SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1,926 THE MICHI!GAN DAILY MGM , rvr,,x i AL } VI, 7 1 7 i A ILA- +-. ATfl liT n rri1 League ma Pti 9, Kappa Delta Rtho 3. ofieyetra afternoonmust be played at this te unless ar- ItEIII . H. i . - rangements are made at the ita- T o UChicago 4.... 000 000 102-3 12 0 Hlorseshios Tennis mural office. mlChicago-Lyons, Connally and! shoe tournament will beC heldi open been played last week have been post- LIEGE, Belgium.-Commnilsts at- ToL ch alk. !until Wednesday, according to an an- poned until this week-end on acount ocked Fascists after a fascist meet- S . TO, 'IU5 I VCleveland-Snith and L. Sowell. K ouncement ma de at the intramural of weather conditions,hbut nitches Iug hee recently. ST. LOUIS, April 30.-The St. Louis WRhi.tnI0000.10- E. 3 Browns kept up their record of fail-!NwYr 0 0 o~71 Ne ok. 0 0 0- 00%ing to win two games in a row, los- i'Wasinigton-Coveleskie, Maberry I \\ ipg to the Detroit Tigers today in tire and Tate. second game of the series, 7-6. The New York-Shocker and Colins. Tigers batted Dixie Davis off the -~LCE. mound early in the second inning, and R .F. Giard was dismissed from the gameI Boston...... 000 000 002-2 5 1 1=t in the sixth when he protested TTm- Philadelphia 201 200 00*-5 9 1 i - .. .. ,ire Rowland's decisions in calling i Boston-Elimke and Gaston. - balls and strikes. Philadelphia-Gray and Cochrane. W r - o h oua T'he Tigers were again forced to We are ead squnarte s ho most gr play with a rather crippled line-up, ,~- menu on the andmaeu gsyle but the playing of Ty Cobb in center. capshoig a n field greatly strengthened the team. ~IKJ U 'LL hC . LVEas The team got off to a fast star thby ; Lons K AKI.rans scoring three runs in tire first inning, J-. arn n 1 fo aismn-n but the St. Louis nine knotted the ~ n oos osgrs count and added an extra. run in the ,:u wl ntrs fifth. Detroit's three runs in the BaThseball Ou prices wl neetyou. sixth, and one in the eighth clinched The results of the interfi atei nity the game. I' baseball league ar e as follows: Phi William and Sisler of the losers hit #Kappa Tau 2 Tau Kappa Epsilon 0; loCaeete GbresanIocasfo home runs, while the St. Louis team Phi Kappa Sigma 11, Delta Sigma Pi - accounted for 12 hits against 10 for 11 Phi Sigma Delta 18 Theta Kappa- $1 5.00© up. Detroit. Psi ; Sigma Alpha Mu 7, Theta Kappa The score: R. H. E,.INu, 0; Phi Lambda Kappa 9, Chi Phi Detroit...... 300 003 010-7 101 1 0; Xi Psi Phi 10, Alpha Kappa Lambda St. Louis ... 120 010 020-6 12 115; Theta Chi 14, Delta Upsilon 4; Sig- Detroit-Johns, Dauss, and Bassler. ~* St. Louis-Davis, G iar, Wingard, I __UDE__L_9__H_9__R________ and Schang. National League . l ri ~~rI sI a large assortment ingryadtnfrlieadmn R. H. L ryadta o aie n e If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all want ads under appropriate head ings and, to revise or withhold objectionable Tis column closes at 3 P. At. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line Con the basis of five average words :to the'line) for one or two insertions.. Nine cents per reading line for thrta. or more{ insertions. Cash classifieds received at the Daily office inTePress Building on Maynard Street. in he CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applica- tion. - LOST ILOST-Small tan pocket purse Wed- nesday night, near Mimes Theatre., Reward. Phone 3864. 