fI 1, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY HONOR AMONG THE EWGINEERS (Continued from Page Nine) "For infractions of the honor code to be punished by a court of a man's peers with the support of his fellows, is as it should be. The student honor committee with us has primary juris- diction and does not wait for a case of dishonesty to be proven by the in- structor. Infractions of the honor code are punished perhaps more dras- tically by the committee than they were formerly by the faculty, and witneses instead of being unwilling tell-tales have become willing friends of the court. "Whether an honor code will work as well in a non-professional college or school of the university is yet to be discovered; but there is no doubt of its success in our college and there is no desire to return to the old sys- tem. George W. Patterson." Prof. A. Ii. Lovell of the electrical engineering dep rtment, as chairman of the faculty discipline committee, expressed high regard for the student honor committee and its work: "The distinct success of the Honor System covering the conduct of en- gineering students in their written exercises and examinations, is due to the high ideals and fine leadership of the upperclassmen who form the back- bone of the student honor committee and to the hearty support of the Fac- ulty who believe in the system. The student committeemen have to give unsparingly of their time and en- thusiasm to explain the system to the incoming freshmen, to convert them to its ideals, to reawaken interest in its operation from time to time as men advance in their courses, and to sit in judgment on their fellows in caes of violation of the adopted prin- ciples. There has been a steady im- provement in the operation of the system during the past five years be- cause more care has been taken to explain things to the upperclassmen and because of the growth of a better morale in the college. "As chairman of the discipline com- mittee, I am unfortunately compelled to hear in detail all the short comings of the Honor System which are offi- cially reported. The year 1925 has been a most happy one from the view- point of the.discipline committee in that no freshman violation of the honor code was reported It does seem that at last we have replaced the high scool atmosphere with the grown-up manhood of the profes- sional student earnest in his work. Further, there have been only two cases of discipline under the Honor System during the last school year. In one of these cases two sophomores took their blue books home and con- suted their texts while they answered the examination questions, then turn- ed their books in at the end of the examination period. In the other case. three junior students collaborat- ed by discussing questions in the hall- way outside of the examination room. The student honor committee heard the testimony in these cases, the men promptly admitted their guilt, and the student committee's recommendation of suspensions for two years in the first case and for three semesters in the second case was adoptedand im- posed by the discipline committee. The manly way in which the offenders "came clean" and the proper spirit with which they took their punish- ment did something to offset the dis- appointment we felt because of the violation of the code. With only these cases from A college of 1,350 men tak- ing numerous tests and examinations we feel that we are in a strong, healthy state. "A pamphlet is now in course of preparation by the student committee setting forth the history of the Honor the college and explaining its ideals and working. methods. With the aid of this printed guide and by better methods of repeating! contracts with the advancing classes we feel confident that the system can make a still greater advance and further increase its possibilities for development of manhood,.. A. H. -Lovell." Classifying the honor system as "the mst sacred thing we have," Prof. H. C. Anderson, head of the me- chanical engineering department, stated that "it is working exceptional- ly well. Although it is not 100 per cent efficient, itis so close to the per- fect mark that we would not give it said Prof. E. M. Bragg of the marine campus. The code must be lived up j ofice this fall. It is gratifying to note # up for the proctor system. engineering department. He attrib- to by the whole student body, and the that the seniors have come out defi- "Ever since it has been established, uted its success in part to the class spirit of determination to do this nitely for the Honor System, and it is the faculty has never changed a deci- spirit which is engendered by the first must be evident before any action is to be hoped that they will have the! sion of the student honor committee year assemblies and to the effort to taken. Once the system has been laid real backing of the other classes. We and very seldom have cases even been instruct the new students in the ideals down and a few violations punished believe, in the words of the article referred back to the committee for re- of the Honor System. by immediate and drastic action, quoted above, that "at present, the consideration. The system is growing "I think it works better than any! backed by public opinion, it is cer- honest man and the hard worker who! in the esteem of the students every proctor system," was the comment tain to grow into a tradition. deserves a good grade is often pre- jyear." given by Prof. J. C. Brier of the ( "The engineering college has suc- vented from winning it by the rise of In regard to the adoption of the chemical engineering department, who ceeded in putting the Honor System class averages produced by the system by other colleges and schools! is head mentor for the class of '28E. into real effectiveness at all exam- cheater-a situation which puts a of the University, Professor Anderson "The students are conscientious inations and bluebooks. There is, be. premium on laziness and dishonesty." explained that there was no reason I abcut enforcing the system them- yond a doubt, a strong student senti- why the Honor System should noti selves," explained Professor Brier, ment in favor of enforcement, and a Jan. 12, 1921.