ESTABLISHED 1890 .dddNmbml - -A AWM A*F ti MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS - --------- I VOL. XXXVI. No. 153 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS SNAhT[ APPOVES DET SETTEMENTS WITH S COUNTRIES .RRANGE1ENTS IVITI ROIMANIA LATVIA, AND ESTIIONIA SANCTIONED TOTAL 64 MILLIONS Solons To Take Up Czech-Slovakia Refundiag Agreement Today (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, April 27.-Approv- ing the war debt settlements with Lat- via, Esthonia and Roumania in rapid syccession, the Senate today cleared its calendar of all of the refunding agreements except that with Czecho- Slovakia, which will be taken up to- morrow. Meanwhile the American and French debt commissions marked time await- ing further word from Paris before renewing their negotiations. The Americans met for fifteen minutes and then decided to adjourn until Am- bassador Berenger gives notices that his government h'as new proposals to offer for those in the original offer found unacceptable to the American commission. The three agreeients ratified today by the Senate involve a total of $64,- 195,000 and were put through by even more overwhelming majorities than was the Belgian settlement yesterday and the Italian agreement last week. The Latvian settlement was approved, 50 to 18, and the other two 'by the same margin, 51 to 16. The chief fight was on the Latvian agreement, involving only $5,775,000 and interest at three per cent for the first ten years and three and one- third per cent thereafter. Senator Reed, Dem., Mo., and Howell, Rep., Nebr., again led the fight. Characterizing the Latviansettle- mtent as not only "wasteful, but idiotic," Senator Reed predicted that long before the end of the 62 years, over which payments are spread, Lat- via will have been absorbed by Rus- sia and the United States will lose a part of the payment. SenatorHowell contended that all of the agreements were in the nature of cancellations of the principals of the debts and again argued that the debt commission was saddling a burden on the American taxpayers. JUDGE HUGSINS TO GIVE SPEECH HERE THURSDAY ifansas Court Act Author To Discuss Labor And Court Relations Judge William Lloyd Huggins of New York, author of the Kansas In- dustrial Court act, will lecture in Na- tural Science auditorium, Thursday afternoon, April 29, at 4:15 o'clock, on the subject: "The Basis for Labor's Antagonism to the Courts." Judge Iluggins will be remembered as hav- ing appeared here in a debate with Mr. James Wilson, vice-president of the American Federation of Labor, a year ago. Judge Huggins came into prominence a few years ago in con- nection with the establishment of the Kansas 'Court of Industrial Relations for the settlement of labor disputes, and for two years, by appointment of Gov. Henry J. Allen, he served as pre- siding judge of this court. More re- cently Judge Huggins has served as special counsel for the League for In- dustrial Rights. He is the author of "Labor. and Democracy." Judge Huggins was born in Ohio' in 1865, but much of his active career f was spent in Kansas. He is a member of the American Bar association, is a Rotarian and a thirty-second degree Mason. While he will address him- self primarily to students of law and social sciences at the University, the general public, and in particular, or- ganizations of workingmen are urged to hear Judge Huggins. FLINT. -- Officials of the Flint Aero association have received word that the air meet which the -associa- 1 tion will hold here June 4, 5, and 6, has received the official sanction of the National Aeronautic association. BERLIN.-The amity treaty, signed; Saturday by Germany and Russia, will run for five years. I Our WeatherMan -w----- ___.____._ Future Of Aviation Depends On Public Attitude, Says Pawlowski' Declaring that the future of aero- nautics depends on its commercial possibilities which are in turn regu- lated by the public understanding of the industry's merits, Prof. F17. W. Paw- lowski, head of the aeronautical en- gineering department, spoke last nightI on the final"Michigan Night" program broadcast from the Detroit studio of i stations WJR and WCX.f The speaker outlined the various types of air transportation and pointed out the advantages of each. Speaking1 of dirigibles Professor Pawlowski said that the recent Shenandoah dis- aster should not discourage the de- velopment of dirigibles. "It is fai'ly well accepted in the en- e gineering world that we have already reached the maximum speeds of trans- portation, on land and sea, and that, it is impossible to increase appreciably the present speeds," the speaker con- tinued. "I do not hesitate to say, that sooner or later, we will have to fly, all of us, no matter whether we are afraid of it or not and whether we like it orsnot, as aviation provides the safest fast means of locomotion," the speaker said. Seniors Clash IWillBe Seen In In Traditional | 