THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1926 _________________~. U -- ______ . ... . FURTHEROPION (Continued from Page Ten) llams, I was an undergraduate at a college, ,a small one to be sure, where the honor system was one o fthe old and most prized institutions, and like him, I feel some diffidence about any- thing that looks like interference in so intimate an affair. Still, I have seen three and a half generations (college style) of Michigan students come And go, and if two other insti- tutions divide the doubtful honor ofI being my almae matres, I have littlel hesitation in regarding Michigan atl least as a kindly and well-disposed aunt.1 There has been a great deal of dis- cusslon of the honor system in the past dozen years which has always come out at the same place. The missing something vital as long as we do not have it and practice it. Frank R. Robbins. NOT ENOUGH STUDENT OPINION (Ain Interview) Michigan lacks the highly developed social consciousness necessary to mak the honor system in examinations op- erate satisfactorily, in the opinion of Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the politi- cal science department. "I would ex- pect the system to work satisfactorily only in well organized, closely' knit, student bodies," he stated; "one in which there existed fairly close per- sonal relationships and which was generally controlled by an active stud- ent opinion. I question whether these conditions exist in the University of Michigan in sufficient degree to make the introduction of the honor systemj at the present time satisfactory either to students or to the faculty." big physically and too small mentally to accept the honor system." Perhaps mentality does have something to do with -it, but the working of the systema here would indicate that the size of the student body has little to do with it. The fact that a student, who took a book from the reserve room in theI Library without charging it, left the college rather than face the Student Affairs committee, while it is an ex- treme case, shows that the system is respected. Washington endorses the system on one year's trial. California endorses it on a trial that has lasted a long time. No one will deny that it must be kept constantly alive; no one will deny that it occasionally appears to lapse, but it is infinitely better than a catch-as-catch-can system with hired under-cover agents who make a busi- ness of looking for violators. Perhaps the difficulty felt in theI Prairies it is to be found in the col- lege, not in the system. FRflM THF F11IFa tem. The members of the committee are * * * Johnstone.I E The plans placed before the class provided, first, 'for the selection of the above mentioned senior honor com- mittee. They further provided for the method of introducing' the system. A petition is to be started by a senior in all classes where fourth year men and women are in the predominance. it; will request that all students in those 'lasses lend their support to the plan. The petition must be presented to the instructor at least a week before the1 examination, and he can accept or re- ject it as he sees fit. Those who pre- fer a proctored examination will be given theirs in a separate room. The adoption of the system binds those who agree to it to sign a pledge saying that they have neither given nor re- ceived help during the examination, and to promise to report all infrac-; tions of the rules. Feb. 3, 1921.-That every person who takes a literary examination under the Honor System automatically subjects himself to a dual responsibility was decided at a conference of members of tlhn R~ i hn r ni nittn wif nn cheating is going on, and that if t I does not cease he will be forced co I turn in the name of the offender. Feb. 0, 1921.-The outcome of the Honor System, on trial tomorrow i the literary college, is now purely a matter of the state of mind in which the students in examination sections place themselves. The great desira- bility of the system, if it can possibly be applied, is no longer a matter of discussion-the class meetings which adopted the plan did so without a dis- senting vote. But enforcement is a matter of will, involving not only a disposition not to cheat, but a determ- ination to enter into the spirit of the plan. Here are some of the most im- portant means to make the system a success: 1. The attitude of the entire class must be absolutely serious from the opening of the examination; the Hon- or System must not be made a joke. 2. Wherever possible, the warning method should be used. The student who will stand on his feet and say, "There is cheating going on in this+ room," is not only giving a possible offender another chance, but he is making it improbable that many names will have to be turned in. F. Care should be taken to call the attention of one or more other stud- ents in the vicinity to any violation, so that there may be sufficient evidence when the name is reported. 