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April 09, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-04-09

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Written Statements Of Chicagoans
Advocating Moderation
Are Offered
(By Associated Press)
Liberalization of the Volstead act as
a means of checking crime and as an
i4citive for New York state to adopt
Wq laws of its own were urged today
before a Senate committee at the
fourth day's presentation of the wet
sige of the prohibition issue.'
Winding up two days of testimony,
United States District Attorney Buck-
ner,of New York city, proposed modi-
1lation as an inducement for New
York state to reenact an enabling act
which would permit its poice to co-
operate with the federal agencies in
enforcing the law.
Modifleation to check the spread of
crime, insanity, and sale of poisonous
liquor was advocated in statements
ftpI4 with the committee by George
E.Brennan, Democratic national com-
ritteeman from Illinois, and Anton J.
Cermak, heading an official committee
from Cook county and Chicago.
although both came here from Chi-
cago to appear in person, neither Mr.
Brennan, who is the Democratic can-
didate for senator from Illinois, nor
Mr. Cermak, took the stand, submit-
tginstead written statements andl a
lpng list of statistics. These were
offered in the record by Julien Cod-
man, of Boston, counsel for the wets.
Wants Maclinery From Congress
District Attorney Buckner, the only
winess heard at the two-hour session,
expressed the view that he could en-
force prohibition if given the neces-
nary machinery and if Congress would
poyide for police court instead of jury
trials for"petty offenders." If jury
trials-are required, Mr. Buckner said,
85 'additional district judges for his
district, with accompanying district
attorneys, clerks, marsballs, stenog-
rahers, and a total enforcement force
of, 1,500 dry agents would be needed.
-Machinery for the whole state of
NewYork, he estimated, would cost;
$75,000,000 annually if all trials were
by juries and $8,000,0000 if "petty of-
fenders" were tried by commissioners
without juries. He advocated the lat-
ter method of trial, declaring that this
would greatly facilitate the disposi-
tion of cases.-
Protesting against the proposal that
1e dry law should pay for its own
enforcement, Mr. Buckner said this
would be a bad situation; that the
treasury should collect revenue and
the department of justice enforce the
Jail sentences rather than fines
were urged by the district attorney
as the most effective way of bringing
a~hout observance of the prohibition
aws. He asserted that hundreds of
thousands of "white-collar men" in
Nev York, who now buy liquor, would
cease if arrest were certain.I
Iigher salaries for prohibition
agents in order to raise the character
of the men employed also were urged
by, Mr. Buckner, who said an agent
with a family could not live on his
$,000 salary in New York city.
Ann Arbor To See
"Great Catherine"
Again On April 16
gince there have been repeated de-
mands for an extra performance in
Ann Arbor of Bernard Shaw's "Great
Catherine" which the Comedy club is
presenting throughout the state du-
ing spring vacation, two performanc-
es, a matinee and evening perform-
ance will be given Friday, April 16,
in the Mimes theater.
In the recent run of eight perform-
ances of "Great Catherine," patrons
were turne away at each perform-
ance, and a further showing will be
necessary to satisfy the demands for
seats, according to Comedy club of-
ficials. Tickets for the Ann Arbor pre-
sentation, as well as those on the
road, may be obtained at the office of

the Alumnae council in Alumni Mem-
orial hall. The production is being
but on the road for the benefit of the
Women's league building fund.
Our WVeaerMan

Eight universities in England
and one in Scotland have been
placed on the itinerary of the
Michigan debate team which will
go abroad in May, a letter re-
ceived yesterday from the Amer-
ican University union in London
inforned Prof. Thomas C. True-
blood, of the public speaking de-
The schools so fa'r placed on
the schedule are: Bristol, Cam-
bridge, Leeds, Liverpool, Man-
chester, Oxford, Sheffield, and
Exeter in England, and St. An-
drews in Scotland. An attempt
will be made to arrange debates
with the universities of Glasgow
and Edinburgh.
The letter from London stated
that most of the schools show a
( preference for the question,
"Resolved: that this House views
with alarm the entrance of wo-
men into the learned professions
and statecraft." Only one or
( two schools have selected to
( meet the Michigan debaters on
the issue, "Resolved: that this
I-louse opposes the growing ten-
dency of government to invade
( the rights of the individual."
The Michigan team is compos-
ed of E. R. Gomberg, '27, Wil-
liam King, '27L, and Gerald
White, '27. Accompanied by
Prof. R. I?. T. Hollister, of the
public speaking department, the
trio will sail May 1 from Mon-
treal on the steamer S. S. Re-
gina. The return trip will be
made by way of New York.