-Beginning with small! work if initiated in the proper man- and there is little cheating which is willingness to bring to punishment classes and carrying provisions for ner. Since an Honor System con- not reported." the man who refuses to abide by the choice of supervised or unwatched trolled by the faculty is practically ._ _ rules. Just whether the same results examinations, the Honor System is to bound to fail, he added, the movement . might be achieved in the loosely or- be given a fair trial in the literary must be initiated by the students. ganized, larger, and less heterogene- j college. If it succeeds, one of the Great care should be ta en, he ad- ? ous literary college is a difficult ques- greatest forward movements yet taken1 vised, in the selection of the members F R 0 M T H E tion, which so far has usually been in the University will stand accom-' of the honor committee. Students of answered in the negative. But con- plished. If it fails, there will be strong, fearless nature must be se- DAI L Y FILES sidering the great need of such a sys- plenty of alibis: the lit school is too cured if the system is to work. "For- tem, it seems at least that the problem large and too loosely organized; the tunately," he concluded, "the en- should be investigated more thorough- Honor System has seldom succeeded gineering college has been very suc- 1 The following material, reprinted ly than on mere grounds of theory. in large universities; and a host of cessful in obtaining the proper type from the 1920-1921 file of The Daily, If the entire campus were given a others. of students as members of its com- will give some small picture of the chance to vote on the matter, and The principal point to be made is mittee." first attempt to introduce an Honor should decide against installing the that the Honor System's success or The following opinions were ex- System for examinations into the Uni- system, that of course would settle fall depends entirely upon the re- pressed on the success of the Honor f versity. it; on the other hand, if the majority action of the same student body System in the engineering college by * * * should vote in its favor, with the dis- I which, in class meeting assembled, faculty members who have acted as Dec. 2, 1920.-The senior fits have tinct understanding that the voteI voted unanimously for its adoption. head mentors of freshman classes: Dec 2, 1920-Th sen yi he yes' meant to assume the responsi- This very significant act-that the voted to draw up a plan by which the "I am a strong believer in the Honor System may be put in effect in bility of upholding the code, the sys-I initiative came from the students and1 Honor System," declared Prof. CO- Ihenr college. We reprint below some tem would at once be placed on a Inot from the faculty-is a highly W SWisler of the civil engineering de- firm foundation." promising sign. The senior class, partment, who is head mentor of the D y the statements. expressed in a Tihe Daily followed these state- which was the first to vote for the present freshman engineering class, aly e al oay ents by a call to the newly elected new regime of honor in examinations, prsntfehmnegierigcasIapply equally today.i class officers to revolve on .iuch a is to be the first to put it in effect; "and would certainly regret a change "In bringing up the question of ex- to the proctor system. tending the Honor System to all col- referendum vote as their first act of (Continued on Page Twelve) "The idea of beating the teacher, leges of the University, it should be which is possessed by students where! understood, first of all, that success the Honor System is not in existence, depends entirely upon the spirit of is a fallacy in which the students the student body. There is no way to under the system do not believe. enforce from without, for the back- "In our freshman assemblies, we bone of the honor idea is, as express- aim to instill into the freshmen a feel- ed by the president of the University nO ing of responsibility as well as a of Virginia academic class: 'The in- right conception of his purpose here. dividual responsibility of each student, When a new student sees those things who, if he does not report breaches of he will realize the fallacy of cheat- the code, is himself considered as ing." guilty as the crook.' In regard to the extension of the "With this in mind the building up Honor System to other schools, Pro- of such a system at Michigan assumes, fessor Wisler stated that "the Honor of course, a far more difficult aspect System, in teaching students the value (than the mere passing of an ordinance ° of honesty, is certainly well worth a by council or Regents. It is obvious trial in any school." that before any such step is taken- "From my observation, the Honor there must be practical unanimity of System has worked satisfactorily," opinion in its favor over the entire SENIORS! Now is the time to place your order for CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED OR PRINTED We can also furnish you with ANNOUNCEMENTS EITHER ENGRAVED OR PRINTED 12 S. MAIN ST. PHONE 45 THE MAYER - SCHAIRER COMPANY Engravers, Printers, Office Out fitters 51 5 Spring Vacation Tea 1I Pom i l Ester Candies For Your Mother or Sweetheart 'llilllllllilllllllil On Sale Now at The Arbor Fountain 313 SOUTH STATE A Real Variety of Chocolates, Nuts, Bonbons and Mints w4 'A Plan to Eat Your Easter Dinner at John's You will get a well-balanced and appetizing meal,I complete from soup to dessert, at a very reasonable price. "GOODEATS" ALWAYS r Then T'here's The Spring House Party JMothers Day Reunions and finally Commencement with Cap Night, Spring Games and a hundred and one other events that till crowd the scholastic calen- dar. So, taking all these events into consideration, non, is the ideal time to send our curtains to be laundered, and a lot of other little odds and ends taken care of during Spring Vaca- tion. On Curtains we have spe- cialists who know how to use the modern equipment that is at their disposal. And then, too, you will not miss your curtains during this vacation as you would when school is in session. So why not get everything together and phone The Varsith? You'll he rushed And Everything is Generally Crowded Into the Last Few Days In the first place you will want your wardrobe fresh and clean before you leave for home. Generally this important factor is realized one or two days before departure, and necessarily means hurry and sometimes disappointment when your desires are not fulfilled. Why not take an inventory immediately and send your clothes to the Varsity today or at the latest the first thing Monday morning; so that they will be returned to you Wednesday night or Thursday morning at the latest. Send Your Laundry Early Phone 4219 i i I I w-~~ M WI