' CA VC Vett t "~ 441 Put 'em on. Put on those laughing shoes and1E FOR SALE-Canoe-perfect condition,j complete equipment, $50. Dial 8717. 57. NOTICEI NOTICE-High grade clothes, customl tailored, latest styles, perfect fit, 1 $40 and up. C. T. Doukas, 1319 S. University. tf. F OUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING j When your pen fails to work prop- erly, remember that Rider's Pen Shop because of. its complete equipment backed by real Pen Makers service, is the logical place to have it corrected.] Every pen we repair, regardless off make, receives the same skillful at-f tention and all work is guaranteed. No waiting to have it sent to the fac- tory or what is worse, chance of -in- jury from inexperienced workman- ship. Rider's Pen Shop Tues., Thur., Sun.:tf. PIANO TUNING-By The Concert Ar- tist Piano Tuner. Your Piano tun -1 ing solicited. Costs no more than others. Dial 6776. Victor Allmen-, dinger, Office at Res., 901 Granger. Not with any music house. ATTENTION . Look over my line of samples for SPRING SUITS 2 pant suits made to measure, $37.50 T .X. Lyons, 5i15 E. Williamfs tf ! VICCTOR Record "Say it Again" "Lets #. Talk About My Sweetie" by Russo Oriole Orchestra, at Schaeberle and SoMusic House. - tf. Terms if desired It. It. ALBER 200 W. Huron Street Dodge Brothers Motor Cars A. NASH C. . , Golden Rule.Tailors Sprin I~tsand Topcoats g *28.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. WATCH 'REPAIRING SERiMCE Not howe cheap but How Good at a Reasonable Price. The Watch - Shop Edward A. Clark, 1121 S. University ~tf. FOUNTAIN{ PEN.l IK Buy your fountain pen ink at Riders Pen .Shop and you will get RE9AL ink, fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself in the paper and won't fade or entirely dis- appear after it has set when moisture is applied. Ink substitutes are dug- erous and spoil your pens. I RIDER'S PEN SilOP I Pen and Inkt Speciao iss06V S. State Tu. Tli, $un.-Of. IF YOU WANT REAL cleaning and pressing service at reasonable prices Mial 7514 CHEER UP WAIIL'S, 328 So. Main tf. DON'T miss having Victor Record "Billy Boy" by Frank Crumit, at- Schaeberle and Son M~usic House. tf. NOTICE-College men interested in summer employment interview in room, 431 Michigan Union until Thursday, May . 987 men had av- erage earnings of $61~3 per week during summer of 1925. Not a can- vassing job. B. S. Hagar. 55-56-57-58-59-60 $ WARDROBE TAILORS, Suits to order, $23.50 and up Suits cleaned and presed, $1.00 * pressed 35c Delivery service Phone 3242 200 E. Huron St. .. tf. Arnold's State St. Jeweler Is now carrying a complete line of fountain pens-all makes, all prices. IWhatever type you may need, come in and see us, wre can satisfy you. Arnolds -State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. if. NOTICE-Employmnent,-- Opportunity for ten men for summer.vacation employment. See Mr. Orth, 437 Maynard St. 56-57. WANTED GENTLEMAN-One of tie departments of one of the oldest and most honored educational institu- tions intihe country has several openings for students for -summer and . permanlent work. They must have 'gentlemanly, instincts with forceful personalities, ability, andl a genuine desire to succeed. Those men possessing these qualities can earn sufficient money this summer for the next college year. For more information send application to Box M1ichigan Daily. 54-57. 4 PANTED WANTED-Girls with selling exper.-- nce to assist from 11 to 1 o'clock daily. Apply office, second floor, Mack & Co. tf. WANTED-College students for sum- mer months, handling school guide in salesfield; healthy, enjoyable, re- fined positions; $245 for 70 days; $210 for 60 days. Phone Miss M. Krelleirtz, 21069 for appointment aft- er 5 P. M. 5-57-58. WANTED-Stenographers with sev- eral years' experience for full time work during July August, and September., Apply at Secretary's Office ,University Hall. 57-58-59. WANTMED-Experienced saleswomen fom 11 to 2 daily. Mack and Co. tf. FOB BENT FOR RENT-Furnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Phone 6368, running water and gas, all conven- iences. 57-58-59 FOR RENT-Costumes for rent and made to order. Mrs. Spaulding. 115 1-2 East Liberty St. 55-56-57-58 FOR RENT-Near campus, cozy three room apartment with bath, furnished or unfurnished, June 1st. Call Robbins, 4772. 53-54-55-56-57-8. FOR RENT-3 room furnished apart- ,ment,-for- light housekeeping, priv- ate -entrance, for summer and pres- ent school year. 510 Benjamin. Phone4974. 55-56-57. FOR RENT-3 furnished rooms $35 per month. New and desirable home. 313 Pauline St. Phone 6359. 55-56-5. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Patrilze Daily Advertisers.-Adv. ITI Q eiie along for a. three thousanid smnile hike with biavry Langdon-frorn coast to coast with the King of Comedians,.lie usedi to makze 'emi in two reels --now lhe's making thent In seven,.lie's joined the big league, lhe's swattinig out giggles ini big league sty le. 7 Reels of Uraiou un! With this super comedy Langdon takes his place with Chaplin, Lloyd, Keaton and others as a member of the exclusive ranks of the screen's fore- most comedians! In seven great reels of uproarious fun Langdon tells the story of a guy who entered a walking race to, raise the mortgage from the old home, with screaming -results ! and ON THE STAGE!~F THE ORIGINAL - I Good coffee always, when an electric percolator is used Special values in six and eight cup percolators this month $5.95 to $7.95 The Detroit Edison Sund-a-v at 2 :*5*4:r30-.7:15.9 :02 A~kPHolONE Modern Syncopation SIX i R, SPECIAL I)ELU'XE MIAJEI2'iC A DDED) FEATfURES Cornoanv -I- t a - a. w r. w.r w .. -. -- 'h W.....,um .t,. TL-' - * . r - .1A flew Ote o f the qk NA A TV C FTO'/ I E O A J I W , - I- I I I TENOR BANJO i