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April 22, 1926 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-04-22

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PA.GM 'K s 11






Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays).
Volume Vi THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1926 Number 148
University Lecture:
Professor Charles Maning Child, Professor of Zoology in the University
of Chicago, will deliver a University Lecture on the subject, "The Organism
and Environment in the Light of Physiology," Friday, April 23, at S P. M.,
in the Auditorium of the Natural Science Building. The public is cordially
invited. F. E. Robbins.
Notice to All Seniors:
The diploma fee of $10 is payable now.
Early settlement is necessary for the preparation of diplomas. In no
case will the University confer a degree at Commencement upon any student
who fails to pay this fee before 4 o'clock P. M. May 21. In case the Faculty
does not recommend any payer, the fee will be refunded on surrender of re-
ceipt, for payment. The above applies also to fees for all special certificates.
Candidates for degrees or certificates should at once fill out card at office
of the Secretary of their College or School, pay the Treasurer of the Univer-
sity and have cards receipted, and file indicated section of this receipted
card with the Secretary of their College or School. Do not delay till Qae last
moment, but attend to this matter at once.
The Treasurer's Office will be closed each Saturday afternoon.
Shirley W. Smith, Secietary.
Geology 128 (Glacial Geology):
The field work in Geology 128 will not start until May 1st.
Frank Leverett.
Tryouts for Senior Girls' Play:
Tryouts for Senior Girls' Play today in Newberry Hail from 3 to 5.
Marguerite Ainsworth.
University Women-ouse Presidents:
Signing-out slips for the month of March are overdue and should be
handed in to the Office of the Dean of Women before 5:00 o'clock, Thursday,
April 22nd. Constance Clarke, Vice-Pres.
Atkinson Oratorical Contest:
Orations for the Atkinson Oratorical Contest should be left in Room
3211 A. H. or handed to a member of the Public Speaking faculty by Satur-
day noon, April 24. Preliminary contests will be held on April 29 and the
final on May 14. L. 31. Eich.
Applications for the Senior Ball to be held May 21 will be given out
from the side desk in the Union Thursday and Friday from 2:00 to 5:00.
These must be filled out and returned by Friday at 5:00.
William L. Diener, Chairman.
Tennis Slow Notion Pictures:
On Thursday, April 22, at 8:00 P. M., in Natural Science Auditorium,
slow motion pictures will be shown of the tennis technique of Miss Helen
Wills, William T. Tilden. William M. Johnston, Vincent Richards, R. N.
Williams, II, G. L. Patterson, N. E. Brookes, Pat O'Hara-Wood, and Manuel
Alonso. These pictures, comprising five reels, will be given under the au-
spices of the Athletic Assocation.
The public is cordially invited.
P. C. Paek.
TIheesophist Lodge and Tolstoy League Lecture:
C. B. Stouffer, M. D., will speak Thursday at S P. M. in Room 231 Angell
Hall on "Is Meat Healthy?" This lecture will be preceded by some stere-
opticon pictures dealing with the Ethics of Vegetarianism. Dr. H. D. Wild
will preside. The public is invited.
I. D. Wild.
A. S. C. E.:
There will be a meeting of A. S. C. E. at the Michigan Union on Thurs-
day, April 22nd, at 6 o'clock. It is highly important that all members be
present. Curt 11. Wll, Pres.
National Recreation School:
Mr. William G. Robinson of the Playground and Recreation Association
of America will be in Room 107 Economics Bldg. on Thursday, April 22,
from 9 to 11 to interview students (men or women) who are interested in
the National Recreation School or in entering the field of public recreation.
Robert T. Lansdale.
Attention Senior Meciianica and Electrical Engineering Students:
Mr. E. H. Kramer, of the General Motors Corporation of Detroit, will
be in Room 221, West Engineering Building, Thursday, April 22nd, for the
purpose of interviewing those interested in positions with this Company.
He is particularly anxious to interview men interested in production
work. H. C. Anderson.
Senior Chemical Engineers:
G. E. Pierce, of the Atlantic Refining Company, Philadelphia, will be
here today, April 22, to interview men interested in a position with this
company. W. L. Badger.
Action of the Administrative Board:
The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts has voted to suspend Mr. James Swan for the rest of the present
semester, because of dishonesty in the midsemester examination in Sociology

Announce Contest
(Continued from Page Two)
be awarded the college man writing;
the best essay. The writer of the
best paper by an R. 0. T. C. student

will be given a round-trip to Europe Announcement of the awards will be
on a first-class steamer with $50 ex - made early enough so that the trips I
penses; a new regulation uniform will x be made in August.
also be awarded the reserve officer
or national guardsman pre;;aria g the Let The Daily sell it for you thru
best paper in his class. the Classified columns.-Adv.
fE D - I
G SI d R U L E


Men, Prepare for An Early Summer
1000 Athletic Union Suits VaI es to $2.50
Genuine Broadcloths, silk striped, silk mercerized
and fancy patterns
1,m11t-Th'lree Salts to (unr
Friday and Saturday only .:. 99C
250 Genuine Broadcloth Shirts
Best make--white, tan, blue.
Collar attached.
_L"im;-Two to Customer.
Ann Arbor Dry Goods Co.







in "The Daily"

q, . ,

. - -

..'A tlRl l '_



_ ., a

A 5 ". -,
y b+

K 1>

Have You Profited from the
Increased Values of Detroit
Real Estate?
From a survey recently made, Ann Arbor and Wash-
tenaw County people have not profited from the increased
real estate values in the same proportion that Detroit people
have. .1.. a.
Detroit is on the threshold of one of the greatest profit
taking eras of all times. New industrial sections are rapidly
coming into being. Population is pouring into Detroit at the
rate of the present population of Ann Arbor every seven
weeks. Homes must be furnished, business places estab-
lished, such is the growth of Detroit.
Ten years ago Henry Ford established his first unit of
the Ford Rouge Plant in Southwest Detroit. Today he
employs over 80,000 men. Through his foresight of indus-
trial economy and from the advantage which Southwest
Detroit offers, hundreds of other manufacturers have been
influenced to locate in this section. Today there is being
enacted in Southwest Detroit one of the most dramatic indus-
trial expansions of the world.
So wide is the scope of this expansion, so great are the
potential possibilities of profit that we have prepared a book
of facts giving the truth of this great industrial section. "The
Investors and Homebuilders Guide" prepared by the Camp-
bell Ewald Co. of Detroit, specialists in making surveys.
Everyone planning to invest in Detroit properties should get
a copy of this volume free.
Clp the Coupon and FlailIt at O 'nce.




IV. It. Humphreys.

Mrs. Cestre Joins
Husband For Trip
Mrs. Cestre, wife of Prof. Charles
Louis Cestre of the Sorbonne, visiting
lecturer at the University during the
present semester, arrived in Ann Ar-
bor from Paris early in the week, and
will accompany Professor Cestre to
'the University of California following

the completion of his connection here
early ini May.
LONDON.-Jixes are dashing around;
London to cut the high cost of taxi-
cabbing. They have two seats in
contrast to the fourseated ones, which
charge more. The name comes from
Joynson-Hicks, home secretary.
Let The Daily sell it for you thru
the Classified colmuns.-Adv.


Benj. F. Mortenson, Pres.
327 South Main St.

Irvin "Cy" Huston, V. Pres. and Gen'l Mgr.

,27 South Main St.
Ann Arbor, .Mich.
Kindly send us your booklet "invest.
ors' and Home ljuhlders' Ouide.
Name..... ....................
Address .............
City.. ...........

Developers of
Phone 7002


111 ---°--_____--11______



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