ESTABLISHED 1890 -.mdhj.dd6w 44F Ar fRtr t 0 an attij MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 151 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS STUDENT COUNCIL PANS SERIES OF SUNDAY SERVICES I FRESHMAN WA LKiING( HIKER WINS BET 22MILES IN D)AY ATTENDANCE RESTRICTED STUDENTS AND MEMBERS OF FACULTY TO IAfter walking all clay to win a $14 bet, Herman W. Lackmann, '29, limped up to the Engineering arch at 7:35 o'clock last night. i The route which he covered Istretched from the campus out IWashtenaw avenue, through Yp- silanti, to the first bridge on the IDetroit road, a distance of eight Imiles, which was to be covered four times in less than ten hours. This called for an average speed of about three and one-half milesj an hour, as no time was allowed 1 for rest or for meals. Lackman covered the 32 miles in 9 hours and five minutes. f SETTLEMENT OFFER HEEED BY U.S. DEBT COMMISSION ACCEPTANCE OF FRENCH PLAN IN iTS PRESENT FORM IS UNCERTAIN BORAH DISAPPROVES Commission Is Hesitant To Accept Initial Payment Of Only $2,A000,)00 (By Associated Press) START NEXT WEEK Xeklejohn, Sperry, and Fitch Deliver Addresses At Will Services Non-denominational and open to all students and members of the faculty of the University, a series of four University services to be held at 11 o'clock on four consecutive Sunday mornings under the auspices of the Student council will be opened next Sunday by Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, former president of Amherst college and now a member of the faculty of the University of Wisconsin. These convocations, held in Hill auditorium, are intended to give stu- dents the opportuity of hearing men who are nationally known speak on topics of religious interest, with the provision, if the four this spring are successful, of making a Sunday morn-' ing convocation a weekly event next year. Following Dr. Meiklejohn will be Willard L. Sperry, dean of the Har- vard school of divinity. Albert Parker Fitch, formerly a professor at Am- herst, who resigned with Dr. Meikle- john when he quit the presidency of that college on account of his liberal ideas in education, and who is now at Carleton college, President Burton's alma mater, on May 16, and Bishop Francis J. McConnell of Pittsburgh, Pa., on May 23. The musical features of the serv-i ices will include one solo, the singing of one hymn by the congregation, and the* playing of tihe organ before the service opens and at the close of the address. A collection to aid in de- fraying the expense of bringing the speaker to Ann Arbor will also be taken. The auditorium will be suit- able decorated for the services. Xl~tters to all the 'organized groupsf on the campus, explaining the pur- pose of the services and requesting their support in the matter, were aailed by the council committee yes- terday. These letters suggested that fraternities and sororities attend at least the first of the convocations in bodies. Final arrangements for the initial service next Sunday will be coinpleted by the Student council Wednesday night. The decision to limit attendance to students of the University and mem- bers of the faculty was made in or- der to make them strictly University affairs and avoid cutting into the at- tendance of townspeople at the reg- ular church services also held at 11 o'clock on Sunday. Mimes Box Office Will Sell Tickets To Shaw's Comedy Tickets for Comedy club's produc- tion of George Bernard Shaw's "You Never Can Tell," which opens Tues- day night for a run of three perform- ances, will be transferred from the State street bookstores to the box of- fice of Mimes theater at 1 o'clock Monday. The play will be presented in the Mimes theater instead of at the Whitney theater as previously an- nounced. The direction of "You Never Can '"el" is by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson of the engineering English department. Professor Nelson has directed many of Comedy club Productions of past years, among which were "Bunty Pulls 'the Strings", Barrie's "Alice Sit-by-the Fire" and Walter Hackett's "Captain 'Applejack." Professor Nelson has also designed the scenery for the play, which is be- ing painted by Otto Schiller, who pre- pared the scenery for the Union opera. Leading roles in "You Never Can Tell" are taken by Warren Parker as "Philip," Phyllis Loughton as "Dolly", Neal Nyland as "Valentine," the den- tist, Margaret Effinger as Gloria," and Lillian Bronson as "Mrs. Clandon". KRASNODAR, Caucasus.