1?ItYAY, Ar-RT , 9, 1924 TI-Ir, MICH-MAN 'DATLY a a-..avaaMT aavi AM -a TT a A ALWil# )v A v J31 A 4 g I i j' 4' E}4 rIt Ii , 4 ?4 i ti 13 Tr " \ s WAA ELECT HEADS Murray, Smilthl, McNally Will Lead Campus Organizations For Coming Year HUGE BALLOT IS CAST Evelyn Murray, '27, was elected president of the Women's league yes- terday at the annual election held in University hall. Helen Reece, '27, is vice-president. The other ofllcers are as follows: recording secretary, Mar- ian Well-s, '28; corresponding secre- ta#y, Margaret Hawkins, '28; and treasurer, Lucy Seeley, '28. Members of the board of represen- tatives are as follow; seniors, Kath- erine Kelder and Jean Kyer; juniors, Ellen Groff and Elizabeth Nutt; soph- omores, Ellen Grinnell and Cynthia Hawkins. Alice Kellogg, '28, and Laura Osgood, '28, were elected junior members of the judiciary council, and Charlene Shiland, '27, senior member. A high percentage of the women on campus voted, and except in the case1 of the president all of the votes were exceptionally close, in some cases al-1 most tied. Cynthia Smith, '27, was elected pres- ident of the, Y. W. C. A. at the elec- tions held yesterday.. Josephine Nor- ton, '28, vice-president; Mary Ann MacRoberts,.'27, secretary; and ArleneE Unsworth, '28, treasurer. The total dumber of votes cast was 110.} Miss Smith will be unable to attend the national convention of the Y. W. C. A. in Milwaukee during the week after spring vacation and Sarita Da- vis, '27, has been selected to attend in her place. Mrs. F. W. Peterson will also attend the convention with the Michigan delegates. Margaret McNally, '27, was elected president of W. A. A. The otheroffic- ers are, vice-president, Frances Dun-r newind, '27Ed.; secretary, Mary Alls- house, '27Ed.; and treasurer, Arlene Unsworth, '28. More than 80 members of W. A. A. voted in the elections,r which was a much better representa- tion than last year's elections, accord- ing to Myra Finsterwald, '27Ed., this I year's president. Pictures of the can- didates were posted during the week in Barbour gymnasium. SLEEP REPLACES EIGHT O'CLOCKS' FOR VACA TIONER For the making of good resolutions the period just preceding vacation time is as popular with the college student as is New Years. Such right- eous indignation when a fellow stu- dent dares to doubt the statement "I am sure going to get caught up over vacation." It might he wise to fol-' l low through the actions that follow this oft-repeated declaration. Friday afternoon, April 9, is devot-1 ed to hurried collection of all one's borrowed clothes and books, and to a still more hurried packing of same. April 10 is Saturday, the first day of rest; and such a golden opportun-1 ity to shop. Sunday, April 11, arrives -the ordained day of peace, and when is there a combination of both stu- dies and peace? Monday, one sleeps late just for the joy of forgetting 1"8 o'clocks." The day is devoted to social obligations which one can notl possibly overlook. Tuesday: just thel day for getting started on that 3,000' Sword thesis. Down to the library one goes in search of a certain reference. "Not in? Pshaw, now I must put that off until later." Mental reserva- tion to inquire once more on Thurs- day. Tremendously useful afternoon spent at the theater instead. Wednes- (lay: the gang has arranged for a S"peach" of a progressive dinner which will begin at 5:40 o'clock. Thursday. Another trip to the library in quest of the reference proves futile; however, one picks up an excellent novel by Van Vechten. Friday is the day (led-c icated to the various relatives of the' family. Saturday: a few odds and !ends that must be bought; a few friends that must be seen; a few ar- rangements that must be made. Sunday, packing and general read-! iness for return trip; a little rest be- fore the awful grind begins again. Sunday afternoon and evening com- prises a gala occasion spent with dad at the club. MONDAY morning, April 19: the sad scene of a student so en- grossed in study that he has entirely forgotten his noontime meal. Ah That map completed for history. Mon- day night: the sweet simple farewell. Tuesday morning-br-r-ing: 7:40 o'- clock-the eternal weary arisal. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified columns.-Adv. Teaching And Social ServiceI Work Is Popular With Graduates Evidence that Michigan graduates last year's class went into journalism. utilize their university educations for Reports showed that two or three wo- practical and economical purposes has men were working in publishing been shown in the sreceived houses, department stores, libraries, erepliesr iand insurance offices. Two were em-s from the questionnaires sent by the ployed as chemists, and one as an' vocational guidance committee of the architect. Women's league to women who gradu- Women who graduated last June ob- ated in June 1925. Tfe object of the tained their positions in various ways.