ESTABLISHED 1890 iih ~aiI MEMBER ASSOCIATED 'RE$S VOL, XXXVI. No. 147 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS BITTERNESS GROWS ARS REE BATTLES WET DEMOCRAT UNSUCCESSFULJ IN FIGHT FOR POSTPONEMENT QUESTIONS DRYS 1'rohibition Administrator Declares Ie Also Draws Salary As Traffic Director (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, April 20.-Stormy scenes and some startling revelations regarding dry law enforcement mark- ed" the sessions today of the Senate prohibition committee. As the drys approached the conclu- sion of the presentation of their case, there was a frequent outcropping of an under-surface bitterness with Sen- ator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, the one wet on the committee of five, standing as the central figure in the contro- Versy. Reed Is Outvoted Outvoted continuously by his dry colleagues, Senator Reed took to the Senate floor his fight for postponement of the hearings until after the vote tomorrow on the Italian debt settle- ment, but without avail. Returning then to the committee room, the Missourian again faced ob- jections by those in charge of the case for the drys to the consuming of time with cross examination of their witnesses and finally objections were raised by the members of the commit- tee to certain lines of inquiry. Questions Baird Senator Reed was cross questioning Frederick C. Baird, prohibition ajmin- istrator for thd Western Pennsylvania district, who disclosed that while now on the federal pay roll at $50 a month, he still is drawing his regular salary as traffic director of the Bes! semer and Lake Erie railroad, a sub- sidiary of the United States Steel corporation. Mr. Baird said h'e had been recommended for the federal po- sition by Judge Elbert Gary, who had been requested by government official to make recommendations at the time the prohibition force was reorganized. Both Baird and Edwin A. Olson, United States district attorney at Chi- cago, testified to increased efficiency in the enforcement of the Volstead act within their respective districts, but Mr. Olson brought an indictment against municipal authorities of Chi- cago and Cook county for what he charged to be their failure to enforce the Illinois dry statute. Baird appeared In the nature of a "surprise" witness at the request of Senator Reed, Republican, Pennsyl- vania, and was on the stand for two hours. Before he was called the drys had presented William F. McDowell, one of the ranking bishps of the Methodist Episcopal church and other church leaders, who urged against any weakening of the Volstead act and supported instead the administration measure to put "teeth" into the cele- brated statute. Reeves To Leave For Law Meeting As chairman of hte discussion group dealing with the codification of inter- national law, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politcal science department will take part in the meeting of the Amer- ican As'ociation of International Law in Washington, D. C. tomorrow, Fri- day, and Saturday. The sessions will be addressed by professors and states- men from all parts of the country, including former Secretary of State Charles E. Hughes. Professor Reeves leaves today. Five Elected To Medical Society Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon- orary medical fraternity, has elected1 five junior medical students to meni- bership, according to an announce- ment made yesterday by D. H. Condit, T6M, president of the society. These chosen are J. H. Maxwell, G. J. McCurdy, W. G. Maddock, C. G. Mil- ler, and G. B. Myers. The men will be initiated on May 6. r I AMe e w A&eeesse me le e.. Ma 1 MJJTARY BALLTIK S icket for the Military ball Ito be held Friday night in the Union will be placed on general! sale from 2 to 4 o'clock todayJ and 2 to 5:30 o'clock tomorrow ( at the desk in the Union for stu- dents who have not yet secured their tickets. Favors will be dis- tributed at the same time. C Ray Miller's 11-piece Bruns- wick recording orchestra will be the principal orchestra with Mc- Kinney's Syncopators of Toledo alternating. , TALK HERE TODA9Y Noted Harvard Mathiematicia ii Discuss "Th Ether Of Events" Will GIVEN MEDAL FOR WORK Using the discoveries of modern sci- ence as a basis for a regenerative philosophy, Dr. Alfred North White- head, of Harvard university, will de- liver a University lecture at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Room C, Law building. Histaddress is entitled "The Ether of Events." Dr. Whitehead, a prominent English mathematician, has recently become concerned with the philosophical con- sequences of modern scientific theory.I His series of Lowell lectures delivered recently at Harvard university have been incorporated into a volume, "Sci- ence and the Modern World." For his work on "Principia Mathe-- matica", in which he collaborated with Bertrand Russell, Dr. Whitehead was awarded the Sylvester medal by the Royal Society in November 1925. AllI his printed works rank high in the field of criticism of culture. Before his residence at Harvard started, Dr. Whitehead lectured at Trinity College, Cambridge, and at the University of London. He also stud- ied at Trinity College. He was a con- tributor on non-euclidean geometry to the new edition of the Encyclopedia Brittannica. Among his other books are "The Rhythm of Education" and "Concept of Nature."