55-56-57 LOST-Rider's Masterpen. Namve on barrel. Reward. Phone 4618. 54-55-56. NTi' .' REILIAI3LE; USED C'ARlS 1925 FORD COUPE~ Wire wheels, bumpqrs, special head lights, heater, motor in perfect con- dition. Price is right. SEE IT NOW! t LOST-A purse on Vollanll or Four- teenth St. Call 6916. After 5 p. mn. - - call 6045. 54-55-56. 1923 FORD COUPE LOST - In Angell Hall, a small purse andi pair of gloves. Call 21069. Reward. 56-57-58. . Tires new, mote f. NOTICE finish very good. E .or A-1 condition. Philadelphia 100 020 00U1-4 10 2 Brooklyn ... 200 110 04*-~8 11 4 Philadelphia-Pierce,. Mann and Nilson. Brooklyn-Grimes and H-argreaves. R. H. E. ]Cincinnati .. 100 000 V30- 4 7 2~ 'p<'ittsbuirgh. 020 0111 18*-13 17 1 3 Cincinnati-Mays, Day, and Picinich. Pittsburgh-Meadows and Smith. R. H. E..i New York 100 000 300 0-4 8 5 Boston ;.. 100 002 001 1-5 12 1 New York-McQuillani, Fitzimmons, and Snyder.{ Boston--Genewich, Wertz and Sie- mner. R. H. E.i -St. Louis .220 002 300 00- 9 13 01 Chicago .010 400 022 01-10 18 2 KSt. Louis-Sothoron, Rheinliart and O'Farrell. Chicago-Blake, Bush, Jones and Hartnett. y, _ t t Blouses, Blazers and Sport Coats in popular patterns. Our prices arc as The Luxenberg Sack Suit has wvon its Wvide- spread popularity among college men through -strict a dher- ence to a distinct style. s" 11 I popular as our jackets. Breeches, Hiking Shoes, Puttees, M1.ocassin Packs, Officers Dress and Army Shoes, Shirts, Socks, Sport Hose and all needs for out-of-doors. Coverall Suits, Shop and Lab. Coats, Laundry Bags, Blankets, Folding Cots, Stools, Camp Grids, Tents and all camp equipment. Surp-lusSu ppilieStore, NOTICE-H-igh grade clothes, custom tailored, latest styles, perfect fit, T40 and up. C. T. Doukas, 1319 S. Univesity. tf. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 5535. tu, th, sat:-tf. PIANO TUNING-By The Concert Ar- tist Piano Tuner. Your Piano tun- ing solicited. Costs no more than ; others. Dial 6776. Victor Allmen-j dinger, Office at Res., 901 Granger.l Not with any music house. 52-53-54-55-56-57. A. NASH CO., (Golden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and Topcoats $23.001 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. 1924 CHEVROLET SEDAN Mileage very low, tires very good, lots of extras. Terms 1kf desired j RB. 11. ALBER 206 W. Huron Street Next Shoving lit Osear's Place 111 South University Friday and Saturday M~iay 7th anid 8th INat LUXENBERG &i Bro. 37 Unioni Square, New York~ Jees'een 16th 17th St s. A SPECIAL TAILORED SUIT, $35.00 M. W. M~ILW ARD 332 S. State, over Pratt' & Duin Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. Downtown in rear of Postoffice 213 North Fourth Ave. D~odge Brothers Mo1tor Cars ._,_.... rr..s .r on" p""W" - t ::t <. . _ _ unba12 cburcb %ervtces .--- -- I i FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron Street Between State and Division R,. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, Minister of University Students 9:30 A. M.-The church Sunday School meets. Dr. Bunting, superin- tendent. 10:30 A. M.-Worship. Mr. Sayles will speak on: "The Divine Love." 12:00 M.-Student classes meet at Guild House. Dr. Waterman, Mr. Chapman, Instructors. 5:30 P. M.-Students meet at Guild House for social time, then go in a body to Presbyterian church for joint meeting to discuss the topic of: "'What About the Union of the Churches I" L. C. Reimann will speak. ST. PAULS' LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mfissouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets C. A. BRAUJER, Minister. 