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April 07, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No, 143







House Picks Judiciary Group
To Prosecute Judge English

ISE TO TALK ONMinister Hits
State College
EV OLT OF IOUTH' Military Drill'

(-y As-oc-atd Press)
WASHINGTON, April 6.-The House
today appointed nine managers to
prosecute the case against Federal
Judge English of Illinois and formal-
ly notified the Senate of his impeach-
ment on a charge of "high misde-
meanors in office."
The Senate, which is to try the case,
promptly adopted a resolution direct-
ing its secretary to notify the Hous&
that it is ready to receive the mana-
gers. They are not expected to ap-
pear for several days, as they first will
hold session to map out procedure.
Besides naming the prosecutors, five
Republicans and four Democrats, of
the judiciary committee, the Housej

adopted a resolution instructing its
clerk to notify the Senate and de-
mand the conviction of Judge English
in the name of the House and "the
people of the United States."
The House authorized its managers
to sub-poena witnesses and documents
and to bring in witnesses in addition
to those heard by the judiciary com-
After the managers formally pre-
sent the indictment against Judge
English, the Senate will fix a time
at which the judge must appear in per-
son before the Senate bar. Upon his
appearance he will be given a week
or more in which to make written re-
ply to the charges against him.

Secretary Submitted To Two
Cross Examination By
Senator Reed


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON , April 6.-Crooked-
ness among prohibition officers, the
"splitting" of whiskey for the bootleg
and druggist trade and the misnomer
of "non-refiillable" as applied to
whiskey bottles were a few of the sub-
jects touched upon today as the wets
pressed their case at the Senate pro-
hibition hearing.f
Others included the "unpleasant
duty" of enforcement agents to drink
part of the evidence which they gath-
er, the "reclaiming" of anti-freeze and
even embalming fluid for the bootleg
trade, alcohol diversion, and proposed
legislation to tighten up enforcement.
Assistant Secretary Andrews, the
field marshal of prohibition enforce-
ment, again was the witness, buttress-
ed at times by James E. Jones, di-
rector of prohibition who sat across
the table from his chief and who was
sworn in the midst of the hearings
after General Andrews had called up-
on him several times to furnish in-
formation which he did not have at his
finger tips.
Senator Reed, Democrat, Missouri,
the one avowed wet of the committee
of five, conducted the cross examina-
tion during most of the two hours of
the hearing and the crowd appeared to
get plenty of kicks out of his ques-
tions and observations and the replies
of the two witnesses. Again and
again laughter swept the room and
there was no admonition for the sena-
tors themselves could not refrain from
joining in the demonstration.
But the hearing was not all hilarity,
Senator Reed bore down seriously as
Secretary Andrews suggested a law
which would give the prohibition unit
the right to refuse to reissue permits
without appeal to the courts by the
permittee. The senator declared this
would give "arbitrary" power to of-
ficials to destroy a "legitimate busi-
ness' depending for its life on indus-
trial alcohol.
General Andrews finally conceded
that an appeal to the court should be
allowed in case of the refusal of pe-
mits, just as it is provided for now
when permits are revoked.
Before this subject was disposed of,
Senator Reed called attention that 875
employees of the enforcement unit had
been dismissed for law violations and
he suggested that certainly this au-
thority should not be vested in men
who might turn out to be dishonest.
This led to the field of who recom-I
mended enforcement officers. General
Andrews said the W. C. T. U. and the
Anti-saloon league had done so in the
"But I will say Wayne D. Wheeler
never has made any recommendation,"
he added, referring to the general
counsel of the Anti-saloon league.
"You stopped him, didn't you?"
queried Senator Reed.
"He never started," returned Mr.
Senator larreld, Republican, Okla-
homa, suggestedl that administrators
charged with employing their own
forces should look to the friends of
prohibition for recommendation.
"Then you would have just as many
crooks in the future as you have had
in the past" said Senator Reed.
Director Jones, as the "expert wit-
ness" on non-refillable whiskey bot-
tles testified that there was no such
"You're right," returned Senator
Reed. "You can refill a non-refillable
bottle. Its a little longer operation
and so trying of the 'nerves of the man
who is waiting for a drink."
A reference to "split" whiskey
aroused the curiosity of Senator
Waslsh, Democrat, Montana, an avowed
dry, who asked what it was.
"Alcohol colored with whiskey" ex-
plained General Andrews.
"Sice Senator Walsh doesn't know
anything about this I will say that it
has been stated to me-I have never
performed the operation myself-that
you take a gallon of whiskey and then
alcohol and water and make several

