WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1926 TIH-IF 11 4TH'A DrATTY AA IAJ' A~ PAGE TR' W " " t 1V lv""l.{ alt1L- 1V 1JC11LL fill is ryaxu 1 L iLl' L +rcw i CITY OPENS DRV FOR NEW HOTEL Com~mitee Named To Take Charge O) ostruction Plans neude Two Faculty Members TO A.WAR CQNTRACTS Ann Arbor launched its campaig for a new, uip-to-date hotel yesterday; when the board of directors of the Chamhber of Commerce appointed eigh men to take charge of plats for it construction. The committee includes Dean Edmund E. Day of the School of Business Administration, and Prof. Henry E. Riggs of the engineering col- lege. Other committees were appoint- ed and plans laid for the coming finan- cial campaign, to be managed by R. F. Keltner, of Hockenbury, .Inc, at a meeting of the executive 'committee last night. The first decisive step in the cn- struction of the proposed hotel for Ann Arbor was taken last week VA a ' meeting of the board of directors, ,which accepted a report of the build- iigcommittee recommending an m- mediate contract with the Hockenbury System, Inc., of Harrisburg, Pa., for , the financing and with the H1. L. Stev- ens company of Chicago, architects. Representatives of both companies were present and outlined plans fo the erection of the hotel. The construction of a building of at least 100 rooms at a cost of approxi- mately $500,00 was advised by the .Committee, as much of the stock as possible to be sold to citizens in and near Ann Arbor. In case all shares fare not sold, the remainder is to be coveredl by issuing bonds. IJ Prospective plans provide that all 4the labor be hi red as far as possible in F Ann Arbor, with the exception of the foremen and skilled labor, which the Stevens company will bring in, in or- 'der that the hotel be kept a municipal ,proposition, engineered in the main by inn Arbor residents. ;The report was accepted by a vote of 15 to . OSLO, Norway.-Capt Roald Amund- sen'and Lincoln Ellsworth left Sunday for Spitzbergen for the Arctic ex- pedition. AT THE THEATERS Arcade-"The New Klondike," with Thomas Meighan. } Majestic-"Let's Get Married," with Richard Dix and Lois Wil- 4son. IWuerth- .The Early Bird," with S Johnny Hines.I Today-Stage Garrick (Detroit) -George Arliss 4 in "Old English". Bonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)- "Badges." SShubert Lafayette (Detroit) - S Bertha Kalich in Sudermann' S "Magda." New Detroit (~etroit)-Thurs- Shubert (Detroit)toteMaiin "Gntlemen I Prefer Blondes," with Frank fMorgan and Mildred 'MacLeod.j DETOITTHEATRES ~'J DTHIS ' WEEK ARRI Eves. - 5c to$3.30 AR R IC Wed. Mat. 0c to $2.20 ' Sat. Mat. 5c to $2.75 WINTHROP AMES presents GEORGE ARLISS in John Galsworthys fl.~Idh4 IIA lik A NMa ts 5Cutor$ur5 sUIIlliI Prayhiouse at.u . 1.50 Woodward at IEiiot Tel Glendale 9792 In The Mystery Comedy Drama Dy Max Marvin & Edward Hammond In(hp f tunQI# Lafayette at $befg *tSh b rqaf y teyhs 'o V'op.Thurs.Mat. 50c to $1.5o, plus tax. Cad.87o5 The Distinguished Artiste , BERTHA KALICH Student Cars , A half-dozen unusual buys Buicks Chevrolets Fords Open Models Will Go To Pole University Graduates Offered W Vacant Posts In Marine Corps 4~ Vacancies in the United States Ma1 the pay, allowances, rank, command, rinc corps in the grade of seond andi duty of other officers of the same f M , r ? 1 ~~~~lieutenant will be filled by appoint grade, and will be required to corn- olg n nvriy g a ltea cus fi sr ci ni il . r~ates who have completed the pe tary subjects, at the end of which time, ' scribed military training as given in they will be examined physically and the H. . T. C. unit here. All unma- mentally to determine their fitness for rigid mn of the class of '26 betwen lI permanent commissions and to fix .?:> x? the ages of 20 and 25 who have comi their relative positions on the lineal " rw s pete d, or will hrave completed, the list. V prescribed military training by the lHeadquartrs of the United States ~ end of this semester are eligible for Marine corps requested that applica- GMappontment. Lions be in by April 1, but applications 1Maj. I~einold Mlbrg, in commandI may still be entered. - of the University R .0.T1. C. unit en-a Icourages students to apply for com- LIMA. Peru.