F'RIDAY, APRIL 9, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACR?!V~ 21"F , 114 14 ,}... ,. c ,.' .. .. LOCAL EVXENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned in The ;wily. Items wiil be published on ttvn'ri Triccsivc (ay., only. Copy must be submitted to the Local Evens POSTOFFICE LISTS IHAVING UNCLAIMI i w } "Passing and Abiding Aims of, Life," will be the topic for discus- sion at th' , Baptist guild meeting Suin-a ciay, at G: 30 oclockt at the Guild house. I-A 1 students who are here during vacation are most cordially invited 'to attend the.IBaptist Guild Friendshipj hour at the Guild house at 5:30 oclock Sunday. Refreshments will be serv- ed. . .ail for the following lper hand at the Ann Arbor pos: may be claimedl by the calling at the general deliver ' 11'ain office, on or before Ap: Prof. Octavio Antonio. L. John M. Chass, Selma E. C old A. Courtwright, Prof.. lattre, Carwford Chas. Edmi Louise Erley, A. Forsburg, Gleason, Phil Griffiin, Dr.. Gurd, Raymond Henderson, Hughes, John Basil Flume, jHunter, Lester L. Kissel, F. ings, Clair V'anNormnan'Lanj uel Allen Laugh, Joseplion y'dedicated the library to the Union THS E S P R R I !in memory of her husband. For All Makes of Cars. ____________ TIRES FOR SALE. IBERLIN.- President von Ilinden-' JUNK CARS BOUGHT £0 MAIL A;. a mnemorial to the late Edward ofhsetac;noteKESE RSCnlSre WValdo Pedetn'72, a life-sized por- :iburg yesterday celebrated the 60th! PHONE "is5. rtoraiit paiinted by Prof. Olaf Brauner,i nierayohienrneittej KESRBRS Caltet stoflice and! of Cornell university, has been hun11g iGemnayasaeonliunat vuer Lwon th e east wall of the Pendleton Jj- . ry window, zbrary in the Union. The paifittng was; ,uril 17th. 1. Barrett, Lc ter. James D. Lindsay, .Helen M. Clark, liar- Locke, Mrs. Chas. D). Loomis, Rose 11. Andre De- Lovell, Percival Chelston Lowery, i i funds, Elise Prof. Julio M. Luzunaris, Roland Clay-! Dr. 11. A. 'ton McKee, A. M. Malloy, Ben Markin, Adeline E. I W H. Maurer, Dr. Anna Norris, Frank Thomas F. 1 . Ortmzan, Dr. Carlton Pierce. A. # .} Dr. W. C. Potsild, Dr. Fred Puffen, Donald Lee wo IAL W. Inutehi- I Tabern, Dr. Harriet S. Taylor, John I~ gton, Sam- Bradford Tichener, Virginia. Wool- 4 ' ne Triplet head. r r ait I If you are a tclephone subscriber call IJin ...y or outinpitin t ,de' the Ad-Taker, ial 21214r, and your want ad Lt Sthp and you will go' et Al:, ink, w..ill be charged. fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself ill the The Michigan Daily reserves the right to jae n vntfdeo nieyds classify all want adls under alpropriate peaulp n o' ileo nieyti in -s and to revise (or withlid objectionlable appear after it has se't when mloiitulre copy. is appvled. Ink substilif es arc dang- This column closes at 3 I. -M. date preced- ing pulication. Notice of any error mu11st be jerous and sp)oil your pens. giiven in tirne for the second insertion. I FRSPE 5100 Tencens AST! RATES Pnadfl pcait~ 35S tt '(Te ensper reading line (on the basis Tf1,!nadInTh, iv 135S.tte live average words to the line) for one or two£Tu ThSn-f insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more insertions.I TYPING WANTED - fbeses, themes Cash classifieds received at the D~aily officei papei's, notes, etc., neatly, accurate- in The Press Building on Maynard Street,4 and promptly typedt. Call Mrs. CONTRACT RATES? Engelhardt. Dial 7275. e.o.d.