THFl NMICI TGAN DAILY PIAGE L E VEN ,: ,.,. v 6 S TO fO[M lPaulen To Race WABAH I U[L~ I Wilson April 17 1 LWRECE'Kans., April 7.--A iernational quarter-mile race' b,- tween 'Adriian Paulon of HIolland, i be Dutch championmideitacru- LANFAYEiTTE, Ind., April G. -- Alner', and Eric Wilson, former star thou~gh Purdue ,is not going South" for quarter-miler of the U niversity of a spring training trip, the Boilernial - t1owa, has been arranged as a special ers NvillI see plenty of action next weekI event cn the program of the fourth when five early season games will 1)0 jannual Ka~nsas relays here April 1 .7. played.) Both men. were representatives of Wabiash is the first. outside team their country in the last. Olympic which will stack up against the Boil- rnaes and each is capable of turning ermakers, comning here for a gaine on "in a 49 second or better quarter-mile. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Paulen is one of the star foreA'gn while on Thursday the Depauw teamr athletes. now invading -Armorica arid will oppose the varsity nine. Coach l Wilson was famous as anchor mnan en< Mwr try Kent's Northwestern basebal the Iowa championsh'ip miie r, lay tetui will open the Conf'erence seasonr team which set the intercollegiate on Saturday.j record at 3 minutes, 16.9 seconds inj Ware has been showing up well 'It;1 923. second, Wilcox at shortstop, and An insurance policy for $5,000 in- Pierc'e at first. In the outfield, Cap- suring the Kansas university Athletic tain Taube, Lowe, Harmeson, Plock, ,I association office against rain, has O'Brien, Kemrmer, Malick and Weav,3r !just been written. Should one-tenth are the most promising candidates, of an inch of rain fall. between (cer-E- Michigan's team. will be seen in ac-.' tain alloted hours, the Kansas man- I Lion against the Boilermakers on April 1ag;ement will collect. 24 ait Lafayette. Thus far on account ____________________ of- adverse Weathert conditions, the practices have been restricted almostl completely to the confines of the arm- ory,, but a few batting and pitching IS T drills lave beent held on the Varsity T field; and emphasis has been laid to bunting and base running. Io.xsrE i Jin Bottoinley, next to George Sis- let,, perhaps the best first baseman in I bas3eball1 didn't cost St. Louis a penny. _____________ StEAMSHIP AGENCYI _ I I ' 1" 4 AT THE THIEATERIS T4Pday-Screeni ' t i , I! Xis(Oie. ''I Ine wi(, Aith i l'l i dls,"' witi leboeT 'a niel s. 'Wbori-- "The AmericaniVenz- ii s," wifl I Es(,her Ht ii. Today- (rDtroit) G arrich Gloery." i I l i I Itolistell." I'ilyhc Shubert Lafayott " T h e S t u d e n t . e DIci t D ton, the au )--- "What Price Ite (Tptroif,) - Pri nce.'' ian. iThonyrgniation hvnh enieTurisTIlCasfTOOcea All, wthxpeeiAloaetraand enter- TRanment dn:asin wt s theS.onlyPSoganizaion.hJuly3h Oinersmocole eresereexlsvy.ntd o our lerson.heleadigreatestStudent Tours togsrith seiloneta nentegytr taltinenort Cpe Oveflootollegasoreplrraenemeontou are made according to the intelligent demand of the youth of today. Students Travel Club 14-40 Broadway New York Px YYOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. - I Patronize D~aily Advertisers aAll Touirs andlCruises 60 FiEst -Huron St., Ain Arbior Licensed, Bonded and Authorized Steamship Agent Representing all S. S. Lines 709 North University4 Near Arcade Theatre I Earnh Extra Credits During Summner Vacation The chinge and recreation so necessary to every- one are here -combined with superior oppor- tunity for educational advancement. Boating, swimming, tennis, concerts, dramatic performan- ces, inspiring lectureu. etc., are all available. Organized' excursions, to industrial, financial and art centers of Chcago.- Courses covering full year's work In General Chemistry, Physics or Zoology, for students interested in Medicine, Dentistry or Enginering. N .U. R E S®ON THE SHORE OF LAKE MICHIGAN Opens June 21. 