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January 09, 1926 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-09

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members o
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. in. aturdayal.
Volume 1I TIESDIAY, FEBRUARY 9, 196 Number 91
niversity Lecture:
Dr. Esther Boise Van Deman, of Rome, Italy, Fellow of the Carnegie
Institution, and Norton Lecturer of the Archaeological Institute of America,
will give a University lecture at. 4:151. M., February 1?.,1926, in the
Natural Science Auditorium, on the subject "Vanishing Rome." The lec-
ture will be illustrated with stereopticon slides. The public is cordially
invited. F. E. Robbis.
University Lecture:
Asa C. Baldwin, formerly with the Alaskan Boundary Commisison and
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, will give a University lecture on Thursday,
February 11, at 4:15 P. M. in the Natural Science Auditorium. His subject
will be "Tracing the Frontier of Alaska." The lecture will be illustrated
with slides.
The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbns.
University Wonen-]louse Presidents:
Signing-out slips for the month of January are due immediately in the
Office of the Dean of Women. Jan amlton.
The Unversity has from time to time surplus kindling wood which can
be purchased either on the grounds through Mr. Wittemore of the Store-
house department, or through Mr. Earl Sperry, 910 Sybil Street, Phone 9278.
E. C. Pardon.
Parcels and laundry cases should not be left in the Arcade by the out-
side mail boxes after the Sub-Station is closed for the day. The Postoffice
cannot be responsible for them. The night collector is not supposed to bring
in such parcels for dispatch, as they have not been propery mailed. They
are not properly mailed unless they have been presented to a postoffice clerk
so that he may check up on the amount of postage and ascertain whether or
not' anly other class of mtter is enclosed in the parcel. The collector will
hereafter be forbidden to bring in such parcels so left. In the morning
'when the Station opens, if parcels are found outside they will be taken in to
safeguard them but THEY WILL NOT BE DISPATCHED.
A. C. Pac, Postmaster..
U.* of m. Section of tihe Anmerican Chemical Society:
Dr. John Arthur Wilson, chief chemist of the Gallun and Sons Co. of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, will give a lecture, illustrated by projections of
microscope slides, on "The Chemistry of Leather Manufacture" Tuesday,
February 9, at 4:15 P. M. in the Mineralogy Lecture Room, M224 Natural
Science Building.
This lecture is under the joint auspices of the University and of the U.
of M. section of the American Chemical Society.
The public is cordially invited. P. F. Weatherill.
Problems of Conduct:
*Philosophy 110 (Group B) ; not 166 (Group C), as first announced. First
meeting 'of class on Friday, February 12, at eleven,, in Library, Room 407
(not 110). A. I. Lloyd.
History 6:
A new section (19) has been organized for Tuesday and Thursday 10
A. M.L in Room 1017 Angell Hall. Only students who have obtained a grade
of A in History 5 are eligible to attend it. The first mobting twill be on
Thursday, February 11. I'estoii Sosson.
History Office Hours:
My office ]sours for the second semester will be Monday and Friday 10
A. M. and Friday at 3 P. M. in place of the hours stated in the College An-
nouncement. Preston Slosseub
Aeronautical Engineerng:
Students taking Aero courses for which the hours are not given in the
Special Announcement will asset blp Tuesdady, Irpb. 914, at 4:0P. M., in
Room 306 East Engineering bldg. to arrange th hours.
F. I. awvlowski..
lRhetoric 108:,
This course will meet in 216 A.4.1. instead of 212 as previously an-
nounced . C11irlEt. Whitmore.
Mathlematics 20W:
The class will be organized on Wednesday, February 10, at 10 o'clock
in Room 3010 Angell Hall. J. L )akley.

Imester. Problems of present day -interest in gyroscopic .action
tion-balancing and critical specds-will be the' chief subjects.
7e ted m eet Wednesday, Feb. 10, Boom, 435, Eng. Bldg. at 5 P. M.
L. IH.

,All inter-

To Aid Developing.
Of German Trade


Psychology 31:
.Students will please leave their programs 10-12 A. M. in Room P 254
N. S. for arrangement or quiz sections. They will be announced Wednesday
at the lecture.
Psycholog'*y 42, Psychology 'of Abnormal:
Mfeets Tuesday and Thursday at 11, Room 1025 A. II.
Psychology, History of Modern Psychology:
AYIII meet Wcr'due~Aay at 4:00 Room P 253, N. S. to arrange hours.
TILU. Pilsbury.
{ Pnglisli 107 will meet at 11 Tu., Th., Sat. in Rtoom 2215 Angell Hall.
It will not bie given at aniy other hour.
Samuel Moore.
Thlncaf.. on D124. .AThe Teacing of the Social Studies in the Junior and
Senior High Schools:
The first lecture group will meet at 1:00 o'clock Tuesday, February 9
in Room 1035 Angell Hall as per announzcement on page 80 of the School of
Education Bulletin. At that time, by agreement with the students, the lec-
ture hours for the entire gemsetcer wIll he fixed.

