ESTABLISHED 1890 40P vwoqmp Ardw Ar Ot tt 'A jj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ------------- VOL. XXXVI. Nq. 155 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS _ y PRICENIVECENT COMMITTEE NAES AUTHOR OF OPERJ FOR NEXT SESON SELECTS BOOK WITH COLLEGE ATMOSPHERE SUBMITTED BY PETERSON CHAIRMAN NAMED Ward Tollizien To Manage Production; Starrett Will Handle Stage; Tryouts Begin Work Milton Peterson, '27L, is the author of next year's Union opera, and Ward Tillizien, '27, has been appointed gen- eral chairman, according to announce- ment, made last night. J. Elliott Star- rett, '28E, was also named as stage manager. Announcement regarding the opera book for next winter was made last night by Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, of the English department, chairman of the opera book committee, which has been considering 11 scenarios, submit- ted by students, for the past month. Tollizien and Starrett were appointed yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the opera committee on committees. Peterson wrote two books for next year's production, one of which was accepted, in addition to several musi- cal numbers. He composed practical- ly all of the music and lyrics for "Tambourine" this year. Next year's book contains considera- ble college atmosphere which is not] restricted to Ann Arbor, however, but is applicable to any college town. The last opera which contained any sug- gestion of university life was "George Did It," produced in 1920. "With the selection of a book which has a certain amount of college flavor in it," said Professor Campbell, "we sincerely hope to please those alumni who have been asking for its revival as well as others who prefer that type of production to that which has been given the past few years." The bulk of the music for next year will not be chosen until Roy Hoyer arrives in Ann Arbor next Monday, in' 'order that it may lit in with the ideas for dance numbers that Mr. Hoyer will bring with him. , Tollizien, the new general chairman, was a member of the make-up com- mittee the past year, while Starrett' was on the costume committee. BotI will begin work at once. The remain- ing committee heads will be named later this spring and next fall. The first tryout of the choruses for next year's show wa held at the Mimes theater yesterday. Another will be held today and two tomorrow in preparation for Mr. Hoyer's assuming charge of the chorus work next week. ISTIBUTE 'ENSINS FROM PRESS BUILING Distribution of the 1926 Michigan- ensian will be carried on at the busi- ness offices at the Press building, be- ginning this afternoon. The office will be open from 1 to 5 o'clock every afternoon except Saturday, when the hours will be from 9 until 12 o'clock. Distribution from the Press building will continue for two weeks, after which time, according to agreement, all copies not called for will be for- feited by the purchasers. Lost receipts will be replaced and other irregularities adjusted at the business offices. Those who have not purchased copies, but desire to do so, should place their names on the wait- ing list at the office. According to the business staff an attempt will be made to fill all such orders after May 12. The price of copies bought at this time will be $5.50. Tickets Available For Party Tonignt School of Education faculty mem-I bers and students, who have not yet obtained tickets for their second an- nual party tonight in the University high school recreation room, may re- ceive them at the door at that time. Lundquist's orchestra will play for the entertainment, Which will last from 9 to 1 o'clock. Faculty members and students who' have paid their dues will be admitted without charge. Graduate students and others may obtain tickets at $1 apiece. OurWeatherMan BR . y r ; t ' 1{ t Law Club To Be S 00UPOT1E Formal Tonight lT BITIONVOE Stewart's Syncopators, a seven piece orchestra from Detroit, will fur- nish the music for the second annual ' spring formal of the Lawyers' club 1I I 1! II i to be held tonight in the club lounge room. This orchestra has been alter- nating at the Palais in Detroit and has played for previous parties in Ann Arbor. The lounge and lobby of the club will be decorated with cut flowers, palms and colored fountains. The guest dining room of the club will contain bridge tables for those who do not wish to dance. An act of' vaudeville has been secured for the affair. Faculty members and their wives will be guests. The formal will} conclude acetivitiec of the Lavrr RIVAL FORCES MAKE SENATEI FLOOR A BATTLE GROUND IN NEW FIGHT HEARINGS REVIEWED Senator Bruce Predicts That "Wets Will Have Majority In Senate Before Long" (By Associated Press). WASHINGTON, April 29.