PACE POUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, 9, 1 -'G ?ACII FOiTTt ThURSDAY, APRIL 29, 192G Published every morning except Moniay during the University year by the Boa in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise Credited in this paper and the local news pub- dished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, 4ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.54; by mail, *4.oO, Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May- ward Street. Phones: EditorIal ; kulaess, 12r4. 5DXTORAL STAFt telephone # S MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal City Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield News Editor........... Manning Housewortb Women's Lditor..........Helen S. Ramsay Sport's Editor.............Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor .......... William Walthour Music and Drama.......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka W. Calvin Patterson Assistaat City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants f"ertride Bailey Charles Behymer George Berneike Willimi .Breyer Pihilip C. Brooks iarnum Buckingham Stratton Buck Carl 'Burger Edgar Carter Chamberlain AeyerCohen' Carleton Champe Douglas Do'ubleday EgenesII. Gutekunst Andrew Goodman James T. Herald Russell itt Miles Kimball Miarion Kubik Harriett Levy Ellis Merry Dorothy Morehouse Margaret Parker Stanford N. Phelps Archie Robinson Simon Rosenbaum Wilton Simpson Janet Sinclair Courtland Smith Stanley Steinko Louis Tendler Henry Thurnau David C. Vokes Marion Wells Cassam A. Wilson Thomas C. Winter Marguerite Zilske BUSINESS STAFF. Telephone 91114 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising......... ..Joseph J. Finn Advertising.............Rud-ph Bo telman Advertising..............Wm. L. Mullin Advertising.........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr. Circulation............. ...James R. DePuy Publication..............Frank R. Den, Jr. Accounts.................Paul W. Arnold Assistants George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher W. Carl Bauer F. A. Norquis John H. Bobrink Loleta G. Parke Stanley S. Coddington David Perrot W. J. Cox Robert Prentiss Marion A. Daniel Wm. C. Pusch Mary Flinterman Nance Solomon Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinman 11arod Holmes Margaret Smith Oscar A. Jose Sidney Wilson THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1926 Night Editor-THOMAS' V KOYKKA "The Allies were fighting their own war and the American Expe- ditionary Forces finally turned the scales. I resent the remarks of men across the sea speaking of our attitude during the war, stat- ing that this country devoted itself merely to making money. I' resent more, any American or any American in the Congress of the United States who deals in derogatory fashion with the Ameridan .attitude in 1917 or in 1918. 'We did a job in 1918 of which America may well be proud. No man who is a chan- kt cellor of an exchequer of another country has. a right to refer to the attitude of America in those years or to refer to the selfish- ness of this land. Let no man in the future from abroad, without resentment by America, speak of our attitude in terms other than of praise and let no man on the floor of the Senate or on the floor of the House of Representa- tives hereafter refer to America'sI attitude in 917 except as an American should. We did our duty in those days as Americans in the American- way just as we will a ways (10 our duty in every cr a w as Americans in the Amer- 1xi. an way."-Senator Reed, Repub- lican, Pennsylvania, himself a war veteran, replying directly to a statement by Senator Edge, Re- publican, New Jersey, that the Allies were "fighting our war un- til the United' States could get its forces into France. STUD ENTS' RELIGION I "Students and Their Religion," dis- cussed by Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, liberal educator and former president of Amherst, will be the first topic discussed at the non-sectarian Uni- versity services at Hill auditorium, arranged by the Student council and the Women's league. What is the re- ligion of the student? Has the mod-' ern student any religion? These are fitting questions with which to open at Michigan a new movement, and one which should have a great future. State universities have, in the past, needlessly avoided 'religious topics, fearful of arousing the opposition of tendance this spring is large enough to force upon the leaders the convic- tion that such convocations are filling a definite need in University life and must be continued and developed. Students are not asked to go to Hill auditorium to be convincedthat their beliefs are wrong-that a radical reformation is necessary. But they I are being offered the privilege of hearing men whose opinions on re- ligion are valuable. It matters little whether the audience agrees with the speaker's theories, but it matters a great deal if his speech can rouset the student to a real appreciation oft the religion of this generation and thec problems connected with the relationsc between youth and the church.