OWLSHEAD, Me., -- During the Fr
World war, Eri I-aggard served oan two IIF~
transports which were torpedoed. In f
each case' he escaped. Today he was _____
drowned within sight of his own home
when his" little boat capsized in the ;
heavy surf.
ACopenhagen firmn is starting the,
construction of 50 fighting airplanes
for 'Turkey. ________
rvngWarmohtsD S C RV
220 We
Ne. Students

Orlando 1V. Stephenson.
Hygiene 101:
The 9:00 class will meet on M., IV., F. in Newberry Auditorium.
The 10:00 class will me~et on i1., W., P. in Natural Science Auditorium.
Sociology 51:
All' quiz sections have their first meetings Thursday, or Friday of this
week. The Introduction of Cooley's Human Nature and the Social Order is
the assignment.
R. IH. Holmes.
English 292' (Comedy since the Renaissance) :
The first meeting of this course will be hield in 2231 Angell Hall on
Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 5 P. M. in order to arrange the hours for the lectures.
0. J1 Campbell.
P'sychology 112:
Psychology 112 will meet in Room P-364 Tuesday at 9:00 o'clock.
Martha Guensey.
; tatlhema tkal Club:
Regular meeting will be hield in Room 3201 Angell IBall, this evening,
at 8:00 o'clock. Professor Carver will present "Evaluation of Cerain Sym-
metric Fupctions." Hie will also propose a problem regarding the evalua-
tion of a certain definite integral. All persons interested are cordially in-
vited to0'attend the meetings of the Club.
f IV. IV. Denton.

W11a .Duhry
William T. Daughertyoewh
as American commissioner of the. bu-j
reau of foreign and 'domestic corn
merce, stationed at Berlin, is hloine
ar a five year stay in Germany.
Hle will tour the eastern citIes. to
establish contact with industriali in-.
terests to further develop Ainnieui
trade~ in Germany.
Expedition .To.
Study Animal.I
Life In Panam'a
Announcement was made 'iesttr-
day by Dr. Alexander G. Rluthyven, di-
rector of the University Museum , that'
a University expedition has been ,ar-
ranged to study animal conditions- in
Panama. Frederick 'M. 'Gaige,- of -the,
zoology department, Josaelyn Van
Tyne, grad, and "W. P. Harrls will be
The party,, which will leave Feb., ,
plans to work on Barro :,Colorado 'is-
land 'in, Gatun lake, remaining' ther'e
for more than two months. This. is-
land has been' set aside by. *the Pan-
amanian government as. a reservation
for animals and natural plalits. 'lheĀ°
purpose of the expedition, Dr,. Ruth -
yen. said, is to study not only the
facts of distribution of thme. different'
forms of animals on the. island, butl
also their habits.I
For notices not otherwise mentioned itn
The Daily. Items will be' puiblished' on
two successive days onily. Copy trust
be submitted to the Loal opyit
Editor by 4 P. M.

Journal Club in hygiene and Public Health:
The Journal Club in Hygiene and Public Health will meet
Februadry 9, 1926, 4:00 P. M. in Waterman Gymnasium, Room 20.
Dins will report on the "Mansfield Health Demonstration."

Miss Has-

Forestry :1:
No more elections of this course can be accepted.

