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April 23, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-04-23

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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926





Library Training School Is
Given Approval By Regents

Parley To Be
flfln noIufn iunnrni -

Officers Of itrict ArmytDivision
Plan To Attend Function;
Tickets Available
With Ray Miller's 11-piece Bruns-
wick recording orchestra and the Mc-
Kinney Syncopators alternating in
furnishing the music, the sixthannual
Military Ball will take place tonight
in' the Union ballroom.
Ray Miller's organization, which
has been recently playing in New
York city with theatrical productions
such as the Follies Bergere and at the
Club Maurice, and more recently in
Detroit, will be the principal orches-
tra. Miller has worked up a num-)
ber of specialties for the occasion with
unusual orchestrations. McKinney's
Syncopators, an 11-piece colored band
from Toledo and Cincinnati, will al-
ternate with Miller in furnishing con-
tinuous music. This band has been
broadcast recently from Cincinnati
and has played at some of the larger
affairs in Toledo. It includes a quar-
tet and novelty arrangements in its
Officers in the district army division
will be present, according to tele-
grams received by George C. Weitzel,
'26, general chairman. Brig. Gen. L.
R. Gignilliat, superintendent of Culver
Military Icademy; Maj. Gen. Guy M.
Wilson, commanding officer of 32nd
division; Col. J. S. Bursey, Adjutant
General of Michigan; Quartermaster
Gen. Leroy Pearson; and Lt. Col. 0.1
H. Tower, finance officer of the state,
will be a few of the military men at
the affair. Officers of tIre University
R. O. T. C. will attend.
Booths have been arranged in the
ballroom for organizations and deco
rations will conform to the nilitary
character of the dance. Favors will
be a coin purse with the dance pro-
gram inside. Weitzel stated yesterday
that a limited number of tickets would
be put on sale today at the University
R. o. T. C. office and at the door to-
night. The tickets are $5.50 and
those who have not secured favors
may get them at the door.4
Bernard Holbrook, son of Prof.
Evans Holbrook of the Law school
has been awarded a scholarship in
physics by the General Electric com-
pany of Schenectady. Holbrook spent
his freshman year at the University,
then entering Leland Stanford, where
lie was graduated in 1924. Following
his graduation he spent a year as as-
sistant in physics at the latter insti-
tution, after which he was appointed
to a fellowship at the University of
Chicago. Holbrook will continue his
studies under the General Electric
scholarship at the University of Chi-
May Order Senior
Invitations Monday
Orders for announcements of and
invitations to Commencement on June
14 and other graduating functions of
the class of '26 can be placed on Mon-
day and Tuesday of next week. This
is the only time that orders will be
taken, it was announced by James E.
Newton, chairman of the committee,
yesterday, and cash for the entire
number desired must accompany the
Invitations are 50 cents and an-
nouncements $1.

Approval of three resolutions for
the organization of a library methods
training school as a department of
the literary college, adopted by the
faculty of this college last Tuesday,
was made by the Regents at their
monthly meeting last night. The
courses of instruction in the new de-
partment will begin with the fall
1 semester of the 1926-27 school year.
The Regents had already appropri-
ated $17,000 as an initial sum for "the
establishment of a library school un-
der the direction of the University li-
The resolutions which the literary
college faculty recommended to the
Regents for approval are:f
1. That the literary college fac-
ulty recommends to te Regents that
instruction in library methods be in
eluded as a department inethatsschool.
2. That admission to the work be
conditioned by three years of col-
legiate work and that there be an ex-
cess of honor points over the number
of credits required. Students upon
graduation will receive the degree of
Bachelor of Arts in Library Science,
and those students who successfully
complete their graduate work will re
Chicago Mayor
Takes Part In
Dry inquisition
(By Associated Press)f
WASHINGTON, April 22.-A mayor,
a temperance leader, a former bar-
tender, and two United States sena-
tors were the principal characters in
a swift-moving drama today -before
the Senate prohibition comlnittee.
The central figure was Senator Reed,
Democrat, Missouri, who clashed with
his colleagues time and again, vigor-
ously cross-examined witnesses and
characterized as fanatics and fools
those who laughed at his declaration
that he was not on either side of the
wet and dry controversy.
Another figure bulking large in the
proceedings was Mayor Dever, of Chi-
cago, who appeared at his own request
to dispute what he regarded as as-
persions cast on the Chicago police
by District Attorney Olson of Chicago,
in testimony before the committee.
Will DistributeN
Tuesday Morning
Distribution of the 1926 Michigan-'
ensian will begin at 9 o'clock Tues-
day morning in the basement of the
Library, it was announced yesterday
by Frederick M. Phelps, '27, Bus.Ad.,
business manager, and will continue
until all orders have been filled.
After May 11, according to the con-
tract terms, all receipts will be void
and their holders will be unable to
obtain books after that date.
No copies will be issued except on
presentation of receipts. Purchasers
who have lost receipts, or have any
other irregularity in payment, must
settle them at the office in the Press
building on or before Saturday, o
wait until the distribution at the Li-
brary is completed.
I The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications will hold its
meeting for the appointment of
I Managing Editor and Business}
I Manager of the Michiganensian I
on May 1, 1926, and on May 8
will hold its meeting for the ap-
pointment of Managing Editors}
and Business Managers of all
other student publications. EachI
applicant for a position is re-
quested to file seven copies of his
letter of application at the Board
office in the Press building five

