PAGE EIGIT THE MICHIGAN DATLY SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1923 DAIILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Aesistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume 1I SATURDIAY, APRIL 24, 1921; Numiber 1,0) The Rhodes Sciolarships: On December 11, 1926, the State Committee for Michigan will select from the nominees of the University and of the colleges of the State one candidate for a Rhodes Scholarship for 1927. A scholar elected for that year will go into residence at Oxford in October, 1927. The University is privileged to nominate .to the State Committee not more than five and se- lection of at least three will be made some time in June by the University Commitee. Applications should be in my hands not later than Saturday, May 15. Information and conference may be obtained at the office of the Graduate School. Alfred If. Lloyd, Chairman, University Rhodes Scholarship Committee. Ann Arbor Art Association: There is an exhibition of the paintings of Sviatoslav Roerich in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall, open week days 1:30 to 5:00 P. M., and Sunday 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. The last day of the exhibition will be Sunday, AprIl 25th. It is free to members of the Association, to students of the Uni- versity, and to pupils of the schools. Warren P. Lombard, Pres. Interfraternity Council: The final meeting of the year will be held Monday, April 26, Room 302 Union at 4:30 P. M. Mr. Harry S. Warner, international education secretary Intercollegiate Prohibition Association, will give a short talk followed by a discussion.; Jackson Stith. Psychology 102 (Mental Measurement): There will be a special session of this class Saturday, 9 A. AT., (today) in 162 Natural Science Building. UI. I. Mayberry. Philosophy 38, Logic: The make-up for those excusably absent from the mid-semester exami- nation will be held on Tuesday, April 27, at 5:00 P. M. in 205 Mason. Gardner Wlioa!. Philosophy 31: The make-up for those excusably absent from the mid-semester exami- nation will be held on Tuesday, April 27, at 5:00 P. M. in 205 Mason. Gardner Wi lbins. Graduation Recital: Gertrude Friedrich, Violinist, assisted by Hazel Corbett, Soprano, vw-ill appear in a graduation recital Saturday evening, April 24, at 8:00 in the School of Music Auditorium. The following program will be given: Chaconne, from, the Fourth Solo-Sonata (Bach) Miss Friedrich; When Roses Bloom (Reichardt), Dedication '(Franz), O Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me? (Handel) Miss Corbett; Ballade et Polonaise, Op. 38 (Vieux- temps), Miss Friedrich. Accompanists: Pauline Kaiser and Marjorie Baxter. Charles A. Sink. League of Women Voters: There will be a regular meeting and election of officers Monday, April 26, at 4:15 in the Athena room, fourth floor, Angell Hall. Mary Franc;%.. "The Goose Hangs High"-Play Production Series "The Goose Hangs .Iigh," a three-act comedy by Lewis Beach, will be presented in University Hall on Wednesday evening, April 28 . This is the Letters Held final program in I he Play Production Series. Patrons are asked to note that the play will be given but one night instead of two as originally an- nounced. l. ). T. Hollister. Gradue. E nglisl(b: The Graduate English Club will meet in Room 316, Michigan Union, at S P. M. Monday, April 26. The program will consist of a paper by Profes- sor SaLuel Moore en Ulicer's Pardoner of Rounch ale and Four Eliza- beDthan Songs fcr the Lute, sunkg by Miss Elsie Sweeney. P. V. Kreider. Me's Eruca ional ('lub : Sup't. Keyworth of Hamtramck will speak on the subject, "Some As- pects of Education from the Administrative Point of View," at the Michigan Union, Room 306, Monday night, April 26, at 7 o'clock. All interested are cordially imvited. Rallh Van l(oesen, President. School of Edltca RaoY Tickets will be distributed Wednesday and Thursday, April 28-29, in Tappan Hall from 9-12 and 1-4 o'clock for the annual spring party, to be given April 30 in the recreation room of the University High School, Juniors and Seniors who have paid class dues will be given tickets. Graduate stu- dents and others taking work in the school can obtain tickets for one