9:00 A. M.-German service. 10:00 A. M.-Bible study. 11:00 A. M.-English service. Ser- mon subject: "Clirist's Prayer for Ills Church." 5:30 P. M.-Students social hour and supper at the parsonage. 6:30 P. M.-Raja Howrani of Syria will speak on conditions in his country. FIRST PRE4SBYTERIAN CURCH Huron and Division Streets MERLE H. ANDERSON, Minster LKWIS C. REMAlNN MS NELLIE B. CAD WELL Secretaries for} Student Work' 'Ofces, Lane Hal 9:30-Church Bible School. Classes for all ages. 10:45-Morning worship. Sermon by Dr. Anderson on: "Thme Kind of a' XAn SHE Wants.".. 12:00-Student classes led by Mrs. Cadwell and Howard McClusky. 3:30-Junior Christian Endeavor Society. 5:30-A Social Hlour that is Real. 6:30-Interchurch Young People's Society meeting. Topic: "Church Union." Leader, Mr. Lewis C. Reimann. Custodian in Zoology: The'department seeks a custodian to take charge of its dispensing room,, and to order and care for apparatus, mnaterials and preparations. Skill in making' zoological preparations and simple chemical mixtures, and orderly business habits are neces- sary.' While university training is 'desirable;, experience' in similar work may take its place. Permanent full time position. Application should be made in person or by let- ter to George R. Lea Rue, Room 449 Natural Science Building. 49-52-56 WATCH REPAIRING SERVICE Not how 'cheap but How Good at a Reasonable Price. The Watd~h Shop Edward A. Clark, 1121 S. University VICCTOR, Record "Say it Again" "Lets Talk About My Sweetie" by Russo Oriole Orchestra, at Schaeberle and Son, Music'House. tf. ATTENTION Look over my flue of samples for SPRCING SUITS 2 lpamt suits made to measure, $37.50 T:.% .Lyons, 65 1R.-Williams" tf An extra pair of pants doubles the life of your suit, we match any cloth. Tues, Tus a. f ceaninc ring eeyngtdng suer IF' YOU WANT MEAL reasonable prices Dial 7814 ICHEER UIP WAILL'S, 328 So. Main Boy"by Fank rumtf. DON'T mifs having Victor Record "Billy By yFakCuiat- Schaeberte and Son Music House. tf. NOTICE-College men interested in summer employment interview in room '431 Michigan Union until Thursday, May 6. 987 men had avy- erage earnings of $61.63 per week during summer of 1925.. Not "a can- 55-56-57-58-59-60 NOTICE-Hats cleaned, shoes repair- ed. Absolutely the most satisfac- tory work in town. Pay us. a -visit. Washington Shop, 106 E. -Washington Tues, Thurs, Sat.,; tf. WANTED WANTED-Barber for Saturday work. Apply 108 E. Washington. Phone 8616. 54-55-56. WANTED-Girls with selling experi. nce' to assist from 11 to 1 o'clock daily. Apply office, second floor, Mack & Co.- tf. WANTED-College students for sum- mer months, handling school guide in salesfield; healthy, enjoyable, re- fined positions; $245 for 70 days; $210 for 60 days. Phone Miss M. Krelleirtz, 21069 for appointment aft- er 5 p. m. 56-57-58. WANTED-Gear shift roadster In good condition to rent until end of se- mester. Generous terms.- Phone 7472. 56. FO1U RENT FOR RENT-Furnished suite with lavatory on lower floor. Suitable for man and wife .. Dial 9461. 54-55-56. I OR RENT-Washtenaw Apts. 3 rooms and bath for suumumer months. Inquire 332, E. Williams, .Apt. 210, Phone 21769. 54-55-56. FOR RENT--Costumes- for. rent-and made to' order. Mrs. Spaulding. 