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April 22, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-04-22

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TITflSDTAY AP'RIL 22~, 1 92G


Published every morning except Mozv'ay
during the Universityyear by the Boas in
Control, of Studen tPublications.
Memhb(-s of Western Conterence Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or Dot other wise
Etedited in this paper and tke local news pub-
Iished therein.l
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master Genera'l.
Subscription by carrier. $3.50; by 'ail,
Offices: Ana Arbor Press Buiding, May-
Ward Street.
Phonies: Editorial. 4#2g; LnsiN s, 5214.
Telepbone 4928
Chairman, Editorial Board... .Norman R. Thal
City Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor.........Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor...............Josoph Kruger
'telegraph Editor........... William Wathour
Music and Drama.......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykk
'W. Calvin Patterson
Assistaat City Editors
trwia Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Loosing the most heated bombard-
ment heard in Washington since Col.
William Mitchell retired to the corn-
parative obscurity of private life and!
lecture tours, Senator Reed, the Dem-1
ocratic orator from Missouri, has
been nobly upholding the cause of
the wets against the united opposition
of four dry senators on the committee
investigating prohibition. Being con-
tinually outvoted there, despite his
oratory, the new "fiery petrol" took
his troubles, via the underground
tube, to the floor of the Senate, and
promptly precipitated a small riot
there. However little sympathy one
may have with Senator Reed's plat-
form, he is to be admired for his
steadfast devotion to his cause. He is
most certainly not "on the fence.'
As for the investigating committee,
except for the interesting exchange;
of words between the two forces, I
nothing/ seems to have been proved.
Edwin A. Olson, district attorney of
Chicago, unleashed a new flock of
charges against the law enforcement
officials of that city. All that he said
had long been suspected by law-abid-
inz residents of the city and has been

Before going any further, after hav-
ing read the pair of columns which1
EYifnif compiled in our absence, we
want to apologize for returning. Were
it not for the fact that our parents
want us to finish our college educa-
tion (this is repeated word for word,
since neither of them, have graduated
within the last decade or so) we
would not have come and ended thej
beginning of such an auspicious
* * *
We find that our far too worthyj
substitute not only made public our
telegram but promised an explanation.
It is forthcoming. Because of the fact
that we plan to cut this out and mail
a copy to each member of the faculty
on whose class we threw away $1.37
or whatever the amount was by bolt-
ing, we have to word it rather .care-
fully. It follows:




'C 141 r M I A 0 0


Gettrude Bailey
Charles Behymer
George Berneike
William Breyer
l'hilitC. Brooks
Farnum Buckingham
Stratton Buck.
Carl Burger
Edtgar Carter
]oseph Chamberlain
Meyer Cohen
Carleton (Champe
[)ougias oubledAy
Eugene II. Gutekunst
Andrew 'Goodman
JamesT. Herald,
ssell itt
Miles Kimball
M4arion Kubik

Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehouse
Margaret Parker
Stanford N. Phelps
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaumn
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendkr
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Marion XWells
C'assam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske

charged before. However, no reform
is in sight, the recent primary elec-
tion in Illinois having brought no out- j
standing reform candidates to the
front. Investigating committees are
forming the habit of disturbing all the
mud in the political waters, but quit- 1
ting before a good filtering process is
And Senator Reed, the lonesome
"wet" on the committee, might find it
more to his advantage to use some of
his time in preparing his speech on
the Italian debt settlement, an im-