'Caroline' Tonight O PROPOSEWORLD Election Today Presenting their ticket as a last A minute entry to today's contest in the senior mock election which will be Speaking on "The Present Situation in Mexico" Prof. A. S. Aiton of the history department declared that "the ultimate success of the present gov- ernment, despite passing difficulties, seems certain, as the , fundamental problem of educating the masses is be- ing attacked with great deter mina- tion." Professor Aiton outlined briefly the difficulties that Mexico has had in edu- cating her electorate, due to revolu- tions, internal violence and interna- tional complications. He explained that the new government was now en- acting constructive laws and estab- 'ishing schools in an effort to abolish illiteracy. Lionel Crocker of the public speak- ing department, speaking on "Cosmo- politan Michigan", showed how differ- , AMERICAN MAKES PROPOSAL TO PREPARATORY COMMISSION FOR CONFERENCE DISCUSS SCOPE Japanese And Italian Members Urge Inclusion Of Emig-ration And Labor Questions (By Associated Press) GENEVA, April 27.-Proposal thatf agricultural problems and their inter- nalional bearinq be -t dli d by np ielm at 4: 10 cUocI S afternooni n Natural Science auditorium, the first (19 members of the class of '26 to get in line before 8 o'clock yesterday for the 'Ensian distribution, which began an hour later, nominated candidates who had been deemed unavailable by earlier formed parties for the nomen- clatural positions. This makes a total of ten parties which will have candi- dates in the field, and no compromise; men could be decided upon by any two factions at a late hour last night. The class originally had a nominat- ing committee, but after a futile effort to make any progress on account of, the hostile factions present, the group disorganized early last week. The Gargoyle-Rolls insurgents are under-s stood to have been the direct occasion for this break-up. The Phi Beta Kap- pa group refused to sit on the samer committee with these men, but assuredI the chairman that they would providet riot-breakers and bouncers for action} if necessary on the day of election. The honor system following attempted , :# 1 _ i ?iii:;; i; " " : f' > :::. '' ' 6i;: ii 2'.y.f: < ... y ' ..t": . %_: ยข";"'t" r> , tip.:.. } ; + y NOTED THEOLOGIA1N DR. LYNN HAROLD HOUGH WILL ADDRESS SENIOR HONORS GAThIEING DATE IS MAY 5 Special Section Of Auditoriunt Will Be Reserved For Students Who Hold Scholarship Records HOUSE ENACTS BIL REVISING DRY LAW Measure Proposes Drastic hange Ii Enforcing Statute; Favors Creation Of Bureau NO 'WET' OPPOSITION (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Apiil 27.-By asvote of 196 to 4 the House today passed an administration bill proposing dras- tic revision of the dry law enforce- . ment machinery in the treasury, in- cluding the creation of a bureau of prohibition. The measure, which now goes to the Senate, was approved after an amendment, by Rep. La Guardia, Pro- gressive Socialist, N. Y., to legalize the sale of 2.75 per cent beer, had been thrown out on a point of order. -The proposal weathered nearly a dozen amendments and was passed as reported by the ways and means com- mittee, to which it was sent by the treasury. It would give legal sanction to the reorganization in the prohibition unit effected last August by Secretary Mel- lon, and besides the prohibition bill would create a bureau of customs. The bureau would be headed by com- missioners appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Wet members of the House offered no formidable opposition, a number supporting the bill on the ground that it would make prohibition enforcement more drastic, thus bringing about in- creased demand for modification. Rep. Hill, Rep., Md., recognized wet leader in the House, voted for it. Debate covered virtually the whole reign of the controversial subject of prohibition. CAMlP LEADES' ECTURSEI SERIES STARTS TONIGHT First of a series of four lectures in the camp leader's training course of- fered by the Student Christian associ- ation will be given at 7:15 o'clock to- night inILane hall auditorium. R. I. Flynn, Boy's work secretary of the Detroit Y. M. C. A., and F. H. Swits, Boy Scout executive, will be the main speakers at tonight's session. In ad- dition to the talks, discussions will be held concerning the general theory of camps, the history and future of camping, and the requirements for di- rectors and counselors. These discussions lead by men who have had experience in administering boy's camps are intended to give in- formation to those students who plan to do any form of camp work this summer. Opportunity will also be of- fered by the Student Christian as- sociation for students to make appli- cation for a counselorship in the Uni- versity of Michigan Fresh Air camp 'which is run through the months of July and August. These positions will include board and room and a slight remuneration for