SU~1NDAY, MAY2, 1926 TJ-12 T~Ur A rhA i V irk a A' Vh Ami4,w4wm a 11_ 1i a I- 1 LHIL. PAGE ITl~HErS . *1T EII XEUUIIVE /OEE[KS FO URTH TER M iAlex Groesheck Becomes Candidate I "To Complete His Program" Of -Varied improvements "PI'C IES WELL KNOW}' N" (By Associated Press) D ZDETROIT, May 1.-Gov. Alex J. ",nroesb~eck today announced his can- didacy for a fourth term as chief executive of Michigan. A; desire to see to,,their completion programs .of highway, conservation, and agricultural, improvements .is giv- en =as the, reasoni the governor has de- cided to become a candidate again, he said.. The statement folliows: "The rapid growth -in population and the extraordinary development in all branches of commercial and indus- trial activity have placed us in a lead- ing and commanding position in the nation. This has been due primarily to the enterprise and industry of our citizens and their loyalty to the state. "It always has been my idea that state work should measure up to the demands of the times and appropriate- ly reflect the progressive sentiment of the people, and for five years my ob-. ject has been to make it so. During" that short period. the legislature has sensed the necessity of incorporating' in our statutes. the autbority and, ground-work, as it were, for placing public finances on a sound and perma- nent basis, without the imposition of onerous and unnecessary- taxes, pro- vide for the economical and efficient administration of departments, make the elected. officers responsible for, the proper management of state business, and to insure the early rehabilitation of all educations, charitable, and re- forinatory institutions, so that by ele- vating their standards of offieiency and service they would more adequate- ly reflect the purposes of their estab- lishment. "While the program along the lines indicated has not been completed, yet sufficient, has been accomplished to amply demonstrate the wisdom of the policiA iadopted. "It is for this reason I have decided to again become a candidate. "Naturally, I would like to see this through, and have no hesitancy, in saying so. I have always cherished the good will andi support the voters of the state have extended to me. They are full compensation for everything I have done, or undertaken, as a pub- lic servant." - 1 I I I CA Ic Beginning SUNDAY NIGHT, MAY 2 O)peninlg of s4pi lg awitd Smamer Seas~on THE GARRICK COMPNY Ann HrdingRollo Peters And I)Istiiiguishcii 'New Yorkl; layers In Gilbert Emiery's Vitaal PIRY of 'iOdhzy Big Broadway SITHIER. PRICES -Nights, 24e to $1.5-W''oed. and Sat. JMats., 25c, 40c 75e A Coan'y That Promiises .TQ ..fa ke Tl ietriea41 istory inM1etroit I I Presents WILLIAM FAVERSHAM (14 Arraiigemientt nitli Sheesgren:anyd Vroni) AsGUEST STAR --III-- THE SQUAW MAN By Edwi Milttin Royle lFaversliai's Favorite Role r T N4) Nghts7e}C to Is nly The B ON STELLE ainees May 16 L A Yt 0 U S E r~sa .r i t c CLI i E I E H U BERT LAFAYETT E iFavetee Blvd. at Shelby-DETROI'T-Phan'' Cadillac 8705, ON T,' 114114KBEGINNING SUI)[AY NIGHT, MAY["2 WALKER H" mIraT EsI DE In at Modern (omiedy Romaence "The Arabia" A Stunning, Story of Cairo and the Egyptianh Desert Iy G4PRiDON BiEAN, Author ofM "THE HINDU"! Fol heeloi 4)3 to001IVU irsdlay rd. The lWorl's EUiquie Theat re at EliotGlen. 9792. D)owntowni Ticket Office at Grlnjiell's Phone (Gails Only Through Glendale 9792 Nights, 50c to $2.50 SYDI)NEY SHIIEL~DS and Augmiented-$Company Thurs. Mat. 50c to $1.50 Sat. Mat. 50c to'$2.00 r _ _. .. ..... .. . _._ _ . 1 . ,A'.. "al..o" . "",.I a,.+9"' °' ". i"®.:9".J". ds"~rd"'Jy' ,..I".. " ". "'.,. " d'.... 'I .J ew +tiw ,rrsrrr . "J"'.JE% ir~.,vr~r +-.rmrssww~mw. mr..r'a+.~r> 1 I i 1 a it i l I I I i I : . # !; z: Y/ ICoy ///,Dlar/ 1 ti, 11' 0 -- \ y r ! " {' it h' i li i '/ % ,; / ' ( )lI 7' .1 IIII/1i> > ?C ,. ft( ~ says it wouldn't have taken .himz v:; 1. : '. CV* sixteen days ifhe had listen- ed to the insurance agent. We furnish insurance of al kinds f ~ CALL U S Ann Abo 1Home Builders' 0 . From lerman Melville's AMC < 1 2P!ECE I ORCHESTRAI tello Critis Are Unanimous!I From the New York Dailt) Neivspapcrs: NEWS- (Julia Harpmnan) -You may spendl all the pra ises at your1 commuand and still feel that you haven't done the piece more than half justice. IW!ORNING TELEGRtAPH-(Norbert Lusk)---It shouldl be seen by every serious follower of the screen, and will undoubtedly crowd the theatre for weeks to come. THE EVENIN'G WORLD-(Palmer Smith)-A tense melodrama of the sea, affording John Barrymore opportunity to revive and vary his "D[r. Jekyll and Mr. RJyde" in the more picturesque surroundings of the whaling industry. .TELEGRA1- (Frank Vreel and) -The picture is greater than "Down to the Sea in Ships" and it is one of the finesit seascapcs on record. You can't afford to miss seeing John Barrymore. i .. \ t ... % J .....,.-'- /l - ' ,. ,. , - /' . . - -- . vow . " ,. x r- ._ ----- Niolas D. Falcone Cenductor --t CARTOON - "F ELIX, THE CAT" - NEWS ' i , I