i ESTABLISHED 1 89Q Y i tA all MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ---- VOL. XXXVI No. 154 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS V SIXTHFEBT PACT HORS WEAKN[55 ~ a (13y Associated Pi-ess) are SHOW WEI IIIN SS ASHINGTON, April 28.-The menwith foreign countries nc- WITH SEIORE ill gotiated last year--that with WIH EIUR DLLCzecho-Slovakia, was apoe today by the Senate, 53-17. At NATIONALISTS LOSE POWER IN the same time, President Cool- the 41 tON"U(FSCATIONI( idge .affixed his signature to the3 OFT O CAL PROPERTY I bill ratifying the agreement with AEItaly, refunding her $2,042,000,- 000 obligation. MASSES BACK MOVE I ( While these events in the gen- eral situation were transpiring, Count Westart Defends Kaiser's Flight the French and American com- ToHoladAs Measure To Gain missions still were awaiting TO Polla rd sTI word from Paris regarding new Better Peace Terms proposals before renewing their j n Frations f r M,000,00,00 warde RR ANGEMENTS FOR 0 Little To Aid In Dedication At Louisiana (By Associated Press)1 BERLIN, April 28.-The failure of the coalition parties, after four months deliberation, to produce an alternative for the socialist-communist bill providing for the confiscation of the properties of former German rul- ers without indemnity, finds the Luther ministry in its weakest posi- tion since taking office. The decision over the government's compromise bill before the Reichstag judiciary committee, today, collapsed after there had been a liberal exchange of inter-party iecriminations. Later there was a heated debate in the Reichstag over the radical's referend- um meaure, which the government vainly sought to head off. Provide Settlementt The confiscation bill was initated by the votes of more than 12,000,000 Germans and seeks to take over for the nation all the properties of the former rulers, while the government is desirous of providing indemnifica- tions to a reasonable amount, includ- ing a settlement of about 12,000,000 marks in cash to the Hohenzollern's, as well as thousands of acres of land and three castles in Prussia. In a vicious attack on the radical confiscation bill, Count Westart, the nationalist leader, explained; "this measure is the result of a campaign of spies and terrorism." Count Westart defended the former German emperor's departure to Hol- land on the ground that William II' believed that better peace terms could be obtained for the German people if he disappeared from the scene. Speaking for the 'socialists, Deputy iesnele declared tbt the fight for the ex-ruler's properties was not a battle for millions but a struggle for crowns. Lack Leadership The govenment was charged with lack of leadership throughout its pro- tracted negotiations Wvith the Reich- stag and that it made the initial mis- take of declaring that a settlement of the matter needed a two-thirds ma- jority vote, and also with failing to mdify 'its draft sufflciently to win over either socialsts or naiotnalists, to reinorce the middle parties bloc. RESEARC EXPERT WILL SPEK HERE NEXT WEE[ Dr. Peyton "Rous Is Associated With tockefeler Institute Dr. Peyton Rous, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, who will give the' final 'lecture on the course presented by Alpha Omega Al- pha, national honorary medical 'so- clety, Thursday, May 6, will remain I in Ann Arbor several days longer as the guest of Prof. A. S. Warthin of the pathological department and will probably deliver several speeches dur- lug his stay. Dr. Rou who will discuss "Reac- ,ton of e TIssues Under Normal and Pathologpal Conditions" in the talk sponsored by Alpha Omega Alpha, was an instructor in the pathology de- partment here from 1906 to 1908. He .became associated with the Rockefel- ler Institute in 1909 and In 192 was made a member of the institute. He is regarded as one of the leading research workers in America and is especially noted for his work in the study of cancer, his Rous chicken-sar- coma, the first transplantable tumor virus discovered, forming the basis for the work of Gye and Barnard and other experimental research. He has also done important research on the blood, bile, and liver function. In June, Dr. Rous