PAGE 'OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU'v"SDAY~ FEBRUARY J, 1J26 I'Tublished every morning except Monday during the University year by the ]Board in Control of Student I ublications. ale:,bers (,f Western Corderence Editorial A.ssociation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- tit-d tlothe use for republication of all news disp)atches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lis}ca '.aerein. En:ttered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail' Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. nand Street. Phones:Editorial, 4925; businese, 2t214. XDITORIAL STAFF, Telephone 495 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS E-anian, Editorial Board...Norman R. Thal y Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield News Editor ........... Manning Houseworth Women's Editor ............Helen S. Ramsay 'ports Editor..............Joseph Kruger Editor......... William Walthour' 0 szc and Drama......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka R bert T. DeVore W. Calvin Pattersea Assistant City Editors Iwwi Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants THE DAYS THAT NEVER WERE It is a very human trait to yearn with sighs of regret for the golden days of yore, when men were men, when the home was a home, when politics were clean and fair-fought, when college was a place to study, and the flowing bowl was not life's goal.# We generally have pictured to us the1 old home as the model *of domestic felicity, and the family members as kind fathers and brothers with angelic mothers and sisters, moving in stately grace across the cottage threshhold. It would appear that the sun does not shine so brightly as it did in the Mid- Victorian days of marble top tables, wax flowers, tinted photographs and plush albums.'. The scenes of our childhood and youth take on a glamor and glow with the passing of the years which is hard to cast off. Yet, if we take an un- predjudiced view of the olden and golden days of our youth we will cer- tainl find that human nature is about the same. Ignorance is no longer considered innocence and a virtue. Politics are at least not worse than they were in the days of the spoils systems. Competent statesman have lost none of their prestige. The oil scandals of the present era have their parallels in the financial scandals of the "eighties" and "nineties."" If we were to take a vote as to whether we would return to those supposedly golden days, the "nays" would hav% an overwhelming majority. Civilization has progressed. We can- not go back, and no one wants to do so. The halycon days never existed save in the imaginations of those whose memories have lost most of the realities of their youth. It is all unadulterated piffle. They might well be called "the golden days that never were." Gertrude t. Bailey William T. Barbour Charles Behymer William Breyer Philip C. Brooks L. Buckingham S,, tton Buck . 1 iurger Fdgar Carter Chamberlain ,. r:" ' Cohen C:reton Champe L:rene IH. Gutekunst I1 uglas Doubleday Sar yDunnigan Andrew Goodman mes T. Herald \Iiles Kimball Marion Kubik Walter H. Mack Louis R. Markus Ellis Merry Helen Morrow Margaret Parker Stanford N. Phelps Simon Rosenbaum Ruth Rosenthal Wilton A. Simpson Janet Sinclair Courtland C. Smith Stanley Steinko L~ouis Tendler Henry Thurnau David C. Vokes Cassam A. Wilson Thomas C. Winter Marguerite Zilske BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 8114 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising................Joseph J. Finn Advertising.............T. D. Olmsted, Jr. Advertising..............Frank R. Dent, .r. Advertising:.'................Wi. L. Mullin ilcolation ..................H. L. Newman ubication............ Rudolph Bostelnau Accounts....................Paul W. Arnold Assistants' Ingred Al. Alving F. A. Norquist George I. Annable. Jr. Loleta G. Parker W. Carl Baer Julius C. Pliskow John I.l .Bobrink Robert Prentiss C.J ox Wm. C. Push- Idrinn A Pani Franklin J. Rauner A. Rolland Damm Joseph Ryan ,rcs R er'Uy Margaret Smith Mary Flinterman Mance Solomon, Pan ear:t L. Funk Thomas Sunerland Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinmnan R. Nelson Sidney Wilson TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1926 Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON "I don't care that--(snapping his fingers at the committee) for, all your Fourth of July orators about the love for America-the way to show that love is to pay a living wage to American judges. Decadence and possible corrup- tion face the Federal courts be- cause of the low salaries paid to judges."