1. i. . tINDAVAPj IL 25, 1 26 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TSR= SUNDAV~ APRIl4 2~, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ~ Pd ucation Curric, Describing an expanded program, tshe announcement of courses in ath- letic coaching, physical education, and administration, of the School of Ed- l ucation for the 1926 Summer sessionj sed In hys cal coaching, physical education, and ad-I administration, and organized play i~ed n Phy ic' e ministration have been arrangedes and recreation; George A. May, gym- - t pecially for those already engaged in nastics; Stephen J. Farrell, track; , V0; S'physical education and coaching dur- Edwin J. Mather, basketball; Ray L. ing the regular school year and for Fisher, baseball: Charles Bi. Hoyt, any others who may wish to supple-'jtrack and athletic training; Clyde are nor available in the 'administra- mnent the preparation already r-eceiv- Reynolds, first aid; Frank L. Hayes tion offices of all departments. Th~e ed in colleges or professional schools., basketball; Harry G. Kipke, football period will extend from June 21 to The courses embrace all of the import-I and baseball; Herbert Staads, assist- July 31. ant problems of athletic coaching and ant. in athletic training. The summer courses in athletic !are designed to fit men more. corn- I The equipment, as it pertains to the petently to supervise athletics andI needs of specialized instruction in ath- gymnastics in preparatory schools and! letics, includes Ferry field, Yost field , " colleges, house, the Ferry field administration Wedt.s Mac to nee The staff of instruction includles: ;building, the Waterman and Barbour 50 to $150 Coach Fielding H. Yost, football. l- gymnasiums. Students entering the, ~I KSat. Matinee I ton E. Wiemian, football and organiza- Summer session in this department Ii ionandadministration of athletics; will enroll in the offices of the School PRE1SENTS ?EmxD Mitchell, organization and !'of Education, Tappan hall, June 19. Some of the 15 courses to be offered IDe th OfF th r 'IIlliiIIlfli!1!1ltIIit11lIIIIIIIIIIE are those in organized play and recrea- "e t fF te ti on, by Mitchell; physical examine- DetainsPr fso..=W N E tions, anthropometry, and corrective P o e s r-W N E exercises, by Dr. May; practicalhy Discarded U# geeDrRenlstrcanfel DutotedahohifahriDiardathletics. by Farrell and Hoyt; school ICaliftnia, Prof. Everett S. Brown, of O vercoats and Shoes programs in physicalI education, byi the political science department will__ IDr. May: and athletic training and' be detained there for an indefinite HihsCahPce ad 2 conditioning, by Hoyt and Staads. In 1perwod of time,.lHe has been away HSetCs aePi addition there will be. several courses fromn the University since the weekh in football, basketball, and baseball before spring vacation, and his class- Th coaching, offered by Coaches Yost, es are being:* conducted by other mem- M~ather, and Fisher and assistants. lhers of the department. ~jjQ r w WASHINGTON.