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April 06, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 142





Says Fear And Hatred Of Minorities
Are Habit Of People Today;
Cites State Laws
"There are more ways to get into
jail for your opinions today than at
any time in the history of our coun-
try," said Roger N. Baldwin, director
of the American Civil Liberties union,
New York, who spoke yesterday after-
noon in Natural Science auditorium,
under the auspices of the Round
Table club. John Elliott, '26, presi-
dent of the club introduced the
"From small beginnings in locking
up pacifists and reds, the United
States has progressed now to making
crimes of the teaching of evolution,
and of the failure to teach the Bible.
One state recently punished the ad-
vopacy of social equality between
whites and blacks. Another has just
dug up and used an ancient blasphemy
law in the first case of its sort to be
tried in almost a century."
Mr. Baldwin gave as the reason that
fewer people are going to jail today
for expressing their opinions, the fact
that intolerance is so entrenched, that
people do not have to be locked up to
control their heresies. He said that
fear and hate of all minorities are
the settled habit of mind of the coun-
try; reds, Negroes, aliens, Catholics
and Jews all feel the majority taboo
upon them.
Intolerance Is Recent
"Within the last 10 years this wid--
spread intolerance has been built up,"
continued Mr. Baldwin. "The war did
not cause it; it's cause is the Russian
revolution with its challenge to the
existing property system. Bolshevism
Is the issue which has aroused the
propertied classes to the defense of
things as they are all over the world.
Our controlling classes distrust our
democracy, belittle Congress, and glor-
ify the executive and the Supreme
court. This central fact in the eco-
nomic conflict is reflected in the ef-
fort of all groups in power to hold
on to their privileges, and to write
these privileges into law. It accounts
for the Klan's attempt to compel all
children to go to public schools, and
in the Fundamentalist attack on sci-
entific teaching."
Mr. Baldwin said that the United
States Supreme court has approved
every repressive law that has come
before it since the war, andthat there
is only one issue still to be decided,
and that is whether a state can make
it a crime to belong to an organization
which teaches doctrines prohibited by
law, and that this case will be decided
by the court within the next few
"The evolution case in Tennessee
will be argued this month in the Su-
preme court of that state," said Mr.
Baldwin, "and the American Civil Lib-
erties union, which handled the case
last summer at Dayton, will carry it,
if necessary, to the United States Su-
preme court. Since Texas and Miss-
issippi both have similar laws, it is
essential that we get the issue square-
ly before the highest court. Similarly,
the compulsory Bible reading laws
oill get before the Court in cases
brought by Catholic, Jewish, and
Quaker parents who object to this new
union of church and state."I
California Strong
The prosecution of radicals is


Seat Threatened

Sen. Smith W. 'Brooklart
States That under No Interpretation
Of Law Or Voters Intent Has He
Right To Membership
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 5. - Opening
debate , in the Iowa election contest,{
Senator Caraway, Democrat, Arkan-
sas, today challenged the claim of Sen-
ator Brookhart, a Republican, to a
seat in the Senate.1
Under no interpretation of the law
or the voters intent or in any other
way, he contended, has Mr. Brookhart
a right to membership. Daniel F.
t Steck, Democrat, was elected in 1924,
he added, and should be seated.
Senator Caraway said the commit-
tee majority in recommending the un-
seating of Brookhart had decided the
case on the basis of the "intent of the1
voter" and that if legal technicalities
were to be used, the majority of the
voters in their state would be dis-
le added that Senator Brookhart
had approached nearly every Senator
to personally argue the case, while.
Mr. Steck had not been introduced to
a single Senator. Senator Stephens,
Democrat, Mississippi, who drew up
the report favoring Mr. Brookhart,
will open debate for the committee
minority tomorrow.
Samuel Dickey, professor of the new
testament at the University of Chi-
cago, and formerly professor at Mc-
Cormick Theological seminary, of'
Chicago, will give an open lectureE
on "Jesus' Program and Why It Was
Rejected" at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow
in the- Natural Science auditorium.
His appearance here is under the aus-
pices of the School of Religion.
Professor Dickey is the author of
"The Constructive Revolution of
Jesus," and is a contributor to va-
rious theological reviews. He is a
graduate of Princeton, and of the
Princeton Theological seminary. In,