4. Every student should be careful I to avoid every appearance of cheating. Alternate seating arrangements should be provided for. j5. At the completion of the exami- nation, each student should be sure 'to sign the pledge stating that he has neither given nor received aid.; f i answer has always been, "The honor In some smaller institutions, he ex- system is a fine thing. Personally, plained, the majority of the students I'm in favor of it, but we've a great, are acquainted, and value each oth- big institution with all sorts of folks er's opinions, but in such a university who don't know each other very in- as this, most of the people know very 'timately, and we couldn't make it few of the others in their classes, and work." I have heard this time and do not care what the others think about time. again, and the sad thing about them.' it was, to my mind, that I've heard it The system might be applied prac- from the finest and best of my friends, I ticably, Professor Hayden said, to faculty and student. small groups within the University. I have very little to add that is new 1 "I have never had a class of 20 or in this connection, but there are two 30 students," he continued, "whom I thoughts that I would like to express. would not have trusted in an honor First, this answer which has been examination after they had been to- given so many times, in one form or gether for a half a semester." How- another, looks to me dangerously ever, in the large number of lectuie Ike an "inferiority complex". I would courses, in which great numbers of hate to see any fixed idea of a similar students are divided up into several tint invade Ferry field with a Con- recitation sections, a group conscious-1 ference championship at stake, or for ness would be difficult to achieve. t that niatter, "the classroom. "It is not a question," Professor Second, there is at the present time Hayden asserted, "of comparative in- a great deal of discussion among our dividual honesty. Of course the stud. bleet tdents about closer and better ents at Michigan individually are no relatogs betwen students and faculty less honest than at any other institu- relatiou betwen tudents nd facutIfin Rt thcwinoti~ so ti FOUR DAYS May 19,20,21, 22, 1926 ANN A RBOR EARL V. MOORE Musical Director WHAT AUTHORITIES SAY: Excerpts from Leters and Edtorials. @58WP (ABRLLOWITSCH, Conductor IDctroit Syniphony Orchestra:- II wish to congratulat you on your splendid program. With such an array of soloists and conductors, and such an excellent choice of compositions, you are sure to have one of the most successful festivals held in recent years. I sincerely hope it may be possible for ine to be among the listeners." JIAME~S FRANCIS COOKE, President of the Theodore Presser Com- pany, and Editor of The Etude, Philadelphia:- "I cannot refrain from complinmenting you most enthusias- tically upon your initiative; first in presenting three notable works, such as "Lohengrin,'' "Elijah," anid "Lament for Beowuif," and also upon the altogether extraordinary constellation of musical talent you have concentrated in four days." I 11 3W 111 ! 11Lm 1 I LLU Mlle sen ior onor commit eewij tean - Effinger's advisory committee yester- (Continued from Page Eleven) j day afternoon. and thex p otIn the first place, each student will adte examlile of that claiss should I be required to sign a pledge, stating prove a tremendous influence in favor lerqie osg lde ttn of successful adoption throughout the that lie has neither given nor received entire college. nhaid during the course of the examina- tion. Secondly iN it s drtd tht t resulti*g in improvements in the con- duct of our educationalcprocesses. here. I :believe that to conduct ex- aminations upon other principles than those of honor among gentlemen (and ladies) is to ask the faculty to bear a 'real handicap in any effort that they jnay make to bring about improved conditions. At best, proctored exami- nations can be but a wholly imper- sonal affair between students and faculty, with no positive value rela- tive to the betterment of the condi- tions I have mentioned. Conversely4 stated, the case is better; an honor system wholeheartedly adopted and enforced would be one of the greatest contributions that the student body could make toward achieving an ideal relationship between all of us here on the campus. The one system em- phasizes difference, the other same- ness.. However, I chn't settle the matter.' It is a "student's own" problem. But I shall never cease to believe in the honor system as something the basis j and end of which is good and fine and worthy, and to feel that Michigan is I Lion . "uT L ne uncertainty is'ofthe attitude of groups of students taken as a whole. Considering this aspect of the matter, the social conditions here are not right for the application of the honor system." THE HONOR SPIRIT IS UP FOR DEBATE' (From the Daily Californian) Argument over the Honor Spirit, formerly a unique California institu- tion, has spread, with the system, until it is now one of the questions of the day in the college world, particularly in the West and Middle-West. According to the "New Student", which has gone into the question to some extent, the West favors the lion- or system: The Mid-West condemns it. California, Stanford, U. S. C., the Southern Branch and the University of Washington believe in the efficiency of the system, and Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Chicago are working hard to gain another convert to their belief that the system is all wrong: the University of Texas. The chairman of the committee at Texas says, "the student body is too There are two cardinal rules of at- titude which must be followed to make the Honor System a success: first,, that the person giving help shall be considered as guilty as the one re- ceiving it; second, that failure to re- port the cheater is dishonorable. The' observance of these rules and the en- forcement of honesty by strict trial J and punishment of cheaters is essen- tial. Minnesota has upheld the system for five years by holding to these rules. The engineering college here, a smaller and niore heterogeneous body, has enforced it with a renmarkable dec- gree of success. The whole question is simply, one of attitude. Jan. 15, 1921.