UiTIJSDAY, FI IA3I UA RY 9, 192 6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,. THF MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE BATE 11 TO MEETs WFill Distribute Zoology Writings I' Ill HEALT PREVENTS PHoE KUHNS HT leave of absence for the first semester of this year to enable him to accept a fellowship at the institute for theoretical. physics of the University of Copenhaglen, directed by Prof. N. Dean Whitney Hurt F, . _ _ im IiII ll LLIIVI IIII :L o thenZoodogy dPFepartment tht ac- --l_ cunmulated during thle first semester Irhs int 4f 1 )li, Yiirkla, rics ai now being distributed to educators Lj~ ~ uie ~khnit Wnnig Nuesand institutions on the mailing list of' In~iit~ lilga~cic f itee the department.b To B~e feld Fridaiy These incelude a study by Prof. A. -- - lFranklin Shull of the genetics of col- S 'RE; THAN 6 ENTERED or in relation Ito the life cycle of the potato and rose aphid, an -article on tthe ecolgy of the Gyrinidae or S Will the completion of the last de- whirligig beetles, by Dr. Melville 1. bate in the point winning series to1 Hatch. and five paprs on the general hers of the Michigan State High School1 ties of protoplasm by Prof. L. V. Heil- tDebating league will start preparation ________________ 1for the clhampionship Preliminary ser- ies. According to G. E.Densmore, MLVD state manager of league, more than 0 IJ[ LAFLUPE IIOUI 60 schools will be eligible for they W LL nnrESSCH el imination series, the result of which illdetrmie tevto scool toparER tiiaei h tt lminhp finals at Ann Arbor about May T.. George R: Swain, official photos;-, The preliminary debate series will raper of the University in the recenti be conducted along purely elimination Near East expedition, will' be thea 1 lines, the loser of each contest drop- principal speaker at the weekly meet- pigout and the winner being paired ing of the Chamber of Comere lun-f s withanother team. The two final cheon club today. Mr. Swain will dis- 'winning teams will debate for the cuss "The Excavation of Carthage", state championship at Ann Ar- recounting the work accomplished in b or in May as the guests of the lea- the expedition of last summer. Ogue, Both the Anin Arbor and Ypsi- Mr. Swain was associated with Prof. l t lanti teams have survived thus far in Francis W. Kelsey, of the Latin de- S~the point winning contests and will partment, in the excavation work at 4probably be assured places in the Crthage, which was undertaken by championship preliminary series. De- a Franco-American committee. His ~ troit's Debating league, working in experiences also include a 1,900 mile conjunction with the state league, will trip into Tunis and Algeria in search 1complete the last of its preliminary of the sites of ancient Roman cities, Iseries by Feb. 19, and the winners, and a visit to the island of Patmos, ie~ed according to the point system, where St. John is supposed to have will then enter the state elimination lived .when le wrote the book of Rev- sries. elations. * N Each of the teamis enrolled in this- seiswill receive an award in the T ed with the names of the high schoolIn u ra Rie team and its members, given by the 1 etroit Free Press. The members of the two final contesting teams will be Dean John R. Effinger, of the Col- iven gold watches. lege of Lterature, Science, and the 4 Arts, attended the inaugural ceremon- L .ONDON. - Reuter's understands ies of President Bizzell of the Univer- '' that an important transaction has been ity of Oklahoma, Feb. 4-5. Dean Ef- jconcluded by the sale of Sumatrarub- finger was invited as a representative eplantations owned by the Danish of the Association of American Col- # atIndies Plantation Co., to J. A. leges. Wateand Co., of London, for 10,000,- 00 rnr(about $2,500,000.) PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW DETROIT THEATRES 1111II'iIlIIIIII11III1lI1lI1lI1lIIIIIIIIl1lII. j S. THIS WEE K..- Eves. - 5c to $250F R A RIC We d Mat.50cto$150 - Sat. Mat. 50c to $20 CO T j ' s o e Fr i"Detroit }oboes Boadway's Praise of -rv 'a 0t s Ann Ijarding-Rf.Jfo Peters-Harry - Reg. U. S. Pat. Office . Birrestord and New York Cst- Ni-s 5 t 5 eadlaches Are Soon at. Mat. sc&7c R#eid by M Woodward at Eliot Tel edale 9792 j IThe BONSTELLE ca. White onder Salve.