0OurWeat er an


Subject Of Address Will Be "Jesus'
Program And Why It Wais

Lecturer Describes Development
Great Lines In West Before
Large Audien'ce



Tracing the development of the
large railroad systems, Prof. John S.
Worley, who is a part time lecturer
in the civil engineering department,
gave the second lecture of a group
on American railways yesterday morn-
ing before a large audience of engi-
neering students and faculty members.
In discussing the great lines of the
[West, Professor Worley revealed the
fact that Judge Denton, a former resi-
dent of Ann Arbor, was the first man
to conceive the idea of a transconti-
nental railroad. After inspecting the
roads in the East, Judge Denton ad-
vocated a line fromi the Great Lakes
to the west coast in 1832, fully 37
years before the Central Pacific from
the West and the Union Pacific from
the East were united at Promontory
Point, Utah, he said.
In regard to the eastern systems,
'Professor Worley described the early
growth of the Baltimore and Ohio, the
New York Central, and Pennsylvania
railroads. Slides were shown of the
construction equipment, and the loco-
motives and cars which were operated
on these lines in their early stages.
Professor Worley also spoke yester-
day at the Chamber of Commerce lun-
cheon giving his forecast of the busi-
ness conditions for the coming year.
"I do not see anything in the horizon
to forecast a poor season," he said.
He cited statistics from the electri-
cal manufacturing industry to show
that since its beginning in the nine-
teenth century there have been steady
increases in both the output of elec-
trical supplies and the consumption
of electrical current. "The momen
tum that such an increase carries with
it will insure that there will be no
permanent reversal of business in the
industry," Professor Worley asserted.
"But I do not see any great revolu-
tionary changes in the field, and so
where is this increase in business
coming from for the next five year
period?" he continued. It will be due
to the increased uses to which elec-
tricity will be put in the fields in
which it is now being utilized, he ex-
' oaed. More will be used for lights
in the homes, farms, and household
In its ,regular weekly meeting, held
last night, Alpha Nu society debated
on the subject of the modern tendency
toward superficiality in education.
Declaring thliatit was necessary to
have specialization in this age of pro-
fessionalism, the affirmative side was
accorded a favorable decision by the
members of the society.
It was announced at the meeting
that the Alpha Nu freshman debating
team, composed of Paul J. Kern, '29,
Walter 13. Fughum, '29, and Durwin
H. Brownell, '29, would meet the
Adelphi freshmen in a debate to be
held Friday, April 23, on the subject
"Resolved, That the Attempt to Han-
d(ie Moral Problems as Typified by the
18th Amendmend is Wrong in Prin-
1 -
Postpone Date Of
Faculty Meeting

Speaking under the auspices of the
School of Religion, Samuel Dickey,
professor of the new testament at the
University of Chicago, will give anJ
open lecture at 4:15 o'clock today in
the Natural Science auditorium. The
subject of the lecture will be "Jesus'
Program and Why It Was Rejected."
Professor Dickey is the son of aI
clergyman and has been interested in
the study of theology for many years.
His education was received both in
this country and abroad, and he has
received degrees from several foreign
universities. He first received his de-
gree of bachelor of arts at PrincetonI
in 1894, returning to graduate from
the theological seminar of that insti-
tution in 1897. Later he traveled and
studied for several years in Europe,
receiving, degrees from the universi-
ties of Berlin and Athens, and attend-
ing Marburg, Erlangen, and Jena as
well. He was ordained into the Pres-
byterian ministry in 1899.
He was professor of classical and
Hellenistic Greek in Lincoln univer-
sity, Pennsylvania, from 1899 to 1905.
Later in 1905 he studied abroad re-
turning in 1906 to accept a position
at the McCormick Theological semi-
nary. He was at the latter institu-
tion until 1923.!
Professor Dickey is the author of
"The Constructive Revolution of Je-
sus" which was published in 1923. In;
addition to his work as a professor
and his books, he has also contributed
to several theological reviews and
periodicals and has also written arti-
cles for the Standard Bible Dictionary.
Hunt Receives
German Rubies
Several synthetic rubies and sap-
phires have been received by Prof.
W. F. Hunt of the petrography de-
partment from Dean E. H. Kraus of
the Summer session who is now in
Europe. Dean Kraus obtained the
stones from a factory in Idar, Ger-
many. The collection contains stones
showing the various stages in the
manufacture, from the boule to the
finished stone. One of the unfinished
stones weighs 181 carats.;
According to Professor Ilunt the
process of synthesizing rubies and

