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April 09, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-04-09

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THK 1'TCHTCIAM flATLY * ~~~£~ J .f A..

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I+'EID Y~ 1, Alltij 9, i.u


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members .of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the usefor republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwisel
credited in this paper and tke local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffico at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of pQstage granted by Third Assistant Post-
* master General.
* 4Subscription by carrier. $S3.5e; by nisil,
Offices:eAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
ntard Street.
Phones: ZditorIaI, 42!: Ikaess 3s.14.
Telephone 4921
Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman . Thal
City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor..........Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor.......Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor.............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor, ......... William Walthour
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Ikin OlianFrederick H. Shillito
Gertrude Bailey Harriett Levy
Charles Behynier Ellis Merry
Gvorge 'Berneik Dorothy Morehouse
William Breyer Margaret Parker
'iiliW 1 C Brooys Stanford N. Phelps
Farnum'Btckighafi Archie Robinson
Stratton Buck Simon Rosenbaum
Carl Burger. Wilton Simpson
Edgar Carter Janet Sinclair
]oseph Chamberlain Courtland Smith
Ivleyer: Cohen Stanley Steinko
Carleton Champe Louis Tendler
Douglas Doubleday Henry Thurnau
E4u gene H. Gutekunst -David C. Vokes
Andrew Goodman Marion Wells
:ares T. Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Ruissell Mitt Thomas C. Winter
Aliles jKimnball Marguerite Zilske
Karion Kubik
Telephone 31214
Advertising ..........Joseph J. Finn
Advertising..........-..Rudolph Botelmaln
Advertising.... .......Win. L. Mullin
Advertising......Thomas D. Olmnsted, Jr.
Circulaton......... .....James R. DePuy
3ublication...........Frank R. Tentz, Jr.
Accounts ................. Paul W. ArnoldI

a potent example of .the haphazard-
ness of its appropriations is worth
much more than that, both to them
and to the nation at large. They said
nothing, but they must have thought
of the hundreds of thousands rand mil-
lions of dollars that are annually. ap-
propriated "for political reasons."
They may even have thought of the
Italian debt settlement.
Contests in the knowledge of cur-1
rent events, such as that now being
sponsored by the New York Times,
and in which the University, along
with ten other prominent institutions,
has been invited to take part, should
go far toward stimulating a keen in-
terest in current topics and make for
a wider understanding and apprecia-
tion of the various movements which
constantly attract the interest of peo-
ples of the earth. Preparation for
such a contest would in itself con-
stitute a liberal education in world-
affairs. As such it should attract

Rumors which have been surging!
about this campus for several days
have been verified by this department.
The most popular one, which had it
that the Board of Regents had held a
special meeting .and voted to start the
Spring vacation this afternoon be-
cause of the Flu and Shoe epidemics,
is true.I
At a special meeting last Thursday
night it was decided that as long as
the Stadium matter couldn't be set-,
tied, something might as well be, so
the vacation was advanced to today.-
There was very little debate on the
matter since both the members were
very tired after a hard day of golf.
Tie others .are said to have wired
their votes-collect.
Although the Flu epidemic is nowI





from. he Uniersitywhichis prod---------------
from the University, which is proud tinder control, the Shoe disease isI
of its long and brilliant .record in rapidly getting no better. Thousands
other activities, athletic and intel- of students have coupons on their
lectual, a large field of contestants. hands and the rest of them have
Signal honor has been done the tni- shoes. The situation seems critical,
versity by those conducting the con- and sincetthe Universitycannot have
test in inviting it, as one of two rep- recourse to law, it was decided that a
resentatives of the vast area west of vacation vould be the only possible
the Appalachian chain, to take part in solution.
the test . It requires that the Univer- * * *
sity be Well represented. . . SIR TOBY TIFFIN,
With the development of "knowl- ICIIIAN DAILY,
edge of the events of the world today, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.
and the ability to express one's inter-,HAVE DISCOVERED BOOZE PLACE
pretation of those events" as its goal, IIN TOWN STOP WOULD TAKE
the contest is of prime interest; the HERCULES TO THROW STONE
entrance of many competitors in it FROM ENGINEERING ARCH TO
will indicate a healthy tendency in THIS JOINT STOP ADDRESS ON
the much maligned collegiate world. REQt$ST S T 0 P FIRST T E N
Aside from the facts that the repu- DRINKS GET FREE BONUS STOP
tation of the University is more or PLAIN OR FANCY CASKET STOP
less involved, and that, the contest NICK.
being an annual event, the standing * * *
of each institution will be cumulative SPRINGI
from year to year, the prizes-250 for 1
the institutional winner and $500 for It seems to me
the contest winner-should encourage That a poem
a large number to take part in this Like this
new form of intercollegite competi- Is pretty good
tion. For weather like this
__________________________ FYou know, hi
Sort ofe Tt
S C MPUS OPINION Ii Rotten. That's

