!A ' T'05 THE MICHTGAN DAILY WEDNTESDAY. APRIL 28.'* 1920 THF MTCHTCAN DAIT IV WFTh\TP~ThAV APT~YT. 9s~ .L:t il:t l:lti7 LCl1 r a &X IVA" QO, 1 7GV Ae~pt Revised Constitution Which Increases Power of Students Ili- )lanlagemient APPOINT NOMINATORS Acceptance of the revised constitu- tion drawn up by a reorganization committee by the Oratorical associa- tion at the regular bi-weekly of the organization has materially enlarged he powers and duties of student of- ficers in 'financial .management and in the selection of the personnel of the season lecture course, it was an- nlounced yesterday. Heretofore, the entire program of the lecture course leas been drawn up by a faculty ads isory committee of three appointed } the President of the University and by a member off the public speaking department, student -officers having no voice in the. selection of the numbers. Under the new provision in the constitution al righ'ts to arrange programs for the association are vested in a committee of four, of which three must be stu- dent'members of the Oratorical boardl and the' fourth, the chairman, must be a representative' of the public .speaking faculty. It is further pro- *vided that the~ committee of three ap- pointed by. the President will continue to act in an advisory capacity to the 5 jwive lecture committee. The revised document makes pro- vision for the handling of all the fin- *ances of the association by a commnit- tee of six. The personnel will be made! itp'of three "members of the Oratorical * board who represent the department of public speaking and three non-stu- v ent members 'of' the association who *will be elected by thie members of the organization' for three year terms. Specifications have been made that *thee ter'm of only one. of the non-su udent members of the committee, must expire each year. This committee will select a financial manager of the as- sociation, from within its own mnem"- 'bership. Until the change was made A?"YLINE. ATO' COUtNTY' or. a Real Law Piee Tour AUTORIZEDSTEAMlSHiP A(.EF E. c. KEBLER, All 'liD 601 E. HNONMA T'he Beef Of The future? I c-x as cif t. " - 3, z . £ ' 4'' Q. u ", i' e _ t .. ... Drnk plenty of rich, wholesome milk-it's your best food. But insist it be from the Ann Arbor Dairy. M Dial 4101 1 w I 'Ar ar A nn Abor Dair Co. STHE HOME OF PURE MILK Carl J. Lerren (insekt), "'Remn ~ce iing" of Alaska, thinks that reindeer meat, which can be raised in Alaskha more cheaply than bef can be pro-1 ducOed in the United 'States;, evc rttmlIv will take the place of the latter. He's conducting a campa gYn in New York nlow to popularize reindeer meat. Photo shows one of hi;~ great hierdsin Alaska, 1r.H. White now touring Europe, re-1 ( t r n e d fr o r nl N e w ,Y o r k c it y y e s t e r d ayH A I U i ll S I R , v h r h e a t n d e x c i e 'jcommiee meeting of the N~ational Researchl (cwi] onhleat transfer._ Prof. W. L. Iladger. who is; actiir nc iiraliz d group fo)r a more intensive as the head of the c iialegnr-i n.vestigation of heat transfer prob- in eprmnth heasnc fPr .les twsdecided tocondiucta --_ -__- fna re al apaign to back the work the financial manager was itappohite(l outinehd(Iunider the direction of a paid by the public speak a: ; departmnent. di rect or. It was announced by William C. Dixon, '28L, Ipresident,Itlit a inmhlU .- dZ Dahily AdverCitisrs.-A(Iv. ing committee to consider t hose "'li: desire to run for Oratorical boar: f- flces in the campus eleetiis has bee-t appointed. It consists of Prof. 1R, is. T. oliserand G. E. Densmore, roth l Spring s h of the public speaking depa tmment, A]- pert E. Sawyer, '27L, Albert; Sti ,rn, lme to 1Beautitv '274, William C. Dixon, '281, and -kar 'guerite V. Dutton, '26. I-he ore! x _t Ia 'ic~ ecover your O ld C lo he , urIture with attractive de-, l tS i Bought09 orBg SigHMS and coloring. Ct ;ASHnP ICESL p B.Harin Call meorbring the M to P ad mystrA lobyohrscn hn rle. .18 E. Huron Phone 3432 121 E. Ann Dial 4.306' THE NEW PORTABLE Extraordinary volume and wonder- ful tone quality feature the new Brunswick Portable. Durable and compact, with space for records, light and easy to carry, attractively finished in sage brown leatherette with silver gray lining. This new Portable is ideal for week-end parties, motor trips, camp- ing, vacations, the n'ursery, schools, and for the home. Plays all records perfectly, includ- ing the new electrical "Light-Ray" recordings recently developed by Brunswick. The new Brunswick Portable is a wonderful little instrument, built to last, inexpensive, and most con- venient in providing entertainmient when and where you want it. We are now displaying this attrac- tive new Portable for the first time. Hear and see it. No obligation. STOFFLET'S Phono Radio Shop I I { i E i a I I i 1 i i 616 E. Liberty St. I 1' I Old Fashioned Ba Double Ste lb PerS, lfouprf~rSuarCal4 u thnge h HANPDEPAC fepr itWI I Maize and Blue Mi chigvanCompact .: ~a : .. ' - , nLL a " ^ ; i ^T. -: j;$ f.., ,,,: r (: .. ;, , 61, 69 State'Stret #Jewelera The Argentine flappers speak Spanish And some smoke 'cigarros', quite mannish They*.Speak English, too, "ln ti'Cause I've'talked with a few Who knew ow to make old gloom vanish "Fresh", &iSophw, "junior" and "Senior" Sthey're waiting for you. Great times for all on this Two *Months. Student Tourto ~ ,. SUTHAMERIC by the large and lutxurious S'. S. VAUBAN Leaving Newa York June 26. Returning August 24 One o the famous "V-FLEET" of the Laasport '& Holt Line. All outside rooms: airy dinninig saloon: library: swimming pool: gymnasium: spacious decks.' Deck sports, dancing and'a peppy jazz band, Superior service and *well-balanced meals. Good fellowship-Congenial company. $6 All expenses, including sightseeing trips and hotel' accommodations. For resevation: and detailed informnat ion atplyr to your College or University Refnesenttwe or'A. L. HYDE, Manager. STIUDEN1T SOUTH9 AM RICAN TOURS 24 Broadway New York City arm Imm. JoRm . 400F' - - - -71W ,. 4. _ rl it Sanderson & Son, Inc., 117 'W. Wasington St., Chiicag~o. FRATERNITIESANSORORTE It is now time to be thinking of getting copy ready for your Sprinhg House Papers and other printed material. I Springtimne demans, *fresh, clothes. Your last year"'s suit will look like newi when dry cleaned- and pressed y hteSan at our Press Building Station. Dial 21816fi I .iutm~IIiALSOttIt .:I j° C(RAB TL 1ND . SPOhJITIHT ~j~NNANDIATE1) MUade ifromBIHenry -CARTOJON - Iring Du'iodge's ?- I r SEE US for an estim-ate on k PRINTING I1! f