will go to Eng- land to fulfill a visiting professorship at Cambridge university. Dr. Rous belongs to a large number of societies, being a fellow of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, a member of the Association of' American Physi- cians, the Society for Experimental Pathology, the New York Pathology society, the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Phi Beta Kappa, and Alpha Omega Alpha. Frane's$4,000,000,000 w ardebt. j- CONVOCATION TOPJIC Former Amherst President Will Dis- cuss "Students And Their Religion" At First Sunday Meeting LAROWE SELECTS MUSIC "Students .and Their Religion" will, be the subject with which Dr. Alex- ander Meiklejohm, former president of Amherst college, will open the first of the Sunday convocations sponsored by the Student council and the Women's league, at 11 o'clock next Sunday morn- ing in Hill auditorium, according to a wire received by the council. Dr. Meiklejohn last spoke in Ann Arbor on April 3 last year, when he addressed a University convocation held in connection with the meetings of the Michigan Schoolmasters' club. At that time speaking on the subject "Excellence in Democracy", he de- nounced dullness as the greatest of all sins. His address next Sunday will cover the present attitude of the American college student on religion. The entire' program of the opening convocation, arranged last night, fol- lows: ' Organ prelude............... .....Procession du St. Sacrement William J. Skeat Hymn...............St. Catherine CongregationI Prayer.................... Prof. F. N. Menefee Offertory ....................... Solo .... As God So Clothe the Grass Julius Niehaus Address ............... ..."Students and Their Religion" Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn Organ Postlude.March from 'Naaman' William J. Skeat a The auditorium will be decorated under the direction of the Women's league, which is cooperating with the council in arranging the convocations. The musical numbers have been se-I lected by Philip. LaRowe, S. of M. The doors of the auditorium will be open- ed at 10:45 o'clock and the service will begin at 11 o'dlock. Attendance is limited to students of 'the University and the faculty. S eniors Title ECla Hard Foug Amidst the struggles of politicians and stubborn insurgents, with Con- servatives on the right and Radicals on the left hissing the candidates of the opposing parties, and with losing factions disbanding and successful parties adding more and more to their , 1 ON President Clarence Cook Little left SPRIN ELEC IONS yesterday morning for Baton Rouge, La.,wher hewill give the principal address Friday night at the cere- NOINATINC COMMITTEE WILL monies dedicating the new campus PICK CANDIDATES FOR and buildings of Louisiana State uni- VARIOUS COUNCILS versity. On Friday afternoon Presi- dent Little will be entertained at lun- I PLAN FOR CAP NIGHT checon by the Baton Rouge Michigan Iclub. Many speakers of note are included Shirley Smith And Cudflip, '26, Will on the program which will continue Represent Faculty And Student I for three days. It is expected that Body On Program President Coolidge will deliver an ad- dress Friday afternoon and Gov. Hen- Arrangements for the annual all- ry L. Fuqua, of Louisiana, will also campus elections, which will select speak. Among the college presidents the leaders of campus organizations who are on the program are: Pres. Ifor next year and which have been I Thomas D. Boyd, of Louisiana State i set this spring for Wednesday, May university; Pres. John C. Frutall, of 12, were concluded by the Student the University of Arkansas; Pres. A. council tt its meeting last night at i B. Dinwiddie of Tulane university; the Union. Registration days will be Pres. F. D. Sullivan, of Loyola uni- held on Wednesday and Thursday, versity; President-Emeritus W. O. May 5 and 6. Thompson, of Ohio State university; The nominating committee, which and Pres. E. L. Stephens, of South- will select candidates for the Student western Louisiana institute. W. M. council, except 'for the presidency, andJardine, secretary of agriculture, will for the five college councils created also speak at the ceremonies. by the new constitution