dollar. Marian Branch, Chairman of the Social Committee. JUST RECEIVED- K10.T .... ...... . ...... ...: TO GIVE LECTURE HERE Prof. Joel H. Hildebrand, chemist, of the University of California, will discuss some phase of physical chem- istry in a University lecture schedul- edl for May 19. Professor Hildebrand. studied at the University of Pennsyl- vania and the University of Berlin, and for several years was connected with the chemistry department of the for- iner institution, later joining the staff of the same department in California. He is known throughout the nation as an authority on original research in chemistry, a field in which he is said to have distinguished himself during the war. IGLESTO HOLD ANNUL AL-MEDIC SMOKER MaY 4 Spansored by Galens, honorary jun- ior medical society, the annual all- medic smoker will be held Tuesday, May 4, in the Mimes theater, it was announced yesterday. The affair will begin at 7 o'clock with a skit, "As We See It." Speeches by prominent members of the faculty of the Medical schok and students will be given following the play. Entertainment in the form of acts and music is also on the pro- gram. BERLIN-- The only compensation Otto Klein and Max Kramer have re- ceived for breaking the fasting record is a meal of oatmeal, crackers and coffee. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified colmuns.-Adv. Notice Corrected Senior invitations and announce- mrents, which will be on sale Moniday md Tuesday of next week, are priced. at 10 and 50 cents respectively, and not as errorneously announced in yes- terday's Daily. Cash for the total number desired must accompany the order. Patronize Pally Advertisers.-Adv.? HARRIS HALL Club Building Open 9A. M.to10 P. M. Daily Afternoon Tea from four to six IrvingWarmohs,D)SC CHIROPODIST AND ORTHOPEDIST 1 ,07 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 I PAY BEST PRICES For Men's Used Clothing. Phone 4310 115 W. Washington 11. BENJAMIN TAILORING The Highest Grade of Workmanship in CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Remodeling a Specialty. LOUIS LINMS ANN 802 S. State St. Phone 7996J bIrL1 LS S SIU3 TF -- [IE LIGHT STPIIALGlT 8 " AM9 111''le'll, F mom You owe it to Yourself to see and ride in this latest-type automobile produced by a $75,000,000 manufacturing combi- nation. Ride in it today. The price is $1895. Gis Sales and Service 209 No. Fourth Ave. r U. Club privileges free to University students. all r Read the Want Ads ,i -! At Post Office Mail for 61 persons is being held as unclaimed at the general delivery window of the Main street post office, postal officials announced yesterday. The list follows: Anna Laura Baird, Dr. H. Burring- ton Baker, Prof. Myron L. Begeman, A. Bolano, Meyer M. Brown, Edina Clark, E. H. Coachman, Letitia Cours, Prof. Stweart R. Curtis, Carrol Stoll Davenport, Frank Elliott, M. Elliott, Prof. Jefferson Fletcher, Dorothy Gan- ble, -Clarence Grove, Arnold Bennett Hall. Samuel Hamel, Edgard B. Harger, W. Scott Harkins, Prof. Wm. Hauherdt, Helen Hunt, Mrs. Harry Jackson, Le- roy A. Johnson, Erik Joki, Ann Keat- ing, George Kenigson, Prof. J. E. Kirkpatrick, Jessie Kunder, Wong Yun Kwong, Miss Yu Chih Suai Lan, Oscar M. Longnecker, Jr., Philip C. Lovejoy, Petre J. McLaughlin. Edward Manly, Rev. W. H. Maurer, Charles Middleton, Prof. Harold W. Mohr, Leo Mills Moon, Prof. Louis A. Morrison, A. B. Newman, :Minnie Ninke, Nu Chapter, Kappa Kappa Psi, Mr. Ohzuka, Robert Phillips, Prof. A. H. Riddle, William Ryan, Herman Schneider. Prof. Julius Schoen, Ernest B. Skaggs, Elizabeth Spencer, Hazel Stough, Stanley E. Strunk, Dr. J. B. Tichener, Carlston Watson, James D. West, Prof. Chars E. Whitmore, Ed- ward J. Wiedman, Prof. Albert F Wight, Llewellyn Wilburn, Ruth Wink- ley, Arnold B. Zimmer. AT THE THEATERS TI Today--Screen i3 COLLEGIATE SPRING suITs CLOTHES SHOP and \ \i iremen fe n e Gjive us ainawI ith Wour lalar TOPCOATS from R&W Arcade - "Dancing Mothers," with Conway Tearle and Alice Joyce. Majestic-"The Reckless Lady," with James Kirkwood. Wuerth - "The Clash of the Wolves. " with Pin-Tin-Tin. These specially tailored suits and coats represent the last word in correct college styles. The materials are excellent. IThe " " rN . 1 I 11 E