-tf. -Special standardized rates given on applica- FOUNTAI PEN i' AT THlE THEATERS Today-Secreen Arcade- "Irene," with Colleen Moore. .Majestic-"The Far Cry," with Blanche Sweet. Wuerth - "The Circle," with Eleanor Boirdinan. Today-Strage Garrick (Detroit)-."What Price Glr4 Bonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)- "The how-0ff." Shubert Lafayette (Detroit) - "The Student Prince." New Detroit (Detroit)--Thurs- ton, the Magician.* i I j , tion.V! LOST I- I All Wool Pre-Shrruk Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade SUITS AND TOPCOATS 00 Tailored by rA. NASH[ CO. The Famous Golden Rule Tailors of Cincinnati. 'hone 9736 or Phone 6746 And ask that a representative of the NASH CO. call upon you to show samples' and styles.' STYLE, FIT, WORKM1ANSHIP AND WEARING QUALITIES GUARANTEED. Some of the best dressed people you meet are wearing Nash clothes. juuul I rwra ;: I Ii MARTHAIk WASH ING TON CAND3IES Fresh Every Friday f TICE'S$ 709 North University an iI M1,'v. JUSTIFIABLE PRIDE With justifiable pride, we direct attention to the fact that Dodge Brothers Dealers in the United States and Canada sold over 160,000 Used Cars in 1925. We are proud' to be a part of an organization capable' of such an exceptional record - because it is a record founded upon the belief that the public appreciates good values. R H. A L 33-R~ 206 WEST Hu i~IoN ST. clODse 5raOmHEiqs aEALelRS SELL 5001n USet) CAR.S LOST-Signia I 'hi Epsilon pin. Finder call 21140. Liberal reward. 453 LOST-A Phi Gamma Mu pin lastj Tuesday, name Alice Leltinen on7 back. Call 5740. 44-45. LOST-White gold filigree bracelet, set with sapphires. Lost on April 1,j near campus. Reward. Call 4751. 43-44-45. LOST-On E. H-uron Street, a diamond ring fastened to the ribb~on strap of j a small Gold watch. Finder please call 7940. Reward. 43-44-45.I LOST-A pair of glasses in a brown case somewhere in south wing ofI University Hall. Call 7-430. 44-45. LOST-A Pecia pearl necklace with diamond clasp. Reward.,Mrs. Lewis. Phone 3004. 44-45. LOST-Square batik scarf at Majestic last Sunday evening. Reward. Phone 21340. 45. LOST-Pair of glasses in or near the gym. Finder please return to Or- mend Drake or call 21380 at 1304 sGeddes. 43-44-45. NOTICE NOTICE JOE PAltR Eit'S4 CAFE Dancing every night dutring suppei' from 6:30 to 8,:00 Private parties our specialty. E. 0.? D..tf. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1,110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 6535. tu, th, sat.-tf. NOTICE-Hats cleaned, shoes repair- ed. Absolutely the most satisfac- tory work in town. Pay us a visit. Washington Shop, 106 E. Washington eod-tf. ANNOUNCEMENT Mine. Anderson's Beauty Shop will be, closed: all this week while she is in Chicago attending the National Hair Dressers Convention. H1er shop will open again Monday, April 112th. 527 E. Liberty. 42-43-44-45-46-47 rA. NASH CO., Golden Yale Tailors Spring Suits and. Topcoats $23.04) Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. TYPE WRITERS IRebuilt and second band of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, 1cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and best service depart- ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORiRILL, E 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store CDealer: L. C. Smith & Corona tf. An extra pair of pants doubles the life of yorur suit, we match any cloth. M. G. WILD, 109 E. Washington E.0. D. PERPETUAL CALENDAR-A magne- tic arrow finds the day of the week for any date. Send 25c ($1 for 5) for this device together with the mathematfcal formula upon which it is based and rule for calculating results mentally. A. C. Washburnre,' Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Wed-tf. NOTICE--Cistern cleaning and cist- ern repairing by expert cistern man, Phone 223.88. 