-The wets club member: ,A s fl Me Lawyei s for the year. CONOAINWILL Seniors From All Colleges To Receive Citation For "Excellence In Scholarship" HOUGH TO GIVE ADDRESS Approximately 200 students will be cited for "excellence in scholarship" at the third annual Honors convoca- tion which will be held at 11 o'clock next Wednesday in Hill auditorium. Names of those chosen have been sent to the printer in preparation of the of- ficial program which will be ready within "a few days. Students who will be given recogni- tion are chosen from the senior class- es of all schools and colleges, and in- clude those who rank in the upper: ten per cent of the class and have maintained an aveage grade of "B" or better. Holders of University fel- lowships and scholarships in the Graduate school, and recipients of special scholarship awards and medals which are conferred primarily on the basis of scholarship, are also included. The address of the day will be de- livered by Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, pastor of the Central Methodist Epis- copal church in Detroit and former president of Northwestern university. The musical program will inclue se- lections by Philip LaRowe, S. of M., organist, and by the Varsity Glee club. Dean A. H. Lloyd of the Graduate school will preside. Seats will be provided on the plat- form for members of the faculty. Those invited as honor students will occupy a reserved section on the main floor of the auditorium, and the re- mainder of the seats will be open to University students and others. I All classes in the University will be dismissed at 11 o'clock so that stu- dents may attend the convention. ,Name Speakers IFor All - Medic Smoker May 4 Dean Hugh Cabot, Prof. Carl Eber- bach and Prof. Max Peet, of the sur- gical department, and Prof Preston M. Hickey of the roentgenological depart- ment in the Medical school, will give the principal speeches at the annual all-medic smoker to be held at 7 o'clock Tuesd'ay night, May 4, in the Mimes theater, it was announced last night. As in past years, the smoker will be given under the auspices of Galens, junior honorary medical so- ciety. The affair, which will be featured by take-off sketches of members of the medical faculty, will begin with sev- eral dancing and musical acts. Fo- lowing these, a farcical clinic, "As We See It" will be given by medical stu- dents. After this skit the gathering will retire to the Union ballroom where short talks by the faculty mem- bers and students will be delivered. Several short acts will be given and the Union orchestra will furnish mu- sic. BATNHILLS EXTENS GOLF COURSE PRIVILEGES According to a rule recently passed by the Barton Hills Golf club, stu- dents of the University will be al- lowed to play on that course provided they procure a guest card from a member. Heretofore, students were only allowed playing privileges when j accompanied by a member. I again today maded the Senate floor I their battle ground. Reviewingthelast three weeks of hearings before the Senate prohibi- tion committee, Senators Edge, Re- publican, New Jersey, and Bruce, Democrat, Maryland, declared that a case had been made for a modification of the Volstead Act. Senator Edge challenged the drys to support a national referendum on the ;prohibition question, while Senator Bruce predicted that the wets would be in a great majority in the Senate "before very long." Evidence before the committee was that Volstead Act violation is not sec- tional but universal. Senator Edge de- clared. Senator Bruce asserted that the official records show that drunken- ness was mounting "in all sections of the country, north, south, east and west." wThe two held the floor for nearly two hours, Senator Edge with a prc- pared address and Mr. Bruce with an extemporaneous speech. There was no response from the dry leaders, nor was either interrupted. Urging Congress to invite the states to conduct a simultaneous ref- erendum on both the Volstead Act and the Eighteenth Amendment, Senator Edge said that if the drys were as confident as they professed to be that sentiment had not changed, they should welcome a verdict of the peo- ple. Declaring that "more curtailment of liberty won't help," the New Jersey senator warned that if the drys did not want to try modification, they would "drive the country to a repeal : .j . ., . XPU SO()IIN ]NOT WORIRIED) OIVER ATTEX11TS ON LIFE (By Associated li'es") ROIE April 29. ---sPremier Mussolini grimly announced in Chamber of Deputies this after- noon at a special session devoted to a great demonstration of thanksgiving for his escape in the recent attempt on his life, that he was not disturbed by the possibility of a repetition of at- tempts on his life-there have been two in one year-because he knew that Fascism's march towards its destiny could not be checked, "While I understand your no- ble preoccupation on this score," he exclaimed, "I do not intend to hide myself or cut myself off from direct contact with' the mass of the Italian people." Mussolini faced a vast crowd jamming every available inch of space in the huge Montecitorio auditorium. The ceremonies pre- ceding his speech were a stirring tribute of loyalty and affection for the leader of Fascism. An- tonio Casertano, president of the chamber, declared that any men- ace against Mussolini was also a menace against the destiny of Mussolini, and repeated amid wild excitemen't Fascism's battle cry-"God save him to us; woe to whomsoever touches him." Some tension was caused dur- ing tributes paid to the memory of Giovanni Amendola, who died recently at Cannes from injuries received at the hands of a mob, when the communist deputy, Massi, in speaking for his party, made reference to Matteotti, the socialist deputy who was mur- dered in 1924, and for whose death several of the Fascisti are serving prison terms. MAKE ALLOTMENTS1 FOR IMPROVEMENTS OF U. S. WATERWAYS WAR DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE $45,225,4A) FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS FOR 252 PROJECTS Plan To Expend $9,000,000 To Better Lock And Dan Construction On Ohio River (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, April 29.