.ATU7RDAY, MAY , 1926 THE MTCHTC AN T)AAWY " IF-: 1.M. M. i s S w .Y. 4, : 4; I ( tl 7 Q e 0 I3 ti a 9 d v --,"s zszrzs s l (I Xly EXCHANGE IFormer Michigan [ [ Of VOTERS TO Nine New Recipients Of Barbour CONCERTK Stdent Receives____ HELD H0.S Guggni "w'"' M Scholarships To Arrive In Fall 11tthe 25 women from other coun- Lucy, of Tokyo, Japan, are graduate Marjorie H. Nicholson, '14, has bn Michigan League of Women Voters tries attending the University on Bar2 nurses from St. Luke's International Alternaing Numbers Given By Glee awarded a Guggenheim fellowship in will give a luncheon sometime in the bour scholarships three are taking hospital in Tokyo and are coming Gaibs Of Ohio State And literature and philosophy, one of the middle of May for the purpose of al- here for advanced work in nursing at Michigan five awarded to women in the entire lowing the present members to be- 1 r taking g ate wrkyan the University hospital :.fcome more acquainted with each! lege, 2aetkn raut ok n Others who will ome for advanced b country. Miss Nicholson was also other amdrto intes ew women the other is in the School af Educa- t wokae We- e gradu- REMAIN UNTIL SUNDAY ,awarded the Women's John Addison othe organization. This is the secon tion. Eight of them will graduate in work are: Wei-djen-Djang, a gradu- p I Porter prize at Yale university. She affair of this type, and it is felt by June to return to their own countries ate from Shanghai college, who plans d Alternating selections by the Ohio was a graduate student at Michigan, the officers of the league that the pre- and teach in colleges for women. to study history and political science, a State university Girls' Glee club and Yale, University of Minnesota, and vious one was successful enough to In September the nine new recip- Shih-hui Lui, of Tiensin, China, who the Michigan Girls' Glee club held Johns Hopkins university; at one time warrant the promotion of another, ients of Barbour scholarships which will study biology, and Phoebe Wang, c last night in Hill auditorium marked associate professor of Smith college, larger than the first. An attempt is were awarded by the committee in also of Tiensin, who will take work in d the first intercollegiate musical con- and i at present a professor of Gouch- being made to obtain Mrs. Hollister, February will arrive in Ann Arbor. the School of Education.r tact entered into by Michigan women. er college. one of the officers of th'e league as Elizabeth Arlick, of Luknow, India, The Barbour scholarships are The Ohio club opened the program While a student at the University one of the speakers for the affair. will take up medicine, and Fuh-ru-Bei, awarded yearly by a committee con- with three groups of selections, the ; of Michigan Miss Nicolson was promi- The nominating committee will have of Kwangtung, China, of Gingling col- sisting of President emeritus H. B. first by the entire ensemble, the sec- nent in campus activities. She was its report ready for the next meeting lege who has been teaching for sev- Hutchins, President Clarence Cook pnd by the quartet, and the third by the author of the Junior Girls' play, of the organization, which will be held eral years, will take advanced work in Little, Dean John R. Effinger, of the ihe glee club again. Mr. Carl Hoenig, a member of Wyvern, Mortar Board, at 4:15 o'clock next Thursday, in the education. Rosa Javier, of Manila, P. literary college, Dean Jean Hamilton, directed and Miss Clara Crooks was manager of the Senior play, and mem- Athena room, on the fourth floor of I., from the University of the Philip- Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medical the accompanist. her of Phi Beta Kappa. She is a mem- Angell hall. pines plans to take advanced work in school, and Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, of In response, the Michigan club pre- ber of Chi Omega sorority. English literature. Mitsu Motala, the Graduate school. sented three groups of selections, be- The receiver of the prize is a writ-TT A1 A r Wo en who will graduate from Goucher col- ginning with "Sotto ii ciel," "Ashes er of a number of books and articles l nn Arbor Women ; lege in June, will take graduate work of Roses," and "Take Joy Home," on literature and philosophy, includ- Act As Hostesses also. sung by Odina Olson, S. of M., so- ing: "Shelly-Keats", "The Art of De- Catherine Otsuda and her sister gWaymcIS A prano, who was accompanied by Don- scription", "The Spirit World of Mil- At May Day Fete C1001 na Esselstyn, '27. These selections ton and More", and "Tennyson". ORTHOPEDISTI were followed by "Mazurka," by Jean- I The Guggenheim Memorial founda- 707 N. University Ave, Phoa 121 nette Emmons, '26, whose accompan- tion was started by Mr. and Mrs. Si- Preparations are being completed07.eARTiye-rA K 1st was Catherine Buhrer, who also mon Guggenheim in memory of a son for the May fete tomorrow at the Un- MA THf ikl"""X accompanies for the glee club as a who died' in 1922. The aim of the ion. More than 50 women of Ann Ar- whole. The third presentation was a $3,000,000 fund is to provide assistance rioWus ooths whc wl ln the bASHaINGTON group of numbers by the glee club, for young American scholars and ar- Miss Nora Crane Hunt, of the School tists, engaged in research of creative room. As has beenannounced before CANDIE of Music, is director of the Michigan work. the May party will take the forn of a organization; Loretta F. Cooper, '26, musical tea with Joseph Sainton and president; and Mary Kent-Miller, '27, SEthel