115 1-2 East Liberty St. 55-56-57-58 FOR RENT--Attractive large suite in Lau- house.° Newly -decorated. Five windows. 1020S5. University. Phone 5938. 54-55-56. F9R RENT-Near, campus,: cozy threej room apartment with' bath, furnished or. unfurnished, June 1st. Call Robbins,, 4772. 53-54=55-56-57-58. FOR RENT-3 room furnished apart- ment, for light housekeeping, priv- ate entrance, for: summer, and pres- ent school year. 510 Benjamin. Phone4974. 55-56-5.7. =--.-- - 'I I r, P UNITARIAN CHURCH~ State Street at Ihuron SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. and Fifth Ave. E. C. STrMLORN, Pastor. I I I 10:45 Morning Sermon "STANDIARIlZER OF THlE RELIGION Corner Division and Catherine Streets FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 8:00 A. M.--Holy Communion (followed by breakfast). 9:30 A. M.-Student Inquiry Class in the Old Chapel. 11:00 A. M.-HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON BY TiHE REVEREND HENRY LE WIS. 4:00 P. M.-Meeting of the E. Y. P. A. OF TILE PAST" I I 9:00-Bible school. 10:30-Service with sermon. ject: "Tile Sacranments Their Purpose." 5:45 Student Supper 6:30 Professor Leroy Waterman will discuss: "RELIGION IN LIFE" Sub and 5:30-Student fellowship and sup per. , _..__ . _ 6:30-Student Forum. hour. Discus~sion 6:00 P. M.-Alusicale and Supper for Students. .I- Speaker. I- I . L -1 I I FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State and Washiington Streets. REY. ARTHUR 4Y. STAKER, Pastor DONALD TIIERMAY, 3MARGARET H. STIAIR Associate Directors of Student Activities 10 :30-Pastoi's subject: "Jesus-tile Radical." -12: 00--Nooin. Student Bible Classes at Wesley YHall. 6:00--Election of officem s. 6: 30-Interdeniominationlal meeting at the Presbyterian church. 7 : ,;0-Evening worship. Subject: "Surrender." t DISCIPLES Church of Christ Corner Hill1 and Tappan KENNETH E. JROWEN, Minister 821 Packard. Phone 5148. 10 :30-"Th'ae Lure of IProtliiic Rei-" gion." 12:00-Bible school. Special stu dents' class taught by Father I den. No evening service. I First Congregational Church HERBERT"-ATCIIINSON JUMNP, Minister E. KNOX MITCHIELL, Jr., VJnhvers ty Pastor }ANET BEROTHDirector Religious Education 10 :45-Service of worship. Sermon by Mr. Jump. "T.Ie Art of Letting Go." 5:30-Student supper. Then all go to the Presbyterian church for union student meeting to discuss: "Church Uiny:'" 8:00'--vnn picture service. Illustrated lecture. Sernmon' by Mer. -Jump on: ".Wexico, the 3Miracle Nation." WARDROBE TAILORS Suits to order, $23.50 and up Suits cleaned and ~presed, $1.00 pressed 35c Delivery service Phone 3242 200 E. Huron St. tf. .Arnold's State St. Teweler is now carrying a complete line of fountain' pens-all makes, all prices. Whatever type" you may need, come in and see iis,'we can satisfy you, Anoids State St.. Ieweler 302 S 'State St. tf. NOTICE-Coat picked up by mistake in History 46 quiz, Wednesday. FOR RENT-3 furnished rooms °$35 per month. New and desirable home. 313 Pauline St. 'Phone 6359. 55-56-57. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Beaver coat, racoon col- lar and cuffs, very good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. Call 3010 after seve. - 51-52-53-54-55-5s FOR_ SALE--Ford touring and Ford speedster for sole cheap. Call 6957. 56-57-58. I I, 1 i ._...... .e_. .. ,.__ i 1 I I I Cn'tholic Stiidente,' II I i III Ra ,1 1-, ., , t;. .-,. , .oi; . 1 t .,,,..,.t I I