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May 02, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 157






Wl'ALXJUT OE 0A,000,000 MEN IS
Agreement Between Miners' Union And
Government Must Be Reached
Before Tuesday

(1y Associated Press)
LONDON, May 2.-The meetin
between the cabinet ninisters and
the negotiating committee of the
trades union congress ended at 1:3
o'elbck this Sunday morning. J. 11.
Thomas, who is secretary of the
railwaymen's union, announced
there was still hope that further
negotiations on the strike situation
would take place later in the day.
LONDON, May 1,-A general strike
involving 5,000,000 workers will go in-
to effect in Great Britain next Tues-
day unless the miners' union, repre-
senting 1,000,000 men who quit at
midnight, and the government reach
an agreement before that day, it was
decided at a trades union conference
here today.
The British government today pro-
claimed that "a state of emergency
exists" in consequence of the coal
strike, thus assuming powers from the
throne to employ troops or take any
other measures necessary to maintain
order and insure the welfare of the
population' The trades union confer-
ence decided to call out the employes
in the vital services, including the
transport workers, if no settlement is
reached in the miners' dispute before
Great Britain's coal miners, num-
bering more than a million workers,
suspended work at midnight, because
of failure of negotiations respecting
wages.lnd hours. There still is faint
hope that negotiations may be re-
opened but the mining industry was
at a standstill today.
The trades unions represent five
million workers and a general strike
*ould tie up all the nation's indus-
tries, including the regular transport
communications. It was announced
that the trades unions would offer to
maintain by voluntary arrangement
distribution of essential foodstuffs.
The government, too, has made com-
plete preparations to insure mainten-
ance of the essential services. King
George Friday night signed a procla-
mation of national emergency giving
the government full powers to employ
troops or take any other measures
necessary to mantain order and insure
the welfare of the people.
The position of the dispute is brief-
ly this:
A governmental subsidy was grant-
ed last July to assist the coal indus-
try, which was said to be losing
money. This subsidy, used to main-
tain the scale of wages, expired at
mlidnight last night.
Pending reorganization of the indus-
try along the lines recently recom-
mended by an expert commission ap-
pointed by the government, the own-
ers were faced with the necessity of
running the mines on their own re-
They offered the miners a uniform I
national minimum wage 20 per cent
higher than that obtaining in 1914 but
representing a reduction 13 1-3 per
cent in the present wages. The own-
crs also insisted upon an eight-hour
day instead of seven. The miners
refused to accept either the wage re-
duction or the lengthening of hours.
The government's first concern is to
provide for the milk and food supply
of the metropolitan areas of London
and the other thickly populated cen-
ters and the board of trade is inten-
sively preparing for an emergency.
Hyde Park again has been turned
into a place of assembly for hundreds
of motor vehicles for relief work, re-
calling wartime days and previous big
Great Britain is placed under what
approaches a state of seige by the
proclamation that "a state of emer-
gency exists." 'While not a proclama-
tion of martial law or a formal state
of seige it gives the government al-
most ualimited powers. The remedy
prescribed under the law under which
the proclamation is issued is that the
government cannot declare industrial
conscription or compulsory military
Apart from this limitation it may
institute what measures it desires for
ti nreservntin of neace. the secur-

Burying the hatchet after the
tense political combats in the
past week during mock elections,
' nearly 1,000 members of the1
class of '26 will appear on the
campus today.with their walk-
ing sticks to celebrate Cane day,
the first of the many traditional
events occurring the final month
beforeCommencement. This is
the 37th year that Cane day has
Ibeen observed.
The traditiondates back to the
Itime when a picket fence sur-
lded the entire campus. In
the spring of the year when
Commencement was approach-
ing, a greater part of the fence
would mysteriously disappear
during the night, and a few days
later the seniors would be seen
on the campus carrying the
ji small-size pickets for canes.
Following the abolishment of the
fence, seniors have yearly pur-
chased canes, a distinct style for
eachcollege in the University,
Iand carried them for the few
f weeks preceding graduation.
The canes, labeled according
to colleges, are displayed in
I Wagner and company's store on
State street. Most of them are 1
made from Malacca wood, a
lightweight timber, and are dis-I
distinguished by color and a
sterling silver band near the
top. , Included also in the dis-
play is a cane carried by a mem-
her of the pharmacy class of
f 1881; this is less than half an
inch in diameter near the top f
tapers down and has no crook.
Senators From Agricultural States
Continue Meetings In Attempt
To Effect Compromise