-Charles E. Hughes, be- fore the House Judiciary Commit- tee hearing on a bill proposing material increase to Federal jur- ists ii; all courts, as necessary to keep in office the high type of man essential to maintain the dignity of the law. THE FRUITS / Mister William Mitchell, who filled the newspapers during the closing months of 1925 with his charges of inefficiency and criminal negligence in the United States air service, and who, since his court-martial, has re- signed from the service and become a plain civilian, is seeing his efforts bear fruit, despite his conviction by his superior oecers on the charge of hnsubordination. There are, at pres- ent, six different plans for the re- organization of the air service before the military affairs committee of the Ilouse-tall from different sources. It vould seem that ex-Colonel Mitchell hid found something radically wrong, if so many remedies are necessary. TIcluded in the list are the colonel's 0 2n plans, embodying the recommen- dations of the Lampert aircraft inves- tigation committee, a plan offered by Uepresentative James, of Michigan, based on the findings of the first Las- siter board; the suggestion of Rep- resentative Hill, which would create a department of national defense; the proposals of the administration, based on te findings of the Morrow aircraft board; the plan of Major General Pat- rick, chief of the army air service; and a bill by Representative Curry, providing for a unified air service. Six of them-and yet Mr. Mitchell was courtmartialed for bringing the state of the nation's air defense before the people. Any of these bills would result in BROADENING? The far-reaching influence University of Michigan in the is felt from time to time prominence of its graduates of the Orient in the whose homes or adopted homes are in thel East. Recently, an association of members of Delta Sigma Rho, national honorary forensic society, was formed in Tokyo, composed of eight persons from colleges in the United States. Other schools are represented, but Michigan leads in numbers. Three of the eight in the society there are Michigan graduates who were prominent in activities while here. K. S. Inui represented the Uni- versity in the Northern Oratorical League contests while in school. He is now editor of "International- Glean- ings from Japan," a magazine on the Orient. Miss Yone Moriya represent- ed Michigan in the debate with Ohio State in 1923. Both of these are from Tokyo. The third Michigan member, J. K. Dunn, was on the debating team and was president of the Oratorical association in 1923-24. These persons gained something by their contact with the other students at the University, and are consequent- ly better fitted for life in their own lands. Is it not possible that the American students can gain some- thing from association with students of other lands? Of modern woman it can be said that a "thing of beauty is a boy forever."j OASED LL T GLOWERY And so we begin anew or dreary task. And so anew comes over us the sweet, sad, melancholy of life drear* burdens. We are but beast of burden who must each carry his load of thus and so through the long days till death relieves us then unburdened by may aspire to higher and better things. Then we may enjoy whatever the afterlife as in store for us. Man is but a molecule in the hands of the gentle breezes of fate which seem to him great and overpowering gales.- And to what avail is all striving? An- swer: To no avail. We are what we are and we cannot be anything else. Let us all, then, face our sad, drear* span of existence with true Spartan fortitude for (while all of us can't be everything, none of us should be nothing and some of us will then be something. Alas, alack 'tis gloomy and I glowery* this life of ours. * * I *That word "drear" is a little in- vention of our own. Comes from dreary plus poetic license. Newer dic- tionaries please copy. Also the word "glowery." This is a bit more off the beaten path it means, er- well, glow- Sery. The dictionaries may as well incorporate that too. As to the inner meaning and deep significance of the above. It is merelY a word-tone-picture (another inven- tion, boy, no mere language can keep us down today) a portrayal of our mood as we compose this ribbon of horizontal wit. There we go again! What is horizontal wit? Answer: Nothing. What we meant was hori- zontal ribbon of mirth (that sounds better, you can have a horizontal rib- bon). Anyway to get back to what we started to say when we so rudely in- terupted ourselves, it is a crystaliza- tion ofouremotional state when we take pen in hand. Now that we read it over, it strikes us that' the similies or metaphors or whatever they are are pretty jumbled and that, in themselves, they don't mean over much. Well, that is all al- lowable in this word-tone-poem. Emo- tions don't mean anything either-- they're all like the futuristic art-(see J-lop) they don't mean anything but they are nevertheless (or maybe it's therefore) perfectly all right. So now the whole thing is perfectly clear, and if it isn't it isn't our fault. Note: We just happened to look in the dictionary and we found the word "dread" there. They seem to have an- ticipated us. But not the word "Glow- cry." One at a time is enough. * * *0 LICENSE 10. 