TONIGHT: Robert B. Mantell in1
Bulwer-Lytton's "Richellei" at the
Whitney Theatre at S o'clock.
* * *
A review, by Kenneth Wickware.
One can hardly say in this case that
there is a delightful new play by oneI
Will Shakespeare (who, by the way,
shows extraordinary promise as a
rising dramatist) that is called "Ham-
let," and which was charmingly pre-
sented on the boards of the Whitney'
theater last night by Mr. Mantell's
company of players, with Mr. Mantell
himself in the title role. No, the play
is too much tried, and the players too
experienced in their art, to require
any kind of youthful bowing-in. All
that need properly be said has been
said many times before this, and un-
der the weight of far greater author-
But the play "Hamlet" as it is ordi-
narily thought of, and as it was pre-
sented in modern form last night, may
be two quite different things. As
many people know, "Hamlet" has
been recently done in modern dress
'at one of the New York theaters, and
with some considerable measure of
success; and the significant attempt
of Mr. Mantell's company last night
has been accorded at least a similar
kind of good fortune.
To one seeing such a. presentation
for the first time, there is bound to be
no small amount of genuine surprise
at the innate modernness of the piece.
To the person who has 'read even I
sparingly inthe works of Plato and
'Sophocles and William Shakespeare,
there is little necessity for being re-
minded that ancient and medieval
writers did not lack for ideas which
I today seem highly "modern." High
art is almost perfect truth, and the
elements of which it is compounded
do not change greatly from age to
age. These are the stuffs of life, and
are asnrecognizable to you, to thetAl-
derman, or the corner Grocer as they
Wre to the groundlings and the noble
1 les and gentlemen of a bygone
age. The efficacy of the emotional sit-
uations has not been appreciably im-
paired by the passage of time; even
the jests are not nearly so rusty as
one might think. Only the veriest
quips, too much dependent upon pass-
ing fashion, fall by the way; and
these a're few indeed,-for the very
change of manners seems but a re-
volving cycle, with the same gadgets
appearing again and again.'
In spite of difficulties, Mr. Mantell'sI
performance igas singularily convinc-
ing, as was the production as a whole.
His lines were spoken with a natural-
ness and sheer sense that must be the
despair ofmany a younger actor, and
which lends a pleasant anticipation to
tonight's "Richelieu" and tomorrow's
"Merchant of Venice."
* * *
The Comedy Club production of
Bernard Shaw's four act comedy "You1
Never Can Tell" is scheduled for the
first week following the spring vaca-
tion. From the standpoint of the
theatre Shaw has never written a

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1 - - _

George H. Annable, Jr.
'W. Carl Bauer
John I. obrink
Starnley S. Coddington
W. J. Cox
Marion A. Daniel
Mary Flinterman
Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth IHaved
II arold Holmes
Oscar A. Jose

Frank Mosher
F. A. Norquist
Loleta G. Parkes
David Perrot
Robert Prentiss
Win. C. Pusch
Naive Solomon'
Thomas Sunderland
Win. J. Weinman
Margaret Smith
Sidney Wilson


W l~iLs" !!. i. .\,)1
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of -communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.


To the Editor:
f RIDAY, APRIL 9, 19g6 Anent recent editoriols and com-'
Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON ments appearing in your columns,1
may I ask a question: Is the elmina-
T pc f o itionof life insurance precautions the
most advisable method by which to
aced every hour by this Italian 1 get rid of that pernicious institution,
dictator and the armed mob sup- death? One might think so. Why,
porting him. The statements of one wonders, do leagues for the per-
this man, Mussolini, who has per
manent institution of peace, leagues
overthrown his own government i for the prevention of war, etc., adopt
and refuses to recognize any po as their sole procedure (evidently)
litical party except that of the vigorous attacks on our necessary and
Italian Ku Klux Kann, has a sins- I7quite conservative military precau-
ter meaning. The Italian settle- tions? Perhaps it would not be out!
ment is a practical repudiation of of place in this regard to offer a brief
three-fourths of the debt and bears description of such precautions. !
no similarity to the British set- At present, the chief preparative
tle nt."-Senator Reed, Mis policy of the War Department is to
souri. acquire on its records a list irepre-
senting men trained as carefully,
WOMEN IN TIHE POOL!!! j completely, and competently as pos-
Opening of the Union swimming I sible to hold in reserve as potential
pool to the use of women students leaders for any major emergency that
and boys of University high school' may present itself,-the reserve offi-
during certain hours, should, by in- cers' list. One may with justice' rep-
creasing interest, have a stimulating =resent this as the chief policy of that
effect upon swimming and aquatic department; into this course of action
sports generally. Viewed in that the main substance of its financial
light, and also from the point of view j appropriation is directed, in the eff-
that the new: arrangement should cient training of men for the reserve
make for increased use of the pool, list, the energies of all active arms of
the action of the Union directors is the service are directly engaged. Since
laudable. the War Department assumes that the
The pool 'represents an investment average university student is the best
of thousands of dollars, collected over possible choice as a potential leader,
a period of many years in the "finish t a Reserve Officers' Training Corps is
the pool" campaigns which were organized for the selection and train-
waged on the campus and among the ing of college men, to be the-Arnain
alumni. That the return on the in- source of this program.
vestment may be as large as possible, In spite of the fact that such a pro-
not only in terms of money, but also gram has so far completely demon-
as measured in hours of recreation, strated its efficacy and desirability,
it should be worked on as near a "full a both from the standpoint of the men
time capacity" basis as possible, and 'who have gone through the course of
any action which seeks to do this de- training and from that of 'results ob-
serves the whole hearted support of tained, it is now being assaulted in
the student body. pell-mell fashion by those who avow
It only remains for students, par- as their general aim the abolition of!
ticularly the women, to take advan- all war. I wonder if representative
tage of the opportunities offered for public opinion in this country would
increased use of the pool to stamp the consent to the c'omplete elimination 1
action of the Union directors as com- of all military precautions, and doubt
Spetely wise and successful. However, very much that it would.
it frequently happens that once a In the Great War thousands of men
privilege is extended, it is no longer lost their lives as a result of military
sought. Women who take delight in ignorance and very insufficient train-
w'ater sports have long been interest- ing of the quickly "trained" officers
ed in having the pool thrown open who led them. A repetition is, of
for their use. This interest should course, quite undesirable, but appar-
not now wane. ently necessary for effect. The Euro-
pean system of training the masses is
A CONGRESSIONAL "REWARD" not a feasible or even desirable poli-
When Congress refused to finance cy; training of the few for leadership
411-- ,..:, ,_... -0 - -