(lays prior to the meeting for the
userof the seven members of the
jboard. Carbon copies, if legible,
will be satisfactory. Each letter
should state the facts as to the
applicant's scholastic record in
the University, his experience,
his experience upon the publica-

ceive the degree of Master of Arts in
Library Science.
3. That the details as to organiza-
tion of this school be arranged jointly
by a committee composed of the
Dean's advisory committe and the
University librarian.
The new school will be divided into
two divisions: a one-year undergrad-
uate course requiring three years of
collegiate work of above average
grade, and a reading knowledge of
French and German (or Spanish); and
a two-year graduate course requiring
an A. B. degree, a reading knowledge
of French and German, and one year
of training in library methods at this
school or at an accredited library

Deies That American Adberence 'il I
Connect Our Government With
League Of Nations
(By Asociated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 22.-Survey-;
ing recent world events in an address
here tonight before the American So-
ciety of International Law, its presi-
dent, Charles Evans Hughes, declared
that the prospect for international
peace was better than a year algo.
The former Secretary of State
praised the World court, denying that
American adherence would connect
the Washington government with the
League of Nations, defended the Sen-
ate 'reservations, and expressed the
hope that next year further progress
"in testing the sincere desire for



Wisconsin Supreme Court iJudge
Give Principal Address At
Banquet Tonight



peace by the voluntary restriction of
Students, faculty, alumni, and guests unnecessary multiplication of instru-
of the Law school will meet at a mentalities of war" may be recorded,
banquet in the Lawyers' club tonight particularly in limiting auxiliary na-
to observe for the first time in the val craft.
history of the Law school, a Founders' As to the World court, Mr. Hughes
day program. said "many do not realize that a per-
Justice Marvin B. Rosenberry, '93, manent court of international justice,
of the Supreme court of Wisconsin with learned judges of approved char-
will give the principal address of the aster and independence, set apart to
evening. Justice Rosenberry spoke give their lives to judicial service, willj
at a Coif dinner in Ann Arbor two ; afford a far more satisfactory recourse
years ago and is considered one of the for us than the ordinary arbitral
foremost justices in the country. Dean methods." It is not realized, lie added,
Henry M. Bates will be toastmaster. that "the establishment of a perman-
Invitations have been sent out to the ent court is in our own interest."
honorary members of the Lawyers' The World court, he continued, was
club, of which group a considerable set up under a separate agreement
number will be present according to from the League of Nations and "our
telegrams and letters received by the adherence will not give us a singlej
student committee which is taking right or impose upon us a single duty
care of all arrangements for the din- under the covenant of the League."
ner. A number of Michigan attorneys
from Detroit who are graduates of the Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politi-
University Law school are also com- I cal science department, is acting as
ing. chairman of the discussion group!
Regents Benjamin S. Hanchett of dealing with the codification of inter-
,rand Rapids and Junius E. Beal of' national law at the Washington meet-
Ann Arbor, Judge C. B. Collingwood ing of the American Association of
of Lansing, Judge Guy A. Miller, '98, International Law. In addition to the
of Detroit, Judge Samuel G. Houghton address by former Secretary of State
of Bay City, and John M. Zane, '84, an Hughes there will be talks by teach-
attorney of Chicago, will attend the ers and statesmen from all sections of
affair. It is hoped by the students the nation during the sessions, which
and the faculty of the college that the will continue through tomorrow.,
Founders' day will be made an annual I
event of some prominence on the Law
school calendar.
Tickets, which cost $1.00, may still APPATIONS TO fC [
be had at the office in the lobby of
the Lawyers' club. The dinner will ,
begin promptly at 6:30. 09UIOR
No Union Dance Final issue of applications for tic-
kbets io the Senior ball, which will be
held on May 21 in the Union ball-
Because of the fact that the Military room, will take place from 2 to 5 0'-
Ball will be held in the ballroom of clock this afternoon at the desk in
the Union tonight, the regular Union the lobby of the Union. Only the ap-,
dances will not be resumed until to- plications are filled out now, the $5
morrow night, it was announced yes- I for the ticket being paid after the ac-
terday. ceptance notices are issued.
Full-fledged members of the classI
RIO DE JANEIRO.-Rear Admiral of '26, both men and women, may ap-
Arnaldo Pinto Luz has been appointed ply for tickets, it was announced yes-
minister of marine, succeeding Admir- terday. Coon-Sanders Original Night
al Alencar who died recently. Hawks will furnish the music.
Musical Season Will Come To
Close Here With May Festival