1I3 The moon may rise The stars may shine. Pray still they voice Sweet Angeline Your harping makes me sick (free verse and poetic license combined to create this effect) II Your hair is fair So too your eyes I mean your eye Why don't you Die? So's our old man (license no 13 above) IIt I've traveled long I've wandered far Your nose is like A squashed cigar Go cook a radish (Lisence no. 13) IV But now, dear girl Tis fond adieu Avant I go. Good-bye to you Bye, Bye. (No. 13) -TUICIIAEL. MIPP is BACK WITh MUCH PEP A)N MUCH TEMPER INTERVIEW SHORT AND HEATED . Hamilton Mipp, noted this and that about the Michigan campus, has returned to Ann Arbor after a two- weeks vacation during which the crew candidates struggled with exams. Mr. Mipp spent his time at the Brooklyn Navy Yard where he trained by row- ing around some of the dismantled battleships which are kept there. Al- though the decks were covered with snow and were rather slippery, "Men- tor" Mipp had no trouble in making them move about New York harbor, and Lond Island sound at will. "Now that I am back here to stay." said iMipp when interviewed last night, "I intend to whip the crew into fight- ing trim right off the bat. By the first of April I want to have the best crew in the country." "Who doesn't?" we asked him. "Mu hlenberg doesn't" he snapped. "Why not?" we bantered. "Cause they don't have a crewr MUSIC AND DRAMA I " MY 0GIRL"1 A review, by Robert Henderson. 0, 0, 0, just see the little lady: lively and awkward, with little tricks with her pale blue eyes, and un- bleached pigtails, a soft corn-yellow, wrapped in knots about the ears. And such a manner, as they say, a whiskey voice and a bright red gown wrapped around the wonderful limbs! One of the ponies in the chorus on the right, a show by herself in the midst of the whole grand jamboree. "My Girl" is an almost perfect af- fair, another "Merry, Merry" and "Little Jesse James," an intimate re- vue fit for the road and the terrific railroad rates. Here is the formula: a small cast of splendid actors, eight chorus girls-what an octagon!-a single setting, a Paul Whitman or- chestra, lines and lines clever and fresh, a mass of dance routines from the Charleston down through the split,, all run off at a ragtime speed with a cocktail tempo. There was so much that was good about the performance: the juvenille with the saucer eyes and the sex ap- peal, (as they say in the trade); the* bootlegger who made the plot go round; even the husband and wife in their first year-the lady of the title. There was a story, too, of the golden- fizz and its younger generation, and every kind of good music. Esprit and enthusiasm is what I am trying to say, a kind of contagious glamor that draws you out of your seat. I know little of art and aesthe tics, but I do know that there is noth- ing in the theatre so compelling, be it "Phedre" or "Great Catherine," as this same irresistable spontaneity. Who doesn't like a good musical com- edy--the reason all the dull extrava- ganzas, the heavy Operas can still keep running-but it is seasons be- tween a "My Girl" and a "No, No, Nanette!" The dash and flavor, the hurry tunes, the burlesque plot, and the wonderful auburn vampire: jeesly! "BEGGARMA" The first rehearsal for "Beggar- man," Holberg's slapstick burlesque, translated by Prof. O. J. Campbell, which the Mimes are to present Tues- day, Wednesday, and Thursday, Feb- ruary 23, 24, and 25, was held in the Mimes theatre yesterday afternoon under the direction of E. Mortimer Shuter. The cast will include Richard Lutes, Dale Shafer, Kenneth King, James Martin, and Robert Henderson. * * * THE MIES VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 1-evenings of this week a vaudeville program combined with motion pic- tures of Fred and Dorothy Stone in the dances of "Stepping Stones" will be presented in the Mimes theatre. i Pictures of the Detroit performances of "Tambourine" are also to be in- cluded through the courtesy of the Detroit News, as well as an Aesop's Fable. The "Stepping Stones" pictures are aln exclusive showing, since the reels are the private property of Dorothy Stone. A special orchestra under the direction of Milton Peterson will ac- company the filming of the dances. The other numbers list Frederick Lewis and Andrew Haigh of the Uni- versity School of Music in a two- piano recital; George Colburn in a novelty instrument act; Frederick Shott, a ventriloquist; Thomas Dou- gall in a series of soft-shoe dances; Robert Moore on the banjo; and Stew- art Churchill on the marimbaphone. Seats 'are now on sale at the State{ Street bookstores. -K. W.7 CHOLIAPINE A review, by Vincent Wall. Feodor Ivanovitch Choliapine is a! a great singer-the greatest perhaps- but lie is an even greater personality. A master of make-up, an exceptional, if eccentric actor, combined with a wonderful bass voice, he is almost out of his element, and at least at a handi- ca), on the concert stage: During his whole program this was evident; the nervous twitching of his hands and his very obvious direction of his ac- companist, both showed an apparent desire to give a more complete inter- pretation of his numbers than could be obtained from a mere vocal rendi- tion. Being an artist of such rank thatG lie can choose his program at random,I he selected a group of numbers of the typical concert type; there were all the old favorites: Massenet's "Elegie," "The Song of the Volga Boatmen,"! "The Two 'Grenadiers"-in short aI series that would have seemed trite if they had been sung by any but an art- ist. and anet artit. f.. 1th~n tb.