ESTABLISHED 1890 Or- 14P 4br Ad\ m m - Ar att MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 150 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS GIFT OF LAW CLUB PRAISED B AE ON FOUNDER.'S DAY DEAN CHARACTERIZES 1DONATION AS AID TO DEVELOPMENT OF LEI1dAL RESEARCH, ROSENBERRY TALKS Explains Grovth Of Arbitration In Commiercial Disputes; Lads Recent Graduates "Nothing equal to it in the history of legal education anywhere in the world" was the characterization given the gift of William W. Cook, donor of the Lawyers' club,byDean Henry . Bates, of the Law school, at the Founder's day banquet last night, in the club. "Not only was it a great gift of money," he continued, "but a part of a plan for the development of legal research of a type far better than known anywhere at the present" I Dean Bates voiced the "confident expectation" that the banquet would become an annual event, serving as a testimonial to the founder as well as a home-coming day for graduates of the school, many of whom were in attendance last night. Thank 31r. Cook A rising vote of thanks to Mr. Cook was given by the crowd as a recogni- tion of its debt to him. A telegram received from Mr. Cook and read by Dean Bates said: "You represent a great idea for the University, the state, and nation. It will be followed by other law schools and profoundly affect the legal profession. It will have to be worked out care- fully and slowly, but it has come to stay. Success to you-William W. Cook." At the close f the evening it was Intounced that principal speaker, Justice Marvin B. Rosenberry, '93, of the supreme court of Wisconsin, had been elected to honorary membership in the Lawyers' club. Praises Law Graduates Both Justice Rosenberry and Judge Arthur II. Dennison, '94L,, of Cincin- nati, who also spoke, praised the law graduates of recent years, saying that they surpassed those of the older classes. The growth of the arbitration prin- ciple in commercial disptes was dis- cussed by Justice Rosenberry, who pointed out that this practice was be- ing extended so that 75 associations of trade have placed in their constitu- tions provisions for compulsory arbi- tration in disputes arising among their members. Contracts provide for the settling of all disputes in this way, thereby avoiding the lengthy and often costly litigation in court. "Our law," the speaker said, "was founded in a time when the population was agricultural, and many of its pro- visions have become inadequate for the settlement of disputes arising un- der the present industrial conditions." Changes are being urged, he con- tinued, which will bring proper pro- cedure into the courts, and the com- mercial arbitration courts will aid in the reform. Registrar Smith Favors Spring Elections For Fall Semester Commenting on the proposal for It is chiefly the necessity for first holding elections of courses for the printing the various college announce- fall semester before the close of the mnent~s before the machinery of elect- ing and classifying in courses can spring term, urged editorially by The get under motion, that it will not be Daily, Registrar Ira M. Smith said, "I possible to carry out the proposal for believe the proposal is an excellent allowing the election of next fall's one, but it is now too late to attempt courses this spring. Material for the to carry itrout this spring. rIowQver, literary announcement will not be in I see no reason why the p~ractice of until May 10. allowing students to choose their Under the present system three courses each year before the opening committees are charged with the task of the semester should not be even- of classifying students, including the tually adopted. Certainly it has many freshman elections committee, the advantages to recommend it over the elections committee for sophomores present practice of waiting until the and other undergraduates, and the 'last minute' in making elections and classificatons committee, which is in classifying." charge of the classification for certain Two reasons, the registrar pointed courses only, students being classified out, will prevent adoption of the plan in others through the various depart- this spring. The first is that accord- ments. I ing to rule of the Regents, students As proposed by The Daily, students must present a receipt showing that should be allowed, in order to give tuition has been paid before they may them better opportunity for making a classify; and the other is that there wise selection of courses, to make is not sufficient time remaining in the their elections for the following term, present school year to introduce the sometimebefore the close of the