L. J. Young.

John Sundwa.
Adelphi House of Represenitath-es :
The regular meeting will be held Tuesday evening in the Adelphi room
on the fourth floor of Angell Hall at 7:30 P. M. After the open session,
there will be an important business meeting. ,
1tohleirt S. Riller, Sp eaker.
Tau Beta Phz
ThIere will be a meeting of Tau Beta Pi AT 6:0-0 P. M. onl Tuesday,
Feb. 9., at Line Ball.
D. Tiro Osenbr'ug'gen, Coiresponding Secretary
faculty Ironen's Club:'
The Art Section of the Faculty Women's Club will mect at the studio at
110 P. M. Tuesday, the 9thi.
Mrs. IN. C. LUtIsell.
Freshma~n Band;
There will be an important jueetimmg and rehearsal of tln4 freshmn
:Band on Tuesday evening, February 9th, at 7:15 P. M. All members are
requested to be present. New ;nmibera will be enrolled at this time.
Clyde R. Fiory.
Mail addressed to the following persons wall, be on call at the general
Delivery window of the main office of the Post Office until February 13, 1926:
'Rintaro Aoki Dr. Harriet S. Taylor
A. Alper Wi. Trefy
Margaret" Andrews George A. Valches
W. Gerald Barnes Emiily Hulbert
Doris Blaumgartner Clifford Keen
Prof. Herman Betz Geo. Kennohan
Talbert Bowers Prof. P. C. Lowery
IRalph Bloylan Ralph Malonme
lEdna Caldwell Leonard Manton
Cecil Clavert Craig James Maskey
Prof. Wmn J. Campbell Royal Meyers
Tloin Cassidy J. F. Moon
Hector Chabut. 11. B. Mac Nanmee
Tomi Ying Chuten George McBride
Elizabeth Cionlo Robert Mclndoo
Edina A. Clark Buy McKinney
Win. Cordon Dr. L. L. Newfield
Angeline Corsi Alfred Noyes
L. Danuaker Ira M. Payne
Prof. Paul H. De Kriuf Frances Powers
Elizabeth Dubs Agapete Roy
V. Elliott Arthur E. Roals
Gladys E. Evans A. R. Russell
Marion Flint ' Rev. Bro. Berbard Schad
Clifford H. Foltz, A.B3. Alfred T. Schultz
Anna K. Porbat Dr. R. Plato Schwartz
Prof. Clyde Ford Mrs. Robt. Sims
Mrs. Gilcs Gertrude Stevens
Prof. B. B. Harvey Veta Van Horn
Harry, Hawkins Dr. Douglas Waples
Perry Hayden W. Watson
Guillermo D. Herrera W. T. Watson
Harvey Hill B. F. Wheelers
Joseph V. Hodgson Ralph Young
Boynton L. Hlolmes Harry E. Zuck.
A. C. Pack, P. Il.
Advertise in "The Daily"

3Les Voyagers meet at. 12: 15 o'clock,
at Rentschler's studio for ' Fnslan
Sigma Delta Clhi meets at 7:15 o'-
clock in room 304, Union.,,'

Forestry club meets at 12:10
clock at Rentschler's studio for
sian picture.

o'clock iili

Black Quill meets at .S
room 204, South )Virg.


.034, Vector Analysis:
234,,Vector Analysis will be given from the tensor calculus point of view
this semester. Hours to be arranged Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 4 11. t. Room 21,
East Hall.* Vincent C. Poor.
Rhetoric 116:
Rlheto'rie 116 will meet in Room 212 Angell Hall.
Hmris Fletcher.
English 182:
The course in "The Chief American Pocts of To-Day" given by Pro-
fessor Cestre will meet Truesday, February 9th, at 5 P. M., in Room 2225
A. H., for arrangement of hours.
Louis A. Strauss.
Economics 222-Trade Union Seminar:
Organization meeting at 5 P. M. Wednesday in Room 205, Economics
Building. Carter Goodrich.
I'lysics 186; J.iglit:
First meeting Wednesday, Feb. 10th, at 1 P. M., in Room No. 3071 New
I hys.' Bldg. Any one desiring to take this course who cannot be present at
this meeting, please see me beforehand in Room No. 1075 New Phys. ldg.
Charles F. Meyer..
Clienistry 122:
A 'short preliminary meeting for all students who have elected Actino-
chemistry will be held in Room .303 Wednesday, Feb. 10th,.'at 5 o'clock.
J. II. Hodges.
Engineerinmg Iecha nics 8, ad vanced Dynamics:
Engi neer'ing Mechanic 8, Advanced Dynamics, will be given this se-

The annual A. -A. U. WV.,card party
will be held at the home of Mrs. W.'D.
Henderson both in the afternoon - and
evening. Chess tables' also 'have' been
arran ged.



Arcade-"The. Man on. the Box,"
featuring Sidney. Chaplin.
Majestic -- "Irish Luck," with
Thomas Meighan.
Wuerth-"That Royal Girl," fea-
turing Carol Dempste.r.
( ~Today--Stage
Garrick (Detroit) -' "S t o 1 e n
(Bonstblle Playhouse '(Detrot)-
"New Brooms."
(Shubert Lafayette (Detroiit) -
( "Rose-Marie."


New Detroit (Detroit) -
Grab Bag," Ed W n,









. 1' s


- - -- - - - - I

, A

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