43-44-45 Suits $38-$45, Extra trousers Knickers $10. All custom tailored Fit Guaranteed C. T. DOUKAS, 1319 S. University 43-44-45. SOMETHING New in canvassing. Chance for two in a young comn- pany. Vacation work or permanent. CalYpsi 440. 43-44-45. WANTED Springtime You are sure to findI in this Millinery the Hat that pleases Store. Anna E. Wesch L 206 East Liberty 3 1- !5uaa*Cbtwcb!%ervicez~ FjIRST B1'APTJ I ST .,CHU.1RC..H Hurfton S reet Bietween State -and Division IL EDWARD SAYLES, Minister_ HOWARD IL CHAPMAN, Mnister of University Students SUNDAY, APRIL 11 10:30-Sermon: "Spiritual, Surprises." Mr. Sayles. 12:00-Bible school. Student group at Guild House. 5:30-Young People's Friendship Hour. 6: 30-'Devotional meetinig., "Passing and Abiding Aimis of Life:" Hause, Helent Davis;,Madelyn Kingsley. I Hel Ien ST. PAULS' LUTHERAN CHURCH (:Missouri Synod) Third and West' Huron Streets C. A. BRAUXII, Minister. 9 :00--German service. 10:00-Sunday school and Bible class. 11: 00-English service. Subject: "Paul Before Agrippa," FIRST PRE4SBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Divislon -Stheets MERLE H. ANDERSON, Minister LEWIS C. BEIMANN MRS. NELLIE B. CADWELL Secretaries for Student Work Offices, Lane Hall 9:30--Church school. 10:45-Morning worship with sermon on "The 'Mystery an(thtie Glory of Life." The sacrament of baptism will be administered. 10:45-Kindergarten in church parlors. 12:00-Student school. Discussion led by Howard McCluskey and Mrs. Cadwell. 3:30-Junior "Christian Endeavbr Society. 5:30-Young People's Social Hour. 6:30-Young People's Society Meeting. IF YOIU WANT REAL I cleaning and pressing service at1 reasonable prices Dial 7314 ICHIEElt UP IVAHL'S, 3128 So. MainC t .. YOU MEN who are working your way through Michigan, or who want to earn some worthwhile side money---- READ TIS We are a wide awake organization and we want the part time services of some high grade, wide awake young' man. Ours is not a real estate or peddling Iproposition but an opportunity of real merit, worthy of your prompt investi- gation. Write to-day and tell us of yourself in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeable appointments. Address Box 70, Michigan Daily f WHAT! NO) WOMEN? k Victor Record 19973 { by The Happiness Boys at Schalebprle and Son Music .House f 1 110 So. Main tf. (FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING When your pen fails to work prop- erly, remember that Rider's Pen Shop because of its complete equipment Ibacked by real Pen Makers service, ih the logical place to have it corrected. Every pen we repair, regardless of 'make, receives the same skillful at- tention and all work is guaranteed. No waiting to have it sent to the fac- tory or what is worse, chance of in- jury from inexperienced workman- ship. Rider's Pen Shop Tues., Thur., Sun. tf. A SPECIAL TAILORED SUIT, $35.00 M. W. MIL WARD 332 S. State, over Pratt & Dunn E. 0. D. tf. SUN\DAY, APRIL 18 __ 10:30-Sermon: "Modern Fevetishness." Mr: Sayles. 12:00-Bible schiobl. S tudent group at Guild House. 5: 30-411) young ° tpeople meet at Guild House and go in a group to R Congregational church for social} hour. 1o be followed by an addres's by Dr. Paul Nilson, educator, from Tarsus (birth- place of 'Paul). 1.,-. .._ .. . r .. I :! t UNITARIAN CHURCH State Street at Hluron SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister PHIL '' R. LAIIOWE, Musical Director 4. Anbreinsi ptorapaiulQTfrr4; Corner Division "and Catherine Streets, First Sunday After Easter 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 11:00, A. }r.