cur- system, rent semester.j DRY LAW IN EFFICIENG' R. 11. SCOTT REPUDI THAT LABORE 1DEMANI INfG NICHOLSON IPRO YES Y, SAYS IN HEAD IATES CLADI RS ARE BEER SPEAKS (. . IORGANISM GROWTH Points Out That Environmental Facts Are Too Often Subordinated To Hereditary Influences DIFFERENCES SHOWN Pointing out how the older theories of heredity almost entirely disregard-, ed the effect of environment and that they regarded certain factors, such as, the polarity and symmetry of an or- ganism as being inherent in its proto- plasm, Prof. Charles Manning Child of the University of Chicago, interna- tionally known biologist, speaking on "The Organism and Environment in the Light of Physiology" last night in Natural Science auditorium, showed how conditions outside of the organ-j ism causes differentiations. Professor Child confined his proof to the influences of external agents on the polarity of the organism. He showed that as the result of experi- ments and research, graduations along the axes of the organism can be ef- fected by external physical and chem- ical agents. Illustrating his talk with lantern slides the lecturer showed the' specific differences, due to external factors, that occur in the simple and complex forms of life. Professor Child, while not discounting any ef- fect that heredity might have on the organism, said in conclusion, "Pri- marily, the general pattern of the or- ganism is the result, not only of heredity, but of heredity plus environ-I ment." Professor Child is known as an ex-' perimental zoologist who has been re- sponsible for many new biological theories, being especially interested in FACUL[TYPROGRAM TO BE BROADCAST! Stalker, P1awlowski To Talk On Phases Of Aviation From Detroit hadio Stations Tueslay AITON ALSO TO SPEAKj For the final "Michigan Night" >ro- gram of the year members of the fac- ulty will go to the Detroit studio of stations WCX and WJR from which the program will be broadcast at . ; o'clock Tuesday, April 27. Prof. F. W. Pawlowski and Prof. E. A. Stalker of the engineering college will ,ak' the future of commercial avation and the work done in the furtherance of aeronautics at the University. Profes- sor Pawlowski designed the wind tun- nel located in the new Engineering building, which will serve as a test- ing apparatus for airplane models. The University hospital will present, through the medium of Dr. P. M. Hick- ey and Dr. E. A. Pohle, both of the department of roentgenology, a paper upon the associated fields of the X-ray anhd violet ray. The new crystal glass which does not remove the violet raysj from the light of the sun will be ex- plained. It is thought that this topic is of special interest at the present time since the violet ray is thought by the layman to be a "cure all"; its value and method of use will be explained by Dr. Hickey. Prof. A. S. Aiton of the history de- partment will speak on "The Present Situation in Mexico." Lionel Crocker of the public speaking department will explain the "International Aspect of' this State University." Mr. Crocker has taught in the Far East and will be a member of the teaching staff of the S. S. University which will make p States That Violators Of Liquor Laws Operated Before Passage Of IS1lt Aniendnient (By Associated Press) DETROIT, April 23.-Prohibition has increased the efficiency of the average worker so that he is now more nearly able to work up to ma- chine capacity, declared R. H. Scott,1 president of the Michigan Anti-Sa- loon league, at the state dry conven- tion here today. "Before prohibition, Monday was one of the poorest pro- duction days of the week," he asserted. "Now it is a full-pover day like other days of the week."# Scott spoke on "Prohibition in Busi- ness." The business man, he declared judges prohibition in terms of results, not as a moral issue. "He judges it from the standpoint of production and "Efficiency has increased and stead- ledl. The turnover of labor dropped with the advent of prohibition and has remained comparatively low since." Repudiates Beer Demands t Scott repudiated the testimony ofl labor leaders appearing before the Senate committee investigating prohi- bition enforcement, that laborers are demanding beer. "In Michigan there are 900,000 workers and only 10 per cent are or- ganized," he declared. "Workmen are not demandinf beer, in my opinion. Teicy want a steady job good -workingt conditions and good pay." ('rif icizes GovernorI If Gov. Alex J. Grosbeek would take a personal interest, Michigan would' have beUter enforcement of the Vol- stead act, Scott: asserted.j Dr. Nicholson told the convention that "the United States government is not impotent and there is no need for it to