Published every morning except Monday
during the I niversit year by the Board in
Lontrol of Sti'dent Pulications
Mei(bers fc Westersi Conereuce Editorial
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Chairman, Editorial Board.... Norman R. Thai
City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor............Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor..........,.. oseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor..........Wiliam Wathour
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Night Editors
Smith H. Cad Leonard C. Hall
'obert T De ore Thomas V. Koykka
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Assistant City Editors
trwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
tual, and if the faculty refuses to
recognize their existence, they will
gradually become nonentities.
In the conglomerated hodge-podge
of questionable reforms and attempt-
Gertrude Bailey
Charkes Behymer
Ceorge Berneike
William Breye-r
i- arnum Buckingbiam
Siratton Buck
arl Burger
I ,gar Carter
roseph Chamberlain
Meyer Cohen
:-arletoii Champe
Douglas Doubleday
Eugene H. Gutekunst
Anlrew Goodman
James T. Herald
Russell Hitt
Miles Kimball
r~arion Kubik
Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehouse
Margaret Parker
Stanford N. Phelps
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske
Telephone 21214
Advertising..............- Joseph J. Finn
Advertising..............Rud....B otelman
,Advertising........... m.L. Mullin
Advertising.........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Circulation...............James R. DePuy
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Accounts...............Paul W. Arnold
GeorgeH. Annable, Jr.
W. Carl Bauer
John H. Bobrink
;anley S. Coddington
W. J. Cox
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Mary Flinterman
S Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth Haven
iarold Holmes
Oscar A. Jose
Frank Mosher
F. A. Norquist
Loleta G. Parker
David Perrot
Robert Prentiss
Wm. C. Pusch
Nance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
Wm. J. Weinman
Margaret Smith
Sidney Wilson
ed improvements continually foisted'
upon our work-a-day world, there
occasionally stands out a contemplat-
ed program of visible merit calling
for an honest furtherance of its plans
and aims.
In the recent meeting of leading
educators of the United States, held
in Chicago, to organize an American
Association for Adult Education,1
which will attempt to promote and
improve adult education in the United
States, the formulation of an adequate
national adult education program has
secured for itself a position of pri-
mary importance in the field of educa-
An intensive, nation-wide campaign
for improved adult educational meth-
ods has' undoubted value because of
its consolidation of previously or-
ganized local systems attempting
adult education in an unorganized
and unsystematic way.
Heretofore, adult study groups,
whether within or without regular
educational institutions, have sought
knowledge through ill-equipped and
dubiously efficient means, -- means
which the tentative proposal of the
association will attempt to improve
and amplify with an efficiently or-
ganized, cooperative, national pro-
In addition to causing response of
public interest, the Adult Educational
association will be charged with vast
responsibilities in bringing education
to a host of adults who have been pre-
viously either unable to acquire such,
or who have realized the minimum in
value from the sporadically developed
adult educational study groups now in
The importance of sucn a national
organization in disseminating signifi-
cant information concerning adult
education, aims, and methods of work;
conducting a continuous research of
work being done in this field, and
publishing from time to time the re-
sults of such research; and cooperat-
ing with individuals and organizations
engaged in educational work of this
nature in the task of securing books
and instructors cannot be over-est-
mated in considering any phase of
adult educational improvement and
since this national consolidation of
adult educational methods must even-
tually take place, the initial attempts
at unification on a national program
offer a promising outlook on the for-
mation of adult study groups in the
New York state income bureau
sends out a request that citizens take
off one-quarter of their tax, because
of new regulations. The income tax
experts have been doing that right
A professor at Michigan State col-
lege is serving a dinner instead of an
exam for students in his seminars.
The students should "hit" that one
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants wril, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
In connection with the present dis-
cussion of the Honor System, there
is a point which I desire to empha-
size. I believe that a highly developed
sense of honor should be one of the
results of a college education.
A man goes to college and spends
several of the best years of his life
in acquiring a liberal education. He
has a right to expect that those years
will give him certain returns--a wid-
ened horizon, a certain measure of
mental discipline, a genuine fellow-
ship with kindred people, .a quickened
intellectual interest, and a gentle-
man's sense of honor.
.Julius Sinkswiltcler,
31r. Sinkswiltcher was born July
4th, 1882, near Alba, Mich. He at-
tended the only school in that district'
and graduated after the building was
burned down in 1912. Since then he
has attended a school of chiropody in
Saline, fought through the late War
as chiropodist to the 32nd Cavalry di-
vision and later held the same posi-
tion with the 116th Flying corps.