Rabbi Is head Of Jewish Institute Of
Religoif And haMs Written
Many Books
Rabbi Stephen Wise of the Free syn-
agogue of New York, president of the
Jewish Institute of Religion, and the
leader of American Zionism, will
speak at 3:15 o'clock today in the
Natural Science auditorium on the
subject "The Revolt of Youth-Against
What?" Rabbi Wise, who is to de-
liver a speech tonight in Detroit, is
being brought to Ann Arbor under the
auspices of the Round Table club. y
Rabbi Wise came into public dis-
cussion recently, especially in relig-
ious circles, because of a sermon
which lie delivered in New York dur-;
ing the week of last Christmas. In
this sermon, which was regarding
Jesus Christ, Rabbi Wise made three
statements for which he was attacked
by orthodox Jews as unsound and un-
representative of Jewish thought.
Rabbi Wise declared that Jesus really
did exist, that he was a great teacher
and that the Jews should accept him
as such and as one of their own. Be-
cause of this sermon, the rabbi was
denounced as an heretic, was tried for
that charge, but was not convicted.
Rabbi Wise was born in Budapest,
Hungary, March 17, 1872. He emigrat-
1 ed to this country and studied from
1887 to 1891 at the College of the City
of New York; he, however, receive
the A. B. degree from Columbia uni-
versity in 1892, and the Ph.D. degree
from that institution in 1901. He was
pastor of the congregation of Madison
avenue synagogue, New York, from
1893 to 1900. For the next six years
he was pastor at the Beth Israel
synagogue, Portland, Ore., and in 1907
he founded, and has since been rabbi
at the Free synagogue of New York.
While he was in Oregon he founded
the Oregon state conference of chari-
ties and correction and the federation
of American Zionists, and was a child
labor commissioner of that state.
Vice-president of the Free Religious
association of America, Rabbi Wise is
also the founder of the Zionist organi-
zation of America, and a member of
the American Jewish relief commis-
sion. He was a delegate to the
American-Jewish congress in Paris,
and while there, in 1919, was appoint-
1 ed a chevalier of the Legion d'Hon-
Rabbi Wise was the founder and is
president of the Jewish Institute of
Religion, an institution which trains
men for Jewish ministry. le is a
member of the executive commission
of the Woodrow Wilson foundation
1 and a trustee of the Near East Relief
commission. He is president of the
American Jewish congress.
In 1901, Rabbi Wise wrote "'The
Ethics of Solomon Iba Gabirol, and
published two sets of his sermons,
"Beth Israel Pulpit," in three volumes,
and "Free Synagogue Pulpit," in five
volumes. Ile is also the author of
"How To Face Life," and "Child Ver-
sus Parent."
According to John H. Elliott, '26,
president of the Round 'fable club, a
charge of 25 cents will be collected at
the door of the Natural Science audi-
torium for the speech by Rabbi Wise.

GRAND RAPIDS, April 6.-Declar-
ing his opposition to compulsory mil-
itary training at the Michigan State
college, the Rev. W. E. Beckett, pastor
of Alto M. E. church, called upon the
Grand Rapids Ministers' association
at the April meeting at the Y. M. C. A.
yesterday to pass a resolution urging
the training at least be made elective.
Mr. Beckett gave a report for a com-
mittee investigating military training
in schools and colleges, the committee
having been appointed by the Method-
ist Association of Ministers.E
"There is a question in my mind
whether we are not becoming too mili-
taristic, whether there is not a danger
of being swamped with the same spirit
that has swamped Europe," Mr. Beck- I
ett declared.
"Compulsory military training is a
handicap to those specializing in rural
education. The nian who is to work in
the country has no need of it, it is of
no value to him. Why should he be
made to take this three hours of
training a week? Students of medi-
clue,law, etc., do not have to go under
this handicap.
"From letters sent out I feel that
the spirit is unanimous in this regard
on the part of the rural leaders of
Michigan. Let us eliminate the com-1
pulsory feature of military training."
Court Asks BfanI
On Night Music
As Health Move'
BERLIN, April 6.-That music is
undermining the health of Berliners
is the verdict handed down by the
municipal court in its recommenda-
tion that orchestras and other forms
of music, even the radio, be discon-
tinued at an early hour in all public
The court reviewed the situation as
Under the exhiliaration of music,
the guests in cafes, restaurants and1
theaters imbibe alcoholic drinks ex-
cessively. At the police closing hour, i
'which is 1 a. i., the guests are in]
quarrelsome moods and either dis-
pute with their friends or with other
groups on the street.
These boisterous quarrels wake up
peaceful citizens, whose health con-
sequently suffers from lack of suffi-
cient rest.
Lipton Comes
On New Quest
For Yacht Cup
NEW YORK, April 6.-Sir Thomas
Lipton arrived on the Leviathan yes-
terday with confirmation of his pur-
pose to file his fifth challenge for the
America's cup, international yachting
Although efforts to obtain definite
statements regarding the Irish yacht-
man's plans. were submerged in the
ripple of good-natured repartee which
crossed the Atlantic with the genial
challenger, Sir Thomas said:
"I have the finest collection of cups
in the world, but I'd give them all
for the America's cup."
Sir Thomas said he did not intend
to file his challenge formally until
October, giving the required 10 months
for the New York club, holder of the
cup, to prepare for an international
race, some time in July next year,
John Galsworthy's three act drama,
"The Skin Game," will be presented
by the Play Production class at s