those who arc ac- tepted. Bates Leaves For Eastern Meetings Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law entintrpetaionofcusomsofen R IUAL gM- s De Stec oy a spec-{ ent interpretation of customsioften Ial committee was made to the pre- causes misunderstandings between paratory commission of the interna- the foreign student and the American. tory comissionf tetea- "Ou lak o aprecatin o th fo- Itional economic conferemlce today by "Our lack of appreciation of the for- Arthur W. Gilbert, of Boston, Mass. eign student's point of view," he said, He explained that the international turns his heart against us. Many a institute of agriculture in Rome had student goes home embittered against agreed to put all its machinery and his treatment in Anmerica." documents at the disposal of such an Dr. Preston M. Hickey of the Roent- inquiry. genology department told of the ne-!r The discussion today on the scope cessity for the ultra-violet ray, and of of an eventual conference, showed a its health giving properties. He de- division of opinion among the mem- ,scribed results of experiments per- bers, some wishing it to be virtually 'formed by President Little, and mneni- unlimited, and others advocating a re- tioned diseases that could be cured by 1 stricted field. An Italian spokesmai the use of the ray. insisted on the necessity of consider- ing internationally the fair treatment of labor. The former Italian minister, of finance, Prof. De Stefani, said thatI N if world peace was to remain un- troubled, there mustbe'greater}liberty 1 }, .. i n iV - ,+,-" to combine with the mark-getters but no suitable candidates could be agreed upon. Full results of today's balloting will be announced in tomorrow's Daily. Calls Medicine Ineffective As PI1VJUbI NILLLOU State Board Of Education Expresses Emphatic Opposition To Fifth School. JEFFERS SEES NO NEED (By Associated Press) LANSING, April 27.-In a heated joint meeting of the state administra-s tive board and the state board of edu- cation today, the proposed *fifth state normal college project in the northern part of the state evidently was killed for months to come. if not forever. After a sharp brush between Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck and Thomas E. Johnson, superintendent of public in- struction, in which the governor in-j ferred Johnson was attempted to in- ject "idiotic argument" into the af- fairs of the state normals, and inti- mated that-politics loomed prominent- ly in the back ground, every member of the board of education admitted emphatic opposition to the idea of a fifth normal. Fred A. Jeffers, chairman of the board of education, said that in his; opinion there is no immediate need for! a fifth normal. Allen M. Freeland and Frank Cody, his fellow board mem- bers, concurred and asserted that had the legislature consulted them before authorizing another normal, the proj- ect would have been turned down.I Johnson agreed with the others that the present normal school system is adequate. Gov. Groesbeck introduced a letter written by Johnson last Feb- I ruary, saying that a series of junior high schools would take care of the needs of the northern counties for higher education. The governor said he wanted to clear up the position of the board, which a few months ago recommended Petoskey as the site for the proposed normal, because he has been charged with the responsibility of approving a site. That no school will be estab- lished at this time appears a foregone conclusion. The governor patently was forcing into the open recent threats that the board of education might demand he approve a site. Chairman Jeffers, expressing the sentiment of the board, declared he desired to publicly announce that the board was not cognizant of any plan to demand such action from the gov- ehor. i is (I of emigration for man, "the noblest example of raw material," and greater Cancer Rem edy attention to man's capacity for pro- duction and his right to comfort. Japan, through M. Sugimura, also (By Associated Press) got the question of emigration in PARIS, April 27.-Medicine or; through the side door by.emphasizing serums are ineffective against can- the necessity of not permitting dis- cer, in the opinion of Dr. J. Tissot, crimination against foreigners, wheth- professor of general physiology at the er they be men themselves, their ships, Paris Natural History museum, who; or the product of their labor. created a stir at the Academy of Sci- ence yesterday with a paper describ- Banquet Tickets Iing cancer as a form of mildew. L ~~~In an interview with areesn-" To Be Sold Today tive of the Associated Press, Dr. Tis- sot asserted that cancer, like tuber- culosis and syphilis is mildew-a de- Members of the freshman class will caying of part of the system, a return- begin selling tickets today for the ing to the primitive state. annual spring banquet of the first Hope for humanity afflicted with these diseases, he