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 22. - The
American debt commission will re-
sume negotiations tomorrow with
France for the refunding of its debt,
with a motion pending in the Senate
to reconsider its ratification yesterday
of the Italian agreement.
Ambassador Berenger who has been
given full power by France to nego-
tiate a settlement, will meet with the
commission. He has been in confer-
ence with Secretary Mellon for sever-
al weeks on the question and treasury
officials were confident tonight that
an early agreement could be reached.
Action on a motion by Senator Reed,
Iemocrat, Missouri, to reconsider
ratification of the Italian settlement
was deferred. ,.While Senator Smoot,
Republican, Utah, sought in vain for
an agreement for a vote tomorrow on
reconsideration, early action on the
motion was expected by leaders.
It is thIe plan of leaders to press for
ratification of five other debt fund-
ing agreements pending in the Senate
which have been approved by the
House. These include settlements
with elgium, Rumania, sthonia,
Latvia and Czecho-Slovakia.
Spring Games, Track Meet And Sunday
Morning Convoatio Will Form
Nucleus Of rrograim
Plans for Mothers' Week-end, May
7-9, which promise to make it one of
the most successful of its kind, are
lbeing completed by a committee under
the sponsorship of the Student Chris-
tian association, according to Robert
J. Brown, '26, chairman of the co-
mittee. Responses to a letter sent to
all fraternities and sororities by the
committee indicate that more than 35
houses will co-operate by having
house-parties over that week-end.
The campus events which take
place on that week-end, such as the
tug-of-war on Friday afternoon, the
Spring games and Michigan-Ohio
State track meet on Saturday, and the
convocation on Sunday morning, form
the nucleus of a program which
should be of interest to all mothers.
I The special features which the com-
mittee has planned are: reserving a
section at the Mimes productions on
Friday and Saturday nights for visit-
ing mothers and their sons and
daughters, a tour of the campus which
will include all the points of interest,
and a faculty-student tea on Saturday
afternoon in the main ballroom of the
Union. At this affair, opportunity will
be presented for the mothers to meet
many members of the faculty.
Some of these features are tenta-
tive as yet since a definite expression
of co-operation has not been secured
from some of the houses. The com-
mittee requests that all students,
whether in fraternities, sororities,
league houses or private residences,
make some effort to have their
mothers come to Ann Arbor for that
Thieme Is First
American On Paris
Text Book Board
Prof. Hugo P. Thieme of the French
department, has been elected by
unanimous vote to the Consell d'Ad-
ministration de la Societe des Textes
Francaise Moderne, according to re-
cent information. The body has its
headquarters in Paris, France, and
Professor Thieme is the first Ameri-
can to receive the distinction of an
appointment to the board.{
Prof. Gustav Lansen of Paris, noted
authority on the French language,
and an author whose text is used by

advanced students in the University,
is president of the council, and Am-
bassador Jules Jusserand is one of
the vice-presidents. The body has the

70,000 Seats Will Meet A proval;
New A thletic BodyWill
Handle Problem
Construction of a new University football stadium, with no definite
limit on the seating capacity and all the details left to the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, was authorized by the Board of
Regent5 last night. The report adopted declared that, in the opitlion
of the Regents, a stadium of 70,000 seats "would not be objectionable.'
With the single provision that "stadium construction should be
so handled as 'not to overdo it' ", the entire problem was left to the
present Board in Control of Athletics, headed by Coach Fielding H.
Yost, and to its successor, a new board in control created. last night,
which will go into office on May i. The new board is to consist of two
students, three alumni and nine faculty representatives.

