9 FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1926 T14 r 1tl[T l" "Tr A ht n AT? .., . -- ...........r.W. t iL I V~III11tHidN ~LrLIAG I Tmo 1 I MEDICAL PROFESSORS TO ATTEND MEEIG Sveral members of the faculty, of the'Iedcalschool will attend the meetings of the Association of Ameri- cari*,Physicians and the American As- socfation for Clinical Investigation to be field at Atlantic City from Monday to Friday of next week. Pr1of. A. S. Warthiii and Prof. Carl V. Weller of the pathological depat=t mneat, Prof. Frank N. Wilson of the internal medicine department, and P'rof, Frederick G. Novy of the bac- teriological Idepartment will all' be present at the week's sessions. Pa- per6: wil be read by Professor Weller and .Professor Wilson at the meetings. L C LORGANIZATIONVS PLAN TO by permittingthm to fill the posi- Arbor (ay will be; observed onj reserved for "an evening at home", ions themselves has been observed Thursday, the committee in charge during which parents are asked to re-I OBSER ME B ~ k )AN AD GII?1S,9IW EEK' for is sponsorings. has announced. The children wil main at home with their children. AE Thee iwanis cu ssosrn h assemble at the various parks to plant program broadcast by radio will con-' pIo-gnrum for Wednesday, which will trees which will be'-otaned n ex- elude the events of the evening. In accordance will? the NationalI Scout organization. They will spealk consist of entertaining the children change for tickets sold during the Boys' and Girls' week which starts from station WCAP at 'Washington. 01o the IUniversity hospital with motion {week. tomorrow, the civic organizations of All of the churches of the city 1 il pictures and vaudeville features. The last dayofthrwekhaebe j~nAbrhv obndadeach commemorate the occasion by ap-f(f Iwillb resosil tfrsome hrepi a rtofpbeene evieso Snny the prga ee t)a ena- oAa pn os n il'we All Wool PreShrank Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fde plounced. . in teshos n hr ilb SUITS ADTPOT day with a treasur~e hunt in the morn- students at assemblies of the various ing, a Tiny "Scout field meet in the scoi. afternoon, at which prizes will be of-, GBys and girls will occupy the o- fered for both the troops and the in-j ficial positions of the city on Tuesda,: $ 2 3 0 0 X4. dividuals competing, and the day's adt- under the direction of the Chamber of f tivities will be concluded in 'the eve- Commerce which has charge of tiom Tailored by ning by a radio talk by President program on that (ay. The custom of A. N S O ( Coolidge, and another bjy Sir Robert giving students err opportunity r NASHj Baden-Powell, founder of the Boyj learn of the activitie of cit ofh( Th '~ie Famous Golden Rule Tailors of Cincinnati. II wetcoat to aat41n T SiC T Ad skPhone 9736 or Phone 6746 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TICKERS Ari :rsktha a representative of the NASH CO, Call upon YOU to C~.o ALL Up show samples and styles. f ttwr 1A . 4E11115. ali; sTY l,.1F1x',WORKMANSHIP AND WEARtING OQUALITIES LONDON. v-. The schoolmarms . of IBritain have tossed their hats into the ring, and announced war to a finish; in what they consider a challengeof superiority issued by men teachers.. a 'I1 .. #. 'f '.YV ., ., ........ _ _ _ _ - ....._ --I- 1'A1m1 '11ArI Special English Golf Hose at $300 pair 31 9 SOUTH MAIN ST. Opposite Wuerthi Theatre. 11 l-, FIRST, SECOND,CABIN. TOURISTS THIRDO ESPECIALU Phode 6412 or write 4Of E Hu~'ron Stv-e! 1. Q. K EULER I Steamship Agent, ANN AR £t GUARANTEED. -- Banme of the best dressed people you meet are wearing Nash clothes. Fill P. , , ~. a i I TODAY AND TOM ORROW Y !fJ 1 E :,NTH NOW SHOWING Gilberts, Bunte's and Betty Ann Chocolates in Mother's Day Packages We -will be glad to wvrap for mailing. Sol 61 ""A I I -- III la NO Matinees 2:00-3:40 Prices: I c-25c lrwk RL- ( Nights 7:00-8-40 Prices:; l Oc, 35c, 50c t One LAfter -Jackie takes a flyer in Wall Street -and goes broke -but he's still happy -and plays, Cupid to a pair of sweethearts --and acts as best man at a fancy wedding --never a dull moment A nother-- Swift's 0South State. St. Store 34( Phone 3534 -you'll have the time of your life when you see __ _ . ...., i The Merry Successor to The Rag Man" Y r :* r ra - th\.juZ corae the play pai os %r J{heach, {j cinrahe. Jndn o I i I E. Biut!'Flat! ddn'~t sto for lie, over- it and roomy, ered' a warin hock -fufl of, Jackie' in ' theJ ,using. series of m ever filmed. rs Cliid tto ,a veetearts and ks as best man f unnit ed ,u; evw saw. I behold theBa The best dressed. man of all time offers inter- estig ideas on style ._.: I > . A ~" ...... Now' Showing The "U" Suit 'hex Also a Good C'omedy "MAMMA BEHAVE" FELIX CARTOON .NE- iN Beach's STaAIIC)G SUNDAY f FBlock' F ELEANOR BOARDMAN YSALLY O'NFE and a Big Cast -KEITH FE ATIr1{E- AL and BOB t -As- BEBTIE and ARCHIE in "'PENNY ANTE" ii -'47 } -- k i~ a, / s,.E ..af77~'N1 L~r~ I I -~- ,:1!111 E If -- Tailored by Kuppenaheimer Is Of the aristocracy of tailor- ing. It iscsart.fyet digni- fied and above all it is graceful and natural i I Michigan men prefer it because it is I I~ conspicuously. inconspicuous." $4 150 $4450 s5O :1 11 tITER IIIERS "11 IRELES LIZZIE"9 ------------------- Other Good, Makes. $35. $404--$45 xKI o A3IS MAJESTIC OR41.IESTRA Leontaro Faleou e, llrector l - ~ !,~~lIL I ~ K r