Oratory Marks Discussion Of Senate
Contest Between Iowa
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 8.-With the
hope of the two contestants in the
Iowa senatorial contest rising and
falling on the wave of oratory that
has engulfed the Senate for four days,
debate continued today unslacked.
Senate leaders will try to shut off
discussion to get a vote before the
week-end, but they fear it may run
into next week.
Meanwhile, various senators are
conducting polls of the Senate, with
each one showing a close vote. One
poll gave Senator Brookhart, the Re-
publican incumbent, a majority of five
votes, while another gave Daniel S.
Steck, his Democratic opponent, a
majority of two.
Supporters of Senator Brookhart to-
day declared openly that they were
disturbed over the rumors of White
House influence against Brookhart.
Denial that the President had ex-
pressed any wishes in the case was
made by Senator Butler, Republican,
Massachusetts, chairman of - the Re-
publican national committee, Senator
Curtis, the Republican, leader, and
others.During much of the discus-
sion today, Frank W. Stearns, per-
p sonal friend of the President, sat in
the gallery in the President's row.
The claim of Senator Brookhart to
his seat was defended by Senators
Reed, Pennsylvania, and Bingham,
Connecticut, Republicans, and it was
assailed by Senator George, Democrat,
Georgia, who declared that even if
Brookhart is given every vote that he
claims, Steck still would have a ma-
I ority of 22 votes.
Law School Plans
First Founders'
Day Celebration
Founders' Day will be observed by
the Law school for the first time on
Friday, April 23, with a dinner in the
Lawyers' club. A student committee
is in charge of the banquet, and it is
expected ,that the affair will be made
i an annual one on the Law schook cal-
Marvi E. Rosenberry, '93, justice of
the Supreme court of Wisconsin, will
give the principal address of the eve-
ning. Justice Rosenberry spoke at the
Coif banquet two years ago. Chief
Justice John E. Bird, of the Michigan
Supreme court, will also be present
and will speak briefly. Honorary
members of the Lawyers' club, faculty
members of the Law school, and law
students have been extended an invi-
tation to attend.
The banquet will take place in the

25 Singers, 6 Orchestra Men, Mayor
Campbell Will Compose
Touring throughout the mid-westrer
j states during the entire spring vaca-
f tion, 34 members of the Michigan Glee
club will entrain at 2:26 o'clock this
afternoon for Chicago where the first
Sconcert will be given tonight in the
! City club. The company will tour in
a special' pullman on the trip until
they'reach Toledo on April 19, return-
ing to Ann Arbor by bus from that
Twenty-five men compose the regu-
lar Glee club, and six men make up
the orchestra which plays on the pro-
gram each night. Dwight Steere, '26,
is accompanist in the concert and also
acting director. Mayor Robert A.
Campbell, of Ann Arbor, will accom-
pany the musicians as the University
The complete itinerary was an-
nounced, by Kurt J. Kremlick, '26, gen-
eral manager of the company, yester-
day as follows: Friday, April 9 in the
City club, Chicago; Saturday, April
10, in the Hoyt-Sherman place, Des
Moines; Monday, April 12, in West-
port high school, Kansas City; Tues-
day, April 13, in the Crawford theater,
Wichita; Wednesday, April 14, in Tul-
sa high school, Tulsa; Thursday, April
15 in Memphis; Friday, April 16, in
the Woman's club, Louisville; Satur-
day, April 17 in Dayton; and, Monday
April 19, in Scott high auditorium,
Alumni Will Entertaln
The first Sunday of the trip will be
spent in Kansas City, where the club
will be shown points of interest in
the city and be entertained by the
alumni of the University at dinner
followed by a theater party. The com-
pany will be in Dayton on the second
Sunday. In practically every city on
the itinerary, entertainment either be-
fore or after the concert is being pro-
vided by alumni of the University. A
dance will be given in the Elks club in
i Kansas City on Tuesday, and in the
Akdar Shrine building in Tulsa on
Familiar Michigan songs, both clas-
sical and popular, form the major part
of the concert, "The Victors," "Var-
sity," "Goddess of the Inland Seas,"
"In College Days," "The Bum Army,"
and the "Yellow and Blue" being in.-
cluded on every program. Barre Hill,
'26, will offer a group of baritone
solos, included in which are "Remem-
brance," by Frank Taber, '18, a song
dedicated to Hill; he will also sing
"The 'T'oreador Song," from "Carmen".
Otto Koch, '27, will sing the "Friar's
'Song." The second number on the
concert will be a group of popular
melodies by the Glee club quartette.
The company will return to Ann
Arbor in time for the opening of
school on April 20.


