PAGE TWO + T'-i 1'_, 7*'1 Il .H 1\'\ i'+E 1.. A 1 N SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1920 ~ I.~'~~~D.George A May, of the pIyti a] lr Otn Summ '?'er s Arctic Expedition',____ from Wisc sse, Me.,Ju e 2 , go ng ~~ Ia sistant football coach; R. L. F l un , t ther oi t to G reenlatind, thu e n e across t ebygookinr ta yogt e D tr i n sr A c co m p a n y in g th e A rc tic e x p e d itio n b ro o k tro u t in th is c o u n try . Il e w i l, stra it to B aff in la n d , d io w n th e L b ra - C a m p le a d e r tra in in g c o u rse s or i ht n L a e al a u t ri m n I b ol- y s' M.w C.rA.,a dls cewita rlye n an i.o fnr of Corn. Donald B. MacMillan this ihowever, consider all kinds of fig's, dor coast, and to return Sept. 15. students who exect to serve as di- ;tinuing for four consecutive Tueday IiiNtor of Canadian canoe treks, ill opcs t~ ~summer, Dr. W alter N. Koelz, of the studying the variation Le wen exam- mi.e f12*Y wll po north of the rectors or counselors of summer nights. Lectures nd j' s of 1 e li lgte en W ox i ea thNo c . S. Bureau of Fisheries, who is !pes of the ;ame pcie:; n dfE 'eW 1c i, ~as far as isk isand camps xwii be offered und~er the', by men wlio are familiar w B~ii thlie dicssions adiian~fswer q est ions r(1e11 ec ues 4ationed at the University for sci-iloclities. ,? 0 degree. laitudo?. supervision of the Student Christian work of training boys andl young men garding camping. eig a uhtific Investgation.i will s1idv the w~ '~ i:7 a - association beginning next Tuesday will be the main features of the The courses are expected to provilde c inima nities for directors and coun- a meet with a. view to sumvmer nent for those 'who are not al- - aged. Technical training in ry of campil direction and A- lion, the history and probaple f camping will: be among Yfhe Ikent up by the lecturers. large will be made for these and discussions, which are fish of Davis strait, through which the ship will sail on its way to the western coast of Greenland, Baffin land, and Labrador. Th e purposes of the journey are entir'ely scientific. Four scientists will beR taken besides the commander'.1 'they must act as seamen in addition to their study, as, the 85 foot Bowdoin, in which. Commander MacMillan hasi made several p~revious Arctic trips, can carry only 13 men.: Dr. Koelz' attention will be devoted chiefly to trout, of which the Arctic species are close relatives of the formerl'y aw;;JrQf .5..l.oant" clg at Bowdioin colle-ge,:; to 'tudfy the peolies of the regioris visi ted, iic"111- . d L xzd ing the Green land eskimo vilho have V-DAL1oS a large mixture of foreign blood, a ~ l~ ~~HR OS I______-7n .... .. ..,....,..,. ,.. .... .'r a n g ed...b y ,..,C...H e rr..c_.,,_2_ TI1 For All Makes of Carsi. RSS FOR SALE. JU K (CA~RS MOU1H PRONE 343:7. KESSLER RO$, Canal Street "THE i: ll*ST BADl IMAN" Sub ported by IT 'Iie like (if SilentJPrima (No Music Tonight) 1 V I B~oy-How I knocked 'em Dead i Kokomo!" Why Sat), I Just Tied the RAE Howv Mad the Stars Were. STARTIN G.-TODA' Continuous ?MR Performance MI Y (1 1 NOW SHOWING 0.0 s.:;: 'Sunday- &S~hedul 2 :00-3:40: 5 :20-7 :00 8:40 \ HFAoo Sunday Pri-es 1lQc, 35c Sid ring Togday' 9 N 4N s W Week Day Matinees' 1 Oc, 25c $1 'Tremendous D ramaa of the Old West! 3 . , . , a 'c r' 'w ^ ,,... j -- '-"- t t" ' t to Iliso~ ecorded The 3eartT rob The ajd greatest land aush, in ih $feQan4jna Wild su eide for homre. 3tadstes is Peprodl,,Cd efore t~mto picture Camerai i )rfc rdth illii realism eret n Of the great We traffiadb3 h~0e a who realtl skriota db h n rtop " thir -that Terr%-.o- , an George ). Cohan' S Comedy Classic I Y . mDirctad p . o O*'S F Epic, and te teW est'ern code. A, Cowb0q, Pichire , 9 . Y A Ii . 4N 14UL-( j I I - , \ , "' . . ' = f .. ., ,,, ,1 r L ..'' . ----- ..._ - 1 fj t } ',. . .,,, -INQ292im- T. 'rte eternal storyv of the "hioofer:' who I iti;s to be a heodlliuer.. (I rgeo s ItheatricalI revute s eaes. PIch.-st a e lzimonr. Be6sslie Love don e)1ga das~hing'toii Ciharlestoen. The reaest story G~eorg~e M. Cohant ever i rote. Sereezi play Iby laul C: c Ot't('e d. I A TORRENT OF HiMOlt ALBERTA VAUGH~lN-A COOKE --In'- ~.- S. -4 L IIimlI3I4 LATEST -NEWS WUERTH SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA WURLITZTER ORGAN EXTRA! EXTRA! Keith Vaudeville Feature ADDED PROGRAM Lionel Barryinore in a, Two Reel Comedy The Star of Stage and-Screen JEA STHEIRN 'W ~ liii ( z