adopted on The guests of the university will be April 7, will meet next Saturday morn- entertained at a track meet Saturday ing. This committee is composed or afternoon between Louisiana State and the president, vice-president, and sec- Tulane, Saturday evening they will retary of the Student council, the attend a barbecue at the Indian president of the Union, the managing mounds near the city. to editor of The Daily, and the repre- President Little will returntAnn sentative of the athletic board on the Arbor by the way of New York and Student council. will be back in about 10 days. Colleges Nnme Men The selection of candidates for the college councils in the literary, engi- neering, law, medical and dental col- IFYTE IIL TR T leges will be vested in this committee this year only, as each council willP provide for the nomination of its ownB members after it is established. The men to be elected in each college in- clude three seniors (present juniors), One Time Head Of India's Assembly two juniors (present sophomores) andi -e one sophomore (present freshman) Will 1)iier Tree etures who, in addition to the presidents of Relating To Empire the four classes within the college, will compose the membership next PROMINENT IN POLITICS year. - The complete ballot, containing the IProblems of the British empire, re- names both of those men nominated m by the committee and those nominated ltcig both to the administration of by means of petitions, will be pub- India and to the empire's part in in- lished by The Daftyon Sunday morn- ternatonal lltThs; 'will t'ted, by ing, May 9. Sir Frederick Whyte, former pres- Lists Due Saturday At least twice the number of men dent of the legislative assembly oft to be elected must be nominated by India, in a series of three lectures to the committee on Saturday morning. be given Tuesday, Wednesday, and. This means that at least six candi- ,Friday May 4, 5, and 7, at 4 o'clock dates for a senior membership on the i Student council, six candidates for a in the Natural Science auditorium. junior membership, and 12 candidates Sir Frederick is also to give the for membership in each college coun- Commencement address, as Vwas an- cil, must be chosen. These numbers nounced recently. will be augmented by the addition of The speaker has just completed his those whose petitions are accepted term of five years as head of the In- during the following week. dian legislature, and is now on his In addition to arranging the sche- way home, having visited Java, Su~- dule of election preliminaries, the matra, and Australia. His work in council last night announced the se- India consisted in teaching the assem- lection of the faculty and student bly the parliamentary methods of speakers at Cap night, which will be Great Britain. While there lhe im- held on May 14 at Sleepy Hollow. pressed the members of the legisla- 8hirleV W. Smith, secretary of the E ture with his strong character, and University, and William B. Cu'llip, showed a remarkable grasp of the '26L, will represent the faculty and affairs of the Empire, according to student body respectively. The alum- Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne, of the his-I iii speaker will be announced next tory department, who is in charge of Tuesday. the lectures. "He is a, young man, of great prominence, and a real states- man," Professor Va'i Tyne said. S$m ates In Sir Frederick is a liberal, and rep- resented his party in Parliament from lht M ock Election 1910 to 1918. He graduated from Ed- inburgh university, where he was granted the degree of Master of Arts. Alberta i. Olson will ill the wonma IHe was for a short time a lecturer at Alberta1J. Olon witlfell te woma position of similar type. the Sorbonne in Paris, and later went Harold A. Marks, despite the fact to Budapest and Vienna as a special that lie has separated from the class commissioner on industrial insurance. to enter the realm of law, was still After serving as a lieutenant of the s sRoyal Naval Volunteer Reserves dur- s deemed the smoothest politician of a B. M. O. C. variety. Following nation- ! ing the war, he became one of the wide success before asbestos curtans, founders and editors of "The New R wertu.cenbersbess cted Europe." Representing the London Robert B. Henderson ws slected .