Orange Scores In First, Third, And
Ninth Innings; Play Indiana
Here Tomorrow



Women's League And Student Council
Sponsor Uiiversity Service
in Hill Auditorium

WASHINGTON, May 1. - While
awaiting House consideration next
week of farm relief legislation, sena-
tors from the agricultural states con-
tinued their conferences today in an
effort to agree upon a measure de-
signed to command the support of a
majority in the Senate.
Those favoring the corn belt plan as
written into the Haugen bill, pending
in the House, called in a number of
senators to whom a spokesman for
farm organizations explained the
principal features of this proposal.
At the same time, Democratic sen-
ators from the cotton states initiated
a series of conferences with a view
to reaching an agreement on the fun-
damentals of farm relief on which they
might go along with senators from
the wheat and corn belts.
The chief stumbling block to a gen-
eral agreement on the Haugen bill ap-
pears to be the provision for levying
an equalization fee on basic farm
products. Some senators hold that
this provision is unconstitutional and
inadvisable, but others support it as aI
real method of solving the problem of
crop surplus and price fluctuation.
Although proponents of the Haugen,
bill have sought to enlist the aid of
representatives from the East, there
were new signs today of increasing
opposition in that section to legisla-
tion proposing price stabilization.
OUJDA, May 1.-Mohammedan en-
voys left here today feeling that they
were taking to Abl-el-Krim an ulti-
imatum which he would not accept.
The Riff leader has been given until
!May 6 to accept the terms of thei
peace conference which adjourned to-
The envoys of Krim take to him
the message that the French and Span-
ish demand the immediate release of
all prisoners and require a substantial
advance of the Franco-Spanish milit-
tary front as a guarantee of good faith.
The delegation returning to the Riff
chieftain are certain, they say, that
he will not accede to the demands and
that war will result.
In fact they have declared that they
themselves will advise against ac-
ceptance of the proposal.
I O r ea
I/iAI.:. 2/dI . .l,1s /it '/r: " i.t1


Michigan's Varsity baseball team! Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, former
was unable to fathom the brilliant president of Amherst college, will
pitching of Van Lenglen yesterday at open the first of the four Sunday con-
Ferry field and Syracuse won the sec- vocations sponsored by the Student
Ond game of the series 4 to 0. The council and the Women's league, with
Orange team gave its hurler errorless an address on "Students and Their
support while the Wolverines were Religion" at 11 o'clock this morning
guilty of three misplays. in Hill auditorium. This is Dr.
So well did the left handed Van Meiklejohn's second address at a Uni-'
Lenglen pitch that the Maize and versity convocation, having delivered
Blue batters were only able to collect one on April 3 last year under the
four one base hits and not more than auspices of the Michigan Schoolmas-
one of these came ih the same inning ters' club.
while the visitors collected eleven.co The present attitude of the Ameri-
Edgar got Michigan's first hit, a si can college student toward religion
gle to right field, after two were re- and church-going will be the theme
tired in the fourth inning. The hit of the address this morning. Dr.
tiredf ithevfout hoinnng.rhasEdhitMeiklejohn will give some of his ob-
was oT little value, however, as Ed- servations madle of the student body
gar's mates were unable to rescue ataollee w frthe sdmnub-d
him. at a college where chapel is compul-
Puckelwartz started the fifthnn- sory every morning of the week.
'ng w ara singetocedntefifo In addition to Dr. Meiklejohn's ad-
ng with a single to center field before dress, a program of music will be pre-
any were out. He was sacrificed to seitd. The entire program for te
second by Kubicek, but the following convo-atioi is as follows:
batsmen were unable to send himnocan iresflos
home. In the next inning Loos walk- Organ Prelude...........
ed, but was caught off first, after Procession du St. Sacrament#
which Wilson singled and went to William J. Skeat
second on a pass ball by Eiseman, but Hymn............. St. Catherine
again that was as far as he got. The Pra By the Cogregtion
seventh inning was a repitition of the PN
sixth with Davis, who ran for Wilson, Offertory-
getting to second on a fielder's choice Solo.As od So Clothed the Grass
and an out, but being stranded there. . Julius Niehaus
The Syracuse score would have AddressJ
been larger had it not been for the Add s.................
stubborn defense displayed by the Dr."Alenandrheirlon
Wolverines. Three Orangemen were OIrgan Aost ue..........
retired at home plate by Edgar, and OrCI...... nan
16 were left on the bases during the ........March tron Naaman
contest. In almost every inning William J. Skeat
Sycse.aalmot erynnartly Decorations for the auditorium are
Syracuse was able to get men partly being furnished by the Women's
around the bases, but lacked sufficient league which is cooperating with the
punch to drive thei'r mates across cx- Student council in arranging the con-
cept four cases. vocations. Philip Larowe, S. of M., se-
Syracuse scored in the first inning lected the musical numbers on the
on a single by Captain Ringwood, aIlce h uia ubr i h
sacrifice by Richmond and another program. A collection to aid in de-
srilebyPechmodland atrerto fraying the expenses of bringing the
single by Peck, who later tried to cnoainsekr oAnAbr
score, but was blocked off the home convocation speakers to Ann Arbor
plate by Edgar. The third inning will be taken at each service. The
brought another score for the victors doors of the auditorium will begopen-
when Richmond singled and went to ed at 10:45 and the service will begin
second on a sacrifice by Peck . He p~romptly at 11 o'clock. Attendance
secod o a scriiceby Pck Heis limited to students of tie University
advanced a base when Walter momen- and imembers of the faculty.
tarily lost control and threw a ball I ____ ___
which his catcher could not get, and
scored on the following play at first
base. i J G U ET P9
The Syracuse team was unable tof
score again until the ninth frame, al-
though they were able to place men Il i JUIIUD LHVY UL
on the paths in all of the intervening
innings. Benzin doubled to start the Judge Ira Jayne, '05, of the
nimnth and went to third on Loos' er- IjugIrW.aye '0,o th
ror on Beischline, and scored on Wayne county Circuit court, will give
moos' error on BSchslegel. Walter the principal address at the senior law.
walked Eser in filngethe base, students' annual banquet, Wednesday
amd a moment later walked Van Leng- night in Joe Parker's cafe. Prof.
len, forcing Beischine across the gRalph W. Aigler, of the Law school,
plate with the fourthiun. Schegel will represent the faculty, and Wil-
te t scre fromrthid u. theet liam B. Cudlip, '26L, will also speak
play, but was tagged out at honmex to the seniors.
and Richmond grounded to Wilson Clayton C. Purdy, '26L, will act asj
for the final out. toastmaster for the affair; Several
Michiganall play Indfeatures have been arranged for the
Michigan will play Indiana, last banquet, including an orchestra. Tic-
seasons Conference champions at s ar
4:05 o'clock tomorrow in the third ta re $1.50 and may still beob-
Conference game. Coach Fisher has taied from the committee menbers.
selected Jablonowski to pitch the !
game. l Committee Forms
Syracuse I oratorical Ballot