Income Will Gve Cash Prize Awards
To Finalists In Moot Court
Competition Contests
Surviving partners of the lab firm
of Campbell, Bulkley, and Ledyard, of
Detroit, have made a gift of $3,000 to
the Law school in memory of their
late partner, Henry M. Campbell, '78L,
who died. March 17, Dean Henry M.
Bates of the Law school, announced
late yesterday. The money will be
held in trust and the income will be
used for the payment of cash prizes
amounting to $150, which are paid
each year to the finalists in the moot
court competition of the Law school.
"The gift will be most useful in
stimulating one of the most interest-
ing activities of school," said Dean
Bates, "and it is especially gratifying
in view of the persona associations
with this Law school of not only Mr.
Campbell, but of several of his part-
ners. Henry M. Campbell was the son
of former Justice Campbell of the
Michigan Supreme court, who was the
first dean of the Law school, taking
office in 1859."
"Mr. Campbell himself, his brother
Charles H. Campbell, Henry C. Bulk-
ley, Charles H, L'Hommedieu, Wilson
W. Mills, and Selden S. Dickinson,
partners of the firm, are graduates of
this Law school. Mr. Bulkley was a
members of the Board of Regents for
several years andl in that capacity
was chairman of the committee in re-
lation to the Law school."
"Mr. Campbell ," concluded Dean
Bates, "was a brother of the late Ed-
ward D. Campbell, for many years di-
rector of the chemistry department.
le was graduated from the litrary~
college in 1876, from the Law school
in 1878, and in 1916 received the hon-
orary degree of doctor of laws."
Final arguments in the moot court
competition for 1926, the prizes for
which will be paid by the Campbell
fund, will be held tomrrow in the
lounge room of the Lawyers' club.
The argument will be judged by Dean
Bates and possibly two justices of the
state Supreme court. Prizes of $50
will be awarded to each mem r of
the winning team and $25 to each man
on the runners-up. Of the four clubs
in the annual contest, Holmes, Kent,
Marshall, and Story, the Story and
Kent clubs will take part in the finals.
Jerome Mikesell, '27L, and Robert
Conder, '27L, will represent the Story
club while Elmer Salzman, '27L, and
Phillip O'Hanlon, '27L, will argue for
the Kent club in tomorrow's contest.
The subject of the argument is al
contract problem-whether a person i
I who cancels a contract can recover
money which he has already advanc-
fed under the terms of the contract.
The four case clubs have a member-
ship of more than 100 and carry on
arguments during the year.
April Inlander
Contains Prize
Winning Article
"Adrift on a Bed," by Everett Part-
ridge, Grad., is the leading article in
the April Inlander which will be
placed on sale today at the bookstores
and in the lobby of Angell hall. This
is the prize winning essay in the con-
test conducted by The Inlander which
has been judged by John Farrar, edi-

{ tor of the Bookman to be the best of
those submitted.

-E.(By Asociatd Press)
I NEI' YORK, April 5.-The
j Byrd Arctic expedition started
{from Brooklyn navy yard today
for the frozen North and the land
of the midnight sun.
IThe steamship Cantier sailed
after Commander Richard E.
Byrd and the 54 members of the
expedition, aided by blue-jackets
from the navy yard had labored
at high speed to stow below the
the decks the two airplanes with
which the explorers plan to fly
over the north pole.
A huge throng cheered the I
expedition on its way. The navy
yard band rendered the Star {
Spangled Banner, and Auld I
Lang tSyne and, vessels in the
harbor with whistles and sirensj
paid parting respect to the way-{
farers. j
A humble, but memory stirring{
witness to the Chantier's de-
parture was the former steam-3
ship Roosevelt which carried Ad-
miral Peary into the Arctic when
he discovered the north pole. I
The Roosevelt now is a lowly I
tug boat, stationed at Staten{
The Chantier's destination was
Kings Bay, Spitzbergen, whence
the first flight will be made, to
Peary land, 440 miles to the
northwest. There, a flying base
will be established from which
the explorers hope to make an
850 mile flight around the pole
and back.
Senator Says Those Having Interest
In Turkey Facr Ratification
And Speedy Action
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 5.--There are
good and wholly sufficient reasons
why the treaty of Lausanne should
be ratiied, Chairman Borah, of the
Senate foreign relations committee
declared in a reply sent today to the
protest of 110 bishops of the Episco-
pal church against ratification of that
pact with Turkey.
"Americans living and having in-
terests in Turkey are, so far as T
know, all in favor of ratification and
urge slpeedly action," wrote Senator
Borah. "Our, religious, educational
and business interests combine in
asking that the treaty be ratified. It
does not seem to be either wise or in
any sense justice upon the part of the.
government to leave this interest and
these people without treaty protec-
t "In your protest you say that we
should not resume friendly relations
with an avowedly unrepentant and
anti-Christian government. To refuse
friendly relations with all peoples who
reject Christianity is not only unthink-
able for a practical course for the
government to secure, but I had al-
ways supposed that the great object
of Christianity in international affairs
was to establish friendly relations not
only with other Christian nations, but
with the anti-Christians, that they
might be brought in touch with the
teachings of Christianity and there-
fore be brought to accept its benign
"Can we be of any possible service
to our own people in Turkey or can
we hope to have any influence in
shaping policy along humanitarian or
religious lines in that particular re-
gion of the world if we break off all
relationships and sustain no method