- The Sunday convocations mark a radical departure from the obsolete conservatism of the past. The Regents approved of the move to such an ex-1 tent that they have given permission to take up a collection in Hill audi' torium-an act heretofore barred. If the campus is "alive"--interested in the great problems that confront re-f ligion today-Hill auditorium will be packed on Sunday morning. MICHIGAN,--FROM THE OUTSIDEa In an article which appeared inc the "Outlook" yesterday, the Univer-c sity was cited as being the "mostI Eastern of Western universities,"t and was lauded for remaining acldse' "corporation of integrated members," in spite of having an exceedingly large enrollment. "In manner and in manners," the article continued, "in orientation, in general state and attitude of mind, in1 'savoir faire,' the student body seems to move and have its young beingt more in. the academic Eastern key of Cambridge, Princeton, or Williams-t town."' Some of the persons on the campust who are forever decrying the break- down of the educationalasystem atI this University, who are always prophesying that in a few years the institution is going to be in dire straits, and that the students of the present generation are not here for intellectual develonment but for so-t cial pleasure, would do well to readt this article and learn what opinion is held of Michigan by some outsiders.' This outsider may be wrong in kis impressions, he may be right; but nevertheless, he would not be able to give such an optimistic picture if there were not a certain degree of truth on which to base hisnstatements. It is difficult for persons to judge themselves successfully; the saying "Oh, to see ourselves as others see us!" is applicable to institutions as welas to ind~ividuals, and it i per- fectly possible that a much more academic atmosphere prevails at this University, than we, a part of it, are able to realize. This outsider is able to see that the torch of desire for knowledge is burning here, and it is most gratifying to know that others judge us in a better light than do cer- tain individuas connected with the University. If flattering remarks are made about a person, he attempts to live up to the qualities attributed to him. May the same not be true of the persons making up an educational institution? EXCEEDING GOOD TASTE American aggresiveness, it is hard- ly anything else, again threatens to exceed the bounds of good taste in the proposed erection of memorials and war monuments in France. It was brought out recently by General John J. Pershing, chairman of the Amei- can Battle Monuments commission, that the monuments erected by states, individuals, organizations, and indi- viduals will far exceed those of the Allies unless some further curb is put upon their construction. It is the work of the commission at the present time to supervise the erection and maintenance of American monuments. Certainly the words of the retired chief of the army should carry great weight when this situation is con- sidered. General Pershing pointed out that the commission has decided to limit further construction of war memorials on the ground that the number is' already excessive, and that it is im- possible for agencies other than the government to properly care for the monuments after they have been erected. It was decided to prohibit further construction of memorials other than those of public improve- ment for use of the French, such as memorial bridges, fountains, and pub- lic buildings. The wisdom of the commission in these matters can hardly be doubted. Certainly discretion must be used by1 the government, if not by our or-I ganizations and individuals, in the number and types of monuments erected to our soldier dead, especially in consideration of the fact that thet United States had fewer troops en- MUSIC AND DRAMA 1 TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents Bernard S1haw's "You Never Can Tell" Ii* the Mimes theatre at 8 o'clock "CAROLINE" A review, by Leonard Hall. An occasional, distant laugh from the gallery and a shuffling of feet in the balcony announced the presence of a few of the faithful, while in the orchestra certain of the faculty gath- ered intimately in the front rows to watch Margaret Anglin prove that Caroline is no older than on that day when W. Somerset Maugham's play opened on Broadway in 1917. That is by way of comment. The play, built about the foibles of the middle-aged, is essentially youth- ful in spirit, a light comedy of man- ner4 among people of importance, Caroline, the widowed finds to her dismay that she has coasted across the meridian, and that love, marriage, and §Isring _nights are not what they once were. The considerate efforts of her friends to get her safely and sensibly married furnish three acts o laughs. The action aims at no par- ticular conclusion and reaches none, but provides fun by the way. The supporting cast was perfect, but Miss Anglin as Caroline Ashley