"t Henry L. Mencken, edito# of the
American Mercury, the April edition
- of which1 was recently suppressed in
Bostcn, and which w s suppressed
yesterday in Ingham county, Michi-
gan, in which Lansing is located.
Y Michigan Tour
Arranged For
25 Foreigners
3 Under the leadership of Carlton F.
Wells of the rhetoric department, 25
' foreign students on the University
campus will leave next Monday morn-
ing on the annual foreign student tour
4 of Michigan. The tour will include a
visit to five prominent cities of the
state: Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand
Rapids, Lansing, and Flint.
The purpose of the tour is to fam-
iliariz - foreign students studying at
the University with industry and
I home life in this country. This will
be accomplished by taking trips
{ through industrial plants in the va-
rious cities to be visited and having
1 the students entertained in American
Word was received this week from
Flint that the "M" club of that city
will have charge of the program when
the delegation from Michigan is en-
I tertained there. In the other cities
entertainment is being provided under
the direction of the alumni associa-
tions cooperating with the Chamber
of Commerce.
The Postum Cereal company, Battle
( Creek, will entertain the tourists when
they are in that city Monday after-
noon. In the evening the Batte Creek{
sanitarium will entertain them at din-
" ner. At Lansing the party will visit
tha Michigan State college and theF
state capitol building. In Kalamazoo
the party will be taken through sev-
eral of the large paper mills there,
while in Grand Rapids some of thej
furniture factories will be visited.
Mr. Wells said yesterday that addi-
tional foreign students desiring to
make the trip would be able to make
arrangements by calling him either
today or tomorrow. The group will
return to Ann Arbor on April 17.

National Press Club Building Begun;
Abbot And Gunnison Also
Deliver Addresses
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 8.-The first
Pan-American congress of journalists
opened its session to day, the dele-
gates from twenty-one American re-
publics listening to an address by
President Coolidge in which he urged
them to assist in cementing the friend-
ship of the peoples of the western
It was the first of two speeches by
the President during the day, the
other being delivered at the laying of
the cornerstone of the national press
club building, with many of the visit-
ing newspapermen again his auditors.
The President expressed hope that
the congress would hold frequent
meetings which he said would react
o the betterment of relations between
North and South Americans. He pre-
dicted that this first congress would
result in a more accurate picture of
Latin America, being presented by the
newspapers of this country, while the
southern republics would in like man-
ner learn more of the United States.
When the President concluded, the
congress opened discussion of the
"press and international relations,"
with Jorge Mitre, editor of La Nacion
of Buenos Aires, one of the leading
newspapers in South America, em-
phasizing that the Latin point of view
to be borne in mind is a "natural pred-I
ilection of the race to politics." He
added that news for foreign dissemi-
nation should be selected so as to give
a. more just idea of national life of
the American peoples.
Willis J. Abbot, of the Christian Sci-
ence Monitor, and Herbert Gunnison,
of the Brooklyn Eagle, as well as sev-
eral editors from South America also
addressed the congress.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, April 8.-The tentative
plans for the erection and mainten-
ance of a proposed Egyptian museum
for which he has offered $10,000,000
were made public today by John D.
Rockerfeller, Jr.
It remains with the Egyptian gov-
ernment to say whether it will accept
or reject his offer, he said. The plans'
call for a new and more adequate
building for Egyptological exhibits at
Cairo, and connected with it another
building for scientific research.
Dr. James Henry Breasted, promi-
nent historian of the University of
Chicago faculty, who has been Mr.
Rockerfeller's representative to King
Fuad the First in broaching his plan,
sailed from Cairo today, it was said,
leaving the entire matter for the
Egyptian cabinet to decide. Dr.
Breasted is expected to confer with
Mr. Rockefeller when he arrives here
Slater this month.
Souren Paul, '27, won the campus
checker title Wednesday night when
he defeated Arnold Grim, '28L, in the
finals of the Union tournament.
Joseph Neuss, '29M, defeated Walter
Goldwater, '27, last night for the cam-
pus chess title.