-The secretary of state i ' miss ions. He says, "It is pleasant' has conferred with President Leguia . work anti offers wonderfuopossbilities concerning the situation arising from for travel." !the attack by a mob of 2000 on the Those applicants who are accepted Peruvian legation at La Paz. Bolivia. i will be given a proationary comniis- k scn for a period of two years with all Patronize Daily Ayverlsers.-Adv.' Still another Amreican expediton has entered the aerial race for polar. honors. Robert Anderson Pope, New Yorker, is the sponsor. HeI will"not merely attt to reach the pole, but 0 aMMIhI iR e to explore the whole of. the 1,000,000, square miles of Arctic region. i RESEARCH DCLUB TO HER ..AT THE COLB, HOBBS TONIGT' LIKS HO S maIL"N Prof. Walter E. Colby of the physics[ department, and Prof. William H.. VHITMORE LAKE Hobbs of the geology department, will be the~ speakers at the annual com- mnemoration meeting of the Research( Fetniring I club to be held at 8 o'clock tonight in room 2,528 of the new Medical build- ; ry s*1" Pofessor Colby 's paper will be giv- IIIa0 1u a 1 lI en in memory of Ohn's'law, which was formulated in 1826, and Professor Hobbs will talk in honor of the birtha of-James Hutton in 1726. Members of the Women's Research club and of the Junior' Research club are -invited to attend the meeting to- ______Wednesday, April 21 night, it was also announced. ROME:-Receiving Premier Mussol-I And Every Wed.,8ri ad' 1 ini on his return from Tripoli, ingSa , Victor Emmanul congratulated him on the success of his visit. _______________________________________________ TODAY AND { TOMORROW 9T NOW SHOWING Matinees Nights 2:00-3:40 7:00-8:40 Prices Prices 10Oc, 25c, 35c 10PI~ ~~mlc, 35c, 50c } RiSE a nd lS INE!, The sune is up!"'The Cock' crows! The dew is on the clover; time for all you good people to freshen up your sense of humor with thisj SPARKLING, BUBBLING DRAUGHT OF LAUGHTER I.I i r~ -Added Features- f ~A TORIENT OF HUMOR01 ALBERT AUGI$-A COKIATE1ST SEWS LAST TIMES TODAY Play ball! and flichigan Is Off! b'all AND Here Is A Peachi of a Gasei Story by that Jamous Humorist RIN LADE with Mound Duly Slated for I 'I. A ; ,,_ ,+ r I 1 f M / I !g i i} .i ,V 1 \ c A Policy 3:40) hQc, 35c S:40 j 0k, HOC And the J''turrn of Torn's Favorite Heroine Prettier Than Evcr i-, ALSO "Y OUR HUSBAND'S PAS'." Alicbigan Locals Cartoon 'topics' N~elvs t! ', / it,) it...L U'Y au r.3 i ;L . as.)L JJ I vorites to11A" a IT a y74r, fir. <, :here's Another Irresistible Ilid-'WeekI IHIR T Prografi YOU'LL TALK ABOUT They Toil Not, Neither Do They Spin i t ...-- .."' ' .. s, -_--.- -----_ " 4 : fti K BENEFIT UNIVERSITY GIRLS GLEE CLUB a£ET£DO BY Y ADOLPH ZUKOR JESSE L LASKY q CONY Its a Suyre ALI1 Rib--Ti-'bling (AC L A Laughter Treat P BR Statrring NAY TEARLE CE JOYCE RA REERT E-NON I nu c z N //I - I fw'>4d I is H I F II ii x. Ii H ; 1 I0 . ii I ,40 -- 4 s 1t lK C t] 66 tI A A Q 9h F' ATHER is a wealthy idler. JDaughter a.. captivating flapper. So the pretty inot~her says, 66Wly 1on't I step out, So rshe does. And she's some stepper! Atnd~ some dresser! Ani soie - Wit. wait inti you, see 'the con-. plications in this Jag, lasjy, dolls etaoyely coinledy-ftaina' of 'New York: society. amount ?ctre fid r .. _ ST ARTS yi i 'Wait till youa see the Savannah Shuffle WITH Laura Lae IN I i I I I [ I