Telephone 21214
Advertising........-...Joseph J. Finn
,fd ertising.............RUlellah
Advertising.. . ..W. L. Mullin
Advertisin'......... Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Circulation.. ................ames It. DePuy
Publication.............Frank R. Dent, Jr.
Accounts...................Paul W. Arnold
George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher
WV.Carl Bauer F. A. Norquist
John H. Bobrink Loleta G. Parker
'anley S. Coddington David Perrot
W. J. Cox Robert Prentiss
:Marion A. Daniel Win. C. Pusch
Mary Flinterman Nance Slomon
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinman
I larold Holmes 1MNargaret Smith
Osrcar A. Jose Sidney Wilson
Nigl ' Editor-THOMAS V. KOYKKA
For decades it has been the prac-
thie, ahmest 'a tradition, that students
at the University should register for
the next semester's courses during
the week preceding the opening of the
term. The result is unbelievable con-
fusion. Classification committees and
registration officials, faced with the
task of classifying some 10,000 stu-
dents within a week's time, are over-
whelmed, and consequegtly, neither
faculty advisors nor students are able
to give to the task of making out pro-
grams of studies the attention which
it deserves.
At several prominent institutions,
notably Minnesota and Washington, a i
practice has been adopted whereby
students make their elections of
courses and classify for the following.
renester before the preceding term is
fver. AttJhe first named institution,
elections are being received this week
for next semester's courses. In order
to relieve the burden of classification,
it has been provided further that stu-
dents shall classify by groups, the
seniors being assigned one week, the
juniors another, and underclassmen
s till other periods.
Indeed, a step in the direction of
allowing early elections and thus
lesseninu the burden upon students,1
their advisors, and classification offi I
vials was taken at the University last
semester when, contrary to customary
practice, elections for the second se-
mester of the present school year
'ere received before the close of the
fall term. It was a commendable
step, but hardly sufficient to afford
distinct relief.
The plan might well be carried for-
ward still another step this spring byl
providing for election of next semes-1
ter's courses- sometime before thel
June examinations. Students thus'
would be given an opportunity to planI
early for next semester's work; it1
would allow them considerable time
to consult with the faculty members,
about matters pertaining to elections; i
and it would eliminate the need for
the early return to the University in
the fall which is now almost neces-
sary to give the student time to ar-<

mediate and vital question, rather
than cross-examining the worried
witnesses appearing before the Sen-
ate's prohibition committee.,
"Costless energy" has been invent-
ed, a Boston man claims. Perhaps at
that price, some Frosh might be ih-
duced to, work.
Modernism: The Internation'al
Electro-Technical commission is con-
sidering the abolition of "horsepower"
as a unit of measurement.
(The Philadelphia Public Ledger)
Is there a "crime wave"? Or do
we only think there is one because
the facilities of news-gathering make
it seem so? This is a moot point,
upon which penologists and statisti-
ciapns will dispute until the millenni-
um. But there is no escape from thej
fact that crime is widely prevalent in
the United States and that in this re-
spect the comparison with conditions
across the border in Canada and in
England is by no means creditable to
this country.
Dr. Bagley, of Columbia University,
speaking to the schooolmen at the
University last week, assumed the ex-
istence of a crime wave and discussed
the causes. These he summarized as
follows: "A legal system that pro-I
tects the criminal, laxity and leniencyf
of law enforcement, material prosper-
ity and the mobility of, population."
We cannot hope, ought not to hope,
to do away with material prosperity;
and the mobility of population is a
permanent factor which cannot be
changed. But the other two causes
are subject to remedial action, and it
ought to be the first duty of the
courts, the lawmakers and the people
to find and apply them.
There is nothing new, of course, in
this definition of causes. But the
serious thing about it is the apparent
unwillingness to change a legal sys-1
tem that protects the criminal or to
insist upon more rigid law enforce-
ment. It will not do to seek to put
the blame for -laxity and leniency
upon the passing phase of liquor-law
enforcement problems. The real trou-
ble lies with the inefficiency of the
legal machinery for the punishment of'
crime. Lawyers and Judges recognize
the evils, but nothing is done to era-
dicate them. The truth, probably, isi
that nothing short of a thoroughgoing
and radical reorganization of our en-
tire processes for the application and
enforcement of criminal law will meet
the difficulty.
Such a reorganization would of