I Louis Robertson, '27, was ap-
Ipointed managing editor of net
year's Michiganensian by the
I Board in Control of Student
( Publications at its meeting yes- I
terday. The new 'Ensian busi-
ness manager, who was also to
have been chosen at yesteray's
Imeetinlg, will not be named utn- It
til the board meeting next Sat-
Iurday. The remaining appoint-
ments to the upper staff of the I
'Ensian will be made at te ai-
nual Publications banquet.
( Besides the business manager {
of the yearbook, appointments {
of the managing editors and
business managers of The Daily. I
(( The Summer Daily, Gargoyle,
Iand Chimes will be made by the
I board on Saturday. I
Visitors Will Be Entertained With
Spring Gaines On Saturday,
Convocation On Sunday
Complete arrangements have now
been made for the Mothers' Week-End
program, according to Robert J.
Brown, '26, chairman of the committeej
which is making the plans for th'e en-
tertainment of the visiting mothers
this coming week-end. Activities be-
gin with the freshman-sophomore tug-
of-war on Friday afternoon, continue
through Saturday, and end with tie f
convocation at 11 o'clock Sunday
morning in Hill auditorium.
The program on Saturday includes
the Spring Games in the morning, and
a tour of the campus conducted by
regular guides beginning at Hill audi-
torium at 2:30 o'clock in the after-
noon; following the tour, the mother'sI
will be entertained at a faculty-stu-
dent tea in the ballroom of the Union.
At this time, the mtothers will have
an opportunity to meet and talk with
the members of the faculty in whom
they are interested. Light refresh-
ments will be served and a short pro-
gram of music has been arranged.
The Faculty Women's club is assist-
ing the members of the committee
in making this unique function possi-
At the Sunday morning convocation,
Dr. Willard L. Sperry, of the Har-
vard Divinity school, will deliver the
main address and will have a message
of interest to both mothers and stu-
dents. This service is part of the
regular Student council convocation
series, but the auditorium will be
opened to outsiders for this one occa-
sion. A collection will be taken to
help defray the expenses of getting
the speaker to Ain Arbor.
All fraternities, sororities, and
league houses that are having house
parties over this coming week-end are
requested to assist as much as pos-
sible in making the Mother's Week-1
End a success.
Wagner Speaks To
Latin-A ericans
At the dinner of welcome Friday
night for the Latin-American editors
who are now visiting Detroit, Prof.
Charles P. Wagner, of the Romance
languages department, spoke in Span-
ish, emphasizing the common problem
of teachers and editors, which lie said
is to banish ignorance, race prejudice
and selfish nationalism. Prof. Julio
dcl Toro, of the Romance languages
department, was also present.I
Among the other speakers were
Mayor John W. Smith and Gov. Alex