- VARSITY DEBTERS TO ENTRAIN TODA FOR ENGIlSH TOUR KING, GOMBERG, AND WHITE WILL LEAVE FOR QUEBEC WITH PROF. HOLLISTER LIST TEN DEBATES Speakers Will Discuss Government Control Of Individuai, And On Women In Professions Primed for competition after four weeks of intensive training, the Uni- I versity's international debate team will entrain at 9 o'clock tonight for Quebec from where it is scheduled to sail for England Saturday afternoon on the Doric, sister ship of the S. S. Regina. It had been planned to sail from Montreal, but Prof. R. D. T. Hol- lister, of the public speaking depart- mnent who will accompany the de- baters abroad, received a telegram yesterday that due to ice conditions it will be impossible to sail from that place. William W. King, Jr., '27L, R. E. Gomberg, '27, and Gerald E. White, '27, are the members of the Michigan - teram. They were selected several weeks ago, from a large list of try- outs, to represent the University abroad. Experience Varied King is the oldest and most experi- enced of the debaters. He received his first training at the Carthage, Mo., high school, and later represented Ohio Wesleyan university in nine in- tercollegiate debates. He is a mem- ber of Delta Sigma Rho. Gomberg graduated from the Cn- tral high school at Duluth, Minn., where he received four years debating experience. In 1925 he represented the University in the Central league debates, and in 1926 he participatedI in the Midwest debates. He is also a member of Delta Sima Rho. White is the youngest and most in- experienced debater of the trio, but in the elimination he displayed ex- ceptional ability as a speaker and won gut over men who have had varied ex- : ' ninter'eileglate -forensic1 activities. He is a graduate- of the Lowell, Mich., high school, at which institution he received his first debate training. He also represented the Junior college at Grand Rapids in a number of debates before coming to i the University.. The schedule for the team lists the first debate for May 10 with the Uni- versity of Liverpool. The debate with Oxford is fixed for the night of May 13, and with Cambridge May 18. Other schools on the itinerary are: Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, and Exeter in England, and St. Andrews in Scotland. Debate Two Questions j The questions for debate will be: "Resolved, that this House views with alarm the entrance of women into the learned professions and state- craft"; and "Resolved, that this House opposes the growing tendency of gov- ernment to invade the rights of the individual." The English schools have shown a preference for the for- mer question in communications re- ceived here from London. Although the debate schedule will be completed before June 1, it was stated yesterday by Professor Hollis- ter that the members of the team plan to visit points of interest on the con- tinent after the debates. Studies will be continued and arrangements have been made for the team to take ex- aminations in their studies here in September. BLA9NCHARO TO TALK ON 'CITY TRAFFIC PLANNING Would Span I': Sea ..w ,...... . ,.. ... : 4}.n.. '}. : Ernst Udet Ernst Udet; German flying ace, is planning a flight from Hamburg, Ger- many, to New York next fall in a sea- plane. He proposes to follow the route of the German liners and replenish his fuel supply from those boats, landing on the water two or three times en route to take on such supplies. SIGMA XI ELECTS 52 NEW MMBR Little, Elected To Society, To Delive e Main Address At Initiation Banquet On May 10 MAKES ADVANCEMENTS Elections to the Michigan chapter of Sigma Xi, national honorary society for the promotion of research in both pure and applied sciences, were an- nounced yesterday by the council of the society. In all, 23 were elected to full membership, 10 were advanced 3 from associate to full membership, and 29.were elected to associate mem- bership. President Clarence Cook Little, who .was made a full member of the so- ciety, will deliver the principal ad- dress at time initiation banquet to be held Monday, May 10, at the Union. Prof. Edward M. Bragg of the naval