VA F 'TWO TIlE MTIHIGTAN DAILY A Xl OFFERS FACULTYJAE[MIE ATTENDMEENGS'! 'DeannCooley Is Present At Convention Of Engineers Held In ew YYek Durinig Vacation HIGBIE ALSO IN EAST Trips to eastern cities as well asI throughout the Middle West were tak- en by faculty members of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture dur- ing the spring recess. Dean Mortimer E. Cooley attendi-dj a meeting of the Society for the Pro- motion of Engineering Education in N'few York at which consideration was given to the final report of the educa- tional research which' has been con-j ducted under a $108,000 award o theI Carnegie foundatior.. It is expectedI that this volume, wnch will be a com- plete edition of four preliminary re- ports, will be completed by the end of the year. At that time research of a similar nature will be continued if the necessary funds are forthcoming.j Prof. H. 11. Higbie also spent 101 days in the East, heaving. the Wed- nesday preceding vacation, in order to attend1 the meeting of the Council of the Illuminating Engineering society as chairman of the Michigan sectol of the organization andl of the national committee on natural lighting. DuringI the transaction of the annual business, sanction was granted by council to the appointment of a public servic committee which has been conceived and organized by~ the Michigan sec- tion under the chairmanship of Pro- fessor Aigbie. It is intended that this committee, ?should bring to bear upon any such problem the weight of a larger volume of experience and expert opinion than could be had from any single firm of consulting enineers, although only advice and judicial opinions and not the detail service of commercial engi- neers will be offered. At the spring meeting of the Aher- ican Society of Civil Engineers, held in Kansas City April 14 and 15, Prof. A. H. Blanchard delivered three ad- 4lress~s dealing the highiway transport and the raiiroad, motor busses and the street railway, and with highway traffic planning for municipalities. In discussing the first two subjects, Pro- fessor Blanchard advocated coordinat- ed service by all means of transporta- tion. During the latter part of the wveek, Professor Blanchard visited the plant of the Hertz system in Chi- cago which is 'a nation wide move- ment for supplying automobile ser- vices at a definite rate per mile. Prof. G. G. Brown attended the fie lay national convention of the Amer- ican Chemical Society during the first part of the spring recess. In addition to representing the University on the council of the society, he presented a technical paper before one of the resslons. Dean George W. Patterson conferred wvith Detroit city officials during the recess as chairman of a committee on lighting legislation of the Illuminating Engineering society. Model articles are now being prepared for automobile lighting ordinance for Detroit. Prof. A. E. White attended sessions of the Michigan Canner's association which was held at Lansing under the auspices of the Michigan State col- lege, April 13 and 14. SCIENTIFICALLY SELECTED AND PREPARED FOODS Houtrs* 'Corner Liberty and Maynard General Pershing Recuperates ,VAILAE THIS YEAR Si-ma Xi. national society for the 1~-M f h ~sion of research, is offering fel- iov s hips for 1926-21 to mnen and wo- men ec.ngaged in research work in all li~ is or 01pure and app~liedl science. Applic atons for the fellowships s ould be made before May 15 to Dean Eidward Ellcly, secretary of the so- ciety, at Union college, Schenectady, Inform~ation accompanying the ap- plications should include a statement. O1 the problem to be studlied, the place where the work is to be done, the anmount of money needed for the wvork, the applicant's educational and; research experience, degrees received,. and reprints of published articles, or titles of the articles and periodicals and (lates when they appeared. Applicants should also forwvard let- tenrs from at least two individuals, (Om>per cut to express an opinion on the importance of the problem to be s1ztetied in its particular field. Awards will be made by June 1, andi the money will be available after ,At--. 1, 1926, and up to Aug. 1, 1927. (Pat ronize Daily A yvertisers-Ad v. WASl-11NGTC.N.-- The walls of a! h3ouse, bec.e made o 'uMnied c~zart;,l \N lAoch (-ies ii :C,''. ()to 1 S,3. E:. _ :e h trd that the ownsr reocenti v 'a~1cc atem lr to tear t"Oe' , down.s 1 et tiiCDiycii ir~O 0i LANEHAlL CAVERN p (ho(I Hom~eo «ck~ng, I BEST PRICES For lien's Used Clothing. IPhone 4310) 115 W. Washinglaon 1-1. RE.NNJA IN Irving Warmohts,D SC C ROPODIST AND ORTHEISTL P4 .0)7 N. Uniersity Ave. Phone 22 _ _ _ _ John J.Persasing, ;i tured:I nav lE'r IosltalWasi3ngtonl ,. :r'o L fo anillness wich el st L his retnrn from ' acia-Aric< . Y.r i endeavored to sett!i e I hwds1 pil e bc-' tween Peru and ( PARIS. - A c t--2 0 i ilLVOA cc fasting as a cure for n-ahla ills; is being preached i '.i-is by Dr. l ip-l inska and supported by sig.urilnenitI physicians. Let The Daily sell it for you thi-i the Classified ehiumns.-- Adv. RAE S: rY Heaps of Silto Little -MonI1y ioc "DE CLASS E" ' 1 F itI' r I Corinne Griffith : We JDo Accept Tips 'RAE sl-a ?1 of the army, is out of Walter Ree:l L9ke Did Carters ededy, pril1, ad iry d, MAGRIP'PA -WEB makes garters act its an entirely new way-and only in Blostons can this web he had. Even when worn very loose it will not slim. It cannot curl and yet it is remarkably soft and light. Here in fact is a practical, comfortable, ventilated-web garter. I -na..y pleasing colors, 50c the pair. GEORGLFROS COWPANY MAKER1S C2 TiN aw-Im . MONK"=* .tee TODAY AND THROUGH I WEDNESDAY ONLY I i ~('brie ini Foridghi) idyo u don 't havet to oo t , Yom, ': ..: - = ( . I - N b : i :, . . _.__ wasrn.. a 9l . 'II STEAMSHIP'AGEKCY, All Tours and Cruises Em G. KUEBLER 601 East Huron St., Ann Armor Licensed, Bonded and Authorized Steamiship Agent Representing till S. K. Lines The Nationally Famous Humorist Author NelsT erwiRh You'll Enjoy I! TilsTeSoywt LILA EE the' (o1mbifatlo1iirespon- sile for the great success of "BACK 11O3E AND 4IBROKE" andl niny others you'll reitieniher. q'ramunt a.. LEARN THE LATEST DANCES IR Air lomw .otivatI*IIL dY "1 %7 . 0 of 1926 'thie Charleston. 19201, The Merry Widow Waltz. Adult Classes Evrery 331onday and Friday. Fifteen One- Hfour Lessons, $5.00. 22 Wnerth Arcade TERRMACE GAIRDEN STUJDIO For appointment Dial 8328 Good fHats- Men. agree, who become acquainted wit Lucky Strike Cigarettes, that they have a flavor of their own, distinctive, unique. A costly extra 45-minute prop cess -toasting-develops the hidden flavors of the world's finest tobaccos* ;Pcau..Ce y w 1 i i + i t I i I k k , } , 1 ! C Polley 7:0 .)Oc AML A kI I1 11 I4hII Ii (WIL ~ illi i -'ri~u . I __ _It