-An earth quake recently shook =Popovichesk province, destroyed the Post and Tele graph building and badly damaged th state capital. - . _ EASHINGTON, April 24.-France's new proposal for settling her four ITHRE MEN 00[9 billion dollar war debt to the United States was given a formal and offi- cial scrutiny today by Ithe American debt commission with indications that changes would be necessary to insure - itsapproval. Little Completes Faculty Membership Taking up the offer as the practical By Appointment of Sundwall, basis for an agreement, the commis- Day And Angell sion discussed it for an hour and a half and then decided to meet again} WILL TAKE OFFICE MAY 1 Mon1ay. Immediately after the conclusion of the commission's hearing today, Sen- Three names were added yesterday ator Smoot, of the commission, went by President Clarence Cook Little to back to the capitol and called up the complete the list of faculty members Belgian debt agreement and by doing appointed for service on the new so brought into action Senator Reed, Board in Control of Athletics which Democrat, of Missouri, who renewed will take office May 1. They include his attack on both the debt commis- Dean Edmund E. Day of the School of sion and the administration; Senator Business Administration, Dr. John Borah, Republican, Idaho, and others Sundwall, u:rector of students' physi- who opposed the terms they said the cal welfare, and Dr. Robert Angell commission had allowed at the ex- of the sociology department. pense of the American taxpayers. The appointment of these three men It was generally understood that completes the board with the excep- the total of the French offer was in tion of the student members. The the proximity of seven billion dollars,1 other members are Prof. William A. concluding interest payments over Frayer, Prof. Alfred O. Lee, Prof. Clar- the 62 year period. This is almost ence T. Johnston, and Prof. Ralph T. one billion higher. than the Caillaux Aigler, chairman, representing the proposal. faculty, and Thomas Hammond, Chi- Some doubt existed in the commis-1 cago, James E. Duffy, Bay City, and sion, however, on the advisability of Charles B. DuCharme, Detroit, of the accepting an initial payment of only alumni. $25,000,000 as against the $40,000,000; In making yesterday's appointments annual first payments at one time President Little issued the following offered by Caillaux. statement: "In appointing the three new facultyI members to the Bpard in Control af VARIED EVENTS AWIT Athletics I ask the attention of all friends of the University to the ffof- lowing points: fo- SENIORS voRINGm E "DeaA Day will bring to the board , an active business experience, a store of constructive thought on the general Anouncerets And Invitations May athletic situation and an intimate and Be Ordered Tomorrow accurate knowledge of the principles - under-lying the faculty report on Orders for senior announcements at which the new board is based. 50 cents and invitations at 10 cents "Dr. Sundwall as representative of will be received from 9 until 4 o'clock the intramural program and of the re- tomorrow and Tuesday in the offices lation between athletics, general next to the lobby of Alumni Memorial physical education, and the hygiene hall. This is the only time that orders and sanitation problems of the student may be placed; cash for the desired body is obviously a proper member of number must accompany the order. the new board. New cuts made from recent photo- "Dr. Robert Angell combines with graphs will be used throughout the youth a practical knowledge of ath- l announcement bulletin, which will letics and a willingness to criticize have a black leather cover with a openly what he believes to be the in- raised picture of Angell hall on the herent weaknesses in over-emphasiz- face. Complete details of the final ing any one phase of the athletic pro1 