Dear Sir:
We have been absent from your class
in -- this week. We feel that
an explanation of some sort is due
you. It follows. We spent our vaca-
tion in New York City. As anyone
knows who has been there recently*
there is a great deal of building going
on at present. Contractors and build-
ers of every sort are completing one
job after another. It amounts, in fact,
to sort of a mania. This form of in-
sanity extends even to dentists. This
was the cause of our absence.
It is our habit to visit the gentle-
man, if we may call him that, regular-
ly every six months, because, as every
one knows, dentists too must live. It
was this visit which made us late.
Across the street from the office they
are building a thirty-five story apart-
ment house. Our dentist caught the
mania from that. He too felt the
urge to drill and hammer, put in re-
enforcements and bridges and what
not. We unfortunately became a vic-
tim. The first few hours were spent
in drilling foundations, the second
and third day sessions to riveting and
When we had recovered from this
he proceeded to do the interior dec-
orating. Gold and silver work. This
obviously took considerable time.
Finally when all was completed the
final cleaning up took place, in fact,
when all the work was done we came
to regard our mouth as the north end
of tihe great Houssac Tunnel during
Haring read all this you will no
doubt wonder that we were not more
than one day late in returning, in fact
that we returned at all, and we feel
that further discussion is unneces-
s ary, and it was perfectly all-right
for you to mark us absent because
how could you tell what happened to
P.S.-In case you are interested in
the construction job, we shall be glad
to let you see it for twenty-five cents
in quarters, or three bolts. Our phone
number is: - -
* *
*Subtle flattery may be noticed
to b filled in with proper
* * *
N. Y.
Having already admitted where we
spent the none too long vacation, it
may be of interest to some of our
readers to learn something of the
current season in Drama, since such
a vast amount of interest on the part
of the student body has already been
exhibited in their loyal support of
campus dramatics.
Well then let it be knewn that the
chief type of drama which flourishes
in the great metropolis this season is
the mystery play. Not the old type
so beautifully typified by "The Bat"
and "The Cat and the Canary" but a
brand new form. At present this form
is known as "Symbolism" for want of
a better name.
The "Symbolistic" plays are much
more subtle in their mystery than the
earlier forms. There is no problem
as simple as merely finding out who
killed Cock Robin. The mystery in

The tour of Bernard Shaw's "Great
Catherine" throughout the state dur-
ing the spring vacation closed Mon-
cay, April 19, with a matinee and
evening performance in the Central
High School, Grand Rapids. The play
received large houses for all of its
engagements, including an audience
of over fifteen hundred people in the SPECIAL
Pease auditorium, Ypsilanti, over 'S
nine hundred school children at the Each Tuesday and Wed-
matinee in Grand Rapids, and a sold- nesday
out house for the return engagement SHAMPOO, MARCEL
in the Mimes theatre, (the tenth per-N
formance in Ann Arbor). AND
Excerpts from several of the re- BOB CURL
views are as follows: $1.25
Detroit Times - "The University hILDA ARNST
players bring to 'Great Catherine' all Bertine Beauty Shoppe
the ardor of students and the finished 1111 South iver ty Ave.
ability of professionals. Their record- Phone 383
breaking performance in Ann Arbor_-
is a small indication of their ability."
Toledo Blade-"One of Shaw's light-
est, gayest and most sparkling farces,
'Great Catherine,' underwent a youth-
ful and clever interpretation in the
hands of players from the University WASH INGTON
I of Miichigan. Pure mad wit, with the
amazing Catherine II, Empress of CANDIES
Russia, as the medium, furnished!D
Shaw, his interpreters and his audi-
ences with more fun than a barrel o
monkeys." (Ding, dong, dung!) Fresh Every Friday
Detroit News-"Players from the
University of Michigan demonstrated
what capital fun may be had from a,
Shavian farce and they acted it in the;
antic mood in which it was conceived.
The play evidenced careful and intel-
ligent direction and the production 709 North University
was in nice taste."
Kalamazoo Gazette-"The Players
' from the University of Michigan scor-
ed another success Saturday night in -t
their tour throughout the state when
they appeared in George Bernard MAKE E
Shaw's 'Great Catherine.' Such a gay,
rollicking play it was! And dashed
off with such a fresh, spirited air of! MANN'
youthful enthusiasm." lMr
Grand Rapids herald-"Those who
enjoy Shavian humor yore given a(Good Hats
treat last night when th Players pre-;
sented the immortal George Bernard That Is IV at We Iakce.
F Shaw's 'Great Catherine'; while those 1Bee
who are no so strong for Shawl IN!fo e netter-
found their enjoyment in the well!
modulated voices, the excellent read- WE CLEAN A ABLOCK I1ATS.
I Ing and the lovely costumes of the HAVE YOUR WOI{IR i)ONE AT OR
production.", FACTORY.
Detroit Free Press--"The audience'
was kept in a state of merriment fromFACTORY
first to last. Each member of theFA T R HAT STORE,
cast was excellently chosen, and ( 617 Packard Street. Phone 7115.
1 trained to a professional tempo, and
Amy Loomis, especially, presented a
beautiful portrait as the absurd, gig-
gling empress." P L EA E
Due to the difficulty of production DU N T
and in order not to conflict with the
Comedy Club production of "YouI
Never Can Tell," the opening of Eu-!
gene O'Neill's cycle of sea plays, "S. S.
Glencairn," has been postponed to PA T HI b
) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
May 4, 5 and 6, in the Mimes theatre. 0 N T E
The cycle includes "The Moon bt
I the Caribbees," "Bound East for Car-
diff," and "In the Zone," and foretells
the powerful springs of talent which
have later developed O'Neill into our