J. Groesbeck.
Union Nominations!
Due By Tuesday
All applications for nomination to
the offices of Union president, five
vice-presidents, and recording secre-
tary, which will be voted on at the
Spring Elections Wednesday, May 12,
must be filed at the Union by next
Tuesday afternoon for considerationr
by the appointment committee which I
will meet Tuesday night. Applica-
tions may be submitted to William L.
Diener, '26, president, Richard Bar-
ton, '26, recording secretary, or may
be left at the main desk.
Locke Makes New
220 Yard Record

MEN WIN 721-2 TO 621-2
(By Associated Press)
IOVA CITY, Maiy .--Any rancour that may exist in Ann Arbor
Miichigan, from the Iowa victory at the Big Ten finals last winter, should'
be swept away tonight with the news that Coach Farrell's Michigan
track teani trampled Iowa here today in a dual meet 72 1-2 to 62 1-2,
which established the Wolverines' superiority in nearly every department
except the hurdles.
Michigan took four out of seven firsts in the field, and tied another;
five out of eight firsts on the track, for a total of nine out of fifteen,
and participated in establishing a University of Iowa record. The only
Iowa spurt was the sweeping of both hurdle events. Without 18 points,
which they garnered in these two events, they should have had a sorry
Michigan took an early lead when Hester and Leschinsky cracked the
tape in the ioo-yard and 220-yard dashes, and held it through most of
the meet. Iowa once overcame the lead, 28 1-2 to 25 1-2, when their
excellence in the high jump and the
hurdle gave them a strong Impetus,
THE POINTS BY EVENTS but through the remainder the Wol-
I verines held a slight margin.
I 100 Yard Dash 8 rp, Michigan, was the in-
10 Yard D ash .. ... .8 1 'div idual star, nosing out Cuhel, of
220 Yard Dash'..........6 3 Iowa, by taking the javelin with a 195
440 Yard Dash.......... foot heave, the broad jump, and third
Mile Run .......... 8 1 in the pole vault. The feature race
TwMile un.. .8 1 came in the half-mile, where a great
Two Mile Run..........8 1 finish by Hornberger, of Michigan,
I 220 Yard Hurdles .0 9 sent him ahead of Sorenson, in 1:58.
j Pole Vault4............. 'Summares
High Jump............/ 8%/1 High jump-Won by Mann, Iowa;
Broad Jump...........5 4 Thomas, Iowa, second; Swenson, Iowa,
Shot Put ............... 3 6 and Weeks, Michigan, tied for third.
Discus Throw..........8 1 Height 6 feet 1 1-2 inches.
Javelin Throw.........6 3 I3120 yard hurdles-Won by Cuhel,
' Hammer Throw.........5 4 Iowa; Beatty, Iowa, second; Phelps,
Iowa, third. Time 16 seconds.
- 440 yard dash-Won by Swenson,
Iowa; Feinsinger, Michgian, second;
Herrnstein, Viichigan, third. Time
51 6-10 seconds.
Discus throw-Won by Doyle, Mich-
D gan; Munz, Michigan, second; Mau,
Iowa, third. Distance 132 feet 9 in-
Pole vault-Prout, Michigan, and
Administration Hopes Congress Will Boyle, Iowa, tied for first place;
Ratify Settlement During INorthrup, Michigan, third. Height 12
Present Session feet 10 1-4 inches. New University of
Iowa record.
Two mile run-Won by Callahan,
MUST PAY 95 MILLION Michigan; Wells, Michigan, second
Hunn, Iowa, third. Time 9 minutes
(By Associated Press) 154 2-10 seconds.
WASHINGTON, May 1.-The debt Broad jump-Won by Northrup,
Michigan; Everingham, Iowa, second:
commission virtually cleaned up its Belding, Iowa, third. Distance 22 feet
work of funding America's $10,000,- 3-4 inch.
000,000 world war loan with the con- Shot put-Won by Dauber, Iowa;
elusion of negotiations for a settle- Munz, Michigan, second; Lapp, Iowa,
ment of Jugo-Slavia's debt of $51,000- third. Distance 45 feet 9 1-2 inches.
220 yard dash-Won by Leshinky,
000. Michigan; Roberts, Iowa, second; Kel-
Jugo-Slavia agreed to pay a total of ly, Mihigan, third. Time 23 seconds.
$95,197,135, principal and interest over 100 yard dash-Won by Hester,
a period of 62 years. Jugo-Slavia's Michigan; Lesehinsky, Michigan, sec-
poverty and the fact that she was ond, Roberts, Iowa, third. Time 9 -10
three times overrun during the war seconds.
i ere taken into account. One mile-Won by Jung, Michigan;
The administration plans to have Freyberg, Michigan, second; Elliot,
the settlement considered by Congress Iowa, third. Time 4:32 5-10.
along with the recent French settle- 220 low hurdles-Won by Cuhel,
ment with a view to obtaining ratifi- Iowa; Phelps, Iowa, second; Beatty,
cation at this session. Iowa, third. Time 24 5-10 seconds.
Only a little more than $200,000,000 Half mile run-Woh by Hornberger,
of the total war debt remains unfund- Michigan; Sorenson, Iowa, second;
ed. The American commission, how- Freyberg, Michigan, third. Time
ever, has little hope of concluding 1:58.4.
early agreements with Russia and Javelin throw-Won by Northrup,
smaller nations, which have not come Michigan; Rice, Iowa, second; Roth,
to terms on account of the diplomatic Michigan, third. Distance 195 feet 6
situation and other considerations. inches.
Hammer throw-Won by Hawkins,
u R Michigan;Lapp, Iowa, second; Wi-
liams, Iowa, third. Distance 149 'feet
6 inches.