1926, and Indudese Graduate School Law School College of Liberal Arts School of Music School of Commerce School of Speech School of Education School of Journalism. Senid for FREE Booklet Booklet, "Educat ipn Plus Recreation " describes the courses of NORTHWESTERN UNIVPERSITY SUM- MER SESSION and its recreational and educational advantages. Address WALThR DILL ScowT, President NORTH4WE5TERN UNIVERSITY 604 Unfcvetalty Hal EVANSTON, ILL. i Old Fashioned Bar, DoubleSPrepgehmint itfyou prefer Sugar (bated Gum e then get the HAYPACKt mG CaThu G15 i : i Ia k if you are a telephone subscriber call Jinimib the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad- will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all want ads under appropriate head ings and to revise or withhold objectionable copy. This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more insertions. Cash classifieds received 'at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applica- tion.! LOSTj LOST-Whiite gold filigree bracelet, set with sapphires. Lost on April 1, near campus. Reward. Call 4751.1 43-44-45. ILOST-Oni E. H-uron Street, a diamond ring fastened to the ribbon strap of a- small Gold watch. Finder please call 7940. Reward. 43-44-45. LOST Cut steel shoe buckle in Union b)all room, Fridley night. Reward. Call 4724. 42-43. LOST-Rider mottled black and red fountain pen, Friday, between Nickels Arcade and Ferry Field. Phone 3233. 925 S. State St. Re- ward. 41-42-43. LOST-Large size Parker Duofold fountain pen without cap. Fletcher Sharp. 425 Cross St. Phone 8453. 42-43-44: LOST-Wool lined gray suede-glove. on Burns Park Bus or Main St. Re- turn to Martha Cook. 43 LOST-Pair of glasses in or near the gym. Finder please return to Or-, mond Drake or call 21380 at 1304 Geddes, 43-44-45. NOTJCE iF YOU JV WANT REALj cleaning and pressing service at C E'( I DOT'S Ol' &IIE1AlP CARS11 Tio IMIE FOR 1923-Ford Touring 1923I-Ford Tonring 1923-Will ys Knight Roads.em 1924--Ford Touring 192-Maxwell'Touring 1922-1-ludson Coupe 1925--Chevrolet Touring, 1922-Chevrolet Coupeo 1922-Overland rpIlli ing 1923-Ford roadster 1924--Ford Coupe HUDSON SALES INi) SERIVICE 114 E,. ashingonPDil 91 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Three room apartment in Washtenaw an~ts. .2 1; . William St. Phione 31329. 42-43-44. GET YOUR Victor Record of " VJ tors" "Yellow and Blue" y Univ. Alich. Band, at- Seliaeberle R Soi lMusic House, 110 S. Main St. tf.; FOR RENT-Two roaus oil second1 WANTED)--WVillbuy ,, used, raccoon Icoat. Apply ?,ox 77, Daily .43-44 WANTED-Man or VWoman with ex- perience in sellig shoes. Apply at office of Mack and C'o. tf. WANTED-Student pil to help with {housework and car, of children dur- ing vacation andl week-ends follow- ing. Board, room, and moderate/' wages. Call 4329. 1,111 Wells. 43-44., WAN-TED--Casm paid for late nodel cars. Nixon used c!ar market.. 41G S. Main. Pohne t6914. 42-43-41. l: WANTED--A' fi-st ('lass cool" openm for~ engagement. P'hone 7784.- - 43-44-4i. For the Spring Vacafion A PERMIANEtNT WAVE Steam Process $10.00 Cor. Liberty & State St. Dial 2410. 42-43-44. floor clean and NAavim. One block from the campus. 320 Thompson. Dial 3292. 42-43-44.' FOR RENT-Two rooms, bath and kitchenette on 2nd floor. Apart- ment furnished withi heat, water and IEAR "Afways;" on Vic'tor Recordi, as a waltz, fox trot or- vocail ntumber at Schaeberle & Son RMusc 1111se, 110 S. Main Sit. tf9 PERPETUAL CALENDAR-A magne- tic arrow finds the day of the week for any date. Send 25c ($1 for 5) for this device together with the mathematical rorinula upon which it is based and rule for calculating results mentally. 'A. C. Washburnue,, Pittsfiel d, Massachusetts. %Wed-tf. EVENING dinners $1.00. Milc and dancing at Joe Prc'.Mcia' swellest cafe. Dls owxn at i-huron andl Fourth Ave. i'arties ar~e our Fspecially. 41-42-413. reasoniable prices Dial 7814 CHEER IMP WAIIL'S, 328 So. Main I! YOU 3MEN tf. 1 whd are working your way through Michigan, or who want to earn some worthwhile side money--- READ TIS We are a wide awake organization and we want the part time services of' some high grade, wide awake young man. Ours is not a real estate or peddling proposition but an opportunity of real merit, worthy of your prompt investi- gation. Write to-day and tell us of yourself in detail. We will promptly arrange mutually agreeable appointments. Address Box 70, Michigan Da.ily SPAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. lights. 