I*.AQIM NIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 11)2( VAQU U!~T THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 192 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Outline Construction Plans For Two Dirigibles 1 Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of .he University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3 R 3 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). volume vi THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 19206'Number 144 .Iniversity Lecture: Professor Charles H. Sisson of the University of London, will give an illustrated lecture on "Shakespeare in Native India" Thursday, April 8, at 4:114 P. M. in Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. Faculty,. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The.;Dean's Advisory Committee, asked by the Faculty to elect a succes- sor to Professor U. B. Phillips as Faculty representative on the Senate Couucfl, has chosen Professor L. A. Strauss. Jahn R. Effinger. Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts : The next meeting of the Faculty %ill be held on Tuesday, April 20th, at 4:06 P. M. in Room 225, Angell Hall. The relation between the work of the College and the work in Library Science to be organized for the first time next fall, will be considered at this time. John R. Effinger. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Ars: Mldsemester report cards are now being distributed through the Dean's mnesseniger service. Instru~ctors are requested to report, if possible, before the Sprin~g vacation. The latest date on which reports can be taken into account is Wednesday, April 21st. 1I. Hl.Iunmphreys. Mid-semester reports for all students in the College of Engineering wlrtasO grade in any course is below C, are now on file and open to inspec- tto~n tr those concerned, in the office of the assistant dean, Room 255 West Ingineering Building. Geo. IV. Patterson, Assistant Dean. Ann 'Arbor Art Association: There, will, be. an exhibition of the paintings of Sviatoslav Roerich, in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall, Sunday, April 11 to Sunday, April 26,, Inclusive, 1:30 to 5:00 P. M. week clays, and 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. Sundays. IFree to members, students of University, and pupils of schools. Warren P. Lombard, Pres. No student in the College of Engineering will be allowed by the Hours Comimittee to drop any subject without record after Friday, April 9. .r. It. Running F. R. Fich 0. W. Boston Hours Committee College of Engineering. )Frevel,, 24: Rteports in French 252 will be due inmy office at 5:00 o'clock, April 23. J. It. Rein hard. P'oltical; Science 126: Professor Brown will not meet his class today (Thursday). E1. S. Brown. IUODAHOks.124;t The State in Relation to Labor: The class. will meet at 10 o'clock Friday instead of the time previously announced. .' Margaret Elliott. 9 P All popular Brogue models on display at GUY WOOLFOLK .& CO. :36 South Staite Street Anin Arbor, Mich. 3; t Ilaists and atterns exclusivey our own csiqn _________CHE A ©W~f IH.19V JOHNS I Cit WHITEHOUgSE & HARDY NCORPORATED BROADWAY AT 4O0r" STREET 144 WEST 42ND STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA MlOUSE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BlUILDING a 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREET 44 fRear Admiral '{l liam A. Moffett(xv Ith point er) showing members of the house naval affairs committee how f the proposed airships compare with the ill-fated ShenanoaihIn size. Dependent upon the action of Con-I Filled with helium, an airship of gress, the navy department wiii build± this type could fly at 50 miles an hour two 6,000,000 cubic foot dirigibles,j from the Pacific coast to the Hawaiian which would be flying arsenals i time islands with a load of 43 tons, it =s of war, three tirnes tlr2 size of -thej estimated. If necessary, the craft Shenandoah and fully equipped to de- could carry six fighting planes, weigh- fend themselves against modern fight- ig a ton and one-half each, 5,000 nau- ing planes. jtical miles at 50 miles an hour and The ordnance on the proposed air-I still retain a fuel reserve for 1,200 ships would consist of 25 machines miles at the same speed. guns of various calibers