senior functions during June are con- gram. His active interest, his ener1 tained in the announcement, and a getic thought and his disregard of pop- ' list of members of the literary col- nlaritu in stating' his beliefs in con- lege faculty with their dlegrees is also Senate Inqu Ends; 2 Gr Claim Vi (By Associated Pres) WASHINGTON, April burst of applause from te and signs of relief from sen final curtain fell today on t prohibition drama which staged for three weeks bef ate judiciary sub-committ The senators, several of quently assumed the leadin tired now to the wingst alike the fate of the prop wets to modify the Volste the proposition of the (I many more teeth into the The wets never enter' hope of immediate victor gross but assert they hav lished their purpose byg facts about prohibition to try. The drys believe the better of the argument an enactment of most of the sponsor. As the closing scenes of followed in quick success was a tightening of tension not lost upon the crowd w the big "marble room" in office building, to which t was transferred for wh Reed, Democrat, Missour prosecutor termed a "Ro day." HITTI Ill LEL Slides Will Depict Phases O And Arabian Occuipati Spaint IS HISTORY PROF Contributions of Syria to ization of western Europe subject of a University lct Philip Hitti, lecturer at Pri Iversity, to be given under t of the history department tomorrow nght in he Natu auditorium. Slides will be lustrate the talk, which chiefly with the crusades a abian occupation of Spain. Dr. Hitti is a native ofS ing from a region near Li has spent 14 years in th He holds a master's degre umbia university. He ha many years a professor of the American universityt Syria, and is devoting part in this country to aiding ment fund for that insti travels to various centers are groups of Syrians, or are people interested in th of the near East. Doctor Hitti has an unus command of the English Ia cording, to Prof. William A the history department, w charge of the lecture. le ent conducting a course in of the near East at Prince ten o rtnve ~ntally I ry 9UPS 'dory 24.-Amid e partisans oators, the he colorful has been ore a Sen- ee. whom fre- g role, re- to discuss, osal of the ad act and1 ys to put law. tained any y in Con- CVMPEJ WOLVERINE FOUR MILE TEAM TAKES TIIIRD PLACE AT DRAKE RELAYS HOFF SETS RECORDj Locke Of Nebraska Shatters World's Record in 100 Yard Dash; heuser Loses Shot 1 - ' e accomp- (By Associated Press) giving the DES MOINES, Ia., April 24.--Rol.. the coun- land Locke of Nebraska, established y had the a new world's record in the 100-yard, d will get dash at the Drake relay cornival, here' bills they today. Locke won the event in 9 5-10, a tenth of a second faster than the the drama i former record made in 1906 by Dn ion, there Kelley and equalled since then by which was Howard Drew, Charles Paddock, Fran- vhich filled ois Husey and Locke. the Senate Charles Hoff set a new American- he hearing record for the pole vault but failed at Senator 'to clear the bar at 14 feet for a new i, the wet 1world's record after making three at- man Holi- tempts. Hoff vaulted 13 9 1-4 inches official measurement, beating the for- mer record of 13 feet 5 1-4 inches set by Lee Barnes of the University of l California. iTU HL The track and infield, soaked by yes- terday's downpour was further drench- ed after a morning of high winds when another drizzle set in just before the first event was called. 1 The rain was driven by a cold north if Crusades wind, making conditions almost in- 'f ruad tolerable for spectators and contest- «91 Of ants The wind was at the backs of the runners in the dashes and hurdles sand also favored the contestants ini F SSOR the field events. Gasoline was burn- sed on the straightaways during the morning in an attempt to dry thems the civil- out, but another rain set in as thisr will l:e the Iwas finished. ure by Dr. The Michigan four mile relay fail-f nceton un- ed to win that event placing thir, he uspcesbeing beaten by the Oregon Aggies i and the Illinois teams. Today's com- Iu at 8 o'clock petition marked the second successivea ral Science week which these teams have raced used to il- against each