or manner 'of ordinary communica-

Dry Field 31ars'hal Makes Clear His
Policy To Attack Supply Sources;
Will Stop Smuggling
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 5.-Argu-
ments against the 18th amendment
and the Volstead act rolled in today
upon the Senate judiciary sub-com-
mittee at the opening of the first real
Congressional inquiry into the work-
ings of statutory prohibition. A flood
of oratory was furnished largely by
such wet leaders as Senators Bruce,
Democrat, Maryland, and Edge, Re-
publican, New Jersey. It preceded
testimony which will be offered dur-
ing the next five days in the effort to
convince the committee that modifica-
tion of the law is essential to the pub-
lie welfare.
After Senators Bruce and Edge, and
Julian Codman, of Boston, who has
charge of the wet case, had made'
statements to the sub-committee, As-
sistant Secretary Andrews of the
Treasury, upon whose shoulders rest
the responsibility for dry law enforce-
ment, was called ,as the first witness.
As the committeemen filed into the
hearing room they found it turned
temporarily into a moving picture
studio with Kleig lights flanking the
long committee table, a group of
camera men waiting to take close tps
of the committee and witnesses before
the hearing got under way.
After sitting through two hours of
wet oratory, Assistant Secretary An-
drews took the oath and submitted to
questioning by Mr. Codman. The pro-
hibition field marshal made clear his
policy to dry up the sources of supply,
but conceded that he would nave to
have a largely increased force to do
The federal forces are not concern-
ing themselves much with distribu-
tors, Mr. Andrews said, leaving that
task to the local police. He said it
was useless to arrest a bootlegger
"because his brother or his uncle"
would take up the traffic where the
arrested man left off. Disclosing a
lplan for a patrol of 1,500 to 1,600 men
on the Canadian and Mexican borders,
General Andrews said he believed this
force would break up any organized
smuggling traffic.
Alexander P. Strauss, arrested on a
charge of larceny in connection with
the fake holdup of the Majestic the-
ater March 8, was released on a $4,000
bond yesterday afternoon pending
trial in the Circuit court. No bail
has as yet been produced for Mrs.
Strauss arrested on a similar charge,
or Robert L. McHenry, Jr., on an
embezzlement charge. The bond for
Strauss was furnished by his parents.
When arraigned before Justice John
D. Thomas Saturday, the trio waived
examination and their case was held
over for the Circuit court. Although
they expressed their desire to go be-
fore Judge George W. Sample and
have their case settled as soon as pos-
sible, Prosecutor William M. Laird
late yesterday afternoon said he had

{ no information that they would be
brought into court today. If they do
not plead guilty they cannot be tried
G until April 13, ten days from the date
their case is filed. Prosecutor Laird
has been ill for several days and was
not back at his office until yesterday.
It is possible, however, lie said, for
them to have their hearing today if
they wishto plead guilty.
Dr. W. D. Henderson, director of
the University Extension division, yes-
terday give the first two of a series
of lectures which will be delivered in
more than 12 cities in this locality.
The address yesterday was given at
Escanaba under the auspices of the
Woman's club. Last night he address-

