PA:09 TWO 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE TWO 1 WEDNESDAY APRIL 21, 1926 WOPWAMONOW" D KPEYON OUS may. Isolate Gerin TOI LEUTURE HERE AMciilwrOf 01Rockefellerinstitute F~or %; i al Re e el t i 13 Glue IS LAST O N SERIES ~~ As the final lecturer on tine course' r: .x;, .." presentedi by Alpha Omega Alpha, la- tional honorary medical fraternity, Dr. i P'eyton R~ous of the Rockefeller Insti- tute for Medical Research, will speak ,I Thursday, May 6, on "Reaction of the Tissues Under Normal and Patholog ) ical Conditions."# L Dr. Peyton was an instructor in f pathology here from 1906 to 1908 afterE receiving his medical degree from Johns Hjopkins university in 1905. In 1 0 e b c m n a ss a ti ah ology and bacteriology at the Rock- efeller institute and the following year >z' was made associate, a position he held two years. In 1912 he was advanced to an associate membier1 and in 1920 he became a full member i' andl has remained in that capacityI x Y since. - - Dr. Peyton is a fellow of the Amer- lean Association for the Advancement of Science, a member of the Associa- European bacteriologists ainvs-i tion of American Physicians, the So- tigating claim made by D~r. JosE e cm ciety for Experimental Pathology, the maker of Berlin that he hais succ(eed- NwYrPahlgsoitteS-einioaigteckebailsITciety for Experimental Biology and report is true, a dependable treat ment Medicine, Phi Beta 'Kappa, and Alpha may be expected soon, doctors say. Omega Alpha. Ilie has made a large number of con- tributions to medical journals on sucM ~~ E E subjects as researches on the bloodME SCHIOL I cancer, and other bacteriological and n rE T p t o o i a t p c . HEs h o T T rR fnD N 9meit r of t e o rn l of E pe i e n anB 6 Medicine. 1- L aintsOwls, Varnishes al aergWax,Etc. The ravages of winter are past-they have done their work in wear and tear on your property. Now is the time for you to paint up, clean up, fix up. Don't let summer rains continue the work of depreciation,. A $25 investment in paint will pay a dividend of more than $200 in improvements and at the same time protect your property. HLLERI STATE STREET JEWELERS Visit Outr Optical Department tf i Buy your car at the Cheviloiet dealer's. Used Cars at prices f that wvili appeal to you. E. &G. Chevrolet Sales 102 South Ashley Dial 9314 We'll say we're gl We :Node this cruise q M c e r orcd up gaids \Ve'il rever lose " ~Old S.A.s one big treasure chest Of sights and scenes By far, the BEST. When the gang comes back, better be a "Has-been" than a "Never-went." For this is going to be "some cruise." Two Months Student Tour -to by the' large and luxurious Lamport & -ol tLiner-one of famous "V-FLEET" NwYr n S" S A ! B~' 1T LeRturning Auvust 24 2 All outside rooms: Library: Swim- All expenses in-Almigpo:G :DekSrt:Da-eudnsghe- ing to a peppy laz band: Fine meals:10 ing trips and hotel Good fellowship: Congenial company. accommodations. Vor resereatiotns and detailed information apply to your college or University '&cpresentative, or A. L. HYDE, Manager' STUDENT SOUTH AMERICAN TOURS 24 Broadway New York City clan Jersoin & Son, Ine., 117 V. 1Washiingtont St., 011c i'o. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified colinuns.-Adv. W~e Carr able goods. Prices always right. 10JUJ' & 0.E co Hr . r adrM~r rrrurrmriaw~arr I I:WI 1 203 East Washington St. Dial 9313 PHIL DIA'MOND 9'I Easy to Own aHome Everyone admires a beautiful home, but there are hundreds of admirers who have felt that to own a home would require a sum of money beyond the ANNOUNCES HIS FIla O DiliOO OPENING AT Lake o s a ilin Whitmore Lake Museum Receives Philippine Curios More than 200 specimens of present dlay P'hilippine curios have been re- ce'ived by the museum of anthropology from Mrs. Marie Morse, of Madison, Wis. This collection, which contains' weapons, clothing, baskets, ornaments, Wim tomns, and implements, is a loan to 1 lhe University. AUTO PARTS For All Makes a3 Cars. TIRES FOR SALE.j JUNK CARS