--Down Columbus way, at the University of Ohio, the campus "is all in a stir" about cheating and 'cribbing" during examinations. The matter has taken such a serious turn that several student mass meetings have been held, addressed by indignant speakers denouncing the cheaters as blights on the honor of Ohio State. The only and most effective method of remedying this fault, according to sev- eral emphatic editorials in the Ohio State Lantern, is for the entire student body to take concerted action in im- mediately reporting anyone caught i a dishonest act during an examina- tion. Jan. 28, 1921.-The senior lit class voted unanimously in favor of the plans presented to it b~y the Honor System committee to act for the re nminder of the year, which was ;o handle the executive work which comes in connection with the new sys- LI M . yL; t AJ , n e0 s&&ILA1S Ut Jel O U W a ! ,anyone who sees cheating going on it. 'any form shall report the occurrence Ito some member of the senior honorI I committee, with the single provision that he may warn the offender orally! before the whole class, once. It is ex-j i pected that in giving such warning a lstudent will not mention any names, but simply say that he is aware that II -u- -u- a WILLIAM E. WALTER, Executive Director, the Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia:-- "The May Festival at Ann Arbor has conic to play a very Mital part in hte development of musical life in Michigan. The program which you have outlined for this year strikes me as admirable in every respect. I only wish that I were able to attend some of the concerts." It. E. JOHNSTON, Manager of Musical Celebrities, New York:- "With two very fine sopranos, one great contralto, one great tenor, one superb tenor, one fine baritone, one very fine violinist and one very fine pianist-it is a great course and nothing can stop the Ann Arbor Festival this Spring." ARTHUR J. GAINES, Manager, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra:- "Please accept my warmest congratulations upon the won- derful array of artists, that you have assembled .Jor this Festival, not forgetting the wonderful Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Mr. Frederick Stock." CHARLES FREDERICK MORSE, Conductor Orpheus and Madrigal Clubs, Detroit:- "Let me congratulate you on a fine list-of choral works and an imposing array of soloists. This well balanced list should please every taste and I anticipate for you one of the biggest successes of the thirty-three years of Festivals." HERBERT WITHERSPOON, President of the Chicago Musical Col- lege, Chicago:- "I was delighted to know that you are planning such a splendid musical festival in Ann Arbor. The value of such a series of concerts as you are going to give can hardly be exaggerated." FOR EASTER Candles Favors Novelties Whatever your Easter needs may be, patronize the Student Supply Store. Satisfaction is assured. I AN I Special Values lhone 4744 1111 South Vuniversity. Phone 4744 I' - ' w IN It's little trouble to bring your clothes to White Swan Station in the Press MUSICAL ARE RICA, New York, Editorial; March 20:- "This array of assisting artists, the tested excellence of the orchestral and choral bodies and the quality of the major works, on the program give assurance that this year's Festival will be a musical event ranking high among similar. summer 'event's in the United States, and maintaining the very commendable stand- ard already established by the University School of Music at Ann Arbor. It is gratifying to note that a place of honor has been given to the premiere of a work by an American composer." MUSICAL COURIER, New York, Editorial, March 18:- "The May Festival at Ann Arbor this year promises to be the best ever. It promises to be as rich a feast as ever has Veen spread before a festival audience in this country." FLORENCE LYNCH, Editor Musical Leader. Chicago:- Bldg. The savings are very worthwhile. 80 Cars From Which to Choose 1I I Dial 21816 Closed Cars Open Cars . . $182 to $211 $96 to $180 . "In my opinion the Ann Arbor Festival is second to none in regard to management and arrangements. All who can avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing magnificent programs, famous artists and the great Chicago Symphony Orchestra at a moderate price should do so. I hope again to be present. It will be muy twentieth year." ALBERT STOESSEL, Conductor New York Oratorio Society:- "Heartiest congratulations on your splendid list of artists for the coniing May Festival! I deeply regret that my professional work in New York City will prevent me from attending the concerts which, judging by the high calibre of the artists engaged and the works to be performed, will all be occasions of notable distinction." LEWVIS I. CLEMENT, Conductor Toledo Symphony Orchestra:- "I have just been looking over the remarkable list of soloists, and the fine program for Ann Arbor's 33rd May Festival, and I want to congratulate you, and others, who worked so loyally with you, not only on the program offered, but on the interest you have aroused in good music in Ann Arbor, and even through- out the world." Season tickets $5.50, $6.00, $7.00, ordered by mail, will be sent out about April 1, at purchaser's risk, unless fee of 15c is enclosed for registration. Some for less than $100 ,1 I : I I - In White Swan T ni 11Y A1 (i,- 0. HENRY S .PLATT i I I .S