Will Pass Oil Can
To Next Recipient

Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English
department, recipient of the tradi-
tional Oil Can, a year ago, will pass
'on the distinctive award at the fourth
annual Gridiron Knights banquet to-
Proposed Meeting At Rabat May Brhig
Negotiations Between French
And Abd-El-Krim
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, April 5.-The French gov-
ernment is ready for either peace or
war in Morocco and while its leaders
have made known their preference for
peace, they are counting about equally
on the chances of peace and war.
However, reports of progress toward
cessation of war came from Morocco.
The persistent effort of Abd-El-Krim,
leader of the insurgent Rifilans, to get
into negotiations with the French
finally have come to a point where it
is likely that his emissaries soon will
meet representatives of the Sultan and
the French protectorate at Rabat. In
official circles here, however, it is
pointed out that it is in the Spanish
1 zone that peace must be made and,
that the Riffians continue to insist on
terms which the Spaniards reject.
The representative of Abd-El-Krim,
at Rabat, the Riffian chief, seems to
want to talk with the French alone
and this is a complication which must
be met before negotiations are possi-
ble. The French are willing to under-
take pourparlers for both themselves
and the Spaniards, but it must determ-
ined before hand on what conditions
the Spaniards and Riffians are willing
to negotiate.
The French resident general in Mo-
I -rocco, J. Steeg, earnestly desires
peace. War Minister Painleve 'also is
known to be strongly in favor of
straining a point to satisfy the Rif-
fians, because the Moroccan opera-
tions are weighing heavily upon theJ
scanty war budget and tieing up war
material that may be needed in Syria.
France, however, is the representative
of the sultan and its own protectorate
area alone, and cannot speak for the
area of the Riff.
Thus far Krim insists on absolute
autonomy for the Riff under the re-
ligious authority of the sultan--alone,
while the Spaniards declare they can
give autonomy only under Spanish

Principal Feature To Be Presentation
Of Traditional Oil Can By
Prof. 0. J. Campbell
Dignity will be left at home tonight
when some 250 faculty members,
newspapermen, students, and other
guests of Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalistic fraternity,
gather in the assembly hall of the
Union to write in Michigans history
another chapter of the annual Grid-
iron Knight's banquet. It will be the
fourth function of Its kind in Ann
Arbor, the only banquet where pro-
fessor and student mingle on the same
intellectual plane.
Although the dress tonight is for-
mal, the affair is the most informal
of any banquet giyen on the campus.
Razzing will be plentiful, and the
more prominent the individual, the
greater will be the fusillade made
against him.
The feature of the banquet will con-
clude the program, It will be the
presentation of the traditional Oil Can,
now recognized as a distinctive sym-
bol of honor. Prof. 0. J. Campbell of
the English department will be the
donor, having now had the award in
his possession for a year. Guesses
and rumors as to the new recipient
have been prevalent about the cam-
pus during the past few days, his idea-.
tity being known only to Professor
Doors Open At 6:30 O'Clock
The doors of the assembly hall will
-be opened at 6:30 o'clock tonight, the
banquet starting promptly at 7 o'clock.
Herman Boxer's orchestra will play
at intervals throughout the meal be-
ginning shortly before 7 o'clock.
Before the inuvoation of the radio
program, all of the guests present
will be required to pledge themselves
to secrecy as to any remarks made
during the evening, and newspaper
correspondents will be restrained
from using any personal slander in
their respective news columns. The
radio broadcasting will then begin,
and will largely concern those in at-
Prof. Arthur L. Cross, of the history
department, as toastmaster of the ban-
quet, will make a few preliminary re-
marks before introducing President
Clarence Cook Little. The topic se-
lected by President Little is "Cigar
Ash on the Vest." He will be followed
by a short discourse from Mayor John
Smith of Detroit.
Cabot To Start Discussion
The discussion session, a new fea-
ture of the Gridiron banquet during
-which impromptu remarks will be in
order from any of those present, will
then get underway with Dean Hugh
Cabot, of the Medical school, discuss-
ing the question "Abolish' the Pro-
fessor." Ray Alexander, '27L, as a
representative of the student body,
will reply with qrguments for "Abol-'
ish the Student.
"Retain the Examination System"
will be the plea of Prof. Preston Slos-
son, of the history department, as the
next discussion. Dr. Frederick Coller,
associate professor of surgery, will
then give a brief discourse on the sub-
ject, "Abolish the Examination Sys-
Will Discuss C-Education
As the third topic for debate, How-
ard Mayberry of the psychology de-
partment, will urge that "Co-educa-
tion Be Abolished." He will be
answered by W. A.. P. John, '16, of
Detroit, as a representative of the
alumni. "Retain Co-education" will
be Mr. John's subject.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the En-
gineering college will make the final
abolition plea when he speaks on..
"Abolish the Press of Michigan."
Newspapers of the state will be de-
fended by James Schermerhort of De-
troit, former editor of the Detroit
Times. The Gridiron specialty, the
one favorable epitaph given each year,
will then be presented by William L.
Diener, '26, president of the Michigan
chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, to one of
those in attendance.
Professor Campbell will bring the
program to a close with the presenta-
tion of the Oil Can, although a few