as well as a' With a contract for 116 planes, al- one-pound cannon, which would be so ready awarded, and with' the two, larg- situatedl that the enemy airplane ; est airships in the world as prospec- would be unable to approach from tive additions, naval authorities feel any angle without permitting a con- that the gap between aerial standards centration of fire. Stability of the of foreign nations and the United rigid gun platform would insure an States is about to be filled and that accuracy that couldl not be equaled thereis no need to fear air attacks. by heavier-than-air craft, air meni say. Non-inflammable helium would beNe e sS t used in the new ship thus insuring I Vei e od e that even incendiary enemy bullets I w m ig M e could not destroy the dirigibles. By a sp~ecial construction the new craft I would also be airworthy for severalI CHICAGO, April 7.-The Cincinnati hours after hits had been scored upon Y I. IM C. A. tank team entered last it. According to calculations on thei night's championship trials in the Na-, design, each of the 10 cells could be tional A. A. U. indoor swimming meet piercedi xwith 20 holes an inch in diain-s with a commanding lead of 19 points,t eter-a, total of 200 holes and still lose I gained in the first two days' comnpeti-. ,ut 25 per cnt of the gas volume in tion. Thre Chicago A. A. team is i five hours. second place with seven points. Seior Nrechanicid Engineers:! Arepresentative from the Timken Roller Bearing Company of Canton, Ohio, 'will be in Room 226 West Engineering Building, Thursday, April 8thi for the purpose of interviewing those interested in positions with this Corn- pang. It. C. AndlersonI. 11 Circolo Itaiuno: Lecture under the auspices of Il C irclo Italiano, "Glimpse, of Italy" by Prof. McLaughlin, Thursday, April 8, at 8:15 o'clock, Room D, Alumni Me- inorial Hall. Michael IDei ilippis, Direct or. , ,I .I f .i S . i : ,t ] Look Your Best For Vacation! We can clean and block your hat so it -will look its best for the vacation trip. 7 5c Siloes Repaired and1(1Shined. IIann '%arbor Shop 625 East Liberty 111. 111 I Socialogy 144: I "shall be unable to meet this class on Thursday. SHOES FOR R,. T. Lansdale. Geography 33: Mtake-up examination for those who missed the midsemester examina- tion "Will tbe given on Thursday, April 8, from 2 until 3 o'clock in Rtoom 25, Angell Hall.'1K. C. MeXurry. Senior '.Moehanical Engineers:- 9r.. C.{ E. Stone, Assistant to the President of the Chain Belt Company Of Wiwaukee, will be in Room 235 West Engineering Building from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M'. on Thursday, April 8th, for the purpose of interviewing those in- terested' in positions with this Company.. I1. C. Anderson. Dlta"Si gma Ro: There will be a special meeting Thursday, April 8, at 5:00 P. M., in Room ,302' Mason Hall. Extremely important business will be transacted. B. B. Sibley, Presidenit. 11 ..®.mmr I I PAY REST PRICES For Me's Used Clothing. Phone 1310 Ili' W. Washington It. BEN1JAMIN ., 0+ LEARN THE LATEST DANCES of 1926 63 Ghe Green Tree Inn All Stylies - All Colors A Variety of Quality Shoes can be bought at * Luncheon Dinner *- - 11:30-1:30 - - - 5:30--7:00 The Charleston. 1926, The Merry Widow Waltz. Adult Classes Every Monday ;'sad Friday. Fifteen One-! Hour Lessons, $5.00.I 22 Wuerth Arcade TERRACE GARiDEN STUDIO For appointment Dial 8328 Special Partics by Arrangement Phone 9646 205 S. State How Did Your Garters ) Look This Morning? - f I I q&-Rlilobus DOUGLAS-THESE SAYINGS OF XLINE ...................................$1.50. ILAKE-NELIGION OF YESTERD)AY AND TOMORROW......................$2.00 GlLKiEY-JESUS AND OUR GENERATION ................................$2.00 IIARRtIS-RELIGION- OF UNDERGRADUATES .............................. $1.25 PATTON-RELIGION IA THE 'THOUGHT OF TODAY ....$.........1.50 = on=W0 HAp&A% fKo STOR 11 Walir'9s Shoe Store AGRIPPA -WEB nmakes garters ac; in an entirely new way-and only in Bostons can this web be had. Even when. worn very loose it will not slip. It cannot curl and yet it is remarkably. soft and Light. Here in fact is a practical, comfortable, ventilated-web garter. In many pleasing colors, 50c the pair. lGrtQOGE 1FROST COM PANY "~ 1 08 South Main Street The most efficient shoe service in Anun Arbor '1 r I I M!