ItRURRSDAY, APRIL 22, 192G THE NTT HIGAAN DAILY PAGE TTIRT-rn- 'TflJJ1~SDAY, APRIL 22~ 1W~6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ~~Y1RI~ BALlEY EMPHASIZES NEED Of RESEARCH! saving the people of the United States !per ton, and outside of a few manu- more than one billion dollars per facturers, the full benefits of each ton year, he pointed out, of coal are being lost. Research in the coal industry is inI Mass production is an invention of a deplorable state accoreing to Prof.: Anicrican manufacturers, and ha, Bailey. Coal which costs only sixpln: eomuswr i hapnn the cost of manufactured products, * ~~~ oir'' > )e tan a~l iLt teAine 111,colntLin + Electrlcal~ Engineering Head Tells imore $30t ~ worth of by-products F"reshmen That Mo~re Thnie Is Dire Experiment DER I T E T E CITES ENGLISH ATTITUDEI J T HI; S WEE K Devotion of more time to research AD IF Ves. - Skc to $3.301 isth pesntned f heeniner _A tWed Mat. 50c to $1.20I is tepeetneoftengne-sat. Mat. 50c. to $2.751 ing profession declared B. F. 'Bailey,) WINTHROP A.UE' pr~sents head of the electrical engineering de- GERE1LS nJoh asot partment in an address before thefr freshman engineering class yesterday . "Ne~w inventions are usually made in 1 couraged," stated the speaker. "They l~ f + aP1'J nue ~a ~75c to $1-501 M3T1i.'. I CS ,l t t'. are then investigated and developed in U WRtU URUUand Sat , 5OC-75C. Germany, and finally put into a comn--I Wood ward at Ullot Tel. Gletidale 9792 mercial form in the United States." Tht B NSTELLE CO. Por °this, the United States must pay Ini The Mystery Comesdey Drama royalties to all who had a hand n --AD ~ the development, which sumnmarily n creases the prige of the object. By Max Marcia & Fdward Hammond' declared Prof: Bailey.j IHIGHEST PRICES PAID FORj Men's Used Clothing tor a~ay other ARTICLE OF VALUE; ST~iJENT TAILOR SHOP IPhone 8040 cor. N. Univ. & Thayer For All Mattes of Cars. 3 RES FOR SALE. JUN+K CARS 1OUQ HT PHIONE 3935. KESSLER BROS., Canal Street I PAY REST PRICES ( For Men's Used Clothing., IPhone 41310 115 W. Washington HI. BENJAMIN Irving Warmohisd lS C; CHIROPOD)IST AND 0RTHOPEDIST 7 07 N. University A-ve. Phone 21212 ( STRTN TODAY i COMPLFTE CHANG~E OF PROCRAlf £ , , 1 . y I M'id- Week Comedy Special Charleston Ialies- parked Perarnbu- la tors! Dancing Niothers! Jazz! Class! t 'i5 I hitneyTheatre Mon. Eve., April 26 11 At present there are only three coni- panies in the United States that have niotable research laboratories; the Am~erican 'Telegraph and Telephone, Genieral Electric, and the Eastman Ko- dalk companies. One of the small re-) cetinventions of the American Tele- phone and Telegraph laboratories is Shubert~ tt Lafayette g ,tsattoS$a , Pop.Thiurs.Mat. 5oc to $1.50, plus tax. Cad.87C51 The Distinguished Artiste BERTHA KEALICHI The FIRST NATIONAL BANK J ORGANIZED 1863 Ann Arbor Shop Cl~ans Hats and I I Pr Iice Glory?9 Its Laughter Has Echoed Around the World NOT A MOTION PICTURE Entire Lowier Floor ..$12.75 BAcony-Ist. 4 rows ... $2.20 Next 4 rows.. $I.6Ei Reniai der . .$1.10 TO D Y Adapted fronm the Stage Play And Story by EDGAR SELWYN Repairs Shoes! Savings Department Trust Department "WTE MAKE OLD HATS LOOK LIKE NEW" 625 East Liberty Creator of the Famous "PTt AN"ad"A KISS FOR CINDERELLA" Oldest National Bank in Michigan I 1. J . .. r r: ..." """'ifs 6 'Ii See Life and 111,n - Syvia Flemting played agaiunst them and saw thens, awl around the baire tMle; of 1Tonte Carl,, sl e was flo-u 4 Starting 1Todaq wife's "ight out" in !DANew York. S Engagement W"IT H A TRIO OF STARS T EAR L E YE And Others in Tf H IS picture sure ~d oe s 'step." All the dash,. and SDs' of a nrettv caijei The ckless Ladty. SSir Philp Gibbs' Great novel of a woman who gambled like a man -wvithi money! Yet wvith love-sloe gambled as only a woman can. fi11i 'NeA ~ 3irkw p 11 iAllll + 1 s a t 1 J' -rev ' 9 V F ,y yr GIRLS GLEE CLUBj '-Pol icy - -:fi()and 3 :35 31c - 10C 7:00 and 8:40 a0c - 10c Tickets May Ile' P urcased froim,'Girls t'onmmttte Xtl. USIVE AR('AI)E FEATURE (Y r 11 S, MICHIGAN LOCALS About Town and Up State Evenits PICTORIAL NEWS ARCADE ORCHESTRA ,f~I ( Am o- f}} afi. 'p., i .00 r t L n ,11 - Oh, Boy! s6u !I ..--^ -"a .. V . _ ... . .} Mt" IN! ;a rC- ) NIXONE { ? / ' F C- SI UZ IHave you a litle dress{ atit in yocur Itomte? Dennlidy hal and(1see 1-,hat. it did for hint Au M e lauighingest pic t tie that ever flick- ert. 'ell for 1Den.'.oi-rsn ply-but great for you. Y \~GOWN3OU YH s o~ ETCD I a%9 A t r -With tis great cast: ; ' I 1111'