architecture department, president of the society, will give the address of welcome to the initiates. Faculty members elected to full membership are: President Little, G. G. Brown, C. E. Guthe, W. B. Hinsdale,! and J. A. Shohat. Graduates elected to full membership are: E. K. Bacon, G. S. Cook, S. H. Emerson, G. W. Fox, E. F. Greenman, C. P. Huber, C. G. Kulkarni, H. M. Kurtti, G. T. Lewis, A. W. Schulchter, O. M. Searle, C. K. 3 Sloan, C. N. Smith, Genevieve Stearns, Josselyn Van Tyne, H. B. Vincent, E. R. Washburn, and YIng Fu. Graduates advanced from associate to full membership are: N. C. Beese,- E. W. Erlanson, C. C. Furnas, A. J. Good, E. S. Gurdiian, Adelia McCrea, E. H. Potthoff, 11. B. Smith, G. B. Wat- kins, and M. N. Woodwell. Graduates elected to associate mem- bership are: L. I. Barrett, C. A. Brown, C. F. Byers, V. L. Chirco, A. F. Chris- tian, C. L. Clark, H. B. Coats, E. D.' Crabb, C. C. De Witt, R. K. Enders, F. W. Hightower, E. K. Janaki, C. A. McIntosh-, P. A. Moody, F. G. Novy, Jr., E. P. Partridge, W. J. Podbielniak, E. B. Potter, A. E. Pratt, L. P. Schultz, N. F. Shambaugh, F. J. Thorpe, and J. P. Van Haitsma. Undergraduates elected to associate membership are: S. L. Burgwin, '26E, A. C. Nerenberg, '26E,. W. E. Sargeant, '26E, I. H. Sims, '26, R.*R. Swain, '27E, and E. C. Wollett, '26Ed. f *y Distribute Over Half Of Ensians { With more than half of the work of distributing the 3,000 copies of the NAME 72 STUDENTS AS NEW MEMBERS OFPHI BETAKAPPA 56 SENIORS, 14 JUNIORS AND TWO GRADUATES PICKED FOR SOCIETY BANQUET ARRANGED Prof. Hobbs Chosen New President Of Society; 'r. Robbins Will Give Reception Address Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic society, elected to member- ship yesterday 51 seniors and 14 jun- iors from the literary college, five seniors in the School of Education, and two members of the 1925 literary class. The elections were announced last night after the general meeting of the Michigan chapter of the society yesterday afternoon. Candidates will be received into membership at the reception which will be held Friday night, May 14, fol- Slowed by the annual banquet which will be held at the Union, May 15. Dr. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the Pres- ident, and a former president Rf the Michigan chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, will deliver the address at the recep- tion, while Prof. 'William &. Craigie of Oxford, now on the English faculty at the University of Chicago, will deliver the address at the 1annual banquet, Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhtoric de- partment, retiring president, will pre- side. All members of Phi Beta Kappa on the campus, both from this insti- tution and others, are invited to at- tend the reception and banquet. Officers Elected Prof. William IT. Hobbs of the geo- logy department, was elected presi- dent, Dr. Philip F. Weatherill of the chemistry department, secretary-treas- urer; and Prof. William A. Frayer of the history department, was named to membership on the executive com- mittee, at the election of officers yes- terday afternoon. The 51 literary seniors elected to membership include: Loramn G. Bart- ley, Mary F. Beeman, Hasseltine Bour- land, George Bugbee, Charlotte Burtt, Margaret Calvert, Catherine Clatrk Wilma J11Don ahue, Richard II Frey- berg,' Jeannette Fuller, Anie Gilbreth', Doris Gladden, Milton D. Green, Solo- mon Greenberg, Idella Gwatkin, Helen B. Hlall, John F. Harlan, Austin A. Hasel, Leslie Henry,rGeorge .tHul, Ruth Hull, William P. Knode, Arthur Kreinheder, Mildred Kuenzel, Marian Lawless, Fand Kuei. LI, Charlotte Lon- yo, Elizabeh McManus, Alice Mander- Sbach, Nellie Millard, William C. Moore, Frances Motz, Samuel Nichamin, Bes- sie Palmer, John Panchuk, Carl Ru- flow, Ethel Sagendorph Melvin Schiff, Florence Schleicher, Rodney Shank- land, Hide Shohara, Ivan Sims, Ster- ling L. mith, Hazel G. Snover, Mar- garet Strauss, Marguerite Vestal, Mary Vial, Frank Weaver, Marion Welsh, Cleo Wood and Ledru 0. Guthrie. 