-Allot- ment totalling $45,225,450 for river and harbor improvements during the fis- cal year beginning July 1, were an- High Schools To Debate Today In Semi-Final Round Competing in the semi-finals of the Michigan High School debate league, four remaining teams will meet today in the fifth of the league elimination series. Kalamazoo Central will en- tertain Ludington, while Yale will de- bate Hudson at Hudson. The two winning teams will face each other May 10 in Hill auditorium, contesting for state high school championship) honors. T.Ihe question for debate, "Resolved, That the Pro- posed Child Labor Amendment to the National Constitution Should be Adopt- ed by the United States," has been the subject which all teams in the league have debated upon during the present league schedule.r According to G. E. Densmore, de- bate league manager, preparations are nearly completed for the final championship program. BAND TO PLAY FORi; GOVERNOR TONIGHT11 ON PHILIPPINE TRIP Antlhropologist Will Discuss Results Of Recent Univ(-rstiy Expedition of the Eighteenth Amendment." SLIDES WILL BE SHOWN Senator Bruce told his colleagues that not many of them were "really in1 sympathy with prohibition" and that Dr. Carl E. Guthe, associate direc- if they were consistent the modifica- tor of anthropology, will give a lec- tionists would be in the great ma- I Lure on the University of Michigan jority. Philippine expedition at 8 o'clock "We have had our hearing," he said, referring to the prohibition com- Wednesday night, May 5, under the mittee, "and it was destructive to the auspices of Sigma Xi, national lion- hollow pretenses of prohibition." orary society for the promotion of Supporting his prediction that the research in both pure and applied sci- wets would grain a majority of thee Senate in the not distant future, the umae yesterday. Maryland senator referred to "the In 1922, the Uv . proibiionfiht"in onecton it In 1922, the University museums prohibition fight" in connection with I sent an archaeological expedition to the senatorial capig n ensljthe Philippine Islands under the lead- vania and called attention to the fact ership of Dr. (luthe. The party re- that next fall there would be a refer- mained there until 1925 and made an endum in New York state on the e th e souten alf extensive study of the southern half question of prohibition. l of the islands. Most of the traveling :! i , . i E, r ' nounced today by the war department. They were provided for in the $50,000,- 000 lump sum appropriation carried in the annual army supply bill, $4,774,-. 550 being reserved for contingencies. Funds are allotted to continue work on 252 projects, already authorized, on the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts, the Great Lakes and inland waterways and in Alaska and insular possessions. The allotments have no (connection with the project proposed in the $36,000,000 authorization bill now pending in the House. The amounts distributed range from $500 for minor improvements to $9,- 000,000 for continuing lock and dam construction on the Ohio river, with an additional $250,000 for open chan- ' nl improvement. In making public the allotment, Sec- retary Davis said those for projects I in the Missippi valley had been made in accordance with a program which, nf it is followed, would result in the ' completion within approximately five years of the major projects of thci Mississippi river system. "Should definite congressional approval be giv- en to this five-year program," he ad- ded, "we will complete our existing interior projects as cheaply and as rapidly as possible, incidentally en- abling contractors to purchase ade- quate equipment now." - Missing Men Are Safe At Point Barrow (By Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO, April 29.