BOUGHT PHONE 3035. KESSLER BROS., Canal Streetj NEVER before has there been siuch a great travel " buy" as thisl Imagine a 56-day "a-expense" tour to England, Hiol- land. (Belgium andi~r'rance at a cost of only ten dollars a dayl Instead of just anordinaryvacation at the mountains or sea-shore this summer, why riot join our congenial party of college stu- dents, instructors. alumni and their friends3 whowiitour Europe? Weelysailings from Montreal, on Canadian Pacific steamship i. Free side trip (via Toronto) to Niagara Falls. Opportunity to sce eastern Canada., romantic Montreal and picturesqueQuebec. Comfortable accommodations and appe- tizing meals on board the famous "14i bet of thee Canadian Pacific. An American col- Iece dance band with each party. Plenty of deck space for dancing. rest. recreation. dock games. sports, dramatics. Two-day voyage down the beautiful St. Lawrence. Only four days open sea to Europe. Landing at Liverpool. we visit Chester and Leamngton, By motor to famed English castles, the Shaikespeare county, rural E gland,0Ocford University. Fourdaysin London. Viit the Hague, Amsterdam and Schevenlogemi iii olland; Brussels Bruges. Zeebrugge, Oattded and other points in Segi im. By train through that battlef ids to Paris. where wo spend a week. with trips to Versailles and tho American battlo sector.i Rgg Ample time for individual siglit-tee- Ing and shopping. Return sailing fromx illutoted Cberbour~ Shorter tours if desired, i det. $X60 and 5330. Extensions to Switze-- write for land, Germany and Italy at moderate COP. eost. Tour management arranges all details and personally conducts party. 'lna, QeamtnmCi cfl~ Dept. 122,* $00 North Dearborn It Street, Chicago, 1114e1.. *Gentlemen- Please send roe. without obllga-I Lion on mn1 part, full details of your Collegiatet 'TustEurope.t Nam -- ---- --res-- -- ------ ° ........ Istate- IMore than 130 mnetermen from v .. ious Michigan concerns set a neewrat- tendance record for the animal mete., school, which is held under the aus- pices of the electrical engineering de- partment, by* their ejirollilielt la. week in the three types of courses of-- fered. Lectures and quiz sectio:en were held by Profs. B. F. Bailey, S S. Atwood. Joseph 11. Cannon, and A. D). Moore o the electrical engineering departien,, as well as by men in thie electricali professions. I Make your party dis- tinctive by using our reach of the average income. To such people it I is welcome news, indeed, that for as little as $500 you can finance such a home, providing you own a lot free and clear. Call at our offices and inspect our plans, investigate our financing proposition and learn how easy it is to own a home. Ann Arbor Home ]builders INCORPORATED fl 'tonight, Wed, Ar.1 Thereafter Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday place cards, and tallies. nut cups APPLIED ARTS I Nickels Arcade The Shnop for Unique Gifts 408 National Bank E { Read The Dailyv Building Phone 4313 _, i ~ _ '' ...:.. _ : ., "Last Times Today~" 'U UTTE '+ >HEAT "Classified" Columns , .. $1 A Rollicking Romance MaeRGT Folks, The M#ajestic is Claiming Another "Per- feet" Sho0w - T*hat ha~ppens about~ twice yrear. ly - and only aifter tile "Audience Verdict." Better get ahead of the crowds! The ideal place to eat, according' to many, for such a tempting variety of fine foods is always provided at the Arcade ! LOS S' TEP right this way for the fastest, fun- niiest film farice ever. By *he star and director of "Womanhand~led." Don't ms Areade Up-stairs, Ca/ceteria Nic kels A rcade 4 Drink ore milk. It's your best food, especially fresh,Dc a pure pasteurized Ann Arbor C -Dairy Milk. At the best -3031-2 $9 CORD.... restaurants and fountains. k. 30x3 1.2 $7 wr . TUBE" 29x4.40 -' MILLER 1' 1 5 0 -'29x4.40 $25 Diail4101 29x4.40 125 29.x44.0 GIt E~' aramount picture ' _ Klcth Vatide'ille headliner - On the Stage MiISS[ANI f[I 'Iandei-ille's 3Magnetic Personality - -AI. IS 0- "HOME CURED" A T uxedo Comledy A t i i ? I