*r]IrURSDAY, APRIL 8, 192G rT IM7 AATt,'lLJTf-' A XT n A-TT V 1TLr7 Ctfi ,t' kif A ?': ..T \'FT '. PAGTHTRE LAWI SCKOOL CASE51 SOMPETITIOPN HELD10 Prize Is 1Divided Between Both T'eans; Winners Are (!oider, )IkeSell, 0'llanlon And Sal~zmn , [ CfAMPBELL FUND USED Final arguments in the Law school case contests were held yesterday at 4 o'clock in the lounge room of the ;Lawyers' club. One' hundred fifty dol- lars in prizes was divided between'! the two teams, the judges ruling in favor of the plaintiff on the law, but deciding that the presentation on either side was equally good. Robert Conder, '27L, and Jerome, Mikesell, '27L, took the plaintiff's side while Elmner Salzman, '27L, and Phillip O'Hanlon, '27L, argued for the de- fendant.{5 Prof. Herbert F. Goodrich of the i Law school, Joseph Davies of Wash'- ington, and G. M. Canfield of Detroit- judged the case. Following the de-' cision of the judges, Selden DickinsonI of the law firm of Campbell, Bulkley, and Ledyard of Detroit, which gave the prizes, presented the money to the contestant~. The gift was the first money of the Henry M. Campbell fund for this purpose, $3,000 being recently{ given to the Law school in memory of Mr. Campbell who died on March. 17 this year. LANSING.-The state public util- ities commission has authorized the substitution of flashight signals to re- place' other safe-guards at four Mich-' igan Central crossing in Jackson. Whitney Theatre TONIGH1T FRI. and SAT.NHTS FAREWELL TOUR of the EMINENT TRAGEDIAN I I Fits Universities- .... . . .....:... f lni rn fill V I Iiin a (lire plight is the further belief ble in the modern world, Mr. Frank isi U S 59of Dr. Frank, and that consequently !of the conviction that some masrej IX I [ universities today are running away fshould be taken against the "scrappi- I I ing unrelated knowledge, specialization and to prevent the unzi- I! IO Although realizing that 90 per cent. versities from "becoming multiversi- IV'U PIIE of thle intense specialization is inevita-I ties." Says l VneitiesAr In'letu* I f)partniieint St ores And DECRIES SPEC IALIATONOrMel-"I.oI-C o e "Professors set up tthe elective Sys~ Item essentially as strategic retreat from new knowledge they are incapa- 'fle of assimilating," declared Glenn . Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky Frank, president of the University of ;Wisconsin, recently in a speech on ia d W s ig na C a ' Imodern education. "It has turned anmistV r ina C a versities into "intellectual department Sol ~ay and Gas Coke stores or specialty shops, or intellec- tual cafeterias3. You know the fate of a man who goes into a cafeteria with no advance knowledge of dietetics," This business has been growing ever since it was eitablished }# continuedl Dr. Frank. That the increasing complexity of The secret is "GIVING ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION curriculum has put liberal education T U U T M R ' i. . i .1 Lou"Is&idmn Has now taken over the Tailoring Business formerly run by H. A. Malinowski at 802 South State St. The highest grade of workmanship 4, in CLEANING, PRESSING and,-REPAIRING. Suits Made to Order. Remodeling 0 Specialty. Phone 7996 802 South State. _mEm. . .' FIRST NATIONAL BANK ORGANIZED X863 I IF a e4. i ee e0ee eeew ee 0 0 00< "r DE L'U~")-IC CRA --the. Perfect Dessert. THIS new ice cream creation has won great favor as a dinner dessert. Every- body loves, its wholesome richness, perfect flavor and creamy smoothness. It's factory packed in pint cartons for home use. Surprise your family at dinner to- night-treat them to this- triumph in ice cream quality. Choose your favorite flavor... De Luxe Vanilla, De Luxe Chocolate, De Luxe Toasted Almond.Yr Ask ."~lO"~ Your ~Deader ArtcDairy Products Company MICIGAN , We Uelieve it pays to dobusiness in a triencily way. think so too, let's get together. It' you i Savings. Departmen Trust Department Cornwell -. Coal -- Coke 1 Ii!l9 61ilH iltll l11I#lilIl IItE1 Ml t1l I11111t111tllllttlil[II U Itilt llllliillllEilh H tl(1 Phones 4551 and 4552 Office; Cornwell; Block. Oldest- National Bank" in 'Michigan F J I;, II ROBERT B. MANTELL Supported by GENEVIEVE HAMPER ,And Specially Selected Company In 'Shakespearean and Classic Plays Tonight "HIAlMLET" (Modern Dress) Friday Eveninig "RICHIELIEUF" ovaturday Evening "MERCHANT OF VE NICE" Complete Productions of All, Plays Prices: $1.10, $1.60', $x.20 trr e E usr s tat a t r a i t f r it r n i mE -or"APARIS DIVORCE1 It's a far cry from a homing husband in N~ew York to a roaming wife in Paris-and, it makes a corking story for the screen. Starting This Af ternoon - - 11 1 - I I ., * , , ,i , I , , , . " 'I - I I' 1 10 1 MMM I, 4'r 7 -q rmwmmwl II LAST TWO TIMES TONIGHT -mil 2 De Luxe Comedy- Petite Colleen Storms The House With Laughter iMcCornia ek Present~s 'V LITTE, Perfect Characterization SATURDAYRONY CA Drama-HIS E R WS LONEL llrirr Jul of Chuckles Brimful of Drama } ffrimful of Fun Ebery 7'linute (K ,- nA \ /r ' 1. s-..tip --7L ,~"NOWiW , I 1I I I j II ( You'll see why New York cheered this stage success. J ACK M,'t;,,.LHAL,,L MYRTLE STEDMAN Here's a N~onsense Film of Thrilling sodes Sure to Wifin ' hPun Epi- Your MACK SENNETT (Comedy "GsH DRN JMORIGAIIS" Keith Vaudeville 'Fear NED u e STIf)R P~resents 6THF LSEA " II V1 Y4' I - El 1! 1 11. 11 I lU