14 Juniors icked The literary college junIos elected to membership are: Madelfte Bow- ers, Persis M. Cope, Philip bw, 1Helen L. Edwards, Austin Flemi, redrIc S. Glover, Jr., Marshall ,. L , d H. Miller, Sherwood R. seA A. Shaw, James A.So ,C"I Ford Warren, Alexander Winkler, anq Gerald G. Woods. From the School of Educati d "t4 following niors were elected: Fel- erick I. Daniels, Isabelle Hammilto, John K. Osborn, Charles Van Ripe , and Margaret M. Sumner. Two members- of the 1925 literary class who were Corinne Cecilia John- I son and Robert 0. Trotter. APPLICATIONS, DU 111D FOR UNION IOVIIATIDNS Applications fo; nomination to the offices of Union presidenu, reeording secretary, and the five vice-presidents, which may be made by any student on the campus eligible to take part in activities, must be filed with William IL. Diener, '26, president of the Union, or Richard Barton, '26, recording sec- retary, within the next few days. The election to the offices will be heli as usual on campus election day, which has been scheduled for Wed- nesday, May 12. The nominating committee for the Union offices was announced by Die- ner last night as follows: Robert Cooper, '26M, chairman; Harry Mes- ser, '26; Lucian Lane, .'26L; Eugene Cardwell, '26E; and Eugene Buck, '26D. The committee will meet some I time next week for consideration of all applications. ii a s .% ,t.:.n ,,: a . . ,; ,_ ,_ " . A ranks, members or the class or Gi-- 'C° u. o aa~~c ranys d class vamp. J. Glenn Donaldson was1 met yesterday afternoon In their an- chosen as the best man, and Lucy! nual mock election. The humor Domboorajian, after a mistaken elec- group persisted until the end and tion by the class of '25, was reelected succeeded in electing Walker G. tis year as most popular girl. George Everett, editor of Gargoyle, as the W. Davis was deemed the biggest most bashful man. woman hater. Robert J. Brown was selected class A deadlock ensued After the call baby, and William L. Diener as the for nominations for the best man stu- class bluffer. Following lengthy dent-the majority of the electorate speeches imn which his promoters voted for four different candidates. A proved by actual figures that he had written ballot was suggested, but grasped more hands on the campus 1 Royal F. Cherry was chosen just be-# than any other(>ffice holder, Kenneth fore tmis method was used Margaret C. Kellar was chosen as the best K. Effinger was selected as the best handshaker. It was decided to re- tain the position of class shiek, and g uas the mst bashful girl A. Haenle George W. Ross, Jr., was chosen to H fill it. Charles G. Oakman was voted prettiest gil askete radates Kath as the man with the biggest line, and {I prettiest girlofthe gradates. Kath- ryn L_ ClarkR i to hii th h,__ L '. i i !I F ISIS i I i #) ! t 4 r 1 { 1 Fi f f Daily News, he attended the Peace Conference in Paris as special corre- spondent. Ie is also the author of covor., linn, k ni, ,lnlnln .no nd i, t - {UseverauoL oo i Us on jipoumacy anu inter- I national politics. Prof. A. II. Blanchard,. head of the The subjects of the lectures will be: highway engineering and transport de- Some problem of world politics, not 1 partment, will leave for New York to- definitely announced, "Political Prob- day to deliver an address on "Or- hems of the British Empire," and "The' ganizationz for Traffic Planning in Political Situation in India." Muncipalities" at the 1926 annual _ -- --meeting of the National highway traf- fic association to be held tomorrow. At the second national conference l 4 on street and highway safety recently Sheld in Washington, this association{ FOURTH PE RRMA of which Professor Blanchard is the president, was requested to take over all the activities carried on by the Since the demand for seats has been conference, as Herbert Hoover, secre- in excess of the number of tickets tary of commerce stated that no more available for the performances already conferences would be called by him. given and the performance tonight of "You Never Can Tell", which the Comedy club is presenting in Mimes Rufus, Diener To Go On World Tour, S A -review of "You Never Can ; .-"1 kd e isto noi the biggt I girl grind position with Harry B. Koenig holding a similar job among the mnen. Alexander N. Avery was chosen as class athlete on a second ballot. Wilfred B. Shaw, general secretary; ~ .. 4