When released from the service in
1917, Mr. Sinkswiltcher held the posi-
tion of Corporal. He enlisted as a
After the war, he settled in Saline
and practiced his profession, until he
became so perfect at it that he
thought he could actually begin to
work on patients. So he moved to
Ann Arbor, where he set up his office
over local undertaking parlors in
which place he has remained ever
since. In 1921 Mr. Sinkswiltcher mar-
ried Miss Ethelda Grossschwantz, of
Scio, for love and settled down with
her in his home built specially for the
purpose, on Salem Road. Mr. Sinks-
wiltcher will be survived by sixty
five children from earlier marriages,
as well as his three sons, Samuel,
Lemuel, Emuel.
Mr. Sinkswiltcher is a member of
the local Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions
Clubs, as well as the Chamber of Com-
merce, Elks, Masons, Odd Fellows,
Knights of Columbus, Royal Order o
Mooses, American Legion, and the
Baptist Guild. He is the author of a
history of chiropody entitled "Great
Feats of Human History" and many
magazine articles which have never
been published.
* * *
Ann Arbor, U. S. A., The Earth;
(Special to Rolls)-A great revolt of
tle feminine students of the ancient
university once located here was dis-
covered today by Rolls' Own Expedi-
Taking place in 1926 at Easter time,
this revolution threatened for a while
to depopulate all' the sorority houses
and dormitories of the campus. Wo-
men marched through the streets car-
rying banners urging insurrection
against the established order and any-
thing else that sounded important.
The Ann Arbor police finally man-
aged to put down the revolt, but not
without aid of the efficient police
force of Chicago. For a while it look-
ed like the movement would spread
to Ypsi and take in all the State Nor-
mal girls, but when it came to the
time for the revolt there, it was found
that all the girls were on dates, and
undisposed to participate.
President Little and Coach Yost
pleaded in vain with the girls of Ann
Arbor, but they were too furious to
be stopped until their anger had been
The cause of the uprising was stat-
ed in the papers as simply the snow
storm that swept the country on
Easter Sunday. Our research could
discover no reason why they should
be so furious at such a small thing
as another storm.
NOTE: Search of ancient histories
in the Rolls' library brings to light
reference and Trumors of an odd cus-
tom which may have been in general
practice at this time. The ancient
documents refer to "donning a new
lid" and "sporting spring finery," and
it is possible that the ancient custom
had something to do with the revolt,
although this cannot be confirmed
as we go to press. What exactly was
done in these ceremonies is unknown.
-Timothy Hay.
Women students are warned not to
purchase articles at any of the Main
street stores, since it is roomed that
at least one of them sell pajamas and
petticoats under the same roof.
mu s ic
TONIGHT: "The Skin Game" by
John Galsworthy in University Hall at
8 o'clock.
A review, by Vincent Wall.
More slapstick and horseplay, this
time in the shape of a mad French
farce with some real comedy-here
and there-and many mon Dieu's and
diables run off at double time. This
was amusing, with clever lines, and
decidedly superior to the usual play
of this type. The possibilities were
meager, but it was well adapted and
given an intelligent interpretation
both by the actors themselves, and
the director as well.
Here it is: A lawyer-Thurston
Thieme as the shyster and MarieI
Burt as his wife, the Goode Guilemette
both of them with a complex for pet-
ty thievery; a mercenary drapier, and
a hopeless clod of a shepherd-not the
piping kind-and the judge, wig, curls
and all. The cast was well chosen,
and although the action dragged here
and there, the effect was surprisingly
good. Thurston Thieme and Marie
Burt easily dominated the play and
not only showed themselves to be
actors of ability, but contributed a
more significant factor in the fact
that their pronunciation was natural
clear-cut and easily understood. Paul
Schoenfeld as the drapier, it is true,I
had lines to say, but in his anxiety al-
most lost them.
The second piece, "Les Deux Sourds"
was intended to be of the same type,
but the point was missed. Here, too,
there was comedy, but it was comedy
of situation and the actors here, with
the exception of Samuel Bonell, con-
sistently endeavored to make the most
of their lines, and as a result the ac-
tion was retarded almost to the point
of boredom.
The production lacked the tech-
nique both in acting and in the gen-
eral mechanics of the stage that char-
acterized "Maitre Pathelin," and con-
tained that which the former piece
succeeded in loosing-the brand ofE
the amateur production.
I * *s
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Be sure to take a book home to that little sister or brother
At both ends of the Diagoni Walk
Just publisheid, without having to buy them, or 'walling till they become available at the Library, from
the LENDING LIBRARY in the Southiwestern Shop, a few doors south of the Maj.
ALL THE SAD YOUNG MEN .............Scott Fitzgerald
HOUNDS OF SPRING ....................Sylvia Thompson
MANHATTAN TRANSFER . ..... ...... John dos Passos
CATHERINE THE GREAT ..................A Biography
Andt any Othersr
1")c for the first day. ')c it day thereafter. IDepo:sit, usaaly$.5 refunded ou returnl of bioob.,
Childroei's Book department
"A FOeagldepartment of edu-
cation means Federal control of
educational affairs. There is
scarcely an activity of body or
mind but is either already, or pro-
posed to be, brought under the
surveillance of the government
through some bureau. Bureau-
cratic control is bad at best. ButI
it is peculiarly vicious when it
takes over and places under na-
tional control those things which
ought to remain with the State
and that is its inevitable tendency.