! OR. HITTI OF PINCETON WILL LECTURE ON SIAI To Speak On Conributio is To Wesf- eri European Civilization Syria's contributions to western Eu- ropean civilization will be outlined in a lecture by Dr. Phillip Hitti, lecturer at Princeton university, to be given under the auspices of the history I- partment next Monday. The speaker has for many years been a professor at the American university of B'eirut, SSyria, and has been devoting part of his time to the endowment fund being raised for that institution. He is now conducting a course in the history of the Near East at Princeton. The subject, as stated by Dr. Hitti, wili deal with the influence of the Syrians on the development of the western nations, especially through the Crusades and the Arab ivason o Spain. Dr. Hitti, a native of Syria, was edu- cated partly in this country, holding a doctor's degree from Columbia uni- versity. He has an unusually accurate control of the English language for a fforeigner, according to Prof. William A. Frayer of the history department, who is in, charge of the arrangements for the lecture. Dr. Hitti's work for the University of Beirut takes him to various centers where there are groups of Syrians, or where there are people interested in the Near East. Ilie is to speak in Detroit this week-end, previous to his ; appearance in Ann Arbor. DITRIBUTION OF INSIAN TO BEGINNEXT TUESDAY Distribution of the 1926 Michigan- ensian will begin Tuesday, April 27, according to information received yes- terday by the business staff from the Cargill Publishing company, of Grand Rapids, the publishers. The 'Ensian has never before been ready for dis- tribution at so early a date. All persons who have lost their re- ceipt stubs are requested to adjust the matter at the business offices in the Pashu~iinanr v nVfornnnn jthis: HEED 131E MEAL FLLOWING TAL(S Political Science Professor Honored By University Of Brussels After Lecture Series WILL SPEAK AT LOUVAIN In appreciation of his lectures at I the University of Brussels during March, Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political science department was pre-- sented with a medal after his first lecture, which was attended by of- ficials of the Belgian government, the American ambassador, and other dip- lomats, according to word received by the department. Following the se- ries of four appearances in Brussels, he was asked to give two lectures at the University of Louvain, in addition. to those previously scheduled in va- rious European countries. Professor Reed's chief purpose in I making the trip was to study metro- politan government in European cities. estcially those which are experienc- ing difficulties due to expansion out- side their political boundaries. Paris, I Brussels, Berlin, London, and Vienni,I are the chief centers of his work, al- though he is also considering munici- pal government of the various coun- tries in general. "The Government of the United States and its Effect on American In- ternational Relations" was the general subject of the lectures given at Brus- sels, and the separate topics taken up were, "Federalism in the United States", "The Position of the Presi- dent", "The Political Character of the American People", and "Political Par- ties and their Effect on Foreign Poli- tics." Professor Reed will return to the University in time for the beginning of the fall semester. INNSOAPROFESOR WILL LECTURE TOOAY1, i1illiai S. Cooper, amos Rotanist, 1ill Give Two Speeches Prof. William S. Cooper of the bot- any department of the University of 'Minnesota, who was to have given two Universtiy lectures last February, will lecture here twice today. He will speak at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science auditorium on "The I Glacier National Bay Monument,Its Scenic and Scientific Features." This lecture will be illustrated with lan- tern slides of Alaska. Professor Cooper has made two trips there for thepuroseofworking out the sue- cession of plant associations following the glacier action after the earthquake in 1909. At 8 o'clock tonight in Natural Sci- ence a uditoriurn, Professor Cooper will speak on the subject, "Eight Days on the Desert." The material for this lecture was obtained on an expedition across the Mexican desert two years 1 ago. This trip was under the super-- vision of the desert laboratory at Tuc-I son, Ariz. which is conducted by the Carnegie Institute. On this expedition t Professor Cooper was accompanied by several scientists,-one of whom was Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geology department. ,STATE COLLUE TO IE DICA IUOLOG IC Set Of French Books Bought By University Completing negotiations that have been going on since last August, the University has succeeded in purchas- ing a complete set of the transactions and proceedings of 