said, lies in findingI year men which will be held next a method of reversing the process of Wednesday night in the assembly hall decay and restoring the organism af- of the Union, and a limited number of fected. tickets will be placed on sale at the "I have carried out long 'research Union desk today. The tickets, which into the effects of curative serums; include a regular dinner made possi- against cancer and the possibility of ble by the large number expected to obtaining serums for its cure," he attend, are 75c. added, "but they have only served toj Cards will be mailed by the under- convince me that no favorable results class department of the Union this can be obtained from serums. week to 'every member of the class of "Serums do not prevent develop-; '29 as a reminder of the banouet ment of cancerous tumors. I have which will be held largely in prepara- discovered that cancer, tuberculosis tion for the annual spring games May and such diseases are really mildew, 7 and S. and seekers after a cancer cure will have to turn their efforts in other Law Senors To directions" I With the selection of Dr. Lynn Har old Hough, pastor of the Central Methodist Episcopal church of Detroit and former president of Northwestern university as the principal speaker, arrangements have been completed for Marg'aret Anglin the third annual Honors convocation. Miss Anglin, the famous commedi- ; to be held at 11 o'clock on Wednesday, enne, who will appear this evening in May 5, at Hill auditorium. W. Somerset Maugham's "Caroline" in The Honors convocation was insti- the Whitney theater. tuted three years ago in order to pro- vide public recognition for those sen- D iors who have maintained a high scholarship average during their uni- versity careers. Students who have is "B" average or above for the four [OR CROP PROBLEM I years work and who rank in the high- est ten per cent of their class, holders of University fellowships, and recipi- ets of special scholarship awards, House Given Widely Different los will occupy a reserved section in the By Members Of Agriculture center of the auditorium. More than C(omnimittee 250 students were so honored last ( spring. Members of the faculty who attend occupy chairs on the stage and WILL RUSH LEGISLATION the rest of the auditorium is open to the student body.. (By Associated Press) Dr. Hough, who is to deliver the WASHINGTON, April 27.-Widely 'convocation address, has been a min- different plans for solution of the sur- ister of the Methodist Episcopal pouchurch for 27 years. Twenty-one of plus crop problem were subu itted to these years have been spent in the tme House today by members of its bastorate, six in educational work, agriculture committee, which has first as professor of historical theol- been delving into the situation for Igy at the Garrett Bible institute and several months without reaching an ( later, for a brief period, as president agreement on any single measure. Iof Northwestern university. IHeis now The plan, which has the. indorse- in his sixth year of service at the Cen- ment of Sec. William M. Jardine, was tral M. E. church of Detroit. reported by Rep. J. N. Timcher, Re- For three years Dr. Hough's ser- publican, Kansas. It would provide a mons have been broadcast each Sun- physical agency with a $100,000,000 day over the radio from Central loan fund to aid co-operative market- church, and his addresses are well ing associations in disposing of sur- known to radio listeners. He has plus crops and thus, Mr. Tincher said, preached and lectured from coast to would "bring about stabilized prices coast in the United States and is a and the orderly flow of farm products frequent guest in Great Britain. into consumptive channels through He has written more than 20 books machinery set up, operated and man- on religious and allied subjects, in- aged by the farmers themselves." eluding "Synthetic Christianity", "The Rep. James B. Aswell, Democrat, Productive Beliefs", "Evangelical Hu- Louisiana, presented the Curtis-As- manism", "The Theology of a Preach- well commodity marketing bill which er", "The Quest for Wonder", and calls for an appropriation of only $10,- others. 000,000 to establish national and sub- sidiary sectional marketing associa- tions, owned, controlled and operated by farmers.ToAR D Chairman Gilbert N. Haugen, of the 'committee, introduced his bill to au- thorize a revolving fund of $375,000,- UPIV TTCK STOA 000 to stabilize prices of basic farm commodities. He said it was evident Tickets for the Fathers' day ban- the farmers could not at this time ac- quet which will be held at the Union ni'U f i'fC y 1U1 tHUr nir- SJ(LLU1 t d3, d VCL3 Mnv 15 will bn d Un Attend Banquet' Shuter Will'Hold F4V f Twi l, 174 I k i E I. I' + i. , f' { . i i t i i Seniors of the Law school will hold Irg l Uia ,o their annual banquet on Wednesday, O era Tomorrow May 5, at 6:30 o'clock in Joe Parkers' O Cafe. The principal speaker will