N qxUESDAY, *ANPRI.L 27, 1920 Tt4r A/[YrTJTr-ANT nAtl V _.... ,..: ,.. m. .,. ..I r-i AiIl.,yICLTC AM T'i-N1 V WAGE THREE "HEALTH MEETING* Tfln nr on n nflflifI Hospital Heads Ui Vl 1T~jjt ..:,,,DR, HOBBS TO SURVEY I t L n11fereiicc Will Follow Luncheon At Uu ion;a One Of Three Mleetings t Given Here During Year EXPECT 20 DELEGA TES r It 99TInspcction of the University "hos- i OATF15U[S pital will be madec by more than 3h' members of the National Association6 ~ O ocmlt uvyO of -Hospital Directors Saturday, May 1, it vas : ngi~e yesterday. The Paifc coast fishes iDr. C. L. 'Hilbb entire day will be,. taken over by ,a of the University museum, who wasj thorough tour of the hospital. grantedl a four months leave of ab3- _________________sence by the Regents, will leave for / r ,fi ryWashington June L. Dr. Hlubbs made Three T l o te n d !a field trip on the coast of Californiaj , i in 1922-23 to determine how the tern- Rf es are' h vM eeing perature of the water contrqls the --- distribution of fish. He expects to Pirof. A. . Wa rth1n, :Of, the pathos continue this work ,and will spend logical department; Prof. G. Catl Huimost of the time in Wasinzgton and ber, of .the anatomical department, Oregon, eventually working south to Prof. Preston M. Hickey, of the roent- genological deppArent, and Prof Charles W. Edmndcs- of, the materia A T AT medica . epartment 'in the Medical Al-- Alexican border and back by the southern route. Be has found that the temperature 1'of the ocean varies and in different Ylocailities differences- ini the types of illies are found. When his survey.-Is coil pleted it is expected to be of great E1(1i in determining conservation lawsI i regardinjg food fishes. Dr. 1111b is will be accompanied on the trip by . 1' . Schultz, grad., who ' N ill act as assistant. Fishes will be collected along the route to Washing- ton and It is thought that when the survey is completed the University will .Have the best collection of West 'Icoast marine fishes in existence. ;I I NICE= 1 DANCING TONITE!-8-IO No cover charge JOE PARKER'S , A Join the crowd at . CORNER FOURTH AND HURON Music by Joe Burroughs and His Orchestra JOE PARKER'S ff 1 I R zl fiollowing a luncheon at the Union todlay, the Joint Committee on Health' iucation will hold a conference :at Slich 'more than 20 members will be' present. At this meeting, one of three given Mi 'Ann Arbor during the year to con- sicler matters relating to public health in Michigan, there will be in attend=' auce representatives from the- follow- ink organizations: the State Medical society, the State Dental society, the Detroit College of Medicine anti Sur- gOOy, the State Nurses' association, the Sk 4te Conference on Child Welfare, tho State Tuberculosis society; the State Department- of Health, the Wayne County Medical society, anal. t'W.,-University of Michigan. The Uni- versity will be represented by Presi- (lent Clarence Cook Little, Dean Hugh Cbt, chairman of the Joint commit- te . Dr. John Sundwall, :Dr. Carl Hu- bei-, and Dr. W. D. Henderson, secre- t~y of the committee. '-t the last meeting of the commit- We, held in Ann Arbor on Jan. 14, the pttncipal business transacted had to clwith Dean Cabot's, report on C6irses which might ,be given by. col- 1(, os and universities -in order to give zwOnen an elementary knowuledg'e of the care of the sick. 'le chief business of today's meet- ink will be a consideration of the re- poit of the committee on ptrbliity 'n w; ys and means of acquiainting toe I)litlic with important-facts related hto sentific medicine. It is the purpose1 of , the publicity committee, through tl 14 medium of the Extension division, to'.fux nish news. items of interest to tli people aof'the state. At this meet- ] 4 also, Dr. Henderson will bring up? for approval a program of health# l cures and subjects for next year.ii 'SAGINAW. - Saginaw's seventhI sao(-essful oil well was shot here te-f i ,,. 