{ investigation is to obtain accurate in- About 30 received appointments formation concerning the positions through friends, and 20 of those 30 held by women, how they obtain them, positions were as teachers. The Uni-I what subjects in college prove most versity of Michigan, has only placed beneficial, what is the prospect for 15 out of 145 graduates in positions. advancement, and the average salary The department of sociology, supplied women are receiving. seven women with work in the social Recipients of the questionnaires service profession.I were asked to give information per- taining to the above questions. Of SOFIA. - Bulgaria is in the throes the 145 women who replied 138 were of a serious economic crisis. actively engaged in some sort of work or profession. Eighty-eight were em- Patronze Daily Ayvertisers.-Adv. ployed as teachers, and 10 were in social service work. :tiiiililiiliIiItiNNNIII iimii At the beginning of last fall one-half - of the freshman and sophomore wo- - men stated on thearegistration blanks E that they were interested in newspa- per work. But only three women of I= INESTLE-LAN X Select Cast For A. manager for interclass baseball ,charge of interclass baseball. 4 for the season beginning Tedy Both first' and second class' teams Freshman PageantApril 20. Practices will be held T"*es-* dyand Thursday, at 4 o'clock for wl be chosen, and later in the sea- junior and sophomore women, and at son a class tournament, will be held. Elaine Vaupell has been selected for 5 o'clock for freshmen and seniors. A regular indoor baseball, a large, soft the part of the "Jester" in the Fresh-' Miss Laurie Campbell, of the physical ball will be used in all practices 'and man pageant, the wise fool who shows education department, will be in games. three young maidens enacted by Eliza- I beth Wellman, Marian Widman, and Kathryn Dexter, the joys and sorrows of every life. Out of more than 100 tryouts, 831 freshman women have been picked to l Tailoreda H as take part in the pageant, including W the choruses and the principals. Be-! sides the "Jester" Velma Johnson, as for your trip home. "Fear" has the only other solo part, in the production. Peanuts, Bangkoks Rehearsals will begin immediately after spring vacation, and will be an- -rocheted traws nounced in The Daily..A ' rte' --~ 14.r A n th nA A INTER'CASBSBL Harriet Donaldson, '27, Is the W. A. ERT ITT Emma B. Specialty Hat Shop - - -r . ANNOUNCEMENTI Terrace Garden Dancingk Studio will be open daily during "Spring Vacation." ' . Learn to dance now. Wej teach all Modern, Fancy, Ballet, Stage and Ballroom dancing. Any appoint-: ment between 10 a. in. and 10 p. in. Phone 8328. , NOV Open 22 Wuertli Start PERMANENT WAVING AT MODERATE PRICES r 9 French Paper , Wave - Expert Marcelling - Rainwater .Shampoos-Manicuring-Facial and Scalp Treatments- Marinello and E. Burnham Cosmetics.' STODDARD HAIR SHOP 707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 s ,:13 I~llllimii 1111tiilDIm11111llttlllilllmlll11iil (UI t1tNElH -111 1: r "P OSITFIVE c AG ITATION --that's the big revolutionary contribution no* made to the world by the oldest 'and liret maker of electric cleaners in Hair Cutting to Suit Personality [1 .I S41 F( ) ji x, { ' k; r Ydl. Wcu4t~ neon tLO~O tII 'bAI..I v2#±1 ;he most advanced step in 'hosiery making of the century" j A i .e h jCrp' _ Subtly effective Shadow KNThat Invest Tour Ankles VWith a Distinctive and Exclusive Note Two subtly effective shadows, each side of th& heel, invest your ankles with a new beauty and grace, that gives a distinctive and exclusive note. A triumph in hosiery art achieved for the first time in the creation of Gordon V'Line Expressly designed to meet the demands of the woman of fashion, the graceful effect of Gordon V-Line is achieved through artistic contrast in ,light anid shade. In the sheer chiffons, featuring all the newest tints, the Gordon V-Line is nkw featured in our hosiery VLneisacheveddepartisent.i MISS FANDREI MIRROR BEAUTY PARLOR Cutting Apartments State at Monroe Phone 935 Special on Monday and Shampoo and $1.25 L t ROSES It's the farthest step ever taken in thedesignof elec tric cleaners-a step which will completely revolu- tionize household clean- ing. Here is a Hoover that will remove 101% more dirt, in the same cleaning time, than the Hoover you know. See The Greater Hoover at once! You'll be fascinated, amazed, enthusiastics It's the most marvelous clean&i ever devised. See it today ,or phone us far frii h7 e demonstra on. 'Samreasy Termsn! (Third Floor) - 'U i tsN. Tuesday Wave S. i 11 Wal kc- Over Parelnent Calf with Snake Skin Trimnning ' l ., r( :.:.. i , << -_ --- ' __t t Our entire stock of Cut Flowers, about 1700 beautiful roses, all colors and lengths, value from $2 to $5 per doz. Special for Saturday Only per dozen Free delivery. Use your credit-it is always good at our store. t $10.00 I1 I 1 Shoes-like their wearers- show more beauty than ever Walk-Over shoes keep pace with the vogue for less and less in clothes. In the new Walk-Overs, nothing inter- feires with the revealed beauty of ankle and instep. Straps are gone, or 'edmceJ to a tiny, thin and dainty leather ribbon. Yet, as they show and help you show more ;jeanty z: an ever, Wak-Over quality makes these ordonil -1 fLINE T -TD 3 m Ta I 1 ii i ° i