It is the creeping paralysis of
democracy."-Senator Borah.
At every university there always
persists a radical group of students
who are sufficiently conceited to be-
lieve that they are blessed with ideas.
and opinions that deserve audience.
These Thinkers, as they choose to
term themselves, claim that they have,
a message that should be couveyed. toI
the student body.
Aside from the fact that these in-i
dividuals have learned to think for
themselves, nothing favorable can
:a"illy be said in their behalf. They
are influenced by a superiority com-
plex, a fanatic egotism, that has in-
stilled in them an earnest faith in the
text they preach. Mencken-wise they
hurl the blatant, scathingly denounc-
ing gospel of the Intelligentsia at
bored, book-weary student bodies that
are interested not a bit.
But what makes matters worse is
the attitude assumed by some uni-'
ersity officials who insist on placing
bans on these "radicals" whenever
they show signs' of attempting to stir
up the student body over their idealis-
tic visions. Just as .soon as restric-
tions are placed upon- these Thinkers,
their censored "messages" attain a
false dignity and prominence that be-
li, their importance. .
When critics term some dramatic
vehicle a "flop," when the vigilant
eye of the law places a musical com-
edy on the black-list because of sug-
g9stive lines or noticable lack of ap-
parel, the box-office sales will show a
decided increase. When a book is
suppressed, those copies that have
A review, by William Lucas.
It was, I think, George Nathan who
some years ago suggested Eva Le Gal-
lienne as the perfect Hilda Wangel
which is of considerable significance
in view of the fine and sympathetic
performance which this talented
young actress is-giving in "The Mas-
ter Builder."
"The Master Biulder" is not quite
like any other play in the repertoire
of the modern theatre not excluding
those by the same author. It is Ibsen,
and only Ibsen. Retospective beyond
the usual limits of the drama, it is
pervaded by vague, almost mysterious
atmosphere,-due perhaps to the al-
most irrevalent appearance of extern-
al events-for Ibsen is concerned
purely with the psychological.
,Essentially "The Master Builder is
the history of a sickly conscience,
that of Halvard Solness, in contrast
to, and drawn out by, a robust con-
science typifying the spirit of Hilda
Wangel. In this respect the play
seems to consist of a long dialogue
between Solness and Hilda. The
graduations, retardations, accelera-
tions of Solness' self revealment are
managed with the subtlest art, so as
to keep the interest of the spectator
ever on the stretch. We so often find
critics stressing the symbolical, or al-
leged symbolical, nature of this
drama, that it is interesting to find
Miss Le Gallienne has viewed
the matter in a different light.
In her performance, we find noth-
ing in the play which may not
be explained on a natural or psy-
chological plane; nothing which re-
quires a symbolic interpretation to
make it comprehensible. That the
play is full symbolism, we have
Ibsen's own word for, but Miss Le
Galliene, who is responsible for the
direction of the performance, subdues
these symbols to a sort of harmonious
undertone, subservient to the moving
spirit of the drama, the self reveal-
ment of Halvard Solness. Miss Le
Gallienne's Hilda is a characterization
not soon to be forgotten by those that
are privileged to witness it. Her per-
formance in the third act during that
magnificent scene where she watches
Solness climb the tower of the new
home only to fall to his death, is one
.of extraordinary power and beauty.
Egon Brecher gives an impelling
characterization of The Master Build-
er, Solness, and Beatrice Terry is
commendable as Mrs. Solness.
This is a production which cannot
well be ignored by those who care for,
what is truly fine in the theatre.
Children had their annual egg-
rolling contest on the White House
lawn Easter. The caretakers of the
WXhite. Lnngcc hradltheii-r annuanlomelet-1
All human society rests on honor.**
To participation in every human re- Every time a 'class gets a bolt, we
lationship it is a real requisite. In learn, between twenty and five hun-
trade, marriage, diplomacy and even
armed combat honor plays a large
part. To turn people out of a great
university without fostering and de-
veloping their sense of honor is to
cheat them out of their birthright.
An Honor System can and will
work. Some of us who have had act-
ual experience with it know it can
be done. I am reliably informed that
at the state university at Berkeley,
California, it is a success. That uni-
versity has a larger enrollment than
Michigan, and in a general way is
much the same type of institution.
dred dollars are wasted. We are now
starting a drive whose slogan will be:
Michigani's quota ought to be at
least that.
* * *
If the student body had its way, it
is our firm belief 'that enough money
would be wasted to build a very com-
plete league building every semester.
** *
It is further stated that each class
which a student attends, or doesn't
attend is worth one dollar and thirty
fivrc ce~nts. We ohad no idlea .we weret