+ i.,hr :.... [MAINN'S MN "A Wiser and Better Place to Buy." Watch for Our New Spring Line. Hats Cleaned and Blocked. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street. Phone 7415.. (Where D. B. I. Stops at State, St.) Our Mid-Week Dance-- The first week of the semester usually isn't very hard-drop in at Granger's and enjoy yourself for a while. Wednesday Night (TOMORROW NIGHT) j8 - 10 t 8-I G RANG ER S hIlllll ll lill illl illl lllllll llll lll l lll11111111 111111111111111111111111111111N 1111 ® STouris t 0 oEUROPE With college parties on famous "Q" steamers of I L I G RAHAM'S TEXT BOQKS I In I The Royal Mail Lne Write for Illustrated Booklet.. School of Foreign Trive1, Inc. 112 College St., New Haven, Coor. r PLEASE MAKE PATHS ON THE CA MPU S Paths on snow form ice and kill all grass roots beneath. Please don't make or use such paths. +' c,7L o nan. cabin 1 ' ff ii 1 NEW AND SECOND HAND Graha m Book Stores At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk. _. . . ..... ELver Since 1905 The same professional care has gone into your amateur finishing as has always made flashlights, groups and view s\iperi- or. We want to do YOUR finishing. 2jELYIEDI9g I I . 17 black degrees 3 copying Buy dozen Superlative in quality, the world-famous V ENUS P ENCILS' give best service and longest wear. Plain ends, per doz. $1.00 Rubber ends, per doz. 1.20 G*' all dealers American Lead Pencil Co. 220 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 1utdac- A s rber Grow" FRATERNITIES - SORORITIES 1'1 j j ."y 7 too 1100 Hill Street Beautiful home, capable of car- ing for twenty-five comfortably. Two complete baths, three extra lavatories; steam heat; oak floors; fireplace and large lot. Price $30,000. Terms. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded a confidential upon request. VACATION AHEAD! To the Editor: Since January 5 I imagine every available University announcement has been thumbed to the utmost by thousands of students who, like my- self, at the end of the Christmas vaca- tion had begun to set their hearts longingly on the coming of the next recess. Not that a one of us doesn't prefer classes to any other occupa- tion-no, indeed,-but it is a most wholesome respite from the monotony of daily classes to spend one's idle moments building jolly schemes forI the next vacation period. Thus with the writer. But there is one aggravation surrounding the coming spring vacation: Easter Sun- day falls on April 4, but the vacation! period lies between April 9 and 21. I don't remember of such an incongru- ity ever having occurred during my past years at Michigan. It is a pity that the Regents couldn't have taken Easter into consideration when the vacation periods were determined. It is true, Easter varies from year to year by three or four weeks, but what's the harm if our recess varies with it, at least sufficiently to include that date either at the beginning or the end of the period. The date set for our spring recess this year is about as rational as though the Christmas holidays were to start onj .~ U A NU r --G~~ The Luxenberg Sack Suit has won its wide- spread popularity among college men throughstrict adher- ence to a distinct style. / Phone 4235 820 Hill Street Beautiful fifteen room home, oak finish throughout; two large fire- places; three complete baths,; sleep- ing porch; automatic gas 'heater; steam heat; Oil-O-Matic Oi] Burn- er; two-car garage with quarters. Price, $40,000. Excellent terms. Call Mr. Allmand Evenings 4473 1706 Cambridge Road Thi attractive home " at corner of Cambridge and Baldwin; lot 75 x 168; one of the finest locations for Fraternity or Sorority left in the city. Built eight years, all modern. Price $30,000, with very low terms. NEXT SHOWING AT CAMPUS BOOTERY 304 So. State St, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 26 and 27 Nat LUXENBERG & Bro. 37 Union Square, New York Between 16th & 17th Sts. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Continuing their plan of last year, the International Magazine Company, publishers of Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan imagazines will, during the summer of 1926 employ a large number of college men in the capaci- ties of salesmen, team captains ori supervisors. A._ new form of agree- ment has been drawn up indorporat-I 602 Monroe St. Thirteen rooms; three bathrooms; dining r o o m accommodates 28; house capacity 22 to 25. Will redecorate throughout. Possession July 1st. Price $21,- 000;. small payment down. This is a won- derful opportunity for the new organization. C',- ,,' _11 A, I C all MVr. ' 5rceant