THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL-27, 1926 Waiter Sets Prize Table regularly once each week. The bulle- tins, aside from the regular general University antd college ann1ounc Iell-c and catalogs, include such oc her is- r lips "asthe forest ry, fiungipal fld ill- , si rat ion, li)bralrv cxi elsion Service,j biolog ical station, chemlical cngiiic(r- Ing , andlsc.17W(design, anjd physics de-, IIaii inellt a lxioi tenci£ilt's, the 1Presi- (1(1t's annual report, SuiU hC1' session bullet ns, a lul Various ollher 'pampnhlhets. ' i s t al n n l e of c p e r ero f all the 'va rio u s issu e s la st y e a r 3c i 01 65. '3'Nis yea iitw11 run somlewhiat higher. Osteopathic Physicians ,Drs. Bert and Bet] th Ha Dial 7451! aberer .r PHIL DIAMOND WASHINGTON:- A Supreme court jrne wadnidtaynacae, fromn Michigan involving firye insui'- e nce liabilities totaling $37,5000. Ann Arbor, Mich. Id Clothjesti Bought for Big Cau pane or brirtg therm to my stare. Also buy oilier3 second hand article. 1SAM ELLIS 11E. Ann Dial 4306 ,t How Didk \Your Garters y ~This Morning? I EICHTOF DIMONU OPENING AT ANNOUNCES HIS LUniversity Issues More Than 300,000 Bulletins YearlyI In a. year's time, the University is- sues more than 300,000 bulletins, fig- ures compiledl at the registrar's of- flce show. IIn order to ineet government regu- lations for second class mail matter,. bulletins are issued at regular inter-,n vals during the year, 52 separate num- bers being published, and appearing Wde dyThereafter Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday No ma®or w aris"rawrowAfrnRrryw r or .. AGRIPPA,.WEB -makes garters act in an entirely new way-and only in Bostonis can this web be had. Even when worn very loose it will not slip. It cannot curl and et it is remarkably soft and light. Here in Tact is a practical; comfortable, ve ntilated -web garter. In many pleasing colors, 50c the pair. 1 014, LT ° GCORCG° rIZOST COMPANY MAKERS rOSTON E - nuf I All~~~ pouarBouemdeso :d~ 88iSuh Stae reetf Ann Arbor6 5, M ih. Ii' 1(0 DAliS Service Station All Sta",ndard Makes of Fountain Pens IF 'lasts and Patterns exdlusive( our own des{r in ThIe r/ @W &H.192'2 JOHril RPHY WHiITEHOS &.HARDY. H UEBROADWAY AT 40T" STREET 144 WEST 42ND STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA HiousE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BUILDING a 84 BROADWAY-AT W XALL STREET w DEL PRETE COLLEGIATE SHOP Are you looking about for thne best buys in clothes? - A I! 4t :. i i l I I t ,, f r t I ,. i I i I I i ',, E I 1 ' 3 i I i f a I t , ?,. - ,3 , . , Y, . 4 TODAY-TOMtORROW Matinees 2:00-3:40 Prices: 1 Oc-25c £4 liremendouis Drama of the Old West! T 4 RE:, DLirected kPj Ba 10 lust~ eorded thu -n' geatest landruinvl~j sadjoin rsh i wild stampee wichoek stead situ s i3re rod mpe b'efo hoto rea~51.1 Cvner i1 pefe~and th rilling O f t e st Portra !fed b 3 the o re0n k o s h e m.. N its bpe%*J_ to that Yn i n . CANDY SODAS I1 < DE LU XE ICE CREAM for After-School Refreshment °°"" LuxeIce Cream "just fills the bill" !' fr the kiddies' after-school lunch. r Is so nourishing, made exclusively of sweet cream, cane sugar, whole mnil'k, natural flavoring.s' a tiny inch (12%c) of gelatine--and guaranteed absolutely lure!{ becus itispacked in cartons at our fac- tory*. The little folk love this "triumlnhI -.. .- \ . i , // 1 o , / .._ // ,7' j " / ' ' 1 l Y, { 1 a ,: , i t '1 I . F I -- 1 "', , If you are-then you are not dloing yourself justice unless you have seen our Adler hand tailored two pants suits and top coats styled exclusively for the Michigan inen. Be- cause our rent is small and alterations and other over- head expense at a minimum, our prices are 0 3 t-SP E C I A L 100 Extra Trousers Values to $12.00 Trousers that comeic vithi Suits-Not odd trousers. ti R L J- -*l*' e c og fjust Cowb0~picture --r1pe r waq8 and ._ _ now5 \ 1 I. N /- rn code, -x NL K ,i i . ... \ --_ " _ {¢ 7F { rd ""t f/ P r _' r / " fJ { ; ,1J:C i y ' . ti «tw1. / C f ALBERAVUH _c OF MAZIE"I LATESTI *'E1S . ORCHESTRA STARTINC THURSDAY "21 Years' Experience in Tailoring Fine Clothes." New Hats approved by the College Men - Specially priced New Imported Top Coats 48 to 54 inches long $35.00 OttL~.-r, s0500 lI 11 If 0