other. Last week the will deal Oregon team was third and Michigana nd the Ar- 'was second, Illinois finishing first. Clarence "Bud" Houser of the Uni-v Syria, com- versity of Southern California,s ebanon, but Olympic shot put and discus cham- is country.. pion, went down to defeat in the shotv e from Col- put when he was beaten by a margins s been for of half an inch by John Kuck of Kan-r history at sas State Teachers college, Emporia,t of Beirut, Kans. Kuck put the 16 pound shotI of his time 48 feet 5 1-2 inches, while Houser put an endow- it 48 feet 5 inches. tution. He Three new Drake records were setc where there and one was tied. John Kuck, of£ where there Kansas State Teachers' college, Em-1 e problems I poria, Kansas, smashed two of the car- nival marks by winning the shot and ually fluent the javelin..1 nguage, ac- . Frayer ofi Tho isin Nis at is- re tpoUNI ERSITY SOIFCLUB the history ! nrrr irnn iil ton, but i!PROFER theUn- ME BESHP -nunTnL ILI ~LVUIUII GRANGE'S MANAGER SAYS j SUZANNE WILL TOUR U. S. I (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, April 24.-Suzan- ne Lenglen, after playing Helen Wills twice more, perhaps, is to make a six months tour of. the United States, it is announced by Charles C. Pyle, Red Grange's manager. Her tour will begin in July. She will play the leading 'role in a film which probably will be based upon her book, "The Love Game." And she will play ex- hibition tennis matches. Pyle will seek the co-operation of the United State Lawn Ten- nis association. PURDUE FALLS, 6-4, TOVARHSITY ATTACK Lange's Triple In Fourth Gives Squad First Count; Singles In Fifth Net Three Runs /-"W I'"1 "1r Al' 'W-%k "!"1 /1 rITION TRACK MEN EXCEL IN EAST; WEATHER SLOWS - -T IN WEST -Cs RAINS DELAY CONTEST Special to The Daily LAFAYETTE, Ind., April 24.-Mich- gan annexed a victory this afternoon from Purdue 6 to 4 in a game halted several times in the later innings by rain. The Boilermakers scored in the first on a walk, stolen base, and a passed ball. The Wolverines tied it up in the fourth when Lange tripled and scored on a sacrifice fly by Edgar., Purdue also tallied in this frame on three hits and an error by#Tablonowski. Michigan counted three in the fifth when Friedman singled and Jablonow- ski followed with another bingle which sent Bennie to third, where he scored when Ware on the throw in made a wild heave to second trying to get Jablonowski. Loos sacrificed and Maxton went in to pitch for Pur- due. Wilson singled, scoring ;ablon- owski and Lange, who also singled, sending Wilson to third. Edgar sing- led scoring Wilson. The Wolverines put the game on ice with two more in the sixth. Friedman walked, and Jablonowski sacrificed. Loos reached first when Maxton toss- ed out Friedman, going to third on Loos' tap. Wilson singled. Pierce footled Lange's roller, allowing Loos to score, and putting Wilson on third. Wilson scored on a wild pitch. Purdue scored in the seventh when Rabe doubled, stole third, and Wise singled. They added their last tally in the eighth on a walk and a single. BOX SCORE VARSITY WINS TWO FIRSTS, TWO THIRDS, AND A FIFTH AT PENN HESTER TAKES DASH Hawkins Outdistances Field In Ham- mer Throw; Northrup Takes Third In Javelli Event (By Associated Press and Special) PHILADELPHIA, April 24. - Two firsts, two thirds and a fifth were the spoils of the Michigan invasion of the East today. While the seven men who wore the Maize and Blue were unable to account for a relay victory, they took a first in the 100 yard dash, Ifirst in the hammer throw, third in the javelin, third in the pole vault and fifth in the mile relay. The decisive defeat of Frank Hussey of Boston college, national 100 yard champion coupled with the creation of two new carnival relay records set up today in performances which brought the two-day Pennsylvania relay carn- val to a close which was exciting but lacking for the most part, the bril- liance which has characterized the meet in recent years. Close to 40,000 spectators at Frank- lin field saw Hussey sustain one of the worst defeats ,of his career, start- ing badly and finishing only fourth in the finals of the 100 yard dash special which was won by