The word-rotten
But to tell
The truth,
The fact remains,
That it uses
Space-its saving grace.
* * *
It seems to me
That this sort
Of thing
Is a good criterian
Of early Spring.
(nice word, criterian)
Everyone knows
By this time, I guess,
What kind of a Spring-
A terrible mess.
* * *
Dear Toby:

'W' rii



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Reviewers, in criticizing this work, more amusing comedy, and, although
will say, in apology for its rottenness, it is not of the farcial nature of
that it is a 'first attempt,' and will "Great Catherine," it is imbued with
doubtless be followed by other and ! the same sparkling humor that madef
better things. the former play so popular. The cast'
That however, is where I fool them; is an excellent one, and the director
for it is not a first attempt-in fact it is Mr. J. Raleigh Nelson.
is the fruit of years of labor, and I * * *
know that if any more poems follow "JOHN GABRIEL BORKMAN"
this one, they will be, not better, as A review, by Vincent Wall.
critics hope, but worse-far worse. A tempest in a teapot-gripping,
--GNIK. powerful; Ibsen with a new touch.
* * * There are ways -and ways of produc-
ADRIFT ON THE OCEAN ing Ibsen. One of them is to start
A Play, In Not Quite One Act. from the curtain with an impression
Characters: E of gloom, and finish with a morbid
Addison Simms (of Seattle) suggestion of hopeless tragedy; and
Jim (the Mennen Man) combine this with a tradition for the
Jack (the I. C. S. boy) supernatural.
The Bridesmald (of Halitosis) I But Eva Le Gallienne shattered all
Phil"(with Personality plus) previous conceptions. "John Gabriel
Scene: Aboard the Lusitania on its Borkman" was treated as a normal
last voyage in 1915. play and the tragedy of ruined lives
Addison : It seems to me I've met you was allowed to develop in a normal
somewhere before. manner. There remained, it is true,
Jim: It must have been just after I the atmosphere of glooni-desolate
finished shaving. I had that healthy and Victorian. Yet there was a subtle
glow on my face. If we only hadR suggestion of the psychological in-
jack. jected into the drama that made it
Jack: Here I am, but I'm flat broke. even more 'real and even more tragic
I just lost my job. The boss said I in that stark reality.
was doing too much reading during The play is built around the ruined
office hours. lives of an estranged family; and
Bridesmaid: Even my best friend from the wreck of that happiness!
wouldn't tell me and I was again Ibsen has created a masterpiece of
left deserted -at the altar. tragedy, There is the conflict of
Phil: (shaking hands with everybody. wills. John Gabriel's unpardonable
His face wears a beaming smile and sin is the betrayal of the sacred trust
personality just radiates from his of friendship; and Ella Rentheim's
features.) Phil's my name. I want conviction that the unpardonable sin
to know everybody here. is the sacrifice of a woman's love for
Addison: Take my course and re- ambition. And add to this the struggle
member all your debts. of two women for a man's soul, and
Jin: Try my shaving cream and have the tragedy of the defeat for both.
a close shave. There are occasional moments of
Jack: Come down to the post office pure melodrama, and the most typical
when you get back to town and of these is the curtain of the first act.
meet the alumni. The wife and the husband who have
Bridesmaid: Try Listerine and your neither seen nor spoken to each other


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