-Government sane- Two swinmers on this year's all- ST R= tion to the recent merger of the As- American swimming team will returnST R5 sociated Oil company and the Tide- again to the University of Wisconsin dIIIlI ast Ann PhIIIIIIIIIlIIlI water Oil company, was given today. next year. 1110110ltl1llllltlllllO One Week Beginning Sunday April 25 SiARI BREAIKS, iC. A Comedy of Love, Youth and& Baseball --With- jty TW-"bd re Westmoa GLAI)YS LLOYD PAUL and KELLY *' Bki Hot or Cold, Rain or Shine There 's But One Decision SEEIT NW STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE -___ Direct fromt BroadwayI Where, as "Solid Ivory," Al, the bonehead pitcher, and Ruth, the substitute girl manager, convulsed the delighted fans. Laughter l3oesn 't Come in Larger Sizes Than Ths Vi One Week Only Beginning Monday, April 26 The BONSTELLE PLAYHOUSE Nights, 75e to $1.50 Matinees' Tuesday, Thursday Saturday W0e'and Vie GREATER THAN ALL DENNY'S THfAT HAVE GONE BEFORE - AND THAT MEANS JUST JUST ONE WOW FOR OUR DRESS COMEDIAN THE BMiE CMPN E ngagenment Extraordinary SHAKESPEARE'S GREAT LOVE STORY mooandJuliet IN MODERN DRESS A distinct innovation in Detroit, but one in which the Bonstelle Company scored heavily on the occasion of two recent performances. Being .presented by SPECIAL REQUEST. i8SHSIAKESPEARE MODERN? L SHUBERTE laFgvPttP Blvd. of t S hv-DEtTROJT- -Pboq C diilnc 8705. I i ONE WEEK ONLY, BEGINNING XIONDIY APRIL 26 F. RAY CONSTOCK sand MORRIS GEST Have the Great Honor to Announce for the First and Only Time in Detroit F The Moscow Art Theater } ~Musical Studio of Vladimir Nemirovitch-Dantchenko GALA PRIEIIERE MONDAY EVENING AT 8S (Benefit Sigma Gamma 'onvalescent Home for Crippled Children) "Carmencita and the Soldier" Monday Evening, April 26; Tuesday Evening, April 27; Wednesday Matinee and Evening, April 28; Thursday Matinee and i Evening, April 28; and Friday Evening, April 30. ":LYSISTRATA" Saturday Matinee anid Evening, May 1 / SUPPORTED BY PRETTY LARLAPAT and a dozen of the screen's best comedias setting a ioo mile an hour pace %1. @/oc"/ G= I~ WHITNEY ~heater Arl2 t Mo~nday Evening, r l2 The M st Sucessfu Comed Hitof Years OI CD ' tARTHUR HOPKINS ..._ .. _ _. _ _...__ _, _.. ...Presents the r; UNFORGETABLE PLAY * 0 IOKUSW hat Ili ",SKI:NER'S IBRESS SUIT'- Oh1, I zdy ! roll' thenl all together and~ mujltiply by Itll and Iyou have swio idea as to the kind of a "Denny" this "Skinncr's Dress Suit" is. What a. laugha-felt you are $1i for wheni you 5C=' D1ennay 41d a fortune o111 of a diiess-suit that he didn't wanlt in the first place- hadn't paid for Iin the second place and Wouldn't give up in the last pac. It's delightful, wimnsical, simulatinmg, breezy farce done as tuly Dlennmy can do it. IR jif ' ? i a j f,- p Made from Henry Irving Dodge's Famous Saturday Ii Written By Maxwell Anderson and Laurence Stallings Author of "The Big Parade" Price Glory /1 Evening P BTI WEIRD PAPAT SHUFF ""A 'Mr ~C A, T, ost Stories. EXCLUSIVE ARCADE FEATURES, ThsIn tTeCharlesto'n- IF YOU COULD HEAR THOSE MELODIOUS, NOTES IT'WOULD MAKE'YOU SAY 1"SWEETr ICOULD DIE DANCINGTH SAVANNAH LE ATLAN RICE SPORTLIGHT .. i i i PERT TO Laughts 1 NICI11.G A N LO(ALES A X o t rFlvi andi 171)State ~j'",Wit andi Wiadi PiCTORIAl4 Sp It lBefore You IRead It, A ICAi)E TIe Wl -it Y~our D dr B =1 Exactly as Presented in New York, Philadelphia and Boston Wi7th an Exceptional Cast of Players, headed by Jack Boseleigha, ~Jack Ca rh4c, l)esircte Stemnpel, W'Iillardl Joray. Supported by twenty- five others. "'ruddy g'ei, rich in hinw."-Percy Hammuoad, Nrew York Tribune: "Treminidous sardonic la ug'hter ils its every scene."-Alexander Foolcolt, New York Sun. S17N DA MUSICALLY With time O Igi llao Opus by Nis GWENDOLYNE WILSON .rcade Planet' 1. I Out HE STUl ARRIAN GEM~ 1ENT' VV IIi Profsent a Combinaation ofi Novelty ('onipo Siioms as Originally' Us ed wit h This Attractloli h ~ ~ ~ I ii 11 w 3 J1 ft _ _ __. __l _, __ t«1.. _. _1 ! 17. !_ ._...«:7, YC_..7 ... 7. ., t7. .. 1 1 rvl. its 1