dominated the scene, and rightly. The play grew and ran its course about the personality of the veteran actress, the first Roxanne in Walter Hampden's "Cyrano de Bergerac." There was evident that presence Which comies to many after years on the stage, a certain sureness and con- idence, which swept up the other ac- tors and took the play through with , a light step. The play last night in the Whitney theatre was Margaret Anglin, yet somehow full justice was done Mr. Maugham, and the cast. THE PLAYER'S CLUB Tryouts for membership in the Players Club will be held this after- noon in Newberry auditorium from three to five o'clock. All students in- terested in informal dramatics and who are eligible for campus activities are invited to tryout. MME. MILESSI A review, by Vincent Wall. Madame Milessi's program of Tues- day night in Lane Hall auditorium was interesting-and was in a way to be quite astounding. In the first place, her repertoire consisted of songs from the German, French, Italian, Irish songs in English-most versatile- and with the two possible exceptions of the Brahm's "Der Schmid" and "Caro Mio Ben" every number was new-refreshingly so. Her range, it is true was exceeding- ly limited for a mezzo, and the audi- ence was disgraceful even for a stu- dent recital of the School of Music. Besides this there was a thin #anic piano, which might have known bet- ter day's, but in its present condition was too much for even Donna Essel- styn. They tell us that Madame has studied for twenty years, and it will take at least twenty more to make her a great artist, but she was infinitely better and presented a program of infinitely greater variety than many given in the Choral UMnion series, or Frank La Forge's pampered darling, Loretta Degnan of last year's festival. Given a better ' auditorium, an. en- thusiastic audience and a piano that "YOU NEVER CAN TELL" A review, by Robert Rlamsay. SENIORS Consult us on Fine Engraving. It is time now to order your calling Cards for Commencement. I i "You Never Can Tell" proves some- thing which Joan of Arc indicated. It proves definitely that Shaw is becom- ing sentimental. Furthernmore his m A diabolicly venemous wit has turner. G R A i into a humor, which ,while I-would not insult it by calling it mellow, has at least a touch of kindness that is conspicuously absent in many of his other productions. With his increas- / ing age, I suspect that Shaw is losing the zest that he once felt in breaking ' the images which his lethargic coun- trymen worshipped, and today, he stands not as a cynic, but as a humor- ist. The metamorphosis through I which he has passed can best be stu- died in the two plays above. in Joan You of Arc, Shaw frankly and openly wor- ships his heroine. In this play, he has No uncertainty allowed so simple and wholesome a six to twelve t thing as family to become the them;;fote mks of his play-a concession which the Of other makes. more acrid Shaw would not have made. Only the figure of the English a~aJ barrister retained the vitriolicgattack on the weaknesses of human nature which lovers of Shaw have come to I look for, and expect. There is still the sparkling dialogueI the brilliant wit, but is aimed antcBc noth t exkse thi khe a comedy. oo Id $$ EXTRA MONEY FOR LARGE SIZES $$ allow his play to go on for the mere $1 Exra for Suits Brought to the store pleasure of watching it. If it is sur- D. MO HK ,2A3N. MAIN prising that Shaw has unbent enough D 4 5 5 to write such a play, it nevertheless - may well be his finest, though least typical. He has permitted himself to become almost deep, where heretofore his forte has been brilliant nothing- #Ie. r___________ PL'EA S DO T M KAE E f PI I HA IS BOOK STORES AT BOTH ENDS OF THE DIACONAL SKILLED REPAIRINGE- W 0 het a wider t Sarp , ,,yc P ",1 ~ [qQ r C, " '4 i (} I Now will want one for your finals, about a Masterpen. It writes at touch-holds imes as much ink, and will outwear several pens ., ,, t, a , . . ,s 4ider's PEnhoE 124 HOUR SERVICEI I v I . i _ .f E i A ! rl ,1 i I s i f_ 1 that will please you Tuttle's Lunch Room 338 M'aynard Street GRAHAMIS p - ON THE Next Year-Wht Phyllis Loughton Dolly in "You Never Can Tell" One can only say enough in seven inches, to make himself thoroughly misunderstood.. A word for the cast must be given, however. It is the lest cast that has been assembled in ama- teur dramatics since my memory. Phyllis Laughton is a charming spit-! fire, and her twin in every way her equab. I believe she is the most fin- Sished actress on the campus.nLillian Bronson repeated her very fine suc- cess in "Outward Bound" and comes a very close second to Miss Laughton. And Robert Henderson..... he turns from slap stick comedy, which I have long considered his forte, to the sym-! pathetic, almost sensitive interpreta- tion, of the waiter-the best thing he has done yet. "THE GOOSE JIANGS IGH f The Ann Arbor Shopf Cleans Hats " and Repairs Shoes! "WE MAKE OLD HATS LOOK LIKE NEW" 625 East Liberty Another year at college-or are you going into business? If