Hester, Michigan star in 10 1-10 seconds. The 100 yard dash which was sche- duled as a duel between Hester of Michigan and Hussey of Boston col- lege, turned into an easy victory for the diminutive Michigan sprinter. While the starting gun found the Bos- ton star flat on his mark, Hester was off like a flash, and at 50 yards was two whole yards in the lead. At the finish he was a yard in the lead and going strong. The race was run in the face of a stiff breeze, which slowed the time to 10 1-10 second Harry Ha'wkins, s ar Wo ver4' hammer thrower, was declared winner in that event this morning with a heave of 152 feet 3 9-16 inches. In winning the last event Hawkins de- feated Taylor of Pennsylvania, win- ner of the event last year, and Gates of Princeton, both of whom are con- sidered the class of the Eastern ham- mer throwers. Hawkins heaved the weight four times over 145 feet al- though his best throw was his last in the trials. The Michigan star en- tered the meet handicapped by lack of practice and was not figured as a dangerous contender, his best mark prior to this meet being 144 feet 10 inches, made at the Michigan-IllnOIs dual meet last year. Phil Northrup showed that he has not entirely recovered from his recent operation in this afternoon's compe- tition, which found him below his best form. His toss of 186 feet in the javelin throw is considerably less tha his best mark, and netted a third place, while last year Northrup won the event. The Wolverine star failed at 12 feet 6 inches in the pole vault, appearing to have been tired out by his competition in the javelin throw. Nevertheless he attempted the broad jump after gaining a third in the pole vault, but failed to place. The Wolverine mile relay team, which was expected to give George- town a battle for first place, never stood a chance when it was found that they had drawn 13th lane with all the Sstrong teams in the first four lanes. The start of the race found Ohlheiser, lead-off man, crowded against the brick wall on the outside of the track, in tenth and last lane, three teams having scratched. Conclusion of the major college re- lays found Penn State and Columbia monopolizing honors which In the past 'few years have gone chiefly to George- town and Boston college. Penn State hung up two victories by defeating Pennsylvania in the 400 yard shuttle hurdle race, a new event on the pro- gram, and then bringing the day to a climax with a sensational victory over I Boston college in the four mile con- test. "WOHAT'PRICE GLORY" 4 OPENS HERE MONDAly ----- Lawene itiing anU LU axe 0 4 1 ! Ulal luy ILL o"tt,1115 41.1.) - .- ... --.. 1 _ , 14 ,1 I f nection with the athletic situation . printed. Both the booklets will be versity of Beirut. should help the board. available for early mailing, it was an- _ "With these three men added to nounced by James E. Newton, chair- I those already appointed it is my hope man of the committee, yesterday. OUTLINES PLAN I: and belief that great progress towards ' Selection of candidates for the va - improvement in matters of physical I rious nomenclatural positions of thet education can be made." class of '26 will take place at the an- o Wednesday in Natural Science audi- ma1Assisttorium 1 Di Two pines Will Form Tuesday Morn- Dutch Journals i g On East Side Of Libraryt edc Faculty I HWord ofcthehoice of Dr. Albert Attend Con entiZon Methods of distributing the 3,000 1Hyma of the history department to copies of the 1926 'Ensign, which is s o-operate in two Dutch publications, to begin at 9 o'clock on Tuesday morn-1 was received at the University yester- Prof. Preston M. Hickey of the ing, were announced by the business, day. In selecting editors for the com- I roentgenological department, Prof. j staff of the 'Ensian yesterday. They< pilation of a library of pre-Reforma- Udo J. Wile and Dr. L. M. Wieder of are practically the same as thoset tion Dutch literature, the recently the dermatological department in the used in delivering the books last year. founded Roman Catholic university of Medical school are in Dallas, Tex., ' Two lines will be formed in the Nijmegen, Holland, named Dr. Hyma where they are attending the annual driveway