remarks will undoubtedly be wel-
comed from the recipient.
Joseph Kruger, '26, chairman of the
banquet, said yesterday that there will


stronger 'in the state of California I addition to his work there, he studied
than in any other*state, Mr. Baldwin abroad at the universities of Berlin,
claimed. He said that though, no new Marburg, Erlangen, Athens, and Jena.
cases of this kind have been brought I -He was ordained to the Presbyterian
up for over a year, in the state 68 ministry in 1899.
men are still imprisoned solely for Professor Dickey taught classical
membership in the I. W. W. and hellenistic Greek at Lincoln uni-
In speaking of the American Civil versity, Pennsylvania, from 1899 to
Liberties union, of which he is a di- 1905. Aside from a year of study
rector, and which handles all these I abroad in 1905 and 1906, lie was at
civil liberties cases, Mr. Baldwin said McCormick Theological seminary from
that one day the union will have its 1905 to 1923.
lawyers in one state fighting for the ------
rights of a Catholic school teacher to I
keep her position in spite of a Klan U ILITAT
school board, and the same day, in
another state, fighting the mayor of
'he city who wishes to keep the Klan 1
from holding a meeting. hILL ULIUUULU TODAY
"Only courage and combined efforts
will make possible the freedom of Tickets for the sixth annual Mili-
slpeech, the freedom to agitate any tary ball, to be held Friday, April 23,
cause whatsoever, which is only one will be distributed from 2 to 5 o'clock
of the principles which this country today and tomorrow from the desk in
was founded. I the lobby of the Union.




Le Cercle Francais To Present
Farce Plays In Mimes Tonight
When the two farces, "Maitre Path- I plied by the Van Horn company of
elin" and Les Deux Sourds," are pro- Philadelphia. A special drop-curtain
duced at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Mimes and other scenic equipment has been
theater, Le Cercle Francais, the spon- designed by Frederick E. Hill, '27,
sor, will have staged its twentieth an- who prepared similar equipment for
nual dramatic production on the cam- "Engaged."
pus. The entertainment tonight will In all the elementary and inter-
be unique both in the fact that two ; emdiate classes in French, both com-
short comedies rather than a longer etdies are being read as class-room
and more serious drama have been assignments in order to obtain some
selected, and in the circumstance that degree of familiarity with the plots
never before in the history of the and dialogues.
Cercle Francais has the annual "Les Deux-Sourds" is one of Moin-

WASHINGTON, April 5.-Having re-
covered from the illness that forced
him to leave the stand last Thursday,
Commissioner Dennis, Democrat, on
the Tariff commission, resumed his
testimony today on the operation of,
the tariff law before the Senate in-
vestigating committee.
The commissioner explained that
his inability to continue his testimony
last week was not a nervous disorder
as then was reported. He defended
President Coolidge against the charge
of "packing" the commission, deelar-
ing that the President had appointed
only three members of the present
body-Commissioners Broffard, Bald-
win and himself.

f 7 !6rr. - -I..-w. .s..AI . '" /

Tickets for the ball, at which Ray!
Miller's 11-piece Brunswick recording

French play been held elsewhere than

aux' modern farces, having been chos-
.4atc a n l in-in nio nt.n41lr n

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