(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, April 8.-Organized
efforts to modify the Volstead I
jAct are serving to make prohibi-
tion enforcement possible, in the
jopinion of Henry Ford, who de-j
votes "Mr. Ford's page" in this
week's issue of the Dearborn j
Independent to a discussion of I
modification of the dry law. j
The Detroit motor manufac- I
t uner says history usually meansj
"studying books" but that "we
do not get very far with history
in the books unless we have a
sense of present events.' ,
"Some people write and speak
as if great movements were de- j
pendent solely on the pro-parti-
sans and not at all on the con-
partisans. Take for example,j
prohibition. Many think thatj
the movement for de-alcoholized j
humanity depends solely on thej
efforts of those who favor prohi-
bition. This is surely a partial j
"The wets, so-called, are as[
much a part of the prohibition
movement as the drys and it willj
be the wets who at last will
make the country dry.j
"Is this a paradox? Not at all. I
Only the exaggerations and ex-
cesses of the wets can put across
a dry campaign. If this had been
a sober country we should never !
have had prohibition. If the
liquor business had been fortu-
nate enough to have had any
brainy leadership, the question j
would probably have been settled
in a different manner."

Dr. Suzzallo, Washington University t
President, To Appear Before c
Education Assembly i
Dr. Henry Suzzallo; president of
the University of Washington, will ad- s
dress the assembly of the School of r
Education at 4:00 o'clock, Wednesday, c
April 21, in the University high school '
auditorium. According to Dean Allen w
S. Whitney, of the School of Educa- l
tion, Mr. Suzzallo is one of the out- e
standing leaders in educational
thought in America. P4
Dr. Suzzallo received his A.B. de- P
gree from Stanford university in 1899, C
A.M. degree from Columbia university 1
in 1902, Ph.D. from the same institu- 1
tion in 1905, and LL.D. degree from c
the University of California in 1918. T
He was a professor of education at s
Stanford university from 1902 to 1907, i
and from 1907 to 1915 he was a pro-
fessor of educational sociology at
Columbia university. In May, 1915, ne
was elected to the presidency of the
University of Washington.
From 1917 to 1919, Dr. Suzzallo was
chairman of the Washington State
Council of Defense, and in 1918 was I
appointed wage umpire for the na-
tional Wad Labor board. He is a mem-J
ber of the Washington State Board of h
Education, is a trustee of the Carnegie ,
Foundation for the Advancement of'
Education, and since 1920 has beenb
an elector for the Hall of Fame.
Dr. Suzzallo is a member of the ed i-
toi'al lboard of the IndependentInter-
weekly, and since 1909 has been edi-
tor of the Riverside Educational Mon- j
ographs. He is also a contributor to
educational magazines. He is a mem-t
ber of the National Institute of Social
Sciences, the Royal Society of Litera-
ture, the American Academy of Poli-
tical and Social Science, the National.
Society of Scientific Study of Educa-
tion, and other educational societies.
He is also a member of Phi Beta Kap-
pa and Phi Delta Kappa.
Dr. Suzzallo was born in San Jose,
Cal., August 22, 1875.
(By Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS, April 8.-Forty-t
seven men are known to have been.
injured and an undetermined numbert
killed in an explosion aboard the
Standard Oil Tanker O. T. Waring v
ihere this afternoon. The number of
dead will not be known until a checkv
of the 200 men on the Waring is com-jg
pleted. Estimates of the dead placed
the number at five with a possible
maximum of ten. Names of 47 in-

Discusses One Revision of "Macbeth"
Due To Natives' Desire For Plays
With Happy Endings