Sale Will Be Held
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., May 1.- The
watchout for the balloons contesting
in the Litchfield trophy and national As a result of this weel being the
elimination race today shifted to the last in. the month, and the consequent
east of the Appalachian mountain shortage of funds being apparent from



Ringwood, ss....... 6
Richmond, 3b.....5
Peck, lf...........4
Hanson, 2b-........2
Benzin, lb..........5
Beischline, of.......5
Schlegel rf.........5
Eisemann c........4
Alan Lenglen, p .... 2


R 11
1 1
1 2
0 1
0 1
1 2
1 0
0 0
0 3
0 1
4 11:

2 4
1 '
0 0
6 1
13 1
3 0
1 0
1 1
0 6
27 16
2 3
14 1
6 0
1 0
0 0
1 7
0 1
1 7

Loos, ss ...........2 +
Wilson, lb ........4+
Oosterbaan, if .... 4+
Edgar, c ...........1
Miller, rf.......... 3
Puckelwartz, cf .... 4
Kubicek, 2b......3
Jablonowski, 3b .... 3
Walter, p .........3

Candidates for office in the Oratoric-
al association in the campus elections,
were announced yesterday by the nom-
imating committee of the organization
following a consideration of all appli-
Those nominated follow: President,
Robert S. Miller, '27, and, Emanuel J.
Harris, '27; vice-president, James T.
Herald, '28, and Jerome Meitzel, '27L;
secretary, Florence Pollock, '28L, and
Margarette Nichols, '27; treasurer,
Thomas V. Koykka, '27, and Robert E.
' Minnich, '28.
Botanist Studies
For Arctic Trip
In order to prepare for his trip to
Greenland this summer, C. 0. Erlan-
son, of the botany department, spent
last week in Ottawa, where he studied
and examined the Arctic plants in the




Definite assurance that some of the
nine contestants who left Little Rock
airport late Thursday were approach-
ing or had crossed the Appalachians'
were received here Friday night, with I
word that the U. S. A. balloon S-21 I
had landed 12 miles north of Hickory, f
N. C., and that the "Goodyear IV,"
piloted by Ward T'. Van Orman, win-
ner of last years' race, was over the
Blue Ridge in Virginia and still trav-
eling east-northeast.
Three of the contestants in the event
which will decide the custody of the
trophy for the next year and the
makeup of the team of three balloons
to he sent to Beliin for the Gordon

the reduced number of announcements
and invitations ordered, James E.
Newton announced yesterday that one
more opportunity will be given to
order the notices from 2 to 4 o'dlock
on Tuesday in Alumni Memorial ball.
Cash must accompany the order; in-
vitations are 10 cents and announce-
ments are 50 cents.
Members of the School of Education,
who mistakenly placed their orders in
Ime literary college, can have their
money refunded at the same time.



0 4 27 19



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