-A wire- less message from the company's sta- tion at Point Barrow, Alask, saying that Captain George H. Wilkins, andl his pilot, Ben Eielson, of the Detroit Arctic expedition, were safe at that point after being missing for thirteen days, was received by H. Liebes and company, furriers. The message said: "Will need twen- ty tons of coal extra as we are using a quantity keeping the motors warm. Wilkins and party are stopping at our station." The coal will be sent from here next week on the steamer Charles Brower. the company's Arctic fur carrier. Wilkins is a close friend of Charles Brower, the agent who sent the mes- sage. Wilkins accompanied Stefansson on one expedition which stopped at the Point Barrow station of the fur com- pany. Liebes said that there are eight or nine whites living at Point Barrow and all have been looking forward to the return of the exploring party. JUDGE DECIES TTITUDE rOF LABOR__TOWARD LA' Ii.'phasizing the fact that organized (labor should be subject to the juris- 'diction of the courts and within the reach of the law, Judge William Lloyd Huggins, national authority on labor problems, spoke yesterday af- ternoon on "The Basis for Labor's An- tagonism to the courts." Judge Huggins depicted the hostilef attitude of labor toward important Su. preme court decisions, and cited fam- ous cases in which labor authorities had claimed these court decisions to be unsatisfactory and oppressive to labor interests. KRASNE TAKES FIRST IN STATE ORATORY FINALS (By Associated Press) DETROIT, April 29.-Philip( N. Krasne, of the University ofj Michigan, won first place tonightj in the state finals of the national ! inpol i.otnntr lrn fc 'Glee Club Will Also Take Part Detroit Concert For State Alumni And Groesbeck In OFFER VARIED PROGRAM Presenting a program before Gov.j Alex Groesbeck and the Alumni of the state, the Varsity band and Glee club appear in Detroit in the Coliseum at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Those who take part in the concert will leave Ann Arbor at 4:00 o'clock in a special1 car and will return after the concert. Mayor Robert A. Campbell treasurer' of the University, Theodore Harrison, director of the Glee club, and Capt. Wilfred Wilson, director of the band will accompany the party. The concert, which will be a combi- nation of the numbers of both or- ganizations, will be supplemented by solos by members of the Glee club. A featured part of the program will be the solo work of Barre Hill, '26, who has been soloist of the Glee clu) for the past three years, and who will give the "Prologue from 'Pagliacci' and a group of English songs. Otto Koch, '27, another soloist of the Glee club will also sing. The Glee club1 has a repertoire of 25 numbers and will choose a group from that number, included in which will be "Clan Al- pine" by Bruch, with a baritone solo be Barre Hill. Others numbers willt be selected from the group of col-u lege songs, sung by the entire club." The band will give 'several marches? and as a specialty will play selections from "The Chocolate Soldier" and the "Moon Madrigal" by Willeby. Anotherl number by the band will be selections from "The Student Prince" with spe- cial orchestrations by Captain Wilson.t The program will be concluded with "The Yellow and the Blue" by thet combined band and Glee club. Current Events Contest Details lAre Made Public Definite arrangements for the local1 preliminary examination in the New1 York Times current events contest, to be held Saturday, were announced yesterday by Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the political science department, chairman of the committee. The init-1 ial test for the Michigan entrants will be given at 9 o'clock in the morning; f in room 2003, Angell hall. The department will furnish all ne- cessary paper, but the students must bring sealed envelopes containing their name, with a pseudonym to be used on the examination paper, writ- ten on the outside. In this manner1 the committee can correct the papers without knowing whiose work they are grading. Although registration was intended to be completed by yesterday, it is still possible to make arrangements for late entrance with any member1 of the committee. The name of the winner will be an- nounced in The Daily simultaneously with the New York Times within a few days after the examination, in accordance with agreements made by the general committee. TICKETS SELL RAPIDLY IFOR FESMNB QUT I Tickets for the annual spring ban- quet of the freshman class, sponsoredI FRENCH WAR DEBT SETTLEMENT MADE 'AT 84, 025,000, 000 AMERICAN COMMISSION AND AMBASSADOR BERENGER REAC1 AGREEMENT INTEREST REDUCED President Coolidge Approves Offer; Payments To Be Met Over Long Period (By Assoc'iated Press) WASHINGTON, April 29.-Agree- mont for a settlement of the $4,025,- 000,000 French war debt was reached late today by the American debt com- mission and Ambassador Berenger. France's last offer fo'r a total pay- went of $6,847,674,000 over a 62-year period was received by the commis- sion early in the afternoon. And after an hour's consideration it was laid before President Coolidge, who gave his approval. The offer exceeded by more than $600,000,000 the best proposal of the unsuccessful Caillaux mission of last summer and its acceptance ended more than eight months of almost constant bargaining between repre- sentatives of the two countries. The settlement not only concluded negotiations with America's secont largest war debtor, but substantially completed the commission's work of ,funding the $10,102,000,000 foreign war debt of this nation. Only $295,- 000,000 of this amount remains un- funded. The end of the long discussion be- tween the two countries came quickly and quietly in marked contrast to the excitement which marked the visit of Caillaux mission. France authorized her