business, are you thoroughly prepared for leadership? Do you expect a steady rise to a leading position in the business world, or a long period of apprenticeship be- fore you are fitted for an executive role? Your academic studies will serve as a solid foundation; but you should also be trained in the fun- damental laws of business. BAB SON INSTITUTE offers an intensive one-year course thatsen- ables a man to reduce materially this business apprenticeship. It teaches the basic principles and how to apply them in the daily conduct of commercial affairs. By the laboratory and conference method students are taught the fundamentals of production, dis- tribution and finance. BABSON INSTITUTE is con- ducted for men who look forward to business leadership. A scientific Institution organized, not for profit, under the educational laws of Massachusetts. 318 Wellesley Ave., Babson Park, Mass. Note=~ Students may enter FOURTIMESAYEAR. Summer term starts June 28. Fall term starts Sept. 22. Coursemcovers nine consecutive months. could keep the original pitch; Madame A review, by tPhlip Books. Milessi might have -been a sensation. One needs not comment on the play As it was the program fell just shot beyond saying that the cast had the of being outstanding or unlusual. '1 best mnat crial to work with-at first * * * nuua a faithful portrayal of college stu- TlE GRAIDUATIO)N ICIT .4 dents as they seem to be on the suri- facb-with later a justifying outcome A review, by William Lucas. '. which we hope is correct in indicat- The Commencement Recital pre- "ing that we are not quite so hare- sented a nicely balanced program last brained as some would have us. Son- evening including two numbers by timental? Yes, but only for empbaisis Mozart and Saint-Saenms, names al- of the fifial love which it is the pur- pose of the work to glorify. ways welcome on concert programs Presuniably, in portraying the same The famiilar Saint-Saens' aria, "lMon type character which one represents coeurs' oure a ta voix" was sung by in his - own life, one would unconsci- Miss Hope Bauer, who exhibited a ously make it seem different. But Richard Woellhaf and Edna Hill took! fresh and sympathetic, thou h slen- their parts naturally, appeared to en- der, voice, hardly suitable to that ex- joy them, and thereby showed good acting aria. judgment. They were the most "in Chopin's Piano Concerto in E minor part" of the entire cast. (first movement) served as a vehicle The naturmlness of the portrayal, as for Miss Saime Mouhidden. The more might be expected, became less evi- familiar arrangement by Paderewski dent as the parts became farther from excluding the arrangement for or- the ages of those who played them. chestral accompaniment was ignored, E Thus Daniel Huff carried his action and happily for it contains a deal of in a manner hardly less commendable Chopin that is delightful quite apart than that of the twins. His work from its purpose as background for a showed a certain confidence that wasI not overly interestingypianoforte indeed pleasing. score. Miss Muhidden played with a Three of the less conspicuous actors finished style and grace quite satis, made themselves worthy of the term factory to the exacting requirements "actors" by the completeness with of a Chopin concerto. which they lost themselves in their Saint-Saens was again represented parts. It was not Herbert Moss, Rob- by the Piano Concerto in G minor ert Wetzel, and Edgar Finley, but played by Miss Alice Manderbach, Elliott Kimberly, Noel Derby, and composition severely, almost aridly Leo Day who maintained the appre- classical in conception and execution, ciative attention of the audience dur- depending less for its effect on rich- ing their performances. ness of material or variety of sugges- Kathleen Chisholm, as the wife, was1 tion, than on clarity and symmetry of the exception to the rule. From the form and on clear workmanship in 'opening moment of the play, to the} -... T). :' ' -4 C- -.... .,.. . ,t- - 1-- - +,n lf.1-1 T....:-, Sendilfor "Booklet It explains in detail the work given and the unique features of our intensive business course. It shoos how, by following business methods, our students "re thoroughly trained fkr leadership. Fill in altlached eoura. !n! nmnnnjiuii tmig li a!!ea!!!un!!3gi; iii iirI~ii~ a w!nr ! Babson Institute -318 Wellesley Avenue Babson ParkM Send me. without obll;ati "Training for Business Leade ship" and complete particula about Babson institute. Na'" '. '--............ . Address.............. City......... .:..... - e State. "Watch Ann Arbor Grow!" Will 11 iI - y 1601 Granger Ave. 1610 G Six room Bungalow, sleeping porch, Nine room brickt water softener, screens, awnings, tiled bath, steam garage; lot 50 x 1,32. .Iust be sold awnings, ,screens, at once. Terms. car garage. Beaut ranger Ave. Colonial, lot 75 x 132, heat, five bedrooms, breakfast nook, two- tiful shrubbery. Terms. 722 McKinley Seven room Colonial tiled bath with shower, vapor-steam heat, large fireplace, four bed- rooms, attached garage, Terms.