quail before a minority of nullificationists." He read newspaper clippings which he said showed there was bootlegging and "blind pigs" be- fore the advent of prohibition. "We simply are dealing with a big gang of law breakers," he declared. "They were law breakers before pro- hibition. Law isn't sacred to them. No law could be passed they would respect." orority Girls ! Average $1,357' Spen Anull Adelphi Wins From Alpha Nu Freshman Trio Adelphi's freshman debate team last night won the annual Adelph'i-Alpha Nu debate, supporting the negative of the question: Resolved, that the meth- od of handling a moral problem as typified by the 18th Amendment is wrong in principle. The Oratorical association's freshman debate cup goes to Adelphi for.the second time, Alpha Nu having woh it twice also. The I cup goes to the permanent possession of thesociety winning four out of seven debates. Adelphi's team is composed of Earl Gremel, Harold Olson, and Russell Sanderson, all three of whom were on last year's state scholastic champion- ship team. Walter Fulghum, Paul Kern, and Durwin Brownell composed Alpha Nu's trio. Prof. T. C. Trueblood was chairman of the contest. Prof. R. T. D. Hollister and Lionel Crocker of the public speaking department along with V. W. King, '27L, of the English debating team, acted as judges. ANNUAL BALL HELD BY MILITRYONITS1 Mchinney's Synopator's and Mill1er' Brimim sick Recording Orchestra Furnish Music For Dance ARMY OFFICERS ATTEND With the ballroom decorated with flags and streamers and two orches- tras furnishing continuous music with an occasional martial orchestration, the military units of the University held their sixth annual Military Ball last night in the Union. Ray Miller's 11-piece Brunswick re- cording orchestra, late of New York city, and McKinney's Syncopators, a 9-piece band from Toledo, alternated in furnishing the dance tunes occa- sionally varied with specialties and novelties. A number of military men from the (district army division were present, their uniforms lending a military at- mosiyhere to the accasion affair. Brig. Gen. L. R. Gignilliat, superintendent o Culver Military academy; Col. J. S. Bursey, adjutant general of Michigan; Maj. Gen. Guy M. Wilson, commanding officer of the 32nd division; Quarter- master Gen. Leroy Pearson and Lt. Col. 0. H1. Tower of the state unit; Col. C. C. Chambers of Culver and the commanding officers of the University R. 0. T. C. and reserve officers from Detroit and Lansing. A number of novelties were on the program, such as a balloon "air raid." Decorations conformed to the military character of the occasion, andDooths were arranged in the main 15allroom for the military organizations of the University and the city of Ann Arbor. Favors were coin purses with the dance program inside. "Reograms" with the aid of E' bat- YOST COMMENTS ON BOARD ACTiON FAVORING STADIUM t I "The action of the Board of Re- gents in approving the construe-j tion of a new stadium is cer- tainly pleasing to me because it means a great deal in our fu- ture program for athletics and physical education at Michiwan. "A year ago last March, the Board in Control of Athletics had completed an exhaustive study relative to a new football stadium and had made a report to the Regents. This report considered in detail the rela- tionship of a new stadium to the general program and the ac- quisition of additional facilities for the physical training of stu- dents, such as more tennis ( courts, a golf course, another ( field house for general activ- ities, a winter sports pavilion ( and other units in a broad plan. This report will prove of great value now, as it takes up in ( detail the matters to be settled ( before actual construction of the ( stadium can be commenced. I "The stadium will be complet- ed for the 1927 football season. ( Much of this work must be done this year. It is planned to con- struct another field house at the same time, to be ready for the 1927 college year. "I do not believe it is advis- able to call a meeting of the Board in Control of Athletics as now constituted, but to wait un- til the new, enlarged board is formed, when it is hoped that an early meeting may be called and action taken on the propos- als approved by the Regents." FIELDING H. YOST. will be followed the next week by meetings to consider the exact loca- tion, size, and design of the stadium. SWork on the new home of the Wol- verines will start soon. Consider Two Sites The new field house, a general ac- tivities building, will be erected either on the site now occupied by the Iwooden north stands of Ferry field ox on land ecently acquired by the athletic association adjacent to