ambassador to accede to the com- mission's demand that the first pay- ments be increased beyond $25,000,000 annually, and thus remove the main stumbling block. Mr. Berenger gave Secretary Mel- Ion, chairman of the commission, a new offer, providing for payment of $30,000,000 the first two years and making other readjustments, and, al- though Secretaries Kellogg and Hoo- ver were absent, the commission quickly gave its approval. Ambassa- dor Berenger went to the treasury later and -he and Secretary Mellon signed the agreement. The present value of the total pay- ments on a 41-4 per cent basis, the amount of interest charged on most of the loans made by this government to obtain the money for France, is $2,008,122,624, or about 50 per cent of the debts funded as compared with the Italian settlement of 25 per'cent. The agreement does not include the "safety clause" heretofore demanded by France which would relieve that country of its debt responsibilities in the event of failure of Germany tc meet its reparations. This provides for the funding of $4,025,000,000 rep-. resenting $3,340,000,000 in principal, and $685,000,000 accrued interest to the date of the agreement. Payment will start at $30,00,000 for the first two years, $32,500,000 for the next two years, and $3,000,000 the fifth year. They will increase to $40,- 000,000 the sixth year and graduate upward $10,000,000 annually until the thirteenth year. The payments will then increase $5,000,000 annually until the seventeenth year, when the total will be $125,000,000. Annual payments of $125,000,000 will be paid thereafter until the sixty-second year when the final amount will be $177,674,104. Interest charges on the debt will average a little more 'than one and five-eighths per cent. No interest will be charged during the first five years. For the next ten years, interest will amount to one per cent annually; for the next ten years, two per cent; for the next eight years, two and one- half per cent; for the next seven years, three per cent; and for the re- maining twenty-two years, three and one-half per cent. Similar to the other agreements, the debt bears interest of four and one- quarter per cent to Dec. 15, 1922, and three per cent thereafter to June 15, 1925, the date of the agreement on the amount of the debt. LONDON.- Mrs. Lillian Charlotte Anne Knowles, economist and educat- or, is dead. I "S. S. GLENCAIRN" SEATS WILL GO ON SALE TODAY Seats for Eugene O'Neill's Icyl of seaplays, "S. S. Glen- cairn," to be presented by the Mimes Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week in tie Mimes theater, have Choose Five For Atkinson Finals Five students were selected from a list of tryouts yesterday afternoon in Mason hall to compete in the finals of the Atkinson Oratory contest which will be held May 14 in University hall. They are: Joseph H. Shipman, '26, Geneva Wheeler, '26, William Marin,j '28, D. A. Howell, '26, and Harry Se-I ligson, '26. The winner of first honors in the finals will be awarded a gold medal, and a testimonal of $50. Second prize will be $25. Alienist Talks To County Physicians Dr. David Clark, of the psychiatry department of the Detroit College of Medicine, addressed the regular{ monthly meeting of the Washtenaw County Medical association in the Chamber of Commerce building last night,.discussing "Trouble Cases From the Mental Angle." Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medical school, and Dr. James Bruce of the internal medicine department led dis- cussions on Dr. Clark's paper, follow- ing the lecture. Michigan State Beats Syracuse? (By Associated Press) EAST LANSING, April 29.-Michi- gan State college defeated Syracuse ~tivArcit i-,, sn hn a l prt I-n-Inv A I was made in a 75 foot schooner fur- nished by Dean C. Worcester, '89, who has played an important part in the history of the Philippines. In the three years, Dr. Guthe made twenty trips to different parts of the islands looking for burial places in an attempt to discover evidences of old Philippine manners of living. Searches were made in both caves andj graves where the dead were buried. Dr. Guthe found a large amount of I Asiatic porcelain and pottery and alsoi discovered a large number of trinkets such as ear rings, bracelets, and other ornaments. A great share of his find- ings was brought to the museums. In his lecture Wednesday night, Dr. Guthe will devote the greater part of his time in discussing the various in- cidents of the trips. The lecture will be in the nature of a travelogue and will be illustrated by lantern slides.! sic~s Physicists Will Assume Positions In Other Schools Having received positions in other colleges for next fall, George E. Van Dyke, instructor in physics, and Louis' R. Weber; assistant in physics, will leave the University at the end of the present semester, it was announc- ed by the department yesterday. Mr. Van Dyke will become an in- structor at the University of Wiscon- [sin. At Michigan, he has been tak- ing his graduate work, specializing in X-ray research. Mr. Weber will go to the Friends'l university, Wichita, Kans., where hei i will become professor of physics.