"I have no patience with perform-
ances of 'Hamlet' in modern dress,"
said Prof. Charles Sisson of Univer-
sity college, University of London, in
his lecture yesterday afternoon on
'Shakespeare in Native India." Pro-
lessor Sisson explained later that his
reasons for such an attitude are based
on the fact that Hamlet is essentially
a romantic play, and that the ancient
costumes preserve the atmosphere of
romance, while such an illusion is
est'royed by the modern clothes worn
by the actors in the play.
Shakespeare, Professor Sisson said,
has been a matter of literary interest
or a hundred years in the universi-
ties of India, but his concern is pri-
marily with stage presentations of the
poet's work. He went on to describe
i native version of "Macbeth." The
[ndian religions forbid witchcraft and
superstition, so it was necessary to
liminate the first scene, in which the
witches appear. In order to provide
i motive for the murder of Duncan,
the first scene depicted Macbeth re-
turning from the war, having
aken the king's enemy prisoner.
The prisoner taunts Macbeth with
being merely a follower, a servant
f the king, whereas he, the cap-
ive, is at least his own master. Thus
he plan shapes itself in Macbeth's
mind to murder his ruler.
Another innovation introduced into
he drama' was the creation of the
haracter of Macbeth's daughter, who
s in. love with Malcolm and paves the
way to a happy ending. The Indians,
Professor Sisson said, object to tragic
onclusions. Notwithstanding this
prejudice, however, "Romeo and
Juliet" was recently performed quite
uccessfully with the unhappy ending
etained. And it has been only a re-
ent phase in the development ,f the
motion pictures, Professor Sisson
went on, that the American and Eng-
ish publics have been willing to tol-
rate tragic denouements. -
Another necessity in staging Shakes-
earean tragedies in India, remarked
Professor Sisson, was the need of
omic relief. It is the popular as-
umption among westerners that
rientals are always serious; but this,
ontinued the lecturer, is not the case.
The natives of India have a keen
ense of humor, and they like comedy
'n stage presentations,
Following an examination in the
ourt of Justice John D. Thomas,
,ack Kline, giving his home as Ypsi-
lanti, charged with the theft of an
overcoat from the medical building,
was held to the circuit court under
bond of $1,500.
According to the testimony of a
state secret service operative, Kline
was caught taking the coat from a
locker in the cloakroom and putting
t on. He was then arrested.
Kline has been arrested several
times previous to this, according to
statements made by Prosecutor Wil-
liam M. Laird, and has served jail
KIrasne, '27, Will
Represent State
In Oratory Meet
Philip N. Krasne, '27, was selected
to represent Michigan in the national
oratory contest on the constitution of
he United States at tryouts hed last
nught in Mason hall. All state win-
tiers will engage in an elimination
contest after vacation in Detroit.
After the state eliminations, sec-
tional competition will also be held
in Detroit. The winners of the see-
dionel contests will give their orations
in Los Angeles, an organization in
which city is sponsoring the contest.
The winner of the national contest
will receive $2,000, and $3,000 will be
given to others who place.

Moody Will Go To


Crocker Will Go
Prof. A. I. Blanchard, head of the I Lionel G. Crocker, of the public
highway engineering and highway speaking department, will speak inj
transport departmeht, will attend tho' four upper peninsula towns next week
spring meeting of the American So- under the auspices of the Extension
ciety of Civil Engineers to be held in division. 'Personalities of Great
Kansas City, April 14 to 16. Americans" will be the subject of his
Professor Blanchard will present addresses to high school audiences,
discussions of the following subjects: and general audiences will hear ad-1
"The Relationship of the Railroads to dresses on Booth Tarkington's book1
Modern Highways," "Urban and Inter- entitled "Mister Antonio."
urban Busses," and "Reducing the I Mr. Crocker's five day journey will
Cost of the Highway Plan under the include visits at Hancock, Calumet,
City Plan." ? Houghton, and Painesdale.,


St-dents In 11 EasernAndMiidwest-!four years of study since graduating
ern Universities Will Enter Trials j from high school will be eligible toi
For New York Times Prizes compete in the first examination,
which will be given at nine o'clock
t TO HOLD FINAL MAY 15 in the morning and will last three
The final intercollegiate test will be
Saturday, May 1, has been set by the given Saturday, May 15, to the pre-
committee in charge as the date for liminary winners, one from each uni-
the local preliminary examinations ef versity. The other institutions enter-
e the Intercollegiate Current Events ing are: Chicago, Cornell, Pennsyl-

the comparison of papers fair, Profes-
sor Hayden said, there will be no
choice given among the essay ques-
News of permanent significance, be-
tween October 1, 1925 and May 1, 1926,
will form the subject of the examina-
Students wishing to enter must reg-
ister not later than Thursday, April

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