Seek Faculty Interest
The new board was created by the
Regents in order to provide more fac-
ulty representation and interest in
the control of University athletics,
because of the development of physi-
cal education as a part, of university
work and because of the "growing
recognition that athletics, as a whole,
is becoming more and more an inte-
gral part of college life." Of the nine
faculty representatives, the President
of the University and the director of
intercollegiate athletics are to be per-
manent members;. the other seven are
to be appointed by the President.
Two members will represent the.
undergraduates, one to be chosen each
year from the junior class and to'
serve for two years. This student
member will be selected at the regu-
lar all-campus elections in May.
The three alumni members of the
Board, appointed last night were:
'Tom Hammond, who played fullback
on the Michigan football team in 1903,
'04, and '05, and was placed by Yost
on his all-time Michigan football
team; Charles DuCharme, '06; and1
James E. Duffy, '92L.j
Refer To Day Report
The other questions discussed in the
Day report, adopted by the University
Senate in January, and concerned with
the development of intramural ath-
letics, physicala'education and like
matters, were all expressly delegated
to this new board, with instructions;
to "formulate and submit plans as
expeditiously as possible to give full
force and effect to the recommenda-
tions in the so-called Day report."
The Regents expressed their appre-
ciation of the work done by the old
athletic board, which will go out of
office next week, in the following
"The Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics as it is now consti-
tuted has functioned well and splen-
didly for years. We have heard no
criticism of this group or of this sys-
tem, nor is any pointed out in the re-
port in question. (The Day report)
Their work has been peculiarly con-
structive and their affairs have been
handled with the keenest appreciation
of the best ideals of intercollegiate
sport. Our wonderful athletic facili-
ties and athletic plant . . . stand
as a perpetual monument to the con-
structive, unselfish work of the mem-
bers of the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics as this board has
been constituted for recent years."
Thank Investigation' Group
The Regents also expressed their
appreciation of "the painstaking char-
acter and splendid presentation of the
subject" as embodied in the report of
the athletic situation submitted to the
University Senate by a committee
headed by Dean Edmund E. Day of
the School of Business Administra-
tion. The report adopted by the Re-
I gents followed, with a few exceptions,
the recommendations proposed by this
"Because of the growing apprecia-
tion of the proper needs of physical
education," the Regents declared that
steps should be taken at once to pro-
vide compulsory physical education
and exercises for at least the first two
years of all students, men and women,

Coach Fielding H. Yost, who
is on the Board in Control of
Intercollegate Athletics, wh'ich
j will formulate the plans for a
new football stadiumi,'as author-
ized by the Board of Regents,
declared when questioned last
night that he could make no
statement regarding stadium
construction until he had read
Ithe report. His statement will
be released today.
It is thought thait a meetihg of ,.
the Board in Control of Athletics
will becalled at once to consider
plans for the new athletic plant.
Yost Purchases Land
Deeds for the last available bit of
land between Ferry field and the cam-
pus were obtained today 'by Coach
Fielding H-. Yost, director of intercol-
legiate athletics for the' expansion of
the athletic department. The deeds
were for a parcel of land almost as
large as a football field adjoining the
site of the Coliseum, purchased last
year as a winter sport pavilion.
The purchase of the land gives the
athletic department almost five acres,
two blocks from the corner of the
campus, available for tennis courts,
new buildings or any other use that
the expanding program of the Univer-
sity may decide upon.
The land is separated from Ferry
field proper only by the athletic field
of the local high school and is being
made very desirable by the installa-
tion of a new drainage system for
that part of town.
Coach Yost has notyet decided upon
the use to which th; land will be put,
but indicated that because of its near-
ness to the campus, either the pro-
posed minor sports building or tennis
courts were under consideration.
Freshmen Will Be
Examined Again
Dr. George A. May, director of
Waterman gymnasium, announced
that beginning today a second exami-
nation and measurement of all fresh-
men will be started. All freshmen
are requested to arrange for it by
calling at the Waterman gymnasiuni
office between 2 and 5 o'clock any
Freshmen are requested to bring
the chart of measurements inde in
the entrance examination last fall.
Sell Tickets For
Comedy Club Play
Seats for Comedy club's annual
play "You Never Can Tell" are on
sale and may be reserved by tele-
phone at the State street book stores.
No seats may be reserved at the box
office until Monday, April 26.

As the conclusion of the musical
season in Ann Arbor, on May 19-22, in
Hill auditorium, more than twenty1
artists in almost every branch of mu-
sical activity will give concerts in the
33rd annual May Festival. All of the3
artists appearing have national repu-
tations and have won high recognition!
in their respective professions.t
Some of the better known are Flor-
ence Austral, Louise Homer, Augusta I
Lenska, Giovanni Martinelli, and'
Mischa Levitzki. At the first concert I
on May 19, Louise Homer, contralto,
will sing with the Chicago Symphony
orchestra. Mine. Homer has a voice
of dramatic quality and is oftent
spoken of as "a great personality and1

color. The cast includes Marie Sun-
delius, soprano; Jeanne Laval, con-,
tralto; Charles Stratton, tenor; and
Theodore Harrison, baritone.
The third concert on Friday ter-
noon will be by Albert Spaulding,
violinist, and the Chicago symphony
as well as the children's Festival
The fourth concert is Giovanni
Martinelli, the University Choral!
Union and the Chicago Symphony or-
Ichestra with Howard Hanson as guest
conductor in the premiere of his "La-
ment for Beowulf."
At the Saturday afternoon matinee
Micha Levitzki, pianist and the Chicago
Symphony orchestra will furnish a

O~urWet~erMl l


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