1 i DETROIT THEA TES T HIS WEEK -V ., I ii'; May festival Tiokets school, will attend the~ meeting of the Medical Research council to be held, T hursday :at. Washington, it Was made kn own yesterday. LONDON.-Phllip Pain, head of the fireworks firm of James Fain and coany, 4h -dead. AVTHTE1 t!IIATERS 1 Arcade-"Skinner's IDress Suit," with Reginald Denny. TI1RES FOR SALE. JUrdI(GARS B0UcMHT PtIONE 335 KESSLER BRODS., Canal Street With college parties on famous "0" steamers of TheRoyal Mail line University Tours witlh College Crcdit: 6R0A, June 19 0#09 NA, June 26 ORSITA, July 3 riefor illustrated boklet THE ROYAL MAI L ST EAM pACKEr CO. 26 Broadwvay, [New York A CRIK Eves. - 5Cc to 2.50 ~ R Iwed. Mat. 50c to $1 51) Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00 w mUTH!" A Comedy of ! YoutlttLovi~e tand Bas tsll Nighlts 75c to t".50 Bonstelalayouse nd atus., 5hnr.5 Woodward at Hlilot Tel. Glendale 9792 'The'BONSTELLE Co. Presents eetR omo andJulet" In Modern Dress NO/VONSALE AT SCHOOFMS MAYNARD STREET Majestic-"The Song and Dance Man," with Efti Moore, Bes- sie, Love,' and" Harrison Ford. Wuerth -"Tumbkleweeds,",-with William 'S. 14art. Tay- tage Garrick (Detroit) "Come on Ruth,"..with Gladys. Lloyd. Shiubert Latfy'ette (betrolt)- "Carrnencita ~and ,the 0QIdjer," by Moscow Art heater Mus- ical Studio. Shubert (Detroit) -- "Gentlemen Prefer blohles ' with Frank Morgan anld Mildred MacLeod. Bonrstefle PlaYhloue i(Detoit)- "Ronieo and Juliet," -in mfod- ern dress.. New Detroit (b~etroit)-- "Rain," with ..eannae-Eagels. Shubrt Ltay eLfyhtseat $ey Shubet latyetteNights, 5oc to $2 =o Sat.Nfat. 50C--$2.cO Pop.Thunrs.Mat. Soc to $1.50, plus tax. Cad. 87o5 MOSCOW ART THEATRE MUSICAL STUDIO "TtarmeltsamudSoldier" Sat. Mat. and Eve.--LYSSTRATA" Six C ocer'tsfor $5.50..x..$,6.OO--aw$ 7,OO (If ,Festival Coupon is returnedl from 19horal Union Ticket. deduct $3.00 fromal)move prices.) ARTISTS, ARTI STS FLORtENCGE AtISTRAL CONDUCTORS CHARLES Sf TRATTO MARIE SUNDELIIUS iRu~ ~oi~1ICCAR)O JRONELLI LOUSE HOMER 1-'FH)ERI('K STO'CK THEODORE HARRISON . JEANNE LAVAL JAMES WOLFE AU(WASTA LENSKA JOSEPH E. )IADDY BARRE TALL RICHARD ('ROOKS HIOW AR D HANSONt ALBERT SPALDDING GIOVANNI )IAR.TINI.LLI MISCHIA LkVITZKL All 'Wool Pre-Shirunk Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade SUITS AND TOPCOATS $ 300 Tailored, by A. N ASH CO. The Famous Golden Rule Tailors of Cincinnati. Phone 9736 or Phone 6746 And ask that a representative of the NASI1 CO. call upon you to show samples and styles. STYLE, FIT, WORKMANSHIP AND WEARING QUALITIES GUARANTEED. Some of the best dressed people you mecet are wearing Nash clothes. THE UNIVE]RSITY CHORtAL IUNIONX ' 'lICAG 0SYMPH~ONYORtCHESTRA CHILD REN'S kF+'STIVAL ChO(RUS CHORAL WORKS* 1,011E T ..............WAVNFRn E; mAAR..............MENI)ELSSOHN LAMENT FOR BE'OWIJLI .:..ilANSON f.- ._ . .. r; - . :rt SPECIAL PEach Tuesday and Wed- { nesday SHAM P OOMARCEL AND BOB 'CURL N $1.25 HILDA ARNST Bertine Beauty Shoppe 1111 South University Ave. N Phone 3839 III ' RAE lOc to sit* '"THEt STORY WTHOUT A NAME" Some Foilks Sti$ It's ' Good Story-some,*o Not The Comedy IS Good # Walter' Hires in ( ~ "FF, HIS .BEAT" We lHaveEskimo Pies for.SaWe Throligh I T lhrsdfy® y UTTE FLATM1 :I 1 , .++ ..... NOW!I 1i 3-- ' I Il , . . \ --a NV N' 'N° ,;' ii rA A LL the flashing humor, sentiment and ,pathos' of life behind the footlights in a great Paramount picture. OLLEG lATE CLOTHES SHOP I I THE LATEST in SUITS -r IN i f and TOPCOATS for SPRING I- I All of our specially tailored suits and topoats are tat- lored in the latest 'collegeN styles. from the best of materials ____SPECIAL 6111,)YPEA' VRE HAL IROA&C R SS rJ La Wykar' W r "IFE~o 0 I Ul i ,all U Ia El ~~~ 'ild A'. -1. .I - IHU~aikiLI MD! I -L l i = lit] I KAN I LAN U KR-LIMMIMIUM R "ALS! MAT 1 V.