102 French societies. This set was purchased from Nijhoff of the IHague. The collection will be paid for chiefly from the new Dunning fund, which was donated to the University by Silas Wright Duning, '60, who was for many years editor of "Railway Age.'' There are about x,600 volumes in the new purchase, which will be bound and sent to Ann Arbor in in- stallments. The transactions are chiefly of historical, scientific, and ar- chaeological societies and the material is on the history, zoology, geology, and antiquities of the various depart- ments and cities in France. The University library will be prac- tically unrivalled in this field of study when the complete collection is final- ly installed, according to Mr. Bishop, The documents are especially valua- ble on account of their rareness, whichi has been brought about by the devas-I tation caused by the wars in France, especially the Franco-Prussian and World wars. SHUTER CALLS FOR OPERA CANDIDATES11 Dr. Henry Suzzallo, president of the University of Washington, will speak at an assembly of the School of Edu- cation at 4 o'clock today in the audi- torium of the University high school. Dr. Suzzallo is one of the most out-f standing educational leaders in the' United States today, according to Dean Allen S. Whitney of the School of Education. The speaker's subjectI has not been announced, although it is expected that he will deal withr modern educational problems. Dr. Suzzallo graduated from Stan- ford university in 1899, and later 'took up graduate work at Columbia univer- sity, from which school he received1 the A. M. degree in 1902, and the, Ph.! D. degree in 1905. In 1918 he received) the degree of LL.D. from the Univer- sity of California. He is a member of the Washington state board of education, and during4 the war was chairman of the Wash- I SO a m a - - - - - - .. -- _- - --_ _-_- .-__- -__-__--_.__- .- i i i f , I WELYPOSTPONES RETURN UNTIL 10271 Unive SUBJ UCATIONALGRU HEAR SUZZALO ersity of Washington President Will Lecture At 4 O'clock I This Afternoon JECT UNANNOUNCED j POSTPONE OPENING OF POOL FOR11'071 ?\TTO THURSDAY Through inadvertency, an- noun cement was made yesterday that the Union pool will be avail- able for use by women students this morning. The pool will not be open to women until tomor- row morning, from 8 to 11 o'clock, and tomorrow night from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. The regular schedule -announced before spring vacation allotted three mornings and one evening a week to women: Monday, Tues- day, and Thursday morning, and Thursday night. All women are again requested to use the North entrance to the building, taking the elevator to the basement, and then going directly to the pool. Philosophy Processor Reappointed Directorship Of American University Union LEAVE IS EXTENDED Tol Requests Eligible Male Students . Rport For Registration This Week To' HOYER TO COME MAY 21 Announcement was made yesterday by E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the Union opera, that all male students, eligible for campus activities, wishing1 to try out for next year's opera, aret requested to report for registration between 10 and 12 o'clock or 2 and 41 o'clock some tinie this week at the Mimes theater. Friday will be the last day for registration. Notices to this effect have been mailed to all fra- ternities and house clubs on the campus. Mr. Shuter stated yesterday that experience in theatrical work is not a necessary qualification for tryouts, inasmuch as the , choruses will, as' usual, be given an extensive training both this spring, under the p'ersonal supervision of Roy Hoyer, now play- ing with 'Stepping Stones," and next fall until the opening performance in December-. Tryouts will start next week under Mr. Shuter's direction at the theater, probably three afternoons each week.' Mr. Hoyer will be in Ann Arbor May 2 to supervise the work for three weeks. For the past few years he r 1 t 'r f I t i a ington state council of defense. He Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the phi- was appointed wage umpire of the Na- losophy department, will not return to tional War Labor board in July, I the University until the fall of 1927, 1918, and was made an adviser to the a year later than originally planned, War Labor Policy board in October due to his reappointment to the di-{ of that year. In 1919 Dr. Suzzallo rectorship of the American University was elected a trustee of the Carnegie Union. Foundation for the advancement of Professor Wenley accepted the re- teaching, and since 1920 has been an I appointment only on the condition that elector to the Hall of Fame. the University allow him another The staff of the School of Educa- year's leave of absence in order that tion will hold a luncheon in Dr. Suz- he might remain in London to carry zallo's honor this noon at the Union. on his work with the Union. He has been hbad of the department n r! of philosophy since 1896, having been in charge of the philosophy depart-' ment of Queen Margaret college for some years previous to coming here., Professor Wenley is the author of a number of philosophical works among which are "Socrates and Christ", "As- For the Arst time ilm the history of pects of Pessimism", and "Contempor- the Law school, Founders':Day will be ary Theology and Theism". He was observed by.that college Friday night, I the associate editor of the "Dictionary April 23, with a banquet in the of Philosophy" and "Encyclopedia of Lawyers' club. L. W. Pogue, '26L, is Religion and Ethics".