the Coliseum. If the board in control de- cides to locate the building on the present site of Ferry field, work will bYe started as soon as the wooden stands can. be removed after the foot-- ball season this fall. This building will provide additional facilities for basketball courts, hand- ball courts, squash, indoor tennis and golf, and additional space for wrest- ling. With the possible exception of a stand seating approximately 100 persons in connection with the squash court, there will be no provision for seating spectators, as the building is to be designed only for the use of those desiring exercise. When ques- tioned on the purpose of the new field house and by whom it will be used, Coach Yost replied that it is* for "Michigan men-regardless of wheth- er they are candidates for Varsity teams, intramural teams, or no teams at all." * Just as the building of the Yost field house provided more space for general physical education at Water- I man gymnasium, the Athletic associa- tion intends this new building to add to Michigan's equipment in providing "athletics for all." This movement is I in accord with the recommendations for the improvement of such facilities contained both in the Day report and the report adopted by the Board of Regents. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION STATES PROGAM OR XPANSIOGN; NEW FIELD HOUSE WILL BE1 UIL Single Decked Football Bowl Located In Valley To Be ReadyIn 1927 In addition to having Michigan's new football stadium, a bowl- shaped structure seating 70,000 or more spectators and located in the. hills west or southwest of the present area of Ferry field ready for the 1927 football season, a new field house, as large as the Yost field house. but with no seating accommodations, will be ready by that time, accord- ing to plans of the Athletic association announced yesterday. Consideration of definite plans for the stadium will not be started until after the new Board in Control of Athletics, created by the Regents, comes into office on May z, Coach Fielding 1H. Yost, director of inter- collegiate athletics, said yesterday. However, it is understodd that the structure will be bowl-shaped, and not a double-decker, and will be situated in a valley, so that 40 rows or more of seats will be built below the level of the ground. Stadia of this type have been erected at California and Yale, and may be built at a much smaller expense than those of the type in use at Illinois, Ohio State and other universities. The first meeting of the new athletic board, consisting of three alumni, two students, and nine members of the faculty, has been tenta- tively set for May 3. This meeting, for purposes of organization only, NOTICE The Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications will hold its meeting for the appointment of Managing Editor and Business Manager of the Michiganensian on May 1, 1926, and on May 8 will hold its meeting for the ap- pointment of Managing Editors tend Business Managers of all other student publications. Each applicant for a position is re- quested to file seven copies of his letter of application at the Board CoAice in the Press building five days prior to the meeting for the use of the seven members of the board. Carbon copies, if legible, will be satisfactory. Each letter should state the facts as to the f applicant's scholastic record in the University, his experience, his experience upon the publica- tions or elsewhere so far as it may have any bearing upon his qualifications for the position souht,, ad any other facts wihtheapplicant may deem relevant. E. R. SUNDERLAND, Business Manager, Board in Con- 1 . I. ', . it I I jj 3 i 'fit 1 theories of old age and regeneration. I "..i.Accurate budgets kept by several tery of arc lights took moving pic- A luncheon will be given in his honor tureaofworldl. cruise.wil b at1 'lckn atl te Unin. h rMusical numbers for the program members of sororities of the Univer- ts of the ball. The films will be at 12 o'clock at the Union. ill f d by Detroit artists. sity show an average expenditure of shown to audiences of the 40 Butter- willbefurnishedfield theaters in the state. The University speakers will be trans- $1,357.16 during the school year, ac- -_ ported to Detroit by Waldo Abbot, cording to report made to the regis- ENIANSprogram director. trar's office by Dean Jean shamilton, n Dining om dean of women. The report shows1 Will Have M usic MUST BE MADETODA DTE F NNAL PRN that $960 is the normal minimum W l aM - amount expended by these girls. Due to the increasing popularity of Final alterations and corrections in Other statistics compiled at the the main dining room of the