be Ixa W. Jayne, Judge of the Wayne { All students who have registered for County Circuit court. ;next year's Union opera are requested Clayton C. Purdy, '26L, the president I by E. Mortimer Shuter, director, to of the class, will act as toastmaster. report for the first spring tryout at Tickets for the banquet will be on 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at sale in the lower hall of the Law I the Mimes theater. Tryouts will also school this week and further details 1be held at the same hour Friday and will be announced later. {Saturday and at 10 o'clock Saturday will beI morning to instruct the men in the I rudiments of chorus dancing prepara- B shsop Publishes tory to the arrival of Roy Hoyer who Essay Collection c {will have complete charge of the work Efor three weeks beginning next Mon- >_day. "Backs of Books, and Other Essays The opera book for next year will on Librarianship" is the title of the be chosen by the committee this week, new book written by William Warner a large number of scenarios having Bishop, University librarian. It is a been given consideration for the past reprint of a number of addresses and j month. The author will be announced essays which Mr. Bishop has delivered within a few days. and written during the past 25 years. i Registration for the choruses is still The book contains about 340 pages being received by Mr. Shuter although and was published by Williams and. the number is already equal to that Wilkins of Baltimore. !of a year ago. a 1 i quire Tunas necessary Tor the pur- acuraay, may i, wr ue piacea on pose. I general sale today at the main desk of Mr. Tincher asserted that the ad- the Union. Tickets for foth fathers ministration proposal "places at the and their sons are 'priced at $1.50 disposal of farmer-controlled agen- j each. cies additional resources of the gov- Arrangements can be made with ernment and will stimulate their de- Paul Starrett, '27A, chairman of the velopment along sound and construc- committee in charge, for obtaining tive lines." adjacent seats at the banquet provided LAWYERS' CLUB TO HOLD ' ANNUAL SPRING FORMALG two or more tickets have already been purchased. Expert Will Talk To Forestry Club l ,+ . 'I ., .f MitUn Mh'av Annulv For S. C .Office 1 o A Architects' May Party Guests Will Applications for nomination to the Revel Amidst Under-Sea Scenery' Lawyers' club members will hold L. 1. Barnett of the United States their second annual spring- formal Forest service will speak to the mom- Friday night, April 30, in the lounge hers of the forestry club at 8 o'clock room of the club. The orchestra en- tonight in room 214 N. S., on "Land gaged to furnish the music for theI Classification in Southern - Alaska." affair is Stewart's seven piece band Mr. Barret spent eight months in from Detroit, which has been alter- Alaska last year on this kind of work. nating at, the Palais Previous to that time he was employed Palms and smilax will be used to on the same work in Washington and decorate the lounge and lobby, with Oregon and is considered as authority colored lights and fountains. An act on this subject. of vaudeville will be on the program. lIe is now attached to the Southern Bridge tables will be placed in the experiment station where he will be guest dining room for those who care employed in forest research. Mr. to play. Barrett graduated from the University Faculty members will be guests at forestry department in 1924. the dance which is the last of the year Slides, loaned by the United States at the club. I government will be used to illustrate his lecture. ALPHA NUlINIT1ATES NEW 'Education School MEN AT SPRING 8ANQUWill Hold Part Faculty members and students of Alpha Nu chanter of Kappa Phi Sig- the School of Education will hold ma, national debating society, held their second annual party Friday its annual ifL ainhnnt. nd inri I snieli+ in t hp Univo,,it- .hgh c1-. presidency of the Student Christian association will be considered by a nominations committee consisting of Glenn Donaldson, '26, John Elliot, '2),1 George Hacker, '26, and M. E. Wenger, '23. Applications for this office should contain the experience and qualifica- tions of the applicant and should be sent to the above committee at Lane hall More than a mile of special pre- pared, fireproofed crepe paper has been ordered to cover the ceiling of Barbour gymnasium for the annual Architects May party, May 7. Work was started this week on the finished design for the decorations which will depict a scene on the ocean bottom with all the realism possible. Small scale. detailed designs of tainty of -deep water. Zez Confrey's orchestra, which will furnish the mu- sic, will be placed in the broken hull of a sunken ship. Over 300 concealed lights will be used in the illumina- tion. There are a few tickets remaining which were not taken by Architec- tural students which will be placed on general sale to the students of the : ( i ,I