- general chairman of the student con- During his absence Dean Alfred -I. mittee taking charge of the program. i Lloyd of the graduate school has been It is hoped that the affair will be I acting as head of the department o"' made a yearly event on the calendar I'philosophy, but in an interview yes- of the Law school activities. terday, Dean Lloyd stated that a Two prominent justices of state su- change was being considered, though' preme courts will address the stu- the plans were not yet ready to be} dents, faculty, and guests at the din- made public. - ner. Marvin B. Rosenberry, 93,' jus- tice of the supreme court of Wiscon-! sin, will speak and Justice John E. 3ird, justice of the Michigan supreme TICKETPPLICATIONS court will also talk. The honorary members of the Lawyers' club,fac- S ulty, and students have been invited. FOR SENIORtBALLuHEADY Tickets for law students who are - not members of the club may be pur- Applications for tickets to the Sen- chased at the desk in the club lobby ior ball, which will be held May 21 at on Wednesday and Thursday. The the Union, will be ready for distribu- price is $1.00. tion from 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon, APPROVE LBRR SCIENCE COURSES AWAIT REGENTS' ACTION ON PRO- POSALS ANNOUNCED Y LIBRA RIAN PROGRAM OUTLINED Bishop Explains Requirements W hich Will Be Made For Admission To New Department Resolutions favoring the organiza- tion of a library methods - training school as a department of the literary college were adopted by the faculty of this college yesterday, and specifi- cations for the forming of the depart- ment were announced by William W. Bishop, University librarian. The resolutions which were tenta- tively approved by the literary col- lege faculty and which are recom- mended to the Regents for approval are as follows: 1. That the literary college faculty recommends to the Re- gents that instruction in library methods be included as a depart- ment in that school. 2. 'hat admission to the work be conditioned by three years of collegiate work and that there be an excess of honor points over the number of credits re uired. Students upon graduation will re- ceive the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Library Science, and that those students successfully com- pleting graduate work will receive the degree of Master of, Arts in Library Science. 3. ' That the details be arranged by a joint committee which will be composed of the Dean's advis- ory committee and the University librarian. Money Appropriated The Regents have already approp- riated $17,000 as an initial sum for "the establishment for a library school under the direction of th Upivefsity librarian." The formation of such a department by the University will mark a step in the general movement of the li- brary education toward the universi- ties, rather than the public libraries, Mr. Bishop said. Previous to 1923, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Western Re- serve were the only universities offer- ing library courses, but since then, California, Columbia, and Chicago uni- versities, as well as several smaller institutions, have joined the move- ment. He stated that it is the proper function of the university, not of the public library, to offer such instruc- tion.- The department to be formed here will specialize in university and ref- erence library work, Mr. Bishop ex- plained, and will be the only school devoting its chief attention to tat field. Considerable difficulty has been experienced in finding librarywo ers trained in those sepcialties, judging from the letters received by Mr. Bish- op requesting information as to where to find capable employes. Two Courses Planned The plans, as they now stand for the organization of the ne school, divid the work into two courses: the one- year, undergraduate course and the two-year graduate course. The en- trance requirements for the first year courses are that the applicant shall have "completed three years of col- legiate work with a certain number of points in excess of hours," and that he must have a reading knowledge of two of-the three modern languages, French, German, or Spanish. The requirements for the two-year graduate courses are that an A.B. de- gree is presupposed, a reading knowl- edge of French and German required, as well as one year (24 to 30 hours) of study in Library Methods, either to have been taken here or in an ac- credited library school. The courses of instruction for th, first year course are tentatively given as follows: general introduction to Ii- brary work, Cataloging, classification of books, book selection and ordring