outside the basement door of as the only American. meeting of the American Medical as- the Library, the first for those hold- One of three major parties in Hol- sociation. ing receipts numbered under 1,000 and land, the anti-revolutionary party has for those receiving complimentary inaugurated an official organ, and Dr. BAY CITY. -- Towermen in the na- I copies; the second line will be only Hyma has been appointed as one of tional forest in Tosco county report for receipts numbered 1,000 or above. two American contributors. no fire in their territory. After passing a table where holders of I receipts will be given the duplicate from the 'Ensian records, the two lines COMMITTEE PREPARES CURRENT 2b i"n neigtea COM will be joined, and entering the Iii EVENTS EXAMINATION QUESTIONS brar" will passi "fron*of*hedist- will be exchanged for a copy of thea Preparation of questions for the l or six subjects for discussions of 150 book. 3pteliminary examination in the New to 200 words. In case of rain, the two lines will York Times current events contest Registrations for the test are be- oth be formed inside the Library. No books will be given out before a to be held May 1, has been completed ing made to all members of the com- o'clock, not later than 5 o'clock. Thesej by the local committee, it was an- mittee, and enrollment so far has hours will be maintained daily until nounced yesterday by Prof. Joseph R. been quite satisfactory, Professor all the books are delivered to theirI I n ytryyP .JIsh ayden said. Any student who has owners. IHayden, , not completed four years of study I Lost receipt stubs will not now be Memberships in the University Golf club good for the remainder of the current semester are now being sold, the official opening of the course for this season to take place today. The l course, which is located on South State street beyond Ferry field, has been in partial use during the past week, all nine holes being opened for the first time today. O. H. Clark, '23, manager of the' club, reports that more than 100 of the 250 linmit memberships have already been sold. The fee for the remainder of this semester is $10, and students and townspeople who are not members can play by paying a $1 greens fee. Loos, ss ...........4 Wilson, lb.........5 Lange, if...........4 Edgar, c........... 4 Miller, rf...........4 Puckelwartz, cf .... 3 Kubicek, 2b.......5 Friedman, 3b ......3 Jablonowski, p..... 3 Totals ...........35 Purdue l 7 f i 1 Michigan AB R H PO 1 0 3 2 2 8 1 3 2 0 1 5 0 0 3 0 3 1 002 1 1 1 611271 A 2 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 3 11 E 1 0 0 0 0 0 _.0 1 2 ABR11IPO AE NOTICE 'Plock, if........... 4 0 0 3 0 0 j ----4 Pierce,lb.......... 2 2 i 9 0 1 The Board in Control of Stu- Taube, cf..........4 1 0 0 0 0 dent Publications will hold its Wilcox, 2b.........3 0 1 1 1 0 meeting for the appointment of Ware, 3b .......... 4 0 2 2 3 1 Managing Editor and Business l Rabe, ss...........4 1 1 2 2 0 Manager of the Michiganensian!I Ravenscraft, rf .... 1 0 0 1 0 0 on May 1, 1926, and on May 8 I Merkobrad, rf .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 will hold its meeting for the ap- I Lowe, rf ........... 1 0 0 1 0 0 I pointment of Managing Editors E Harris............ 1 0 0 0 0 0 and Business Managers of all Wise, c...... .. 4 0 1 7 1 0 other student publications. Each Hulswitt, p......... 1 0 0 1 1 0 applicant for a position is re- Maxton, p.......... 2 0 0 0 2 0 quested to file seven copies of his Kemmer...........1 0 0 0 0 0 I letter of application at the Board - - - office in the Press building five Totals ...........32 4 6 27 10 2 days prior to the meeting for the j use of the seven members of the 4 Merkobrad ran for Ravenscraft in board. Carbon copies, if legible, fifth. Harris batted for Lowe in 9th will be satisfactory. Each letter ( Kemmer batted for Maxton in 9th. should state the facts as to the I Score by innings: R. H. E S applicant's scholastic record in 'Michigan 000 132 000-6 112 IOurWeatherMan i. .. 2 ILawrence Stallings' and Maxwell Anderson's war comedy "What Price, Glory" will be presented at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow at the Whitney