o'clock tonight in University Hall.
The production has been in rehearsal
since the Christmas vacation and Prof.
R. D. T. Hollister of the public speak-
Sing department expresses himself as
I being well satisfied with the work of
the large cast, which in eludes Kenneth
King, '28, Margaret Henckel, '26, Carol
Cleaver, '28, and others who have had
previous experience with the Play
Production classes. The performance
will be given only tonight due to the
engagement of Robert Mantell at the
Whitney theater tomorrow night.

Dean Cabot Advocates Abolition Of
Professor In Novel Debate
With Alexander, '27L
President Clarence Cook Little was
accorded the highest distinction in the
realm of local knighthood last night
when he was "dubbed" the traditional
Oil Can at the fourth annual Gridiron
Knights banquet of Sigma Delta Chi,
national professional journalistic fra-

President Little
At the fourth annual Gridiron
Knights banquet held last night at the
Union, President Clarence Cook
Little was given the oil can trophy.
Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department, the third holder of
the trophy, made the presentation to
President Little.
Union Pool Will Be Available For
Wonen Users After Spring
Arrangements for the use of the
Union swimming pool by women stu-
dents of the University, and others, as
provided in the resolution adopted by
the Union board of directors last Sat-
urday, were completed yesterday by'
Matt Mann, Varsity swimming coach
and director of the pool, and Dr. Mar-
garet Bell of the physical education
Women students will be allowed to
use the pool from 8 to 10:30 o'clock
every Monday, Tuesday, and Thurs-
day morning, and from 7:30 to 10
o'clock every Thursday night begin-
ning April 20. Women must be out of
the Union building by 11 o'clock on
the three mornings of the week, it
was stated by William L. Diener, '26,
Wives of faculty members and wives
and daughters of Union members will
be permitted the use of the pool dur-
ing the same hours. Boys of Univer-
sity high school will be allowed every
Saturday morning to swim in the
tank., beginning next Saturday.
All women will be obliged to enter
1 the building as usual through the
north entrance, take the elevator to
the basement, and go directly to the
0pool. Students must obtain identifica-
tion cards from the office of the dean
of women, while all other women will
be required to procure the same at
the main desk in the Union for pre-
semtation at the pool desk.
Women will be charged 25 cents per
swim. Lessons will be given when
desired for 50 cents each 'by Coach
Mann who will have full supervision
over the pool at all times.
In accordance with another ruling
made by the directors Saturday,
swims for Union members have been
reduced to 10 cents each. All holders
of $2 swimming books, or $5 book
purchased after March 1, may hale
the number of coupons they have left
duplicated at the Union. They will
receive an extra 10 cent coupon for
every 25 cent ticket purchased.
Riff Peace Terms
Refused By Spain'
PARIS, April 6.-A semi-official an-
nouncement from Madrid to the effect
that the Spanish government could
not cofpsider peace in Morocco on the
terms offered by the tribal leader
Abd el-Krim, and the belligerent dis-
position being shown by the tribes-
men around Paza has sent the pros-
I pects of peace with the Riff to the
background. Negotiations on the
basis of autonomy for the Riffians are
now regarded in official circles as use-
less, in view of the attitude of the
Spanish government.