Union, the records of the 'Ensian, prepara- F[H f QUT ST registrar's office show that the aver- Herman Boxer's orchestra has been tory for the opening of the distribu- age University student spends during engaged to provide music from 6:15 to tion Tuesday morning, will be made the school year $240 for board, $160 7:30 o'clock every night. For the past from 9 to 12 o'clock this morning at I Smoker And Pep iMeeting Will Follow for room rent, $150 for incidentals, few months music has been furnished the 'Ensian offices in the Press build- Affair To Be Held May 5 and $35 for laundry. These expenses ! on Sunday nights. ing. Lost receipts will be replaced do not vary among members of the Weather permitting next week, at this time. Announcement was made yesterday ( different schools and colleges, but the meals will also be served on the Only those purchasers of the boook ' that the annual spring banquet of the records show that the average yearly lower veranda as has been the custom whose accounts are correct will be I freshman class, in preparation for the I total expense for a student in the each spring. It is further planned to able to get their copies next week; spring games which will be held May ,literary college is less than in any start serving refreshments on the others will be able to obtain books 7 and 8 this year, will be given in I other college. The Dental college is second floor porch next week-end dur- after the regular distribution is com- the assembly hall of the Union Wed- shown to be the most expensive. ing the Friday and Saturday night pleted. Arrangements for the, deliv- nesday night, May 5. More than 500 The estimates show that during the dances. ery of the 1926 'Ensians at the Li- freshmen attended the affair last year, school year a state resident student's brary on Monday, ready for distribu- which was conducted by the under- expenses not including clothing, rail- LONDON.-A marquisate, in recog- tion Tuesday morning, have been com- class department of the Union. road fare or vacations amount to $715 nition of the completion of his work as pleted. The banquet will take the form of in the literary college, $745 in the viceroy of India, was bestowed on thel _______ _- a smoker and pep meeting following Colleges of Engineering and Archi- Earl of Reading. time dinner, it was stated yesterday by tecture and the College of Pharmacy, CHOSEN TO fHER Lester Johnson, '27L, chairman of the $765 in the Law school, $840 in the Union underclass department, one of Medical school, and $860 in the Dental Literary College Eits chief purposes being to stimulate school. class enthusiasm. Announcemen MAIE AIS F UL Joseph Finn, '26, chairman of the n re s Hospital err-cleg-noucmeteale springgaminesconmittee, will outli Increasei Prof. James W. Glover was appoint- the program for the annual freshman- Budget $353,000 With a view toward issuing the lit- ed to succeed Prof. Joseph L. Markley sophomore events and will explain the erary college announcement earlier as chairman of the mathematics de- rules. The freshman captain will also i!this year than has heretofore been ___.a__ . aLt:....... ,.t....t,.+h . .t_.a.._ a i eia_'f ______.__ ~r-_a__ '~ nn_.. .... ... ..«+ PHYSICIANS lRom FOUR COUNTIES TO MEET HERE More than 100 physicians from the medical societies of Lapeer, Genesee, Ingham, and Livingston counties will come -here Wednesday, April 28, for a day of clinics at the University hos- pital, according to an announcement made yesterday by Dr. Harley A. Haynes, lirector of the hospital. During the morning the visiting 'doctors will attend a number of clinics. To Publish t Early This Year - second semesters, necessitating con- siderable duplication of material. In i the new announcement, an explana- Little Appoints Members President Clarence Cook Little yes- terday appointed four of the seven faculty members of the new Board. in Control of Athletics whichhe was instructed to appoint by the action of the Regents Thursday. The four meu, all members of the old board, are Prof. William A. Frayer of the his- tory department, whose term will ex- pire in 1930; Prof. Alfred ;:Lee of the engineering college whose term will expire in 1929; Prof. Olrence T. Johnston, head of the geodesy and surveying department, who will serve until 1928; and Prof. Ralplf W. Aigler of the Law school, whose term will expire next year. Professor Aigler will continue to serve as chairman. The President will appoint the other three faculty representatives today. A sub-committee to consider definite stadium plans will be appointed at the first meeting of the new group, the President announced. WILL USE LARSE DETROIT SECTION FOR HOME SITES I