~ In thcI'rank Caveni Comedy lNIW B h 9 The greatest discovery of I 'N W RO MS ~35, 0cmodern science extWekTeMnWoCm Bai 35,0c and $1.00 at all drug-= ahbert Latayetle gt at Shelby 'gS q+ sutposid o rcip:- Nihssc to $3. 3 S at.Mat. 'sac $275 -Will'Nt taii. op.Thurs. Mat. soc to $,2o Cadillac 8705 - Manufactured and guaranteed by I Arthr Ha merteins 1 WITE WONDER CHEMICAL CO. o se-k191h Amk+ M1oitginery, Al. Ie M "a~~IlI~~~II~I~~I~IIIlI~I~l~ y -- i 11I1 h ll lil11111111111f1" Word ia1,S recnt Y Iberi recei ved i'ron)lProf. (Oskar Klein, or tile pysics department, tha[ he will b" u tnale to r Ieturn to take u1'rIs Vwork fior thse se0cond semester. Because of serious illness, Professor 1Kleinlhas been confinied to a hospital during the winter. i Let The Daily sell it for you Professor' Klein Nvas ;granted ( a rae Classified columus.---Adv. thiru Due to an automobile accident, Dean A. S. Whitney, of the School of Edu- cation, will be confined to his home for a few days. Deau Whitney is suffering from painful bruises and shock. No serious injuries were in- cur red. MEDIT[RRANEAN CRUISES! ROUND THE WORLD, WEST ltM)IES, MT. Ay Lint,, Any Steamer, At}ny Where Make Reservations NOW A Small dopositguarantees space iin y clas uie Local Agent 19. G. KIJEBLER ALL LILIES 601 E. huaron St. AnnArbor, Iicb 1 d r All Wool Pre-Shrunk in Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade. SUITS AND VECATS ;4aailfactaaired by A. NASH & CO. Th[1inotis Goldien Ruhle Tallot rs (4 nenichnati. Phone 9736 4 I And ask tlhat a STYLE, FIT, representative of the NASH CO. call upon you s'hI,9w sales and styles. W'O RKMtAINSi p141 AND -gWEARING QUALITIES Ito All Expenses Afloat and Ashore $290 Up TfRAVEL Student fashion, with us, the only organization having the entire Tourist III Class of two .Ocean Liners reserved exclusivcly. Find out the meason. Our greatest Student Sail- ings, with special orchestras and enter- tainmrents: S. S. ANDANIA ...........Jun-e 30 M. S. GRIPSHOLM .........July 3 Over loo colleges represented on our 1925 tours. Write for illustrated book- lets of the leading 1926 Student Tours to British Isles, Continent, Egypt, Palestine, North Cape. Afloat and ashore, all arrangements ar ad co rt h itllgn 4 1 ~J(HENsy s cmine P~ with quality and long iflife, as itisin a Sttson,tiie ~can be no question 'as to the hat you :should wear; STETSO"u NHAT S 'f Sty:led for young men pSome of the best dressed people you meet are we.aring' Nash clothes. S9 v. worse O. 3 - -O y All popular Broglie models on display at aba . riw.rrr ........... . wwwwwoolmi SECOND SEMESTER TEXT B OOKS GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. 336 South State Street Ann Arbor, i4ichi. YLasts and Patterns e njxclusivel our own design OW&H.1922 FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS I UN1iI vERS 5ITY -. ion NsIbR /ffl*jjR PH y WHITEHOUSE &HARIY% INCORPORATEO BROADWAY AT 40TH STREET 144 WEST 4211D STREET METROPOLITAN OPE:RA h-louIsa BL[}c. KNICKERBOCKER BUIL.DING 84 BROADWAY--AT WALL STREET a r y t . - PRESENTING- The Celebrated Character- ' SCORES., Comedian of "Charlie 's AunO AGAIN Fame, Vnho made the I BIGGER World Roar nI THAN EVER. Simq~ 0; i Now r I ' ' 4a Fromi the Novel and Stilge Success by d S60 Aart=s mo§b , nonUUIT 7 ffPm. std'tion WOS. IVORa.Ems' i E A ODve A 1 n ing =f qt All Seats - Thte Merriest Screv Smile of the Year It's absurdly fascin ating fun will kee every movie fai I shaking with laugh ter! With all sta a ~cast of comediant . -ALSO- .Exclusive Showill; 3-1hop 1Pictures r~e Cmedy- Topics 1 1A\C r o mi - ! ew s - z ~Reliew a L L Ni iiig an Sport J-loop Selections I .cu : ::~"L7:Yr ,. : .: . . f ' W.. NOW,).SHOWING t; . ''' ' :. :. . j 00 %0 W A Story of a Daughter of Today 'from the -Cosmopolitan Magazine story by Edwin Bal- "° -mer. Screen 'play by Paul Schofield. I.i S r' tI 46- ~ Matinees 2:00-3:40 Prices 10c, 35c IW :Nights 7.00--8 40 Prices l~c, 50c AN N:OW WE HAVES-WM DWGR F F ITl frstrpro riuct sf !oft under his new9wvmwwu contract A great story. The finest G rif- fith has had in years. Melo- dramatic, heart - throbbing, ping. 4 a 5 f ,, 4 } . -Oj the Sereen- ffi "IRISH n- 1S. CI-c I a.I a is wrrf CAROL D1EMPSTER W. C. F IEL.D S JAMES KI RKWOOD HARRISON FORD ft4... i A6-00Wf ZUOR - IESSE L LASY A Qaramountg kiture With Lain Wilson, LUCK" THURSDAY - "SEVEN SINNERS" a I IA 11 11