for libraries, high school library wok, care and use of ephemeral material, and reference work and bibliography. Th courses to be given in the grad- nate course are: early printed books, national and regional bibliography, ad- vanced cataloging, government docu- nents, library administration, and ad- vanced subject bibliography and ref- erence work. Baseball Scores has arranged practically all of the ! dances for the opera. Mr. Shuter said that more emphasis than usual will be placed upon the men's chorus for next year in con- trast to the policy of making the women's chorus predominate. With this exception, there will be no mark-1 ed alterations in next year's opera, lie stated. The trip next year, now practically arranged, will be even slightly more extensive than this year's with the city of Indianapolis'; included in the itinerary. It is almost assured that KELLOGG, AT ANNI NOYES SPEAK VAL PRESS MEET', .- the opera ill play in every city (By Associated Press) where a presentation was given this EAST LANSING, April 20.-Faculty I winter due to the great demand from members of Michigan State college alumni following the production or have approved the offering, beginning "Tambourine." The eaedter touris with the opening of school next Sep- ow expected to le permanently es- tember, of a new course to be called I talished, Mr. Shuter believes, with i medical biology. It will be a four the success that was accord d tha years course leading to a science de- University musical comedy this win- gree, ter in every city played. r.The music and book for the 21st! j annual production will be completed Volcano Subsides before June. After Ten Days Announce Date Of (By Associated Press) Final Law Dance HILL, Hawaii, April 20.--After ten days of angry outbursts the volcano !Lawyers' club members will hold Mauna Loa seemed today about to I their last formal dance of'the year on subside. The river of molten rock Friday, April 30, it was announced has ceased to flow upon the seaside yesterday by Erwin Haass, '27L, dance achairman. Carl Stewart's seven piece of Hoopuala, which it had submerged orchestra of Detroit will furnish the for 24 hours. The rift in the moun- music. Tickets for the affair, which tain above the clouds has sent down is for Lawyers' club members only, i i .+ .# i( } f -1 [ {i 1 'I (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, April 20.-The United States interest in controversies among Latin-American states arises from "a sincere desire that good will shall reign supreme," Secretary of State Kellogg said today at the annual luncheon of the Associated Press. Disarmament, he said, was of a greater value than "ambitious pro- jects" which, though "excellent in theory," fail to take account of actual problems. Secretary Kellogg was the chief speaker on a program which included Frank B. Noyes, president of the As- sociated Press and publisher of ther Washington Star; Jorge A. Mitre, oz the La Nation, of Buenos Aires; and Kent Cooper, general manager of the Associated Press.1 Secretary Kellogg said that the gov- ernment can only accomplish its pur- pose with the cordial backing of the greater majority of the American peo- ple. This backing, he continued, "is only obtainable when the press is able to treat these questions with under- standing and comprehension of the broad lines which the government hasJ pursued." tomorrow, and Friday at the side desk! in the lobby of the Union. Tickets are priced at $5. Full-fledged members of the class of '26 will be given first preference when the acceptance not- ices are mailed out. It is planned by the committee, of which William L. Diener, '26, is chair-| man, to make this social event of the I graduates a senior affair only. Coon- Sanders' Original Night Hawks wlil come to furnish music direct from a two season run at the Hotel Congress, Chicago. The orchestra will be led by 1 Carleton Coon and Joe Sanders, its or- I iginators. This musical organization broad- casted from Station KYW, Chicago,' and has played at the Insomnia club { there, Young's Million Dollar Pier in Atlantic City, and at other cafes, the- aters, ballrooms and hotels through- out the country. They have also rec- orded for the Victor Talking Machine company. Ticket acceptances will be mailed out the early part of next month, it was announced yesterday. HANNOU VISITS CHIEFTAIN IN NEGOTITION RECESS1 (By Associated Press) OUJDA, Morocco, April 20. - The three days recess in the Franco-Span- C r I- decreasing waves of lava. Clouds of smoke overhanging the island were smaller last night, but there remained a glow up on the long' are being sold by club council mem- bers at $3 each. Clear Old Houses ish-Riffian peace negotiations while DDHadeou Ben Hannou, the third Riffian delegate, is consulting with the Rif- Praises Little flan chieftain, Abd-el-Krim, will be utilized by the French and Spaniards to straighten out some details in (By Associated Press) [which they still differ in their respec- DETROIT, April 20.--Dr. Clarence tive viewpoints. f - -T 4--.. -..f TT- ,ctof! AS TT --.ff - 1 + rv*irfn T r ,