507Detroit St. Dial75. . Arnold's State St. Jeweler I_ -41-42-43. Is now carrying a complete line of FOR RENT-Beautiful apartment, 1st fonanpn-l mks l rcs floor, large living room, fire place, Whatever-type you may need, come in.! u alrad sepig prh and see usawe nStisJy YOUr Furnished for' two to six people. Arnods tat St Jeele One suite, $10' per week. 302 S. State St.. Fur inshed flat for caretaker, inquire L 217 Observatory, Dial 21705. NOTICE-Two house to house con-f 41-42-43. vassers, young men or' women, spare time (luring April-Edsill's WNE OR'T-nJn om Rexall Drug Store, 208 S. Main St. inpvaefmloras llprt 42-4 3. inpiaefmlorasalart _____________________________ enton South East side of Campus TYPERITIG & I3IEORAPI~G by young mazy connectedl with Uni- TYPWRIING& M31EgRAIIIG versity. Box 76. 41-42-43. Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. FOR RENT-Suite of rooms for two College work a specialty for seven- girls. Phone 21308 after six. tenyears. 41-42-43. ten 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade,! FOR RENT-Furnished light house- The Typewriter & Stationery Store keeping rooms, with kitchenette, 3tf. newvl decorate1-d. Phone 6368.I 330 I 1 w - - - --- -- r.imm ; :. rii " it v - -___ - - ANN OUTNCEMENT Mine. Anderson's Beauty Shop will be cosend nll this weekr whle1 she is in ( 4 T \\J \ti ,t . ,.r, S4L ^ - f ! r S' e w 1, . jr, r a .<, , <= t q 1 r ], ' 4 _ / // T _ .. f a l ? / --(34< W HE14 hoop skirts and the Virginia Reel were in vogue, and loving hands at home fashioned Grandfather's home- spuns for the prom ... . even in those days, Anheuser-Busch was nationally known to good fellows. And today .... when feminine heads are bobbed and shingled, and we dance the Charleston in expen- sively tailored clothes to the stir- ring strains of a jazz orchestra ... . BUSCUi (^-B), is the favored drink of college' men because, like the college than, Busch Pale Dry is a good mixer every, where and every time. r G1111111 Ciao 111.7WC1. 11 11 . 1 - I cg atten111111111il i11i611B11111119111111t1ling1i111111111111the111Ililll111National1N i~ C iag ten ig h ato a I2E Hair Dressers Convention. Her 12 w shop will open again M~onday, April w 1 12th. 527 Ei. Liberty. 12 ~I42-43-44-45-46-47 - A. NASH CO., Golden Rule Tailors, Spring Suits and Topcoats I $23.00 'T h Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Te 0oldest and larg -_____ " o - - A SPECIAL TAILORED SUIT, $35.00 est avi gs ank332 S. State, over Pratt & Dunn XXTO~+~Vb11T d-~-E.__O. D. tf. W a-ow CO.UP L. : TYPING XVANTED - rbesea, themes ® papers, notes, etc., neatly, accurate- l Iy and promptly typed. Call Mrs. A Engelhardt. Dial 7275. e.o.d.-tf. 1! g o balln k t tie NOTICE-Mell Gillespie, teacher and .. sooistthirty years experience; =: 10. Mandolin, banjo, guitar, and chord construction. Telephone 4757. s Wed,, Fri., Sun., tf. An extra pair of pants doubles the -life of your suit, we match any cloth. r; M. G. WILD, 109 E. Washington E.0. D. Special Release of Columbia 'Records E featuring Ted Lewis and Fond and - Glenn, the Lullaby Boys - ALLMENDINGER MUSIC SHOP, 305 Maynard 43-45. E = ,=TYPEWRITERS k = Rebuilt and second hand of all makes = 2 bought, sold, rented, exchanged, ' cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- 2 est stock and best service depart- ' ment in Ann Arbor. o 0 . D. MORRILL. j 17 Nickels Arcade, -, 2? The Typewriter & Stationery Store - 21 Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona NOTICE-Cistern cleaning and cist- - 2 Iem repairing by expert cistern mian. Phone 22388. 43-44-45# E. Ann St. 41-42-43. FOIL SALE FOR SALE--Oriental rug '(antique) 11 ft by 4 1-2 ft, Jewel pattern. A bargain for cash. 217 North In- galls St. 'Dial 9277. 42-43-44. FOR SALE --Must sell new, spring suit, never been worn, size 37, will sell cheap. 425- Cross St. Phone 8453. 42-43-44. FOR SALE--1919 Ford roadster, $15 takes it, rear end guaranteed]. Call 9571 at noon or at six. 43-44-45. F