Lewis as guest artists. i general manager. StudentS e k Mrs. Hannah T. Vosper who is giv- Fia A Dutch song and dance given by * 7 / ing the party wishes to emphasize the Fresh Every Friday Rosiland Morrisson, of Ohio State yToFlint 1. I..CA fact that tickets will be on sale at opened their second part of the pro the door and also that the program gram, and was followed by a soprano As guest of honor at the inaugura- will begin promptly at 3 o'clock. Both ! solo by Helen E. Barnett, president tion of the now $400,000 Y. W. C. A. men and women are invited and a >f the organization. Concluding their building in Flint, Michigan, Marie Lan- special booth has been prepared for part of the program, the entire Ohio zar, grad., spoke before a banquet of undergraduates. E lub presented "The Lady of Shalott" 210 Y. W. members Wednesday night nd "Carmen Ohio." on the Philippine Islands. In accord- A court case brought to light the 709 North University As a grand finale the "Yellow and ance with a yearly custom of the Flint fact that there are 1,100 registered 3lue" was sung, organization to ask a student of the women money lenders in England. The members of the Ohio organiza- University who is from some other ~Lngere L ion arrived at 3:30 o'clock yesterday country to meet with them, Miss Lan- Piles andpi nd will remain in Ann Arbor as zar was chosen. . bureau drawer a guests of the various sororities and Se s n 1r the girl gra lormitories until Sunday, when they e S ason S orem o S tyles georgette mater will continue their trip to Toledo Isets. Individual vhere they will give a concert Sun- SCIENTIFICALLY your'desires, and lay night. SELECTED AND In th ew LameHa Silk Lingerie s The proceeds obtained from the con- P because of the g :ert last night will be used to finance PREPARED FOODS i similar trip by the Michigan Girls' Hoursj MIee club to Columbus on May 15. 11:00-1:30 5:00-8:00 Although she is only 25 years of age, Special Sunday Evening Lunch Miss Gene Gildman of Chicago is said o have 'cleaned up a million dollars Guff 4t n real estate. She employes 600 peo- le. She began work in a department Corner Liberty and Maynard tore eight years ago. NOTICES Barbour gymnasium No team may play in the intramural baseball tournament until entry lanks have been turned in to the physical education offices. The sche- dule for Wednesday's games will bel announced later. First round tennis matches in the class tournament must be played cff to-' lay, the weather permitting. Second round to be played off by Wednesday. Members of the outdoor club will meet at 12 'o'clock this noon for a steak roast. If there is rain, the roast will be held in Palmer field house. Miscellaneous Board of representatives will meet at 9 o'clock today in room 110 of the Library. Board of directors of the women's league will meet at 4 o'clock Monday in room 110 of the Library. Both old and new members are to be present. Music scores of "Becky Behave" will he sold for $1, next week only at the State street bookstores and Univer- sity Music house. Sheet music, for- merly priced at 50 cents will be on sale for 25 cents. Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. Don't Forget Mother Leave your order today for a Mother's Day Box of Fine Candies while our stock is complete. Betsy Ross Shop 15 NICKELS ARCADE f' - -- ____, _f .. .. ImeSaeof Lingerie 1/4 Off alossoms Forth in Springtime Tints les of lovely, dainty lingerie to tuck away in your nd wear with pleasure-exquisite gift lingerie, too, Auate and the June bride. Such delicate silk and als that retain their loveliness indefinitely. Matched pieces. Simple or elaborate, in accordance with at prices wholly in accordance with your purse. A no extravagance when purchased during this Sale, great reductions which have been made-one-fourth ices! (SECOND FLOOR) 6o: I i l .e it&j mmmmmmmmmm l . Special Values This Week in GOODYEAR'S You'll never believe how hats are until you see them. so moderately. smart And these priced 124 SOUTH MAIN I I SPRING Superb Coats Elegant Coats Variety of new styles in Twillblooms and Poirets- Guaranteed linings. All col- ors and black. Fine fur col- lars. Regularly $45. I ! !1 Puyear & Hintz 328 SoU.rTH MAIN A Quality Achievement and a Value Presentation Extraoi'dinary! Washable Summer Dresses in all the new shades, as well as Black and Navy. Poiret Twills with guaranteed lin- ings. Many styles to select from. Formerly $65. Now $49.75 , _ u --- _m ® _ mm umi, ~ $34.50 Week-end Specials also in Poiret Sheen Coats, Crepe Silk lined. Numerous styles with or without capes, and pretty fur collars. $22.75 Nearly Every One likes Old Fashioned Bar Double Strength Pepermint fyoprefer Sugar oaled Gum h HtDY ePACK :I, .a of o half onte 'A VARIETY OF EXQUISITE STYLES AT THE EXCEPTIONAL PRICE OF $1500 . r rSports, &treet. Afternoon & Semi- 9ormaI THE DRESSES ARE FULL CUT AND EXQUI- SITELY MADE IN EVERY DETAIL. BEAUTI- FULLY TAILORED WITH FULL LONG SLEEVES 4ND SMART TRIM LINE. JUST THE DRESS FOR THE COUNTRY CLUB, STREET OR TEATIME IN A WIDE VARIETY OF STYLES, A NUMBER OF WHICH ARE PICTURED HERE IN ALL THE NEWEST COLORINGS. Accessories That Attract I NEW BROADCLOTH BLOUSES in white 1 and tan, made with stylish collars and latest E $2.50 English effects. a ; j f GOTHAM SILK HOSE New all-silk sheer number, special at STONE MARTEN SCARFS Fine, dark, selected skins, special at ASCOT SILK SCARFS New Parisian designs. } $1.95 ;$29.50 j}$2.50 II Il r COME EARLY WHILE STYLE AND SIZE ASSORTMENTS. ARE COMPLETE 11 4 lit"i I )~ .'I._ J.T II