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Experience in New York's, Newark's and Brooklyn's largest depart-
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Fall term opens September 16, 1926
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Read The Daily

"Classified" Columns



first important dramatist. In these
startling plays he succeeds in produc-
ing life itself. This life may not al-
ways be to the taste of the petty audi-
ence, for it is not a sweet and pretty
life-the life which a commercial
audience cherishes across the foot-j
lights-but life it is none the less. It
pulses from the stage; it quivers from
his adjectives and verbs. Many Amer-'
ican plays have heart. It remained
for Eugene O'Neill in his "S. S. Glen-
cairn" to add the blood.r
The cast, which is being trained j
under the direction of Mr. E. Morti-
mer Shuter, includes the following
Seamen on the English tramp steam-
er "S. S. Glencairn"-
Yank ................... Burl Norton
Driscoll .............. Donald Lyons
Olson .................Richard LutesI
Davis ................. Leonard Hall
Cookey ..............Alfred Sacks
Smitty...........Richard Woolhalf
Old Tom, the donkeyman......
.... ............... Kenneth King
Firemen on the "S. S. Glencairn"-
Big Frank.............Carl Nelson
Scotty.............William MacVay
Paddy .............. Frank Strachan I
Paul ................. Bruce TyndallI
Chips .............. . .. Paul Samson
First Mate..... . . Ward Tollzien I
West Indian Negresses-
Bella..........Thomas Montgomery

Maynard St., Opposite \ickes Arcade
Some of the new books we have for rent:
lA NM AN'S R OUSE................................ONN BRN
GuE N T L EME N PR EFE R BLON DES...................AN ITA LOOs
Rates 5c for the first day; 5c a day thereafter.
A deposit is required, which is returned when the book is brought back.

"Watch Ann Arbor Grow!"




necessity include a change in trial this type is to find out what it means.
methods and a different attitude on That is to say the actors and the
the part of the trial Judges toward actresses who appear on the stage
technicalities and pretexts for delay. act out a play, which has nothing to
Before there can be any real remedy I do with the playwrights' ideas. You
there must also be a clarification of can tell that right away because you
the confusion in the public mind be- can't make any sense at all out of the
tween the acts of the criminal himself stage action. So the mystery comes 'in
and those social conditions which trying to find out just what the idea
breed crime. back of the play means. So pewerful
Philadelphia is supposed to have its are most of these running at present
own movement for the reformation of that nobody has been able to grasp
the machinery for the administration even a theory as to the meaning, not
of criminal law, but its progress is even the. authors themselves.

Vinewood Blvd.
66 x 150-$2900
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Large Lots
$4,500 to $5,000
Norway Road
96 x 150-$5,500'
Geddes Road

1318 Granger Ave.
Brick construction
Geddes Ave. Section
Eight rooms, garage
907 Lincoln Ave
hot 160x1i.2

1706 Cambridge Road
Eleven rooms, large lot,
four fireplaces. Location
unsurpassed. Price, $30,-
000; $500 down.
1000 E. Ann St.
Fifteen rooms, lot 60x132,
steam heat, tiled baths;
room for 23. Price $21,000.

602 Monroe St.
Thirteen rooms, t h r e e
baths, large dining room.
Make an offer. Small
down payment.
615 Monroe St.
Twenty-five rooms, vapor
steam heat, three baths.
All student furniture.
Pv n 'A A A Crl O'M.- nw







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