--IORNING PRAYER. ANDl SERMON BY THE REVERVND HERMAN L. JA)NSDALE. EASTER MUSIC WILL BE SUNG AGAIN AT THIS SERVICE. 6:00 P. M.-Student Supper There will be an Interdenominational Student Supper at the Congregational Church next Sunday evening. 10:45 Morning Service. Rev. Sidney S. Robins will preach. 10: 30-Morning service. "Lead Us Not Into to on:" Subect: Tenipta- Arnold's State St. aeweer Is now carrying a complete line...of foun~ain piens-all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need, come in and see us, we can satisfy you. Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. tf. We pay highest prices for men's used Clothing Call 8040 STUDENTS TAILOR SHOP 1F WANTED-Transitmen, chainmen and r oimen for land surveying around Ann Arbor during the Easter Vaca- tion. Will see applicants in the Michigan Union Building April 9, at 4 P. M. J. J. Murphy. 45 IWANTED-Man or Woman with ex- perience in selling shoes. Apply at office of Mack and Co. tf. WANTD--A first,: class cook open Ifor engagement. Phone 7784. 43-44-45. FOR RENT FOR RENT-One double room and one single room, near Union. 608 E. Jefferson. Phone 8131. 45 FOR RENT-Two first floor rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Sink, gas stove, soft water. 1025 Vaughn St. Phon 5571. 45 FOR RENT-Pleasant room, 514. FCheever Ct. In rear of Union. Dial 8628. 44-45., FOR RENT-Large double room, man. may work for same, also garage. 422 E. Washington. Dial 8544 or 9714. .44-45. - FOR SALE = FOR SALE-1919 Ford roadster, $15: takes it, rear end guaranteed. Call 9571 at noon or at six. 43-44-45. FOR SALE-Trumnphet latest model, Holton. Gold plated in A 1 condi- tion. Call 6063. 44-45. FOR SALE-1923 Ford Roadster, lots I s DISCIPLES Church of Chris Corner 11111 and Tappan KENNETH B. BOWEN, Minister 821 Packard. Phone' 5146. 10:30-"Fair and Warmer." 12:00--Bible school. Students' class taught by Father Iden. 5 :30-Student Social Hour and Lunch. 6 : 30-Forum. I I hZ- E First 'Congregational Ghurc SHERBERT ATCHINSON JUMP, ilnister E. KNOX MITCHELL, Jr., Unirersity Pastor J AYE T BEROTH, Director Aeiigtons ' E ducati on Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer Tues, Thur., Fri., tf. DONALD TIMNIERWAN, MARGARET H. STAIR u ssoeiate Durcedors of Stdetf Activitles 10:30-Mrs. Evelyn Riley Nicholson, National President of the WV. F. M. S., will 'speak. L& 1200-12:45-'Comlbined Student Bible lass at Wesley Fll. 6:00-7 :00-W tesleyaii Guild meeting at Wesley Hall. Sanita Davis will lead.,.; 7:00-7:30--Open house. 7:30)-Evening worship. "Easter Afterglow." Rev. Donald T1inuner- nian willspeak. 10: 45-Howard McClusky will give an address on: "time Obligation of Maturity to Youth." 5:39- Stuident Supper and Fireside Chat. Cynthia Smith will lead a discussion: on: -"Does the Church Reach tihe Right Peoplef" 8:00-Motion picture service.= Constance Bennett in ".Thme.Goose Hangs - Highpm Special Release of Columbia Records featuring Ted Lewis and Fond and Glenn, the Lullaby Boys ALLNE-iDINGER M1USIC SHOP, 305 Maynard 43-45. TYPEWRITING & IM~tEOGRAPIHING Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. 7:30-Candle Light service. to all., Op en 5:30-Union Student Paul Nilson, Ing East"- Sunday, April 18 Supper of all church studenit groups to hear of Tarsus, Asia Minor, on: "Youth inl the Chiang- l- y4 I. , r.._.._..-..-.----- -- I I - r. I- i _. - A I f - - - - I III I I - - I