ternity, at the Union. Th donor was
Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the English de-
partment who had had the symbol of
honor in his possession for a year.
Inwan atmosphere of ridicule, satire,
and irony, dignified members of the
faculty, emotionless journalists, ambi-
tious students, and sedate townsfolk
forgot all petty pride and reveled in
an evening of wit and humor. Start-
ing with the radio program, which em-
phasized the idiosyncraies of well-
known professors on the campus, until
the last address, the largest assem-
blage in the history of the Gridiron
banquet responded in vociferous man-
ner to remarks, speeches, and debates.
Prof. Athur L. Cross of the history
department, acting in the capacity of
toastmaster, opened the program after
dinner with a few introductory re-
marks. He then signalled-for an oath
from all those present, particularly
newspapermen, not to divulge any per-
Sonal remarks which might be made
during the evening,In an effort to give
all speakers the greatest latitude and
"Cigar Ash on the Vest' was the
topic of President Little. In his ad--
dress he contrasted the subject of his
speech with the problems of daily life.
The discussion session opened with
Dean Hugh Cbot of. the Medical
school debating in a novel manner the
question: "The Abolition of the Pro-
fessor." He was answered by Ray
Alexander, '27L, who gave his argu-
ments foi the "Abolition of the Stu-
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department next showed why the
examination should be retained, cit-
ing numerous examples of students'
replies made on bluebooks.
"The State Press" and the "Audi-
torial We" were the topics touched
upon by James Schermerhorn of Dc-
troit, former editor of the Detroit
Times. In his discussion he men-
tioned, many incidents of interest
which occurred during his years in
the newspaper business.
In presenting the Oil Can, Profes-.
sor Campbell remarked, "It gives me
great pleasure indeed to present this
token of esteem to 14'esident Little, a
Harvard man, inasnmuch as it was
given to me by a graduate of that
university, Prof. Thomas Reed."
President Little replied by declar-
ing that, to be the recipient of the
Oil Can, was the greatest surprise
and recognition be has had since com-
1 ing to the University, and a "certain
Imark of true friendship."
Mayor John Smith of Detroit out-
lined 'the qualities of the successful
journalist, and told of his experiences
with newspapers.
"Abolish the Examination" was the
talk given by Dr. Frederick Coller,
associate professor of surgery, in re-
ply to the arguments, presented by
Professor Slosson.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the engi-
neering college brought the discussion
session to a close with attacks on the
.newspapers of the state.
The fourth discussion was neces-
sarily abandoned when Howard May-
berry of the psychology department
was unable to be present due to sud-
den illness and W. A. P. John of De-
troit wired that ho would be unable
1to attend.
The annual favorable epitaph was
presented to Prof. Thomas C. True-
blood, public speaking director by WU-
liam L. Diener, '26, president of Micli-
gan chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, in
recognition of his long service with
the University.
Herman Boxer's orchestra rendered
selections thrcughout the meal, and
I moving pictures were taken of the
banquet by the Reogram Film service.
Cigarettes were furnished by the R. .J.
Reynolds Tobacco company.
Byrd Expedition
Leaves New York
NEW YORK, April 6.-After several

sapphires was prefected about 2
years ago by a Frenchman, Verneuil, - I
but it has only been in the last few OQp Oji iOi s W
years that conm ercial manufactu' Rrri
hats been undertaken. The stones I p r O rv
have practically the same properties
and composition as the genuine stones Members of the finance committee of
and are detected with difficulty. I the sophomore literary class, and
Conmercially the synthetic stones others taking part in -the financial
sell from $1 to $10 a carat, and are campaign held for the purpose of can-
used for jewelry and for jewels in celling the class debt, will meet at 51
the manufacture of watches. Other o'clock today in room 302 of the
collections are expected from Ger- Union to turn in their reports. Dur-
many soon. ing the recent drive every general

Leigh J. Young, Republican, of th
forestry department, was elected ald-

fraternity and sorority house on the
campus was approached for the col-
lection of class dues and money was
received in various campus buildings
last week.
I Every conmnmitteeman is requested
to have a complete report at today's
Finals Reached In
'Union Tournament
I. . - .

I ermnan from the seventh ward in Mon-
Discussion of engineering education day's election